diff options
authorPeter Weller <>2007-09-09 22:19:30 +0000
committerPeter Weller <>2007-09-09 22:19:30 +0000
commit21bb83490304b4c09fb1b3d1d65bc586ef1d2651 (patch)
tree869ab2d10b201ba076168c4833c83165c8911fd1 /www-servers/lighttpd
parentVersion bump, introducing rss display improvements and mpd crash/display bugs (diff)
Security bump wrt bug 191912 - straight to stable on amd64 and x86 by request of angelos and jokey, respectively
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.3_rc8
Diffstat (limited to 'www-servers/lighttpd')
6 files changed, 432 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog b/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog
index e701abf47474..dfcbb063aec6 100644
--- a/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for www-servers/lighttpd
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog,v 1.142 2007/08/26 16:25:26 bangert Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/lighttpd/ChangeLog,v 1.143 2007/09/09 22:19:29 welp Exp $
+*lighttpd-1.4.18 (09 Sep 2007)
+ 09 Sep 2007; Peter Weller <>
+ +files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff,
+ +files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff,
+ +lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild:
+ Security bump wrt bug 191912 - straight to stable on amd64 and x86 by
+ request of angelos and jokey, respectively
26 Aug 2007; Thilo Bangert <> files/lighttpd.confd:
fix note about export SHELL, which is only used by include_shell config option
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/Manifest b/www-servers/lighttpd/Manifest
index 7ed8aa7085ae..f212d32dde6c 100644
--- a/www-servers/lighttpd/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/Manifest
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ AUX 1.4.16/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502 RMD160 a10372a6cd
MD5 87cf789e1f6866b9ece50a4af418b5b8 files/1.4.16/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
RMD160 a10372a6cdfce349c6221f5038f2fda699f5f74e files/1.4.16/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
SHA256 0a7f3626e23291b3859e953bcc1762117a1585c2717adc065ccbb0ccf2f3577a files/1.4.16/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
+AUX 1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff 5267 RMD160 c23c816fcddbc99758a0426fc11f70677dbc06e9 SHA1 22e0d05d49cecb652d1250ac66de13fdf228cce4 SHA256 b37042549247ca2d83581aa3bcd1a5356c37015000711cecafda05aa6d6a15c4
+MD5 34d6720749f96327d311661a02886a65 files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff 5267
+RMD160 c23c816fcddbc99758a0426fc11f70677dbc06e9 files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff 5267
+SHA256 b37042549247ca2d83581aa3bcd1a5356c37015000711cecafda05aa6d6a15c4 files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff 5267
+AUX 1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502 RMD160 a10372a6cdfce349c6221f5038f2fda699f5f74e SHA1 12c39cd4ca731509256e271daf4aaac8a62e82c4 SHA256 0a7f3626e23291b3859e953bcc1762117a1585c2717adc065ccbb0ccf2f3577a
+MD5 87cf789e1f6866b9ece50a4af418b5b8 files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
+RMD160 a10372a6cdfce349c6221f5038f2fda699f5f74e files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
+SHA256 0a7f3626e23291b3859e953bcc1762117a1585c2717adc065ccbb0ccf2f3577a files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff 502
AUX conf/lighttpd.conf 8182 RMD160 450cf40f4ec517331f8932618a3c492cb566e4f3 SHA1 16922786a79807fa3233d1af105a99582d3486a5 SHA256 c0f6951e00d4e8c928f1799a84976ab8bb536bd59a104c13ca9d1d3661d8cebd
MD5 df5b2360ea380d988bf16905ab214286 files/conf/lighttpd.conf 8182
RMD160 450cf40f4ec517331f8932618a3c492cb566e4f3 files/conf/lighttpd.conf 8182
@@ -155,6 +163,7 @@ DIST lighttpd-1.4.11.tar.gz 781656 RMD160 0434e6c09383f1ad443d985fd168a29f6f132d
DIST lighttpd-1.4.13.tar.gz 797813 RMD160 4e67e42dc3692d50c044561cc903de7b906f260c SHA1 b17553e66609f85baec50263712a4a5aeca50ca5 SHA256 62d5997fdb41afa9400adcdb040d04a1f5fa950045df96e3e3f593e8f0de5739
DIST lighttpd-1.4.15.tar.bz2 591304 RMD160 6a0f7a498b2815c2eb576917e88775a8e16aad5c SHA1 742b567eca011fa5ef2cc506038389a4959eab56 SHA256 75128e53231c69a22c94ad0a01da974eaa266b21668c1354f71ad07e5f94d9cc
