diff options
authorMatsuu Takuto <>2008-10-27 21:29:45 +0000
committerMatsuu Takuto <>2008-10-27 21:29:45 +0000
commitefc5f401d8aa31e22b81c3de0b032c3d35da85c5 (patch)
treef017886636bad4a5d53cb8a13f2652c1c3ce8f8b /sys-devel
parentAdded horde-imp-4.3. (diff)
Fixed xinetd issue and typo. Clean up distcc-config. Removed old revisions.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc12/cvs/Linux 2.6.27-gentoo x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel')
9 files changed, 46 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog b/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog
index 484a5eb86d29..808f577b5517 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-devel/distcc
# Copyright 2000-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog,v 1.178 2008/10/26 06:44:04 matsuu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/ChangeLog,v 1.179 2008/10/27 21:29:44 matsuu Exp $
+ 27 Oct 2008; MATSUU Takuto <>
+ +files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch, files/3.0/distcc-config,
+ -files/3.0/xinetd, -distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild, -distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild,
+ -distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild, distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild:
+ Fixed xinetd issue and typo. Clean up distcc-config. Removed old
+ revisions.
*distcc-3.0-r3 (26 Oct 2008)
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest b/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
index eb1941b0ba08..82a00c79518c 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ AUX 2.18/conf 1267 RMD160 a12045786088255c9bc8f4ad826928c00efac567 SHA1 828f62be
AUX 2.18/distcc-config.patch 1200 RMD160 46adf137db41c3278463125caeb132b9626ead54 SHA1 080ba28e0cc2eab5cdcb9c860dd255460926cadd SHA256 0abca6ee532de72ef19f1b210a09bd661ea7110cf36654c8c8ac016ee6573e55
AUX 2.18/init 733 RMD160 935e52d2ddfc6363f26a916666bbbc28b6fdb79b SHA1 737e969b122c70df6d54c7a98bfdc872af278ff6 SHA256 1477ab79b8be398b6acb7d44e0f0a66bb75d1918365b350b824e16b8b02af22b
AUX 3.0/conf 1286 RMD160 52f0fb469fc83b2f28f032c81515773d09add0d5 SHA1 4860a6e2eea10d918058b0cdcb76ac196a2d7992 SHA256 28fa9a9ce30c9f979eac3d5be3fc64f199ecffa9d7e38e02f11957019152dc46
-AUX 3.0/distcc-config 3378 RMD160 4535cce64b7e8eb7750d37e866d7bb50fa8004a5 SHA1 e90ddaae09e0e844e07aa20997c006bf80e44dba SHA256 88d0bb6b91554366e44609f307536504fea66b065885ec9b6165ecfdf1ca800d
+AUX 3.0/distcc-config 3402 RMD160 ef72502f3b69d86884fcc038d84105be46b952f2 SHA1 bbef02b51241439f64a679c72b69428035a8c2a8 SHA256 b37627554a6b55671770dd005c85a68a3db83a0b9a5669517c11064b76086e71
AUX 3.0/init 631 RMD160 fe9382e786d9d0f4053265e1c7ad2732fce9497f SHA1 31776c69bf096af117ec9ba005638613806daee5 SHA256 75e1fa7bf80fba89f8f1c7aad4d86ebb6086809880c2e23754f75bc14b1a9fca
-AUX 3.0/xinetd 946 RMD160 7535c75ef16a92dc799bb3b3cdf84e960f26b1a9 SHA1 02521553e0fac5f496033db3c25ae86e7504e963 SHA256 e02ad9a791e59cb790cd5fd8d45ecb6752047c27602f5658cd51cfa21e106ad0
