diff options
authorAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-11-28 21:34:02 +0000
committerAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-11-28 21:34:02 +0000
commitcabac16214e0b366adebd52f8648a6062899f2ac (patch)
tree7e71451b8e85fe29a075d3496e6670c97d510481 /sys-apps/busybox
parentMask >=sys-apps/busybox-1.8.0 (diff)
Version bump, add uclibc USE flag, bug#200367
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.4_rc3
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/busybox')
5 files changed, 274 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog
index 880bcf5836fa..fdc271f27781 100644
--- a/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/busybox
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog,v 1.163 2007/11/04 19:09:38 solar Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/busybox/ChangeLog,v 1.164 2007/11/28 21:34:01 alonbl Exp $
+*busybox-1.8.2 (28 Nov 2007)
+ 28 Nov 2007; Alon Bar-Lev <>
+ +files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch, +busybox-1.8.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump, add uclibc USE flag, bug#200367
*busybox-1.7.3 (04 Nov 2007)
diff --git a/sys-apps/busybox/Manifest b/sys-apps/busybox/Manifest
index 38c911c3477b..40ce8f78e503 100644
--- a/sys-apps/busybox/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/busybox/Manifest
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ AUX busybox-1.7.0-bb.patch 880 RMD160 fae03d9ed63f81d4ec043c4fc1eff5158eba5250 S
MD5 743ba1bb9056833bc1f22505c9286653 files/busybox-1.7.0-bb.patch 880
RMD160 fae03d9ed63f81d4ec043c4fc1eff5158eba5250 files/busybox-1.7.0-bb.patch 880
SHA256 83c62f48e3ad89a77b2e0dd74d8ffa586faf2d112c3540c930f39e4abf3ccd55 files/busybox-1.7.0-bb.patch 880
+AUX busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch 925 RMD160 59303141eefd66c1df536dd69764f2b808da5fd1 SHA1 53cabf792e774c881728921ba41951f40caa9e3b SHA256 d99fe22472f45a235e1b5a83c34240ad1a536f1be6c82984949bf6e1e4a71056
+MD5 eddf26c1d90eb21caaf56d9b333f8e2e files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch 925
+RMD160 59303141eefd66c1df536dd69764f2b808da5fd1 files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch 925
+SHA256 d99fe22472f45a235e1b5a83c34240ad1a536f1be6c82984949bf6e1e4a71056 files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch 925
AUX 2411 RMD160 0513dc2423a62d2728cd04ef01172906a79f4d01 SHA1 52efb662fc0726c18da0964adf1d80571766ce01 SHA256 33f45f6f09ee28f623b4cc0dcc1e60743141d9a969c04b9566ac3d0687cb670a
MD5 6d6f6aec47ea4f757d4836a57d2d66d5 files/ 2411
RMD160 0513dc2423a62d2728cd04ef01172906a79f4d01 files/ 2411
@@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ DIST busybox-1.7.0.tar.bz2 1726650 RMD160 23691b0e908028d109138c1fdf719c35aada6b
DIST busybox-1.7.1.tar.bz2 1728262 RMD160 42ba3ef6033b8d74c31251810f73c48ddb3820e1 SHA1 439ebcbe2b48e19e1c9acc5aa886b24795d523b1 SHA256 8b6a5fe183cbc19c73db475aaba73af0ba2cba386f3b206fb7720dcf94da549c
DIST busybox-1.7.2.tar.bz2 1729040 RMD160 f9850b3949ad61dfae37c7ab48eac6c9507eb537 SHA1 d9c618a7b104af4e70d623b1b6f3bc454405e12b SHA256 83c4cc813124a43f13e2ebb83cea9da9909d63891b824bf4bc7006f0567db7cf
DIST busybox-1.7.3.tar.bz2 1727483 RMD160 1039011774b7501abb8a4df4c858cba2def7abda SHA1 e50507674baa245774b7205384b2049f06ba7998 SHA256 b29c2701c5203ee21d6cf2590b6af164d05b7a524a42991b1a7da7fef6fbaaea
+DIST busybox-1.8.2.tar.bz2 1765399 RMD160 561d84cc28d2b9cd85f05d9959bc2c585c80a986 SHA1 cca3259c06c64ad4ba08070c8da32083d813057f SHA256 1e444c15c064ca111299323a5193113c8bcb80f7a946675b70f14b0166a2a59c