DIST lighttpd-1.4.16.tar.bz2 592540 RMD160 185948bb05f5e667d604a5e9c6db4f0d64526ba4 SHA1 8f137ff71f629fe24a745c758b72dce24a8669f2 SHA256 568a6ce34d0a185b3164be99bce88011201957952f4ac817f7e7101bc526b59f
+DIST lighttpd-1.4.18.tar.bz2 600227 RMD160 9fcd5e09ee2b1b517868d8843883228cd8b4145f SHA1 a53a8f8ae8d42d036f0b5129764b822e943cc778 SHA256 d59123850f3dd4a10f067d9a0c527324a70203cd3f82f70f0e44b8cb8068db43
EBUILD lighttpd-1.3.16.ebuild 2586 RMD160 ebcf74cf84ec75c361ea5894115d54f93f6eea51 SHA1 0984b9d7fb378b6b7bb08fd8155ff30b480adac0 SHA256 12818ec066898a0e019dcbb50fb4d190fe60363052d03213e8b5e4f4da5bbfe1
MD5 21b1cf627412a4e10256724537880485 lighttpd-1.3.16.ebuild 2586
RMD160 ebcf74cf84ec75c361ea5894115d54f93f6eea51 lighttpd-1.3.16.ebuild 2586
@@ -191,10 +200,14 @@ EBUILD lighttpd-1.4.16.ebuild 5807 RMD160 20a923cc40d48fb14731323068f4f37ce49231
MD5 39f51f43acf42d078bf9675e432db770 lighttpd-1.4.16.ebuild 5807
RMD160 20a923cc40d48fb14731323068f4f37ce49231cd lighttpd-1.4.16.ebuild 5807
SHA256 7f30930336b270e37eee98f50785623388113632e074a31cd9492bcfe47dcacf lighttpd-1.4.16.ebuild 5807
-MISC ChangeLog 33767 RMD160 67505c2293af21a1566ffd8259002df0c31803ec SHA1 ffc0e1596293fef80329990dedf57ae2b014e44d SHA256 9a919d6a882f0fe2e20f84e3a0ed04afc6bd54b16788b5dfc64c3beb51d20852
-MD5 b647c30afaa076e0df2e1b32432e5329 ChangeLog 33767
-RMD160 67505c2293af21a1566ffd8259002df0c31803ec ChangeLog 33767
-SHA256 9a919d6a882f0fe2e20f84e3a0ed04afc6bd54b16788b5dfc64c3beb51d20852 ChangeLog 33767
+EBUILD lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild 5812 RMD160 be879bdf9f93b97e0d2ff6de8db0f2e8841c98e9 SHA1 346d83ae9577d88ff53d74673212af53c0a03521 SHA256 1ae7ac5dc6ff512d491735aac9f4d3d8eaadc6d31f41b77b78de72b284352875
+MD5 5d5c03ffa8bd90b8870ddfcf3e8ebb13 lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild 5812
+RMD160 be879bdf9f93b97e0d2ff6de8db0f2e8841c98e9 lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild 5812
+SHA256 1ae7ac5dc6ff512d491735aac9f4d3d8eaadc6d31f41b77b78de72b284352875 lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild 5812
+MISC ChangeLog 34111 RMD160 129c83c29dca5d4e398c62cba66c699974c268ab SHA1 3430663fdef5fd49fb4a8ea7cf724bed3110136a SHA256 ec588b1122d7cb496d22562a37ff88dd7d261881e6f64dea23623046e4faaa1e
+MD5 b9d25ffc8d608ea4429a05fd6cb84aba ChangeLog 34111
+RMD160 129c83c29dca5d4e398c62cba66c699974c268ab ChangeLog 34111
+SHA256 ec588b1122d7cb496d22562a37ff88dd7d261881e6f64dea23623046e4faaa1e ChangeLog 34111
MISC metadata.xml 633 RMD160 f53110608c976ad01e089359eb60da7b8d1d8812 SHA1 f072b189d3973eb56e8bb059197ef2b1683d2790 SHA256 ec78010aee8ea37993d032389ba33c1a00488d0c658e4b25cf096556af8f962e
MD5 d45b737e7a98ec0d98b925eef6462a66 metadata.xml 633
RMD160 f53110608c976ad01e089359eb60da7b8d1d8812 metadata.xml 633
@@ -226,3 +239,6 @@ SHA256 92da9c6894ac3d83e16b7d8f90d1811f6740974d519c5d1ba3b6029eab0d1f7c files/di
MD5 2fb4bc23268ae1aa73b140aa3c457f1b files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.16 250
RMD160 a3e8bb89832d7e58cbc37ecc9d4d3de08eb4462f files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.16 250
SHA256 856932c18c71a7324290166a6e16bfb28d337ab9aa1c4ba5c990087c2dc7a3ff files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.16 250
+MD5 5a83e2ede2ef46ec8480a2a7e13e5cd2 files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18 250
+RMD160 77cf7429b639aaf1b1b7fa14bf7ff29a3c69a062 files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18 250
+SHA256 f3d4f1fcb4d07b2aecf7d9c3c5e7e4d58eaa8f0f9e227b32c27f774828e06578 files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18 250
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c168eba74683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/03_all_lighttpd-1.4.11-errorlog-pipe.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+diff -ur lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/base.h lighttpd-1.4.11/src/base.h
+--- lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/base.h 2006-01-13 06:51:04.000000000 -0800
++++ lighttpd-1.4.11/src/base.h 2006-12-17 18:01:39.000000000 -0800
+@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
+ /* the errorlog */
+ int errorlog_fd;
+ buffer *errorlog_buf;
+ fdevents *ev, *ev_ins;
+diff -ur lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/log.c lighttpd-1.4.11/src/log.c
+--- lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/log.c 2005-13-07 05:01:35.000000000 -0800