AUX distcc-3.0-gentoo.patch 1225 RMD160 5c305052c9ee62c7d60377b26e53f69a67438b39 SHA1 7114da1f2ddda38498d19a685782da48a8b37f30 SHA256 ba1895fa906ba18490b722f9eda07a96459949d879412c2aba0218f8854ca7cc
AUX distcc-3.0-svn617.patch 533 RMD160 64c8712a9290b1fef776ca5517074748a0ec9255 SHA1 7b9b661b21aea2e1a338b3ed890c6bd7dc8064e3 SHA256 902d6715f443fceb7c799bcf4f82d637569db2da900be5e36bb40b57a3e9fa84
+AUX distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch 558 RMD160 c69f8a379ec543972fac6ec3066989c5393223f3 SHA1 58d4393c6cdd3546f35efc57021de496c66c239d SHA256 9ef11743e91167548ac6324aa21608a62fd09149a8dbdbab32602f70804e0560
AUX distcc-as-needed.patch 558 RMD160 faebf24490e3dd2a5247cfb6914dc88fb7b98e35 SHA1 5e5547032b6492f9f8b0511fd621a005dbd455a2 SHA256 9e87d3b0487ffc52ccf6362866e967dff9c2a85681175096ece11413f8c91e54
AUX distcc-avahi-configure.patch 1263 RMD160 de3ba2d651b5a76d5ee71cde79a2555f77a70b1b SHA1 eddae708be95f4bbd7cbfed53439e2dc38a979e8 SHA256 9d967456da6631845b4262ae7508948d629764149fd568c367e76e89168bb132
AUX distcc-config 4874 RMD160 07bd612fc11c785691bd56e4e7bb7994a2e4dbb8 SHA1 85b5f38d6024e4f454bfa07d96c13b4749ce3e2a SHA256 c6a7bb74eb235fd7896ca101c033a2e9faf80afeb7232bff3afe22f8a6268a5c
@@ -21,10 +21,7 @@ DIST distcc-2.18-avahi.patch.bz2 9447 RMD160 eaf358bc417566bb8cf7ea005ce853df880
DIST distcc-2.18.3.tar.bz2 341601 RMD160 c7ac6f3e161dccf39b841b57a3328b4208d28c2d SHA1 88e4c15826bdbc5a3de0f7c1bcb429e558c6976d SHA256 6500f1bc2a30b1f044ebed79c6ce15457d1712263e65f0db7d6046af262ba434
DIST distcc-3.0.tar.bz2 582700 RMD160 1e187fe09129dcc6e561bfb0cd0db9a43619acca SHA1 90cea1d7500e95d3c698e6ab9b9536a946f62824 SHA256 bb6f5674b619ef1438da67739d982e8a6b11e01f748708e0fcbe371c02f020fe
EBUILD distcc-2.18.3-r10.ebuild 4991 RMD160 a226c12d97f1e212c5bf703cd32e476ee4e2e7d5 SHA1 ef05e330f2cf5d5a323b7abb9cdc534c382099f8 SHA256 9cbcc217ee05bbebe5b9085f8c2c95f58b2038751493f61baad47a64d7abc0d8
-EBUILD distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild 5684 RMD160 4e7232be695e39b41017bda3a1df5b5fa269ed75 SHA1 b34c8080941f221549e11ac23974c68b33c853e9 SHA256 2c9bbaae12891f56918065cfb18c3d3666845b52b8331ef03c7fa3b87e2168f6
-EBUILD distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild 5639 RMD160 c70f35d9cf254d407a5d48688b09ce4f4ddc1271 SHA1 618ff9a60867cfdbd08f537ee35f41c28b9ce370 SHA256 d937b713f022bb4675ac1b1d0cdf0ae5a8ec683a523c3a5b9f948545cb960516
EBUILD distcc-2.18.3-r13.ebuild 5686 RMD160 c875bd6c6260a61dbf487f53d7ac3f090e3f23c8 SHA1 5f17f8e6343fe2401f688090ddea3f5c183a8cf8 SHA256 fb5f9b7bb5230f8de7e87914abba720b2dc57940e27a0264e012fa39225bd843
-EBUILD distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild 3825 RMD160 5e7c1846d98736c8a10af706f19afb88a69a2c02 SHA1 25c07345bb7857f2f6353fa0e264be406087dba3 SHA256 7cedba3bb04269e64a0003ca231a37f4ed407fcb1d0e097f2e6566c70b3325a4
-EBUILD distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild 4025 RMD160 1c636349a802e3311e73002f3d27596ce4062a5a SHA1 1a004e8d26f7fea3b606fa8d1cf0b091fdef0947 SHA256 0bbdcf9e909d4a6d23d5ac5c2b07b13723e28c8a8ef6b2ab4e62adaf0bf24d54
-MISC ChangeLog 33134 RMD160 28d6dd20c8e7e4a3da0dd1546b0851ef308f1caa SHA1 3ca11643e7a199ec9ad5620a9981e6ef56f517a5 SHA256 38111bdae755543b95b2bdd2a2ffce8d0a141aef8ecfe06ea5e9322b38c7d772
