diff options
4 files changed, 406 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog b/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog
index a166883c274a..c69aeeb7e8aa 100644
--- a/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-fs/samba
# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog,v 1.89 2004/07/13 23:39:23 kloeri Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/samba/ChangeLog,v 1.90 2004/07/22 14:46:42 mglauche Exp $
+*samba-3.0.5 (22 Jul 2004)
+ 22 Jul 2004; Michael Glauche <> samba-3.0.5.ebuild:
+ Version bump, fixes 2 buffer overruns.
14 Jul 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> samba-3.0.4-r1.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
diff --git a/net-fs/samba/Manifest b/net-fs/samba/Manifest
index ab9d6c343ce7..e5f4e0d4c2ec 100644
--- a/net-fs/samba/Manifest
+++ b/net-fs/samba/Manifest
@@ -1,44 +1,36 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-MD5 7bb830f107c1336e0b136ad7aacd5e5f ChangeLog 17476
-MD5 63bc25b07c7404f26d602e69ddad747e metadata.xml 458
MD5 7d7c900829bc2bdf39895d5890a0d20d samba-3.0.4-r1.ebuild 11146
MD5 633511d04d7a7d7702c17089c85ba697 samba-3.0.1-r1.ebuild 11333
MD5 df4f73693b725799675e37ba3f90643f samba-3.0.2a-r2.ebuild 12249
+MD5 2f1e0fb8c339d77eb6d02d2dd736d486 ChangeLog 17621
+MD5 63bc25b07c7404f26d602e69ddad747e metadata.xml 458
+MD5 df85655b2e290c92aae00898f8a41642 samba-3.0.5.ebuild 11143
+MD5 ccc96fcdc7493be42da52364061c6c17 files/winbind-init 484
+MD5 fcebd975211fecf647f6cecf26ba5c96 files/samba-3.0.4.patch 8086
+MD5 e89b19f1e62e257cbaa23a44a0362a58 files/swat.xinetd 527
+MD5 20997c75e29fec20efbb2cd6695cd3a9 files/recycle.conf 776
+MD5 a7cc90ba23d86b1d90f65645826dde19 files/ 7095
+MD5 cbaa5a39d9bd67b13f8131b426a4256b files/samba-2.2.5-gp-reloc-fix.patch 431
+MD5 7ee5edc70bf80888c776f5808f865996 files/nsswitch.conf-wins 392
+MD5 341521b710d02d57a70acd49b1d4c06b files/samba-conf 1291
+MD5 83b384d6b47ecbf20525cc9a7baaa77a files/samba-init 1093
MD5 fd2382184b6a07e63cb07ff26b578fd2 files/config-svc-smbd+nmbd 784
-MD5 a86336201c2eced7a6e5a5138514e2f7 files/digest-samba-3.0.4-r1 203
-MD5 de43ff30dd5f1431590fd62a997e71b4 files/samba-3.0.4-python-setup.patch 833
-MD5 f3a4b3b0a8162ae87779846d7e6adbbf files/digest-samba-3.0.1-r1 202
-MD5 519576a9448b86f1a7baab18204533a5 files/lmhosts 126
MD5 f402c2c4103f4c13ac3cc5fa165940db files/nonroot-bind.diff 757
MD5 5d3129a0f6bcbec6ec91d217881a34e1 files/nsswitch.conf-winbind 298
-MD5 7ee5edc70bf80888c776f5808f865996 files/nsswitch.conf-wins 392
-MD5 20997c75e29fec20efbb2cd6695cd3a9 files/recycle.conf 776
-MD5 cbaa5a39d9bd67b13f8131b426a4256b files/samba-2.2.5-gp-reloc-fix.patch 431
-MD5 8289eda694b35875eec6df5cc3f50c86 files/samba-2.2.6-libresolv.patch 540
-MD5 60e527174c1b2c53126dbbedb3cae0f7 files/samba-2.2.8-statfs.patch 209
+MD5 519576a9448b86f1a7baab18204533a5 files/lmhosts 126
MD5 516ca38dfc67b7cd7356f93ad2cf75b9 files/samba-3.0.0-python-setup.patch 767
-MD5 83b384d6b47ecbf20525cc9a7baaa77a files/samba-init 1093
-MD5 9560b7e29d3a65db029fc1800e84abcc files/samba-pdb_ldap-exop.patch 3921
-MD5 6b6683448cdc01d013bd2c61b4ed8e1e files/samba-slapd-include.conf 499
-MD5 6acf6a5e92ff2cfc5f09b88f5d01b63e files/samba-svc 975
-MD5 b6cdc1468e45f92f19873e0c6c5b6e94 files/samba.pam 332
MD5 1eec486ab39a239e25a76b16a6fcd460 files/smb.conf.example 16183
+MD5 6b6683448cdc01d013bd2c61b4ed8e1e files/samba-slapd-include.conf 499
+MD5 60e527174c1b2c53126dbbedb3cae0f7 files/samba-2.2.8-statfs.patch 209
+MD5 43a38a5331805a2fa61e899f18413ccd files/digest-samba-3.0.5 203
+MD5 f3a4b3b0a8162ae87779846d7e6adbbf files/digest-samba-3.0.1-r1 202