++++ lighttpd-1.4.11/src/log.c 2006-12-17 18:09:43.000000000 -0800
+@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
+ /**
+ * open the errorlog
+ *
+- * we have 3 possibilities:
++ * we have 4 possibilities:
+ * - stderr (default)
+ * - syslog
+ * - logfile
++ * - pipe
+ *
+ * if the open failed, report to the user and die
+ *
+@@ -57,21 +58,81 @@
+ srv->errorlog_mode = ERRORLOG_SYSLOG;
+ } else if (!buffer_is_empty(srv->srvconf.errorlog_file)) {
+ const char *logfile = srv->srvconf.errorlog_file->ptr;
+- if (-1 == (srv->errorlog_fd = open(logfile, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE, 0644))) {
+- log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SSSS",
+- "opening errorlog '", logfile,
+- "' failed: ", strerror(errno));
++ if (logfile[0] == '|') {
++#ifdef HAVE_FORK
++ /* create write pipe and spawn process */
++ int to_log_fds[2];
++ pid_t pid;
++ if (pipe(to_log_fds)) {
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss",
++ "pipe failed: ", strerror(errno));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* fork, execve */
++ switch (pid = fork()) {
++ case 0:
++ /* child */
++ close(STDIN_FILENO);
++ dup2(to_log_fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
++ close(to_log_fds[0]);
++ /* not needed */
++ close(to_log_fds[1]);
++ /* we don't need the client socket */
++ for (fd = 3; fd < 256; fd++) {
++ close(fd);
++ }
++ /* exec the log-process (skip the | )
++ *
++ */
++ execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", logfile + 1, NULL);
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sss",
++ "spawning log-process failed: ",
++ strerror(errno), logfile + 1);
++ exit(-1);
++ break;
++ case -1:
++ /* error */
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss", "fork failed:", strerror(errno));
++ break;
++ default:
++ close(to_log_fds[0]);
++ srv->errorlog_fd = to_log_fds[1];
++ break;
++ }
++ srv->errorlog_mode = ERRORLOG_PIPE;
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SSS",
++ "opening errorlog '", logfile,"' impossible");
+ return -1;
+- }
++ } else {
++ if (-1 == (srv->errorlog_fd = open(logfile, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE, 0644))) {
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SSSS",
++ "opening errorlog '", logfile,
++ "' failed: ", strerror(errno));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ srv->errorlog_mode = ERRORLOG_FILE;
++ }
+ #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC
+- /* close fd on exec (cgi) */
+- fcntl(srv->errorlog_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
++ /* close fd on exec (cgi) */
++ fcntl(srv->errorlog_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ #endif
+- srv->errorlog_mode = ERRORLOG_FILE;
+- }
++ }
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "server started");
+@@ -99,7 +160,7 @@
+ */
+ int log_error_cycle(server *srv) {
+- /* only cycle if we are not in syslog-mode */
++ /* only cycle if the error log is a file */
+ if (srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_FILE) {
+ const char *logfile = srv->srvconf.errorlog_file->ptr;
+@@ -135,6 +196,7 @@
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "server stopped");
+ switch(srv->errorlog_mode) {
++ case ERRORLOG_PIPE: /* fall through */
+ close(srv->errorlog_fd);
+ break;
+@@ -154,6 +216,7 @@
+ va_list ap;
+ switch(srv->errorlog_mode) {
+ /* cache the generated timestamp */
+@@ -238,6 +301,7 @@
+ va_end(ap);
+ switch(srv->errorlog_mode) {
++ case ERRORLOG_PIPE: /* fall through */
+ BUFFER_APPEND_STRING_CONST(srv->errorlog_buf, "\n");
+ write(srv->errorlog_fd, srv->errorlog_buf->ptr, srv->errorlog_buf->used - 1);
+diff -ur lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/mod_cgi.c lighttpd-1.4.11/src/mod_cgi.c
+--- lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/mod_cgi.c 2006-02-22 05:15:10.000000000 -0800
++++ lighttpd-1.4.11/src/mod_cgi.c 2006-12-17 18:01:39.000000000 -0800
+@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
+ *
+ * we feed the stderr of the CGI to our errorlog, if possible
+ */
+- if (srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_FILE) {
++ if ((srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_FILE) || (srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_PIPE)) {
+ dup2(srv->errorlog_fd, STDERR_FILENO);
+ }