+EBUILD distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild 4155 RMD160 0b699c85ad65c48b53ec17bc408fb2899e97d5b9 SHA1 f0125e11d1f9edfd2309704d45e5f90edb604a62 SHA256 9ccd2dc90cd72438fbef947805e01ddca4972803498bfe2cb201dfdc36580243
+MISC ChangeLog 33445 RMD160 d111937833474f7a9e2a601e3011d913ad1055a0 SHA1 3ff85567b83edb3aeb4b0004ec6e16d0fac535f4 SHA256 c6cd92d0b3c4a4cce18833ee5e6249fb553ef58b8aaef586e5992020126da3a2
MISC metadata.xml 375 RMD160 71766089deafcc906533d0dc537a46646f36b50a SHA1 c188ca1cdd4d1bc82f372608e8ad7fc473cb47e5 SHA256 adb92971f6939e55ce103e1c42d3ce3dfe82823d038db0e9cf9b08d9be888e1a
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b79454cedc11..000000000000
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r11.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/08/17 03:24:18 mr_bones_ Exp $
-# If you change this in any way please email and make an
-# entry in the ChangeLog (this means you spanky :P). (2004-04-11) Lisa Seelye
-inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="a program to distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network"
- mirror://gentoo/${PN}-2.18-avahi.patch.bz2"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="avahi gnome gtk selinux ipv6"
- avahi? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.5 )"
- userland_GNU? ( sys-apps/shadow )
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- dev-util/unifdef
- gnome? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0.0
- >=gnome-base/libgnome-2.0.0
- >=gnome-base/libgnomeui-
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.0.0
- x11-libs/pango
- >=gnome-base/gconf-2.0.0
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0.0
- x11-libs/pango
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-distcc )
-pkg_setup() {
- if use avahi && ! built_with_use net-dns/avahi dbus; then
- eerror "${CATEGORY}/${PN} needs net-dns/avahi built with the dbus use"
- eerror "flag for avahi support."
- die "net-dns/avahi not built with dbus support"
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # -Wl,--as-needed to close bug #128605
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-as-needed.patch"
- # See bug #75420 for more multilib stuff
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-gentoo-multilib-r1.patch"
- einfo "Please report to bug #75420 success or failure of this patch."
- rm -v popt/*.c || die
- if use avahi; then
- epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-2.18-avahi.patch.bz2"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-avahi-configure.patch"
- eautoreconf
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local myconf="--without-included-popt "
- #not taking any chances here, guessing which takes precedence in the
- #configure script, so we'll just make the distinction here:
- #gnome takes precedence over gtk if both are specified (gnome pulls
- #in gtk anyways...)
- use gtk && ! use gnome && myconf="${myconf} --with-gtk"
- use gtk && use gnome && myconf="${myconf} --with-gnome"
- #More legacy stuff?