+MD5 a86336201c2eced7a6e5a5138514e2f7 files/digest-samba-3.0.4-r1 203
MD5 8c1f1e3655e12b85102ce257f3efad62 files/smb.conf.example-samba3 20762
-MD5 a7cc90ba23d86b1d90f65645826dde19 files/ 7095
+MD5 9560b7e29d3a65db029fc1800e84abcc files/samba-pdb_ldap-exop.patch 3921
MD5 3685eadb817d185b06476eca6c0c15c4 files/smbusers 204
-MD5 e89b19f1e62e257cbaa23a44a0362a58 files/swat.xinetd 527
MD5 09195dd8ab25ce77ac51c0c05b4ab93c files/system-auth-winbind 869
-MD5 ccc96fcdc7493be42da52364061c6c17 files/winbind-init 484
-MD5 fcebd975211fecf647f6cecf26ba5c96 files/samba-3.0.4.patch 8086
-MD5 341521b710d02d57a70acd49b1d4c06b files/samba-conf 1291
MD5 990fe15ff8a0e79f39069fff6475536d files/samba-3.0.2a-smbprint.patch 1224
+MD5 6acf6a5e92ff2cfc5f09b88f5d01b63e files/samba-svc 975
+MD5 b6cdc1468e45f92f19873e0c6c5b6e94 files/samba.pam 332
MD5 81931e1d9764390841dec0d0f327a114 files/digest-samba-3.0.2a-r2 204
-Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 de43ff30dd5f1431590fd62a997e71b4 files/samba-3.0.4-python-setup.patch 833
+MD5 8289eda694b35875eec6df5cc3f50c86 files/samba-2.2.6-libresolv.patch 540
diff --git a/net-fs/samba/files/digest-samba-3.0.5 b/net-fs/samba/files/digest-samba-3.0.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..43008dbb2a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-fs/samba/files/digest-samba-3.0.5
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 5896ad33676e3c26efaab5dcd897c466 samba-3.0.5.tar.gz 15076996
+MD5 5f173d549014985d681478897135915b samba-vscan-0.3.5.tar.bz2 161982
+MD5 34ef159fc49a2c30ff27b481dc8e1215 smbldap-tools-0.8.4.tgz 286290
diff --git a/net-fs/samba/samba-3.0.5.ebuild b/net-fs/samba/samba-3.0.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..526a9caad24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-fs/samba/samba-3.0.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foudation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/samba/samba-3.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/07/22 14:46:42 mglauche Exp $
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="kerberos mysql postgres xml xml2 acl cups ldap pam readline python doc"
+IUSE="${IUSE} oav"
+DESCRIPTION="SAMBA is a suite of SMB and CIFS client/server programs for UNIX"
+VSCAN_MODS="oav sophos fprotd fsav trend icap mksd kavp clamav nai"
+ oav? mirror://sourceforge/openantivirus/${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER}.tar.bz2
+ ldap?${SMBLDAP_TOOLS_VER}.tgz"
+ readline? sys-libs/readline
+ ldap? ( kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 ) )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql sys-libs/zlib )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql sys-libs/zlib )
+ xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 sys-libs/zlib )
+ xml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2 sys-libs/zlib )
+ acl? sys-apps/acl
+ cups? net-print/cups
+ ldap? net-nds/openldap
+ pam? sys-libs/pam
+ python? dev-lang/python"
+ >=sys-apps/sed-4
+#IDEALX scripts are now using Net::LDAP
+RDEPEND="ldap? dev-perl/perl-ldap ${_COMMON_DEPS}"
+KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc sparc ~mips hppa ~amd64 ~ia64 alpha ppc64"
+src_unpack() {
+ local i
+ unpack ${A} || die
+ cd ${S} || die
+ # Clean up CVS
+ find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f
+ find . -name CVS | xargs rm -rf
+ # Add patch(es)
+ # This patchset fixes Samba bugs #1315, #1319 and #1345
+ # courtesy of Gerald Carter (
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/samba-3.0.4.patch