+diff -ur lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/mod_rrdtool.c lighttpd-1.4.11/src/mod_rrdtool.c
+--- lighttpd-1.4.11.orig/src/mod_rrdtool.c 2005-08-21 15:52:24.000000000 -0700
++++ lighttpd-1.4.11/src/mod_rrdtool.c 2006-12-17 18:01:39.000000000 -0800
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+- if (srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_FILE) {
++ if ((srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_FILE) || (srv->errorlog_mode == ERRORLOG_PIPE)) {
+ dup2(srv->errorlog_fd, STDERR_FILENO);
+ close(srv->errorlog_fd);
+ }
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..259ad4b279a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/1.4.18/04_all_lighttpd-1.4.13-deprecated-ldap-api.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- lighttpd-1.4.13.old/src/ 2006-10-09 12:19:34.000000000 -0400
++++ lighttpd-1.4.13/src/ 2007-03-26 10:10:26.000000000 -0400
+@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
+ mod_auth_la_SOURCES = mod_auth.c http_auth_digest.c http_auth.c
+ mod_auth_la_LDFLAGS = -module -export-dynamic -avoid-version -no-undefined
+ mod_auth_la_LIBADD = $(CRYPT_LIB) $(LDAP_LIB) $(LBER_LIB) $(common_libadd)
+ mod_rewrite_la_SOURCES = mod_rewrite.c
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18 b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b24fec6f4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/files/digest-lighttpd-1.4.18
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 26f98dddf9d8c0775221b800986003ee lighttpd-1.4.18.tar.bz2 600227
+RMD160 9fcd5e09ee2b1b517868d8843883228cd8b4145f lighttpd-1.4.18.tar.bz2 600227
+SHA256 d59123850f3dd4a10f067d9a0c527324a70203cd3f82f70f0e44b8cb8068db43 lighttpd-1.4.18.tar.bz2 600227
diff --git a/www-servers/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild b/www-servers/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec0dc1b75f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.18.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/09/09 22:19:29 welp Exp $
+inherit eutils autotools depend.php
+DESCRIPTION="Lightweight high-performance web server"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="bzip2 doc fam fastcgi gdbm ipv6 ldap lua minimal memcache mysql pcre php rrdtool ssl test webdav xattr"
+ bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
+ fam? ( virtual/fam )
+ gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
+ ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.1.26 )
+ lua? ( >=dev-lang/lua-5.1 )
+ memcache? ( dev-libs/libmemcache )
+ mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-4.0 )
+ pcre? ( >=dev-libs/libpcre-3.1 )
+ php? ( virtual/httpd-php )
+ rrdtool? ( net-analyzer/rrdtool )
+ ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7 )
+ webdav? (
+ dev-libs/libxml2
+ >=dev-db/sqlite-3
+ sys-fs/e2fsprogs
+ )
+ xattr? ( kernel_linux? ( sys-apps/attr ) )"
+ doc? ( dev-python/docutils )
+ test? (
+ virtual/perl-Test-Harness
+ dev-libs/fcgi
+ )"
+# update certain parts of lighttpd.conf based on conditionals
+update_config() {
+ local config="/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"
+ # enable php/mod_fastcgi settings
+ use php && \
+ dosed 's|#.*\(include.*fastcgi.*$\)|\1|' ${config}
+ # enable stat() caching
+ use fam && \
+ dosed 's|#\(.*stat-cache.*$\)|\1|' ${config}
+# remove non-essential stuff (for USE=minimal)
+remove_non_essential() {
+ local libdir="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
+ # text docs
+ use doc || rm -fr ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/txt
+ # non-essential modules
+ rm -f \
+ ${libdir}/mod_{compress,evhost,expire,proxy,scgi,secdownload,simple_vhost,status,setenv,trigger*,usertrack}.*
+ # allow users to keep some based on USE flags
+ use pcre || rm -f ${libdir}/mod_{ssi,re{direct,write}}.*
+ use webdav || rm -f ${libdir}/mod_webdav.*
+ use mysql || rm -f ${libdir}/mod_mysql_vhost.*
+ use lua || rm -f ${libdir}/mod_{cml,magnet}.*
+ use rrdtool || rm -f ${libdir}/mod_rrdtool.*
+ if ! use fastcgi ; then
+ rm -f ${libdir}/mod_fastcgi.* ${D}/usr/bin/spawn-fcgi \
+ ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/spawn-fcgi.*
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! use pcre ; then
+ ewarn "It is highly recommended that you build ${PN}"
+ ewarn "with perl regular expressions support via USE=pcre."