- [ `gcc-major-version` -eq 2 ] && filter-lfs-flags
- if use ipv6; then
- ewarn "To use IPV6 you must have IPV6 compiled into your kernel"
- ewarn "either via a module or compiled code"
- ewarn "You can recompile without ipv6 with: USE='-ipv6' emerge distcc"
- myconf=" ${myconf} --enable-rfc2553 "
- epause 5
- fi
- econf ${myconf} $(use_enable avahi) || die "econf ${myconf} failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-handle_avahi() {
- local avahi="-UAVAHI"
- use avahi && avahi="-DAVAHI"
- unifdef ${avahi} "${1}" > "${2}"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D%/}" install
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}
- doins "${S}/survey.txt"
- exeinto /usr/bin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/distcc-config"
- handle_avahi "${FILESDIR}/${PATCHLEVEL}/init" "${T}/init"
- newinitd "${T}/init" distccd || die
- handle_avahi "${FILESDIR}/${PATCHLEVEL}/conf" "${T}/conf"
- newconfd "${T}/conf" distccd || die
- # create and keep the symlink dir
- dodir /usr/lib/distcc/bin
- keepdir /usr/lib/distcc/bin
- # create the distccd pid directory
- dodir /var/run/distccd
- keepdir /var/run/distccd
- if use gnome || use gtk; then
- einfo "Renaming /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome to /usr/bin/distccmon-gui"
- einfo "This is to have a little sensability in naming schemes between distccmon programs"
- mv "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gnome" "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gui" || die
- dosym /usr/bin/distccmon-gui /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- # non-/ installs don't require us to do anything here
- [ "${ROOT}" != "/" ] && return 0
- # stop daemon since script is being updated
- [ -n "$(pidof distccd)" -a -x /etc/init.d/distccd ] && \
- /etc/init.d/distccd stop
-pkg_postinst() {
- #are we doing bootstrap with has no useradd?
- if [[ ${CHOST} != *-*-gnu && ${CHOST} != *-linux* ]] || [ -x /usr/sbin/useradd ]; then
- enewuser distcc 240
- else
- ewarn "You do not have useradd (bootstrap) from shadow so I didn't"
- ewarn "install the distcc user. Note that attempting to start the daemon"
- ewarn "will fail. Please install shadow and re-emerge distcc."
- ebeep 2
- fi
- # By now everyone should be using the right envfile
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]; then
- einfo "Installing links to native compilers..."
- /usr/bin/distcc-config --install
- else
- # distcc-config can *almost* handle ROOT installs itself
- # but for now, but user must finsh things off
- ewarn "*** Installation is not complete ***"
- ewarn "You must run the following as root:"
- ewarn " /usr/bin/distcc-config --install"
- ewarn "after booting or chrooting into ${ROOT}"
- fi
- einfo "Setting permissions on ${ROOT}var/run/distccd"
- chown -R distcc:daemon "${ROOT}var/run/distccd"
- echo ""
- einfo "Tips on using distcc with Gentoo can be found at"
- einfo ""
- echo ""
- einfo "To use the distccmon programs with Gentoo you should use this command:"
- einfo " DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/.distcc distccmon-text N"
- use gnome || use gtk && einfo "Or: DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/.distcc distccmon-gnome"
- ewarn "***SECURITY NOTICE***"
- ewarn "If you are upgrading distcc please make sure to run etc-update to"
- ewarn "update your /etc/conf.d/distccd and /etc/init.d/distccd files with"
- ewarn "added security precautions (the --listen and --allow directives)"
- ebeep 5
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c4a2fad531f1..000000000000
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-2.18.3-r12.ebuild,v 1.5 2008/08/17 03:24:18 mr_bones_ Exp $
-# If you change this in any way please email and make an
-# entry in the ChangeLog (this means you spanky :P). (2004-04-11) Lisa Seelye
-inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs fdo-mime
-DESCRIPTION="a program to distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network"
- mirror://gentoo/${PN}-2.18-avahi.patch.bz2"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi gnome gtk selinux ipv6"
- avahi? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.5 )"
- userland_GNU? ( sys-apps/shadow )
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- || ( dev-util/unifdef sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin )
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.60
- gnome? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0.0
- >=gnome-base/libgnome-2.0.0
- >=gnome-base/libgnomeui-
- >=gnome-base/libglade-2.0.0
- x11-libs/pango
- >=gnome-base/gconf-2.0.0
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0.0
- x11-libs/pango
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-distcc )
-pkg_setup() {
- if use avahi && ! built_with_use net-dns/avahi dbus; then
- eerror "${CATEGORY}/${PN} needs net-dns/avahi built with the dbus use"
- eerror "flag for avahi support."