+ #Next one is from :)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/samba-3.0.4-python-setup.patch || die
+ #Fix for bug #27858
+ if [ "${ARCH}" = "sparc" -o "${ARCH}" = "ppc" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/source/include
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/samba-2.2.8-statfs.patch
+ fi
+ #Bug #36200; sys-kernel/linux-headers dependent
+ sed -i -e 's:#define LINUX_QUOTAS_2:#define LINUX_QUOTAS_1:' \
+ -e 's:<linux/quota.h>:<sys/quota.h>:' \
+ ${S}/source/smbd/quotas.c
+ # For clean docs packaging sake.
+ rm -rf ${S}/examples.bin
+ cp -a ${S}/examples ${S}/examples.bin
+ # Prep samba-vscan source.
+ use oav && cp -a ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER} ${S}/examples.bin/VFS
+ cd ${S}/source
+ echo "Running autoconf ..."
+ autoconf || die
+src_compile() {
+ local i
+ local myconf
+ local mymods
+ #this is deprecated...
+ #mymods="nisplussam"
+ use xml || use xml2 && mymods="xml,${mymods}"
+ use mysql && mymods="mysql,${mymods}"
+ use postgres && mymods="pgsql,${mymods}"
+ [ -n "${mymods}" ] && myconf="--with-expsam=${mymods}"
+ use acl \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-acl-support" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-acl-support"
+ use pam \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-pam --without-pam_smbpass"
+ use cups \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --enable-cups" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --disable-cups"
+ use ldap \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-ldap" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-ldap"
+ #this is for old samba 2.x compat
+ #myconf="${myconf} --with-ldapsam"
+ myconf="${myconf} --without-ldapsam"
+ if [ "${ARCH}" != "amd64" ]
+ then
+ use kerberos && use ldap \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-ads" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-ads"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} --without-ads"
+ fi
+ use python \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-python=yes" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --with-python=no"
+ use readline \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --with-readline" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-readline"
+ einfo "\$myconf is: $myconf"
+ #default_{static,shared}_modules|source/configure
+ #/usr/lib/samba/auth/............. AUTH_MODULES
+ #/usr/lib/samba/charset/ CHARSET_MODULES
+ #/usr/lib/samba/pdb/.............. PDB_MODULES
+ #/usr/lib/samba/rpc/ RPC_MODULES
+ #/usr/lib/samba/vfs/.............. VFS_MODULES|source/Makefile
+ #/usr/lib/samba/lowcase.dat
+ #/usr/lib/samba/upcase.dat
+ #/usr/lib/samba/valid.dat
+ cd source
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libdir=/usr/lib \
+ --with-swatdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/swat \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-piddir=/var/run/samba \
+ --with-lockdir=/var/cache/samba \
+ --with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/samba \
+ --with-configdir=/etc/samba \
+ --with-privatedir=/etc/samba/private \
+ \
+ --enable-static \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --with-manpages-langs=en \
+ --without-spinlocks \
+ --with-libsmbclient \
+ --with-automount \
+ --with-smbmount \
+ --with-winbind \
+ --with-quotas \
+ --with-syslog \
+ --with-idmap \
+ --host=${CHOST} \
+ ${myconf} || die
+ # Show install dirs
+ einfo "Dir conf:"
+ make showlayout
+ # Subshell make: some headers are to be compiled in sequence even for a
+ # parallel make
+ make proto
+ # Compile main SAMBA pieces.