EBUILD busybox-1.4.1-r2.ebuild 7981 RMD160 83426ba5b68db54a6201fcbe9f7213908b8b8457 SHA1 6394e28e73cdea532532afbb674076d029a029b7 SHA256 bf7a7ee065cefa47aa00eb06714cf6225b664968a95f826d8ada3f8489cb79a3
MD5 7221bd06e12defbe8b271d914f0e1b95 busybox-1.4.1-r2.ebuild 7981
RMD160 83426ba5b68db54a6201fcbe9f7213908b8b8457 busybox-1.4.1-r2.ebuild 7981
@@ -88,10 +93,14 @@ EBUILD busybox-1.7.3.ebuild 7015 RMD160 7464153bd120766c254ba789337b536ef706630e
MD5 54c24c9876d3e5acd71223e2d866cdf5 busybox-1.7.3.ebuild 7015
RMD160 7464153bd120766c254ba789337b536ef706630e busybox-1.7.3.ebuild 7015
SHA256 8339ea8680e20c7df7eae1573a88fc457d21f2a88521409cd082158d550e3f70 busybox-1.7.3.ebuild 7015
-MISC ChangeLog 24609 RMD160 b38f939d891bd7affec112ab3913bc0943b4371a SHA1 192331349d5469a248f88348ca6544a827dac156 SHA256 87c0eef4d4bbb24321103940d65b3d59faabb459a7ac5bb94a6ffb6c2830e48c
-MD5 d9be82c665e24f5944516fbf1371e54f ChangeLog 24609
-RMD160 b38f939d891bd7affec112ab3913bc0943b4371a ChangeLog 24609
-SHA256 87c0eef4d4bbb24321103940d65b3d59faabb459a7ac5bb94a6ffb6c2830e48c ChangeLog 24609
+EBUILD busybox-1.8.2.ebuild 6899 RMD160 23e4fb776c3ac4fb8d735a58defc047bb84d3856 SHA1 44c9702a2988cf8095adf2a84ac1949fe58b168f SHA256 9ac16b84f9f83959a434dc91531bdf25da46779ea56bc15748059d1c7475bc90
+MD5 776842061aa35731d9c44ec2af2c58c4 busybox-1.8.2.ebuild 6899
+RMD160 23e4fb776c3ac4fb8d735a58defc047bb84d3856 busybox-1.8.2.ebuild 6899
+SHA256 9ac16b84f9f83959a434dc91531bdf25da46779ea56bc15748059d1c7475bc90 busybox-1.8.2.ebuild 6899
+MISC ChangeLog 24802 RMD160 8fe321c75461ac9055bf1a0b300b711805e63d8d SHA1 e7feb83a9f2dbf0001c36eb7523453533d818a27 SHA256 c936cf0016578692ff15bf5e976fd010e6649ab7dffb7aebbccad15edc122c96
+MD5 93032f3c66dc7adb1bba3385297ebac4 ChangeLog 24802
+RMD160 8fe321c75461ac9055bf1a0b300b711805e63d8d ChangeLog 24802
+SHA256 c936cf0016578692ff15bf5e976fd010e6649ab7dffb7aebbccad15edc122c96 ChangeLog 24802
MISC metadata.xml 161 RMD160 77385273ea1d12ed4093a4167307486b74d1cf82 SHA1 aa4b2873e32de89c0b0aeb26b5782f77cb00948e SHA256 a11fdd02015a232398fdf22a20d26a95fc34d44c54513e6b26b6128d0b76122e
MD5 8ef75eba39772bdd1a8facc7815dbebb metadata.xml 161
RMD160 77385273ea1d12ed4093a4167307486b74d1cf82 metadata.xml 161
@@ -126,3 +135,6 @@ SHA256 45828cbb8ff1bf28b44e3b750812585eff99c87a99d87d2a9694a360285d68b1 files/di
MD5 392625ff45781425f0a77cedd8ceb47b files/digest-busybox-1.7.3 247
RMD160 3c0e6b380c3025f037436d134c13719fa74e5530 files/digest-busybox-1.7.3 247
SHA256 ea0901882e4e866f25ac461d84ef076ab2840ecd721a485a9733f81af6649de0 files/digest-busybox-1.7.3 247
+MD5 18588ddf4448eb9a62f4080db7bbd060 files/digest-busybox-1.8.2 247
+RMD160 11c7bb8ba2b46d903ea95dcdf1e38d3fa5379422 files/digest-busybox-1.8.2 247
+SHA256 5e2ce9089e972a240334bcca819f6424d96bb12eeafa57478ebb840523f8c12f files/digest-busybox-1.8.2 247
diff --git a/sys-apps/busybox/busybox-1.8.2.ebuild b/sys-apps/busybox/busybox-1.8.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8c86c1eb674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/busybox/busybox-1.8.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/busybox/busybox-1.8.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/11/28 21:34:01 alonbl Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic savedconfig
+# Busybox can be modified in many different ways. Here's a few ways to do it:
+# (1) Emerge busybox with FEATURES=keepwork so the work directory won't
+# get erased afterwards. Add a definition like ROOT=/my/root/path to the
+# start of the line if you're installing to somewhere else than the root
+# directory. This command will save the default configuration to
+# defined), and it will tell you that it has done this. Note the location
+# where the config file was saved.