- die "net-dns/avahi not built with dbus support"
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # -Wl,--as-needed to close bug #128605
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-as-needed.patch"
- # See bug #75420 for more multilib stuff
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-gentoo-multilib-r1.patch"
- einfo "Please report to bug #75420 success or failure of this patch."
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-freedesktop.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/distcc-create-dir.patch"
- rm -v popt/*.c || die
- if use avahi; then
- epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-2.18-avahi.patch.bz2"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-avahi-configure.patch"
- fi
- eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- local myconf="--without-included-popt --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- #More legacy stuff?
- [ `gcc-major-version` -eq 2 ] && filter-lfs-flags
- if use ipv6; then
- ewarn "To use IPV6 you must have IPV6 compiled into your kernel"
- ewarn "either via a module or compiled code"
- ewarn "You can recompile without ipv6 with: USE='-ipv6' emerge distcc"
- myconf=" ${myconf} --enable-rfc2553 "
- epause 5
- fi
- econf ${myconf} $(use_enable avahi) $(use_with gnome) $(use_with gtk) || die "econf ${myconf} failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-handle_avahi() {
- local avahi="-UAVAHI"
- use avahi && avahi="-DAVAHI"
- unifdef ${avahi} "${1}" > "${2}"
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR="${D%/}" install
- dodoc "${S}/survey.txt"
- exeinto /usr/bin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/distcc-config"
- handle_avahi "${FILESDIR}/${PATCHLEVEL}/init" "${T}/init"
- newinitd "${T}/init" distccd || die
- handle_avahi "${FILESDIR}/${PATCHLEVEL}/conf" "${T}/conf"
- newconfd "${T}/conf" distccd || die
- # create and keep the symlink dir
- dodir /usr/lib/distcc/bin
- keepdir /usr/lib/distcc/bin
- # create the distccd pid directory
- dodir /var/run/distccd
- keepdir /var/run/distccd
- if use gnome || use gtk; then
- einfo "Renaming /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome to /usr/bin/distccmon-gui"
- einfo "This is to have a little sensability in naming schemes between distccmon programs"
- mv "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gnome" "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gui" || die
- dosym /usr/bin/distccmon-gui /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- # non-/ installs don't require us to do anything here
- [ "${ROOT}" != "/" ] && return 0
- # stop daemon since script is being updated
- [ -n "$(pidof distccd)" -a -x /etc/init.d/distccd ] && \
- /etc/init.d/distccd stop
-pkg_postinst() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- #are we doing bootstrap with has no useradd?
- if [[ ${CHOST} != *-*-gnu && ${CHOST} != *-linux* ]] || [ -x /usr/sbin/useradd ]; then
- enewuser distcc 240
- else
- ewarn "You do not have useradd (bootstrap) from shadow so I didn't"
- ewarn "install the distcc user. Note that attempting to start the daemon"
- ewarn "will fail. Please install shadow and re-emerge distcc."
- ebeep 2
- fi
- # By now everyone should be using the right envfile
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]; then
- einfo "Installing links to native compilers..."
- /usr/bin/distcc-config --install
- else
- # distcc-config can *almost* handle ROOT installs itself
- # but for now, but user must finsh things off
- ewarn "*** Installation is not complete ***"
- ewarn "You must run the following as root:"
- ewarn " /usr/bin/distcc-config --install"
- ewarn "after booting or chrooting into ${ROOT}"
- fi
- einfo "Setting permissions on ${ROOT}var/run/distccd"
- chown -R distcc:daemon "${ROOT}var/run/distccd"
- echo ""
- einfo "Tips on using distcc with Gentoo can be found at"
- einfo ""
- echo ""
- einfo "To use the distccmon programs with Gentoo you should use this command:"
- einfo " DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/.distcc distccmon-text N"
- use gnome || use gtk && einfo "Or: DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/.distcc distccmon-gnome"
- ewarn "***SECURITY NOTICE***"
- ewarn "If you are upgrading distcc please make sure to run etc-update to"
- ewarn "update your /etc/conf.d/distccd and /etc/init.d/distccd files with"
- ewarn "added security precautions (the --listen and --allow directives)"
- ebeep 5
-pkg_postrm() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a8ba20e320..000000000000
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/10/25 06:39:17 matsuu Exp $
-inherit eutils fdo-mime flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="a program to distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi gnome gtk ipv6 selinux xinetd"
- dev-libs/popt
- avahi? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6 )
- gnome? (
- >=gnome-base/libgnome-2
- >=gnome-base/libgnomeui-2
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2
- x11-libs/pango
- )
- gtk? (
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2
- )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
- !net-misc/pump
- >=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.1
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-distcc )
- xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )"
-pkg_setup() {
- enewuser distcc 240 -1 -1 daemon
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-svn617.patch"
-src_compile() {
- # More legacy stuff?