+ make everything || die "SAMBA pieces"
+ make rpctorture || ewarn "rpctorture didnt build"
+ # Build mount.cifs
+ cd ${S}/source
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} client/mount.cifs.c -o bin/mount.cifs
+ assert "mount.cifs compile problem"
+ # build smbget
+ make bin/smbget; assert "smbget compile error"
+ # Build selected samba-vscan plugins.
+ if use oav
+ then
+ cd ${S}/examples.bin/VFS/${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER}
+ ./configure
+ assert "bad ${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER} ./configure"
+ # Do not use the Makefiles in the sub directories, use the Makefile
+ # generated by .configure in the top-level samba-vscan directory
+ # - suggested by Rainer Link, samba-vscan maintainer
+ make ${VSCAN_MODS}
+ fi
+ # Build mkntpasswd from the smbldap-tools.
+ if use ldap
+ then
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/smbldap-tools-${SMBLDAP_TOOLS_VER}
+ tar --no-same-owner -zxf mkntpwd.tar.gz
+ cd mkntpwd
+ VISUAL="" make || die "mkntpwd compile problem"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local extra_bins="debug2html smbfilter talloctort mount.cifs smbget"
+ #smbsh editreg
+ extra_bins="${extra_bins} smbtorture msgtest masktest locktest \
+ locktest2 nsstest vfstest rpctorture"
+ cd ${S}/source
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install-everything
+ # Extra binary files, testing/torture progs
+ exeinto /usr/bin
+ for i in ${extra_bins}
+ do
+ [ -x ${S}/source/bin/${i} ] && doexe ${S}/source/bin/${i} && \
+ einfo "Extra binaries: ${i}"
+ done
+ # Installing these setuid-root allows users to (un)mount smbfs/cifs.
+ for i in /usr/bin/smbumount /usr/bin/smbmnt /usr/bin/mount.cifs
+ do
+ fperms 4111 ${i}
+ einfo "suid: ${i}"
+ done
+ # Nsswitch extensions. Make link for wins and winbind resolvers.
+ exeinto /lib
+ for i in wins winbind
+ do
+ doexe ${S}/source/nsswitch/libnss_${i}.so
+ ( cd ${D}/lib; ln -s libnss_${i}.so libnss_${i}.so.2 )
+ done
+ exeinto /lib/security
+ doexe ${S}/source/nsswitch/
+ use pam && doexe ${S}/source/bin/
+ # Links
+ # link /usr/bin/smbmount to /sbin/mount.smbfs which allows it
+ # to work transparently with the standard 'mount' command..
+ dodir /sbin
+ dosym /usr/bin/smbmount /sbin/mount.smbfs
+ dosym /usr/bin/mount.cifs /sbin/mount.cifs
+ # make the smb backend symlink for cups printing support..
+ if use cups; then
+ dodir /usr/lib/cups/backend
+ dosym /usr/bin/smbspool /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb
+ fi
+ # Install IDEALX scripts for LDAP backend administration.