+# FEATURES=keepwork USE=savedconfig emerge busybox
+# (2) Go to the work directory and change the configuration of busybox using its
+# menuconfig feature.
+# cd /var/tmp/portage/busybox*/work
+# make menuconfig
+# (3) Save your configuration to the default location and copy it to the
+# one of the locations listed in /usr/portage/eclass/savedconfig.eclass
+# (4) Emerge busybox with USE=savedconfig to use the configuration file you
+# just generated.
+# (1) Alternatively skip the above steps and simply emerge busybox without
+# USE=savedconfig.
+# (2) Edit the file it saves by hand. ${ROOT}"/etc/portage/savedconfig/${CATEGORY}/${PF}
+# (3) Remerge busybox as using USE=savedconfig.
+DESCRIPTION="Utilities for rescue and embedded systems"
+if [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT} ]] ; then
+ MY_P=${PN}
+ SRC_URI="${PN}-${SNAPSHOT}.tar.bz2"
+ MY_P=${PN}-${PV/_/-}
+ SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="debug pam static make-symlinks selinux uclibc"
+DEPEND="selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )"
+busybox_config_option() {
+ case $1 in
+ y) sed -i -e "s:.*CONFIG_$2.*set:CONFIG_$2=y:g" .config;;
+ n) sed -i -e "s:CONFIG_$2=y:# CONFIG_$2 is not set:g" .config;;
+ *) use $1 \
+ && busybox_config_option y $2 \
+ || busybox_config_option n $2
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ einfo $(grep "CONFIG_$2[= ]" .config)
+src_unpack() {
+ unset KBUILD_OUTPUT #88088
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.bz2
+ cd "${S}"
+ # patches go here!
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/busybox-1.7.0-bb.patch
+ # work around broken ass powerpc compilers
+ use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc
+ if ! use uclibc; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-flags-strip.patch"
+ sed -i 's:-Wl,--gc-sections::' scripts/trylink
+ sed -i '/^#error Aborting compilation./d' applets/applets.c
+ fi
+ echo "CROSS_COMPILE := ${CHOST}-" >> Makefile.local
+ # check for a busybox config before making one of our own.
+ # if one exist lets return and use it.
+ restore_config .config
+ if [ -f .config ]; then
+ yes "" | make oldconfig > /dev/null
+ return 0
+ else
+ ewarn "Could not locate user configfile, so we will save a default one"
+ # setup the config file
+ make allyesconfig > /dev/null
+ busybox_config_option n DMALLOC
+ busybox_config_option n FEATURE_SUID_CONFIG
+ busybox_config_option n BUILD_AT_ONCE
+ busybox_config_option n BUILD_LIBBUSYBOX
+ # If these are not set and we are using a uclibc/busybox setup
+ # all calls to system() will fail.
+ busybox_config_option y FEATURE_SH_IS_ASH
+ busybox_config_option n FEATURE_SH_IS_NONE
+ # default a bunch of uncommon options to off
+ do
+ busybox_config_option n ${opt}
+ done
+ fi
+ if use static && use pam ; then
+ ewarn "You cannot have USE='static pam'. Assuming static is more important."