- [ "$(gcc-major-version)" = "2" ] && filter-lfs-flags
- # -O? is required
- [ "${CFLAGS/-O}" = "${CFLAGS}" ] && CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O2"
- econf \
- $(use_with avahi) \
- $(use_with gtk) \
- $(use_with gnome) \
- $(use_enable ipv6 rfc2553) \
- --with-docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- dobin "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/distcc-config"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/init" distccd
- cp "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/conf" "${T}/distccd"
- if use avahi; then
- cat >> "${T}/distccd" <<-EOF
- # Enable zeroconf support in distccd
- DISTCCD_OPTS="\${DISTCCD_OPTS} --zeroconf"
- fi
- doconfd "${T}/distccd"
- cat > "${T}/02distcc" <<-EOF
- # This file is managed by distcc-config; use it to change these settings.'
- DCCC_PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/distcc/bin"
- doenvd "${T}/02distcc"
- # create the masquerade directory
- local DCCC_PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/distcc/bin/"
- dodir "${DCCC_PATH}"
- for f in cc c++ gcc g++; do
- dosym /usr/bin/distcc "${DCCC_PATH}${f}"
- if [ "${f}" != "cc" ]; then
- dosym /usr/bin/distcc "${DCCC_PATH}${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}-${f}"
- fi
- done
- # create the distccd pid directory
- keepdir /var/run/distccd
- fowners distcc:daemon /var/run/distccd
- if use gnome || use gtk; then
- einfo "Renaming /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome to /usr/bin/distccmon-gui"
- einfo "This is to have a little sensability in naming schemes between distccmon programs"
- mv "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gnome" "${D}/usr/bin/distccmon-gui" || die
- dosym distccmon-gui /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome
- fi
- if use xinetd; then
- insinto /etc/xinetd.d
- newins "${FILEDIR}/${PV}/xinetd"
- fi
- rm -rf "${D}/etc/default"
- rm -f "${D}/etc/distcc/clients.allow"
- rm -f "${D}/etc/distcc/"
- prepalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- use gnome && fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- elog
- elog "Tips on using distcc with Gentoo can be found at"
- elog ""
- elog
- elog "To use the distccmon programs with Gentoo you should use this command:"
- elog "# DISTCC_DIR=\"${DISTCC_DIR}\" distccmon-text 5"
- if use gnome || use gtk; then
- elog "Or:"
- elog "# DISTCC_DIR=\"${DISTCC_DIR}\" distccmon-gnome"
- fi
- elog
- elog "***SECURITY NOTICE***"
- elog "If you are upgrading distcc please make sure to run etc-update to"
- elog "update your /etc/conf.d/distccd and /etc/init.d/distccd files with"
- elog "added security precautions (the --listen and --allow directives)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- use gnome && fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild
index 45069c5d1d08..bc798c9fedbc 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/10/26 06:44:04 matsuu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.0-r3.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/10/27 21:29:44 matsuu Exp $
inherit eutils fdo-mime flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ RDEPEND="${RDEPEND}
selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-distcc )
xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )"
pkg_setup() {
enewuser distcc 240 -1 -1 daemon
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ src_unpack() {
cd "${S}"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.patch"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-svn617.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-xinetd.patch"
sed -i -e "/PATH/s:\$distcc_location:${DCCC_PATH}:" || die
@@ -83,10 +87,10 @@ src_install() {
doconfd "${T}/distccd"
cat > "${T}/02distcc" <<-EOF
- # This file is managed by distcc-config; use it to change these settings.'
