diff options
authorRepository mirror & CI <>2023-07-18 22:46:37 +0000
committerRepository mirror & CI <>2023-07-18 22:46:37 +0000
commit9e857e44d812663092336ce80f5eee1786b2ef0f (patch)
tree0b469795b15c77e88ca68bc2b9d075615632f27f /pg_overlay.txt
parent2023-07-18T22:30:01Z (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'pg_overlay.txt')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/pg_overlay.txt b/pg_overlay.txt
index 9b3b73cfb2d3..cc8d9eb28f56 100644
--- a/pg_overlay.txt
+++ b/pg_overlay.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,144 @@ pkgcore 0.12.21
$ pmaint --config /var/lib/repo-mirror-ci/data-sync/etc/portage sync pg_overlay
*** syncing pg_overlay
-Already up to date.
+ 41d1c9f8a..9dae9e9f2 master -> origin/master
+Updating 41d1c9f8a..9dae9e9f2
+ app-text/libetonyek/Manifest | 1 -
+ app-text/libetonyek/libetonyek-0.1.10-r1.ebuild | 61 ----------------------
+ app-text/libetonyek/metadata.xml | 8 ---
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-admin/webapp-config-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../app-editors/qhexedit2-0.8.8_p20200625 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-emulation/aqemu-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../app-emulation/qt-virt-manager-0.72.98 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-emulation/spice-0.15.1-r1 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/app-emulation/virt-manager-4.1.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-misc/czkawka-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-misc/far2l-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-misc/rbutil-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-misc/rmlint-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-misc/trash-cli- | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-portage/eix-0.36.7 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-text/asciidoc-10.2.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-text/goldendict-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-text/goldendict-9999-r1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-text/goldendict-9999-r6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/app-text/libetonyek-0.1.10-r1 | 14 -----
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20220623.1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20230125.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-cpp/cpptoml-0.1.1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-lang/luajit- | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/ayatana-ido-0.9.2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/gplugin-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/dev-libs/libayatana-indicator-0.9.2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/libdispatch-5.8 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/libevdevplus-0.1.1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/libevdevplus-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/libuinputplus-0.1.4 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/libuinputplus-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-libs/zziplib-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-qt/qtbase-6.5.9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-qt/qtspeech-6.5.9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.212.0_pre20200924 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.212.9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/cpp-utilities-4.16.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/gn-0.2049 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/qtutilities-5.12.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/scanmem-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/sccache-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/dev-util/scons-4.4.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/games-board/aisleriot-3.22.26 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/games-board/openpref-0.1.3 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/games-strategy/vcmi-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/gui-apps/wev-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/gui-apps/ydotool-0.1.9 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/gui-apps/ydotool-1.0.1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/gui-apps/ydotool-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/gui-libs/wlroots-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.108.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/kde-frameworks/plasma-5.108.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/kde-misc/kmozillahelper-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/kde-misc/kweather-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools-5.27.6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-libs/libmpdclient-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/media-libs/libplacebo-6.291.0_rc2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-libs/libpulse-16.1-r2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-libs/libva-2.18.0-r1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-libs/mesa-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-libs/tg_owt-0_pre20230501 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/media-plugins/audacious-plugins-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../media-plugins/deadbeef-mpris2-plugin-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/media-plugins/qmmp-plugin-pack-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../media-plugins/qmmp-plugin-pack-9999-r6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/SkyMPC-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/audacious-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/cantata-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/deadbeef-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/dr14_tmeter-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/mpdris2-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/ncmpc-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/ncmpcpp-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/qmmp-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/qmmp-9999-r6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/spek-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/spek-X-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/tageditor-3.1.2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-sound/tagparser-8.0.1 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-video/mpv-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-video/pipewire-0.3.74 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/media-video/qmplay2-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-im/pidgin-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/net-im/telegram-desktop-4.8.4-r2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-im/whatsapp-for-linux-1.5.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-libs/libtorrent-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-libs/tdlib-1.7.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-libs/tdlib-1.8.0 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-libs/tdlib-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-misc/minidlna-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/amule-9998 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/amule-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/deluge-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/mldonkey-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/nicotine+-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/qbittorrent-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/qbittorrent-9999-r6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/rtorrent-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/net-p2p/transmission-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/net-p2p/transmission-remote-gtk-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-apps/bleachbit-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-apps/razercfg-0.42 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/sys-apps/roccat-tools-5.9.0-r101 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-auth/elogind-246.9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-auth/elogind-252.9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-devel/clang-16.0.6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-fs/dua-cli-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-fs/f2fs-tools-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-kernel/kergen-0.1.5 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-libs/polly-15.0.7 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-libs/polly-16.0.6 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/sys-process/bpytop-1.0.68-r1 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/virtual/{rust-1.69.0 => rust-1.71.0} | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.4 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-base/xwayland-23.1.2 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-libs/cairo-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.38 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-libs/talkatu-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-misc/clipit-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/x11-plugins/pidgin-skypeweb-9999 | 2 +-
+ .../md5-cache/x11-plugins/pidgin-telegram-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-plugins/purple-matrix-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-plugins/tdlib-purple-9999 | 2 +-
+ metadata/md5-cache/x11-themes/kvantum-1.0.10 | 2 +-
+ .../{rust-1.69.0.ebuild => rust-1.71.0.ebuild} | 0
+ 127 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 app-text/libetonyek/Manifest
+ delete mode 100644 app-text/libetonyek/libetonyek-0.1.10-r1.ebuild
+ delete mode 100644 app-text/libetonyek/metadata.xml
+ delete mode 100644 metadata/md5-cache/app-text/libetonyek-0.1.10-r1
+ rename metadata/md5-cache/virtual/{rust-1.69.0 => rust-1.71.0} (86%)
+ rename virtual/rust/{rust-1.69.0.ebuild => rust-1.71.0.ebuild} (100%)
*** synced pg_overlay
* Sync succeeded
$ git log --format=%ci -1