+ fi
+ use static \
+ && busybox_config_option n PAM \
+ || busybox_config_option pam PAM
+ busybox_config_option static STATIC
+ busybox_config_option debug DEBUG
+ use debug \
+ && busybox_config_option y NO_DEBUG_LIB \
+ && busybox_config_option n DMALLOC \
+ && busybox_config_option n EFENCE
+ busybox_config_option selinux SELINUX
+ make oldconfig > /dev/null
+src_compile() {
+ unset KBUILD_OUTPUT #88088
+ emake busybox || die "build failed"
+ if ! use static && ! use pam ; then
+ mv busybox_unstripped{,.bak}
+ emake CONFIG_STATIC=y busybox || die "static build failed"
+ mv busybox_unstripped bb
+ mv busybox_unstripped{.bak,}
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ unset KBUILD_OUTPUT #88088
+ save_config .config
+ into /
+ newbin busybox_unstripped busybox || die
+ if use static || use pam ; then
+ dosym busybox /bin/bb || die
+ dosym bb /bin/busybox.static || die
+ else
+ dobin bb || die
+ fi
+ insinto /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/addons
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/ || die
+ # bundle up the symlink files for use later
+ emake install || die
+ rm _install/bin/busybox
+ tar cf busybox-links.tar -C _install . || : #;die
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}
+ doins busybox-links.tar || die
+ newins .config ${PF}.config || die
+ cd docs || die
+ docinto txt
+ dodoc *.txt
+ docinto pod
+ dodoc *.pod
+ dohtml *.html *.sgml
+ cd ../examples || die
+ docinto examples
+ dodoc inittab *.conf *.script undeb unrpm
+ cd bootfloppy || die
+ docinto bootfloppy
+ dodoc * etc/* etc/init.d/* 2>/dev/null
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if use make-symlinks && [[ ! ${VERY_BRAVE_OR_VERY_DUMB} == "yes" ]] && [[ ${ROOT} == "/" ]] ; then
+ ewarn "setting USE=make-symlinks and emerging to / is very dangerous."
+ ewarn "it WILL overwrite lots of system programs like: ls bash awk grep (bug 60805 for full list)."
+ ewarn "If you are creating a binary only and not merging this is probably ok."
+ ewarn "set env VERY_BRAVE_OR_VERY_DUMB=yes if this is realy what you want."
+ die "silly options will destroy your system"
+ fi
+ if use make-symlinks ; then
+ mv "${D}"/usr/share/${PN}/busybox-links.tar "${T}"/ || die
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use make-symlinks ; then
+ cd "${T}" || die
+ mkdir _install
+ tar xf busybox-links.tar -C _install || die
+ cp -vpPR _install/* "${ROOT}"/ || die "copying links for ${x} failed"
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "This ebuild has support for user defined configs"
+ einfo "Please read this ebuild for more details and re-emerge as needed"
+ einfo "if you want to add or remove functionality for ${PN}"
+ echo
diff --git a/sys-apps/busybox/files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch b/sys-apps/busybox/files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64aed46661e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/busybox/files/busybox-1.8.2-flags-strip.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -urNp busybox-1.8.2/Makefile.flags
+--- 2007-11-10 03:40:54.000000000 +0200
++++ busybox-1.8.2/Makefile.flags 2007-11-26 12:02:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -41,12 +41,10 @@ ifneq ($(CONFIG_WERROR),y)
+ CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations,)
+ endif
+-CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-Os -fno-builtin-strlen -finline-limit=0 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections,)
+ # -fno-guess-branch-probability: prohibit pseudo-random guessing
+ # of branch probabilities (hopefully makes bloatcheck more stable):
+ CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-fno-guess-branch-probability,)
+ CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-funsigned-char -static-libgcc,)
+-CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-falign-functions=1 -falign-jumps=1 -falign-labels=1 -falign-loops=1,)
+ # FIXME: These warnings are at least partially to be concerned about and should
+ # be fixed..
diff --git a/sys-apps/busybox/files/digest-busybox-1.8.2 b/sys-apps/busybox/files/digest-busybox-1.8.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6df0d1fe0512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/busybox/files/digest-busybox-1.8.2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 5794c6187c7cc8176c52b96af9bf2478 busybox-1.8.2.tar.bz2 1765399
+RMD160 561d84cc28d2b9cd85f05d9959bc2c585c80a986 busybox-1.8.2.tar.bz2 1765399
+SHA256 1e444c15c064ca111299323a5193113c8bcb80f7a946675b70f14b0166a2a59c busybox-1.8.2.tar.bz2 1765399