diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2010-06-16 18:52:52 +0000
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2010-06-16 18:52:52 +0000
commit4995acc7974f323a286ed59f236a31c5af6c3559 (patch)
treec078efbc0411fe10e359a39a76881f679fb7e67b /dev-libs
parentSet SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS, don't build static version of Python module (bug #31... (diff)
Bug #323871: Ensure CHK files are valid more often, and prevent them from being prelinked since that would break the CHKs.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc67/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs')
3 files changed, 195 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog b/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog
index 99d70a74b480..e429562cafae 100644
--- a/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-libs/nss
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog,v 1.180 2010/05/31 19:23:22 josejx Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/nss/ChangeLog,v 1.181 2010/06/16 18:52:52 robbat2 Exp $
+*nss-3.12.6-r2 (16 Jun 2010)
+ 16 Jun 2010; Robin H. Johnson <> +nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild:
+ Bug #323871: Ensure CHK files are valid more often, and prevent them from
+ being prelinked since that would break the CHKs.
31 May 2010; Joseph Jezak <> nss-3.12.6-r1.ebuild:
Marked ppc/ppc64 stable for bug #314025.
diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
index edd6b25bd336..9b66a9cc41a2 100644
--- a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX nss-3.12.5-gentoo-fixups.diff 6669 RMD160 af35db729406c62d0e8582e7db18f2f80a71c776 SHA1 e50b55be77f62516f735acfb41a1e47509572cd8 SHA256 24593640e682cb7a831cd8a0888397b7b20880c9cfabed76bb647cc12385aef6
AUX nss-3.12.6-gentoo-fixup-warnings.patch 301 RMD160 9bd51d07ba7e568b6f29b7c347a71c1717912234 SHA1 620bec7adc3c36c94075bffead0ce73cd8d3d7df SHA256 e14b227f762bd21875208e241029966b1e3873edfdf0592ca69bd9714859d329
DIST nss-3.12.5.tar.gz 5397000 RMD160 2592c4cf107d5de907c74b2e7ae260650be3c446 SHA1 ec12c6eddba5fb4609a174b079095b374935d37c SHA256 2980c292b8cb2248e3f29111bef9991ea2cf83b11f26635618b413f422af16b3
@@ -8,12 +5,6 @@ DIST nss-3.12.6.tar.gz 5947630 RMD160 cb11e154730a12c72f684c6036fa6f27d10d2b60 S
EBUILD nss-3.12.5-r1.ebuild 3622 RMD160 07f36f9905c2114bf5a4c243131d7ded05b8f463 SHA1 a74cd74556ba145b0f596c52225eb8c47b2ab822 SHA256 289a533844552f8e3fc86fd8da60c20cef6b53cfc1bcf8c0ecc701c20a7e5a0e
EBUILD nss-3.12.5.ebuild 3904 RMD160 4a482069bf56b343cbf3d56d6189d7f8e25f3fff SHA1 c7f5cbdf09b52ce188e9a90bb39de6eee33b1fa5 SHA256 b395fde2231f7373e67c51c3cc87f2db4bac2ebf396b2c65dba42612233c4f9d
EBUILD nss-3.12.6-r1.ebuild 3478 RMD160 8421b0fa654458c4c81155ddd1b2d78685f625ac SHA1 998cea14a854b258ad7466a0f5fff6db199c4501 SHA256 e9651bc33fcefa5a1cbee7fe366f258b9c26d28a75d148394b21a5ed44a132ba
-MISC ChangeLog 22923 RMD160 568f0a8981f7b4053ad86b57e8829004ce3baada SHA1 912b76dde7a35c68609c21ac4a26b5e05f99ba71 SHA256 730bee814e1814c47ef2a2042bf7727bd273fb895de6ce0f7c004373796b8819
+EBUILD nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild 5755 RMD160 76d0489374a78e110c49c3665da1927c3ce88307 SHA1 04a917fe31df96570b032ac6bc077595d4a71801 SHA256 253eb4b8dba9f991850af8f74cafdf47b051433dab019fc96b8599bbffd93044
+MISC ChangeLog 23158 RMD160 91631eaa255b5cd7d9b48f8efa685f0e63107b4b SHA1 95c7d9b9f92e6e0371bd3109f2c63d8198d0ad48 SHA256 41e1eb8995c35d881b5c62e3c58b457a8a5577a22e70ea397c4cc93ddfa3075e
MISC metadata.xml 245 RMD160 f0c9fbd458bca39f235195807582f530797bcd27 SHA1 a2c000437e0149764d8aa0a4e58b8cf106685d83 SHA256 58443b11f9dff75b5d4391f03dbafd90305a0ec8f046f8f0068fb95777c01bd4
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ad4d14686d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.12.6-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/06/16 18:52:52 robbat2 Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support"
+LICENSE="|| ( MPL-1.1 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+ >=dev-db/sqlite-3.5"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Custom changes for gentoo
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.12.5-gentoo-fixups.diff"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.12.6-gentoo-fixup-warnings.patch"
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/coreconf
+ # modify install path
+ sed -e 's:SOURCE_PREFIX = $(CORE_DEPTH)/\.\./dist:SOURCE_PREFIX = $(CORE_DEPTH)/dist:' \
+ -i
+ # Respect LDFLAGS
+ sed -i -e 's/\$(MKSHLIB) -o/\$(MKSHLIB) \$(LDFLAGS) -o/g'
+ # Ensure we stay multilib aware
+ sed -i -e "s:gentoo\/nss:$(get_libdir):" "${S}"/mozilla/security/nss/config/Makefile || die "Failed to fix for multilib"
+src_compile() {
+ strip-flags
+ echo > "${T}"/test.c
+ $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} -c "${T}"/test.c -o "${T}"/test.o
+ case $(file "${T}"/test.o) in
+ *64-bit*) export USE_64=1;;
+ *32-bit*) ;;
+ *) die "Failed to detect whether your arch is 64bits or 32bits, disable distcc if you're using it, please";;
+ esac
+ export NSPR_INCLUDE_DIR=`nspr-config --includedir`
+ export NSPR_LIB_DIR=`nspr-config --libdir`
+ export BUILD_OPT=1
+ export NSDISTMODE=copy
+ export NSS_ENABLE_ECC=1
+ export XCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/coreconf
+ emake -j1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "coreconf make failed"
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/dbm
+ emake -j1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "dbm make failed"
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/nss
+ emake -j1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "nss make failed"
+# Altering these 3 libraries breaks the CHK verification.