+ ewarn "Otherwise you lose support for some core options such"
+ ewarn "as conditionals and modules such as mod_re{write,direct}"
+ ewarn "and mod_ssi."
+ ebeep 5
+ fi
+ use php && require_php_with_use cgi
+ enewgroup lighttpd
+ enewuser lighttpd -1 -1 /var/www/localhost/htdocs lighttpd
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="diff" EPATCH_OPTS="-l" epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PVR} || die "Patching failed!"
+ eautoreconf || die
+ # dev-python/docutils installs not rst2html
+ sed -i -e 's|\(rst2html\)|\|g' doc/ || \
+ die "sed doc/ failed"
+ # fix typo
+ sed -i -e 's|\(output_content\)_\(type\)|\1\2|' doc/cml.txt || \
+ die "sed doc/cml.txt failed"
+src_compile() {
+ econf --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} \
+ --enable-lfs \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_with bzip2) \
+ $(use_with fam) \
+ $(use_with gdbm) \
+ $(use_with lua) \
+ $(use_with ldap) \
+ $(use_with memcache) \
+ $(use_with mysql) \
+ $(use_with pcre) \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+ $(use_with webdav webdav-props) \
+ $(use_with webdav webdav-locks) \
+ $(use_with xattr attr) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+ if use doc ; then
+ einfo "Building HTML documentation"
+ cd doc
+ emake html || die "failed to build HTML documentation"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ # init script stuff
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/lighttpd.initd-1.4.13-r3 lighttpd || die
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/lighttpd.confd lighttpd || die
+ use fam && has_version app-admin/fam && \
+ sed -i 's/after famd/need famd/g' "${D}"/etc/init.d/lighttpd
+ if use php || use fastcgi ; then
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/spawn-fcgi.initd spawn-fcgi || die
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/spawn-fcgi.confd spawn-fcgi || die
+ fi
+ # configs
+ insinto /etc/lighttpd
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/lighttpd.conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/mime-types.conf
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/conf/mod_cgi.conf
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/conf/mod_fastcgi.conf-1.4.13-r2 mod_fastcgi.conf
+ # Secure directory for fastcgi sockets
+ keepdir /var/run/lighttpd/
+ fperms 0750 /var/run/lighttpd/
+ fowners lighttpd:lighttpd /var/run/lighttpd/
+ # update lighttpd.conf directives based on conditionals
+ update_config
+ # docs
+ dodoc AUTHORS README NEWS ChangeLog doc/*.sh
+ newdoc doc/lighttpd.conf lighttpd.conf.distrib
+ use doc && dohtml -r doc/*
+ docinto txt
+ dodoc doc/*.txt
+ # logrotate
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/lighttpd.logrotate lighttpd || die
+ keepdir /var/l{ib,og}/lighttpd /var/www/localhost/htdocs
+ fowners lighttpd:lighttpd /var/l{ib,og}/lighttpd
+ fperms 0750 /var/l{ib,og}/lighttpd
+ use minimal && remove_non_essential
+pkg_postinst () {
+ echo
+ if [[ -f ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/spawn-fcgi.conf ]] ; then
+ einfo "spawn-fcgi is now included with lighttpd"
+ einfo "spawn-fcgi's init script configuration is now located"
+ einfo "at /etc/conf.d/spawn-fcgi."
+ echo
+ fi
+ if [[ -f ${ROOT}etc/lighttpd.conf ]] ; then
+ ewarn "As of lighttpd-1.4.1, Gentoo has a customized configuration,"
+ ewarn "which is now located in /etc/lighttpd. Please migrate your"
+ ewarn "existing configuration."
+ ebeep 5
+ fi
+ if use fam ; then
+ einfo "Remember to re-emerge lighttpd should you switch from"
+ einfo "app-admin/famd to app-admin/gamin or vice versa."
+ fi
+ echo