+ # This file is managed by distcc-config; use it to change these settings.
doenvd "${T}/02distcc"
@@ -112,7 +116,7 @@ src_install() {
if use xinetd; then
insinto /etc/xinetd.d
- newins "${FILEDIR}/${PV}/xinetd"
+ newins "doc/example/xinetd" distcc
rm -rf "${D}/etc/default"
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ pkg_postinst() {
elog ""
elog "How to use pump mode with Gentoo:"
- elog "# distcc-config --set-host \"foo,cpp,lzo bar,cpp,lzo baz,cpp,lzo\""
+ elog "# distcc-config --set-hosts \"foo,cpp,lzo bar,cpp,lzo baz,cpp,lzo\""
elog "# pump emerge -u world"
elog "To use the distccmon programs with Gentoo you should use this command:"
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config
index c763c2169339..11676e56993b 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config,v 1.2 2008/10/25 06:39:17 matsuu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config,v 1.3 2008/10/27 21:29:44 matsuu Exp $
-import os, re, signal, sys, commands, pwd
+import os, re, signal, sys
from string import rstrip
+from subprocess import Popen
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ def writeenv(var,value):
distcc_env[i] = var+'="'+value+'"\n'
#print 'Set',var,'to:',value
- os.system('/usr/sbin/env-update')
+ Popen('/usr/sbin/env-update', shell=True)
print 'If you want to use these new settings in an existing shell,'
print 'you need to "source /etc/profile" to get the changes.'
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ if '--get-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
elif os.path.isfile(HOSTS_HOME) and os.path.getsize(HOSTS_HOME) != 0:
- print HOSTS_HOME
+ print rstrip(open(HOSTS_HOME, 'r').read())
elif os.path.exists('/etc/distcc/hosts'):
print rstrip(open('/etc/distcc/hosts', 'r').read())
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ elif '--set-env' in tmpcmdline:
print '!!! Error: Awaiting two parameters.'
- print 'Usage: /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-hosts DISTCC_HOSTS | --get-hosts'
- print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-verbose { 0 | 1 } | --get-verbose'
- print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-log FILE | --get-log'
- print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-env VARIABLE VALUE | --get-env [VARIABLE]'
+ print 'Usage: %s --set-hosts DISTCC_HOSTS | --get-hosts' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-verbose { 0 | 1 } | --get-verbose' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-log FILE | --get-log' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-env VARIABLE VALUE | --get-env [VARIABLE]' % sys.argv[0]
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/xinetd b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/xinetd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6554d7e59488..000000000000
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/xinetd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# default: off
-# description: distccd serves C/C++ compilation requests from distcc clients.
-# WARNING: This service should ONLY be used on trusted networks.
-# xinetd service description for distcc, contributed by akpm, updated
-# by mbp.
-# To use this, just check the parameters below and copy this file into
-# /etc/xinet.d/distcc, or the appropriate location for your system,
-# and then restart xinetd. You should also create a 'distcc' user.
-# ===> Note that running from inetd is generally NOT recommended for
-# distcc. distccd should give better performance when it can run as a
-# standalone daemon and regulate its own load.
-service distcc
- disable = yes
- socket_type = stream
- wait = no
- user = distcc
- server = /usr/bin/distccd
- server_args = --inetd
- # This makes xinetd cope if there is no service listed in
- # /etc/services
- type = UNLISTED
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47877ad45b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.0.orig/doc/example/xinetd distcc-3.0/doc/example/xinetd
+--- distcc-3.0.orig/doc/example/xinetd 2008-08-07 05:52:13.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.0/doc/example/xinetd 2008-10-27 15:32:14.000000000 +0900
+@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
+ socket_type = stream
+ wait = no
+ user = distcc
+- server = /usr/local/bin/distccd
++ server = /usr/bin/distccd
+ server_args = --inetd
+- # This makes xinetd cope if there is no service listed in
+- # /etc/services
+- type = UNLISTED
+ }