+ if use ldap; then
+ # corrections as per bug #41796
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/smbldap-tools-${SMBLDAP_TOOLS_VER}
+ exeinto /usr/share/samba/scripts ; doexe smbldap-*
+ exeinto /usr/sbin ; doexe mkntpwd/mkntpwd
+ exeinto /etc/samba ; doexe
+ insinto /etc/smbldap-tools ; doins *.conf
+ fperms 644 /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf
+ fperms 600 /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf
+ eval `perl '-V:installarchlib'`
+ dodir ${installarchlib}
+ #dosym /etc/samba/ ${installarchlib}
+ #dosym /etc/samba/ /usr/share/samba/scripts
+ dosym /etc/samba/ ${installarchlib}
+ dosym /etc/samba/ /usr/share/samba/scripts
+ fi
+ # VFS plugin modules
+ if use oav
+ then
+ exeinto /usr/lib/vfs
+ doexe ${S}/examples.bin/VFS/${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER}/vscan-*.so
+ fi
+ # Python extensions.
+ if use python
+ then
+ cd ${S}/source
+ python python/ install --root=${D} || die
+ fi
+ # General config files.
+ insinto /etc
+ insinto /etc/samba
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/smbusers
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/smb.conf.example-samba3 smb.conf.example
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/lmhosts
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/recycle.conf
+ insinto /etc/pam.d
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/samba.pam samba
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/system-auth-winbind
+ insinto /etc/xinetd.d
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/swat.xinetd swat
+ exeinto /etc/init.d; newexe ${FILESDIR}/samba-init samba
+ insinto /etc/conf.d; newins ${FILESDIR}/samba-conf samba
+ if use ldap; then
+ insinto /etc/openldap/schema
+ doins ${S}/examples/LDAP/samba.schema
+ fi
+ # Docs
+ docinto ""
+ dodoc ${S}/COPYING ${S}/Manifest ${S}/README ${S}/Roadmap ${S}/WHATSNEW.txt
+ docinto examples
+ dodoc ${FILESDIR}/nsswitch.conf-{wins,winbind}
+ cp -a ${S}/examples/* ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
+ if use oav; then
+ docinto ${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER}
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-vscan-${VSCAN_VER}
+ dodoc */*.conf
+ fi
+ if use ldap; then
+ docinto smbldap-tools-${SMBLDAP_TOOLS_VER}
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/smbldap-tools-${SMBLDAP_TOOLS_VER}
+ fi
+ if ! use doc; then
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/swat/help/{guide,howto,devel}
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/swat/using_samba
+ fi
+ chown -R root:root ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ # moving manpages
+ mv ${D}/usr/man ${D}/usr/share/man
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # touch /etc/samba/smb.conf so that people installing samba just
+ # to mount smb shares don't get annoying warnings all the time..
+ [ ! -e ${ROOT}/etc/samba/smb.conf ] && touch ${ROOT}/etc/samba/smb.conf
+ # empty dirs..
+ install -m0700 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/etc/samba/private
+ install -m1777 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/spool/samba
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/log/samba
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/log/samba3
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/run/samba
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/cache/samba
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d ${ROOT}/var/lib/samba/{netlogon,profiles}
+ install -m0755 -o root -g root -d \
+ ${ROOT}/var/lib/samba/printers/{W32X86,WIN40,W32ALPHA,W32MIPS,W32PPC}
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "If you are upgrading from a Samba version prior to 3.0.2, and you"
+ ewarn "use Samba's password database, you must run the following command:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn " pdbedit --force-initialized-passwords"
+ ewarn ""
+ if use ldap; then
+ ewarn "If you are upgrading from prior to 3.0.2, and you are using LDAP"
+ ewarn "for Samba authentication, you must check the sambaPwdLastSet"
+ ewarn "attribute on all accounts, and ensure it is not 0."
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "WARNING: the smbldap-tools conf file location has changed to"
+ einfo " /etc/smbldap-tools"
+ einfo "reconfiguration will be necessary."
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "WARNING: the names of the scripts in /usr/shared/samba/scripts"
+ einfo "have changed. Please update your /etc/samba/smb.conf."
+ einfo ""
+ fi