+# All of the following cause it to break:
+# - stripping
+# - prelink
+# - ELF signing
+# Either we have to NOT strip them, or we have to forcibly resign after
+# stripping.
+#export STRIP_MASK="
+# */${local_libdir}/*
+# */${local_libdir}/*
+# */${local_libdir}/*"
+export NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS="freebl3 nssdbm3 softokn3"
+generate_chk() {
+ local shlibsign="$1"
+ local libdir="$2"
+ einfo "Resigning core NSS libraries for FIPS validation"
+ shift 2
+ for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+ local libname=lib${i}.so
+ local chkname=lib${i}.chk
+ "${shlibsign}" \
+ -i "${libdir}"/${libname} \
+ -o "${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+ && mv -f \
+ "${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+ "${libdir}"/${chkname} \
+ || die "Failed to sign ${libname}"
+ done
+cleanup_chk() {
+ local libdir="$1"
+ shift 1
+ for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+ local libfname="${libdir}/lib${i}.so"
+ # If the major version has changed, then we have old chk files.
+ [ ! -f "${libfname}" -a -f "${libfname}.chk" ] \
+ && rm -f "${libfname}.chk"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/dist
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ cp -L */lib/*.so "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying shared libs failed"
+ # We generate these after stripping the libraries, else they don't match.
+ #cp -L */lib/*.chk "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying chk files failed"
+ cp -L */lib/libcrmf.a "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying libs failed"
+ # Install nss-config and pkgconfig file
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ cp -L */bin/nss-config "${D}"/usr/bin
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+ cp -L */lib/pkgconfig/nss.pc "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+ # all the include files
+ insinto /usr/include/nss
+ doins public/nss/*.h
+ cd "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+ for file in *.so; do
+ mv ${file} ${file}.${MINOR_VERSION}
+ ln -s ${file}.${MINOR_VERSION} ${file}
+ done
+ local nssutils
+ # Always enabled because we need it for chk generation.
+ nssutils="shlibsign"
+ if use utils; then
+ # The tests we do not need to install.
+ #nssutils_test="bltest crmftest dbtest dertimetest
+ #fipstest remtest sdrtest"
+ nssutils="addbuiltin atob baddbdir btoa certcgi certutil checkcert
+ cmsutil conflict crlutil derdump digest makepqg mangle modutil multinit
+ nonspr10 ocspclnt oidcalc p7content p7env p7sign p7verify pk11mode
+ pk12util pp rsaperf selfserv shlibsign signtool signver ssltap strsclnt
+ symkeyutil tstclnt vfychain vfyserv"
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"/mozilla/security/dist/*/bin/
+ for f in $nssutils; do
+ dobin ${f}
+ done
+ # Prelink breaks the CHK files. We don't have any reliable way to run
+ # shlibsign after prelink.
+ declare -a libs
+ for l in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+ libs+=("/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib${l}.so")
+ done
+ OLD_IFS="${IFS}" IFS=":" ; liblist="${libs[*]}" ; IFS="${OLD_IFS}"
+ echo -e "PRELINK_PATH_MASK=${liblist}" >"${T}/90nss"
+ unset libs liblist
+ doenvd "${T}/90nss"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "We have reverted back to using upstreams soname."
+ elog "Please run revdep-rebuild --library , this"
+ elog "will correct most issues. If you find a binary that does"
+ elog "not run please re-emerge package to ensure it properly"
+ elog " links after upgrade."
+ elog
+ # We must re-sign the libraries AFTER they are stripped.
+ generate_chk "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/shlibsign "${ROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+pkg_postrm() {
+ cleanup_chk "${ROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)