diff options
authorNP-Hardass <>2016-08-12 01:09:51 -0400
committerNP-Hardass <>2016-08-12 01:13:00 -0400
commitf8a2f1722699329074f95fae5bcb74f9c19ad60a (patch)
parentdev-python/python-caja: 1.12.x vbump, add gtk3 support, import from project repo (diff)
mate-base/mate: 1.12 buump, add gtk3, from project repo, support new themes
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0
3 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mate-base/mate/mate-1.10.0-r3.ebuild b/mate-base/mate/mate-1.10.0-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99097a2a025a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mate-base/mate/mate-1.10.0-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit versionator
+MATE_MV="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
+DESCRIPTION="Meta ebuild for MATE, a traditional desktop environment"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+IUSE="+base -bluetooth +notification +themes +extras"
+ =mate-base/mate-desktop-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-menus-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-panel-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-session-manager-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-settings-daemon-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =x11-wm/marco-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ base? (
+ =mate-base/caja-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-applets-meta-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-control-center-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-media-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =x11-misc/mozo-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =x11-terms/mate-terminal-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ )
+ bluetooth? ( net-wireless/blueman:0 )
+ themes? (
+ =x11-themes/mate-backgrounds-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =x11-themes/mate-icon-theme-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ >=x11-themes/mate-themes-meta-3:0
+ )
+ extras? (
+ =app-arch/engrampa-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =app-editors/pluma-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =app-text/atril-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ gnome-extra/gnome-calculator:0
+ =mate-extra/caja-extensions-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-netbook-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-power-manager-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-screensaver-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-system-monitor-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-utils-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =media-gfx/eom-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ =net-analyzer/mate-netspeed-${MATE_MV}*:0
+ sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility:0
+ )
+ notification? ( x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon )
+ virtual/notification-daemon:0"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "For installation, usage and troubleshooting details regarding MATE;"
+ elog "read more about it at Gentoo Wiki:"
+ elog ""
+ if ! has_version x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon; then
+ elog "If you experience any issues with notifications, please try using"
+ elog "x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon instead your currently installed daemon"
+ elog ""
+ fi
+ elog "MATE 1.10 had some packages renamed, replaced and/or dropped; for more"
+ elog "details, see"
+ elog ""
+ elog "Some packages that are not included in this meta-package but may be of interest:"
+ elog " mate-extra/caja-dropbox"
+ elog " mate-extra/mate-user-share"
diff --git a/mate-base/mate/mate-1.12-r1.ebuild b/mate-base/mate/mate-1.12-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd289cc9cc07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mate-base/mate/mate-1.12-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit versionator
+ MATE_BRANCH="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="Meta ebuild for MATE, a traditional desktop environment"
+IUSE="+base -bluetooth gtk3 help +notification +themes +extras"
+ =mate-base/mate-desktop-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-base/mate-menus-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0
+ =mate-base/mate-panel-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-base/mate-session-manager-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-base/mate-settings-daemon-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =x11-wm/marco-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ base? (
+ =mate-base/caja-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-base/mate-applets-meta-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-base/mate-control-center-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-media-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =x11-misc/mozo-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =x11-terms/mate-terminal-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ )
+ bluetooth? ( net-wireless/blueman:0 )
+ themes? (
+ =x11-themes/mate-backgrounds-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0
+ =x11-themes/mate-icon-theme-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0
+ >=x11-themes/mate-themes-meta-${MATE_THEMES_V}:0
+ )
+ extras? (
+ =app-arch/engrampa-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =app-editors/pluma-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =app-text/atril-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ gnome-extra/gnome-calculator:0
+ =mate-extra/caja-extensions-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-netbook-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-power-manager-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-screensaver-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-system-monitor-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =mate-extra/mate-utils-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =media-gfx/eom-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ =net-analyzer/mate-netspeed-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?]
+ sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility:0
+ )
+ help? (
+ gnome-extra/yelp:0
+ =mate-extra/mate-user-guide-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0
+ )
+ notification? ( =x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon-${MATE_BRANCH}*:0[gtk3(-)?] )
+ virtual/notification-daemon:0"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "For installation, usage and troubleshooting details regarding MATE;"
+ elog "read more about it at Gentoo Wiki:"
+ elog ""
+ if ! has_version x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon; then
+ elog "If you experience any issues with notifications, please try using"
+ elog "x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon instead your currently installed daemon"
+ elog ""
+ fi
+ elog "Some packages that are not included in this meta-package but may be of interest:"
+ elog " mate-extra/caja-dropbox"
+ elog " mate-extra/mate-user-share"
diff --git a/mate-base/mate/metadata.xml b/mate-base/mate/metadata.xml
index d617e6093745..9f44953b0c50 100644
--- a/mate-base/mate/metadata.xml
+++ b/mate-base/mate/metadata.xml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
recommended for the most common usage; for example, this installs
the file manager. Disable this and other USE flags if you want a
more minimal MATE Desktop.</flag>
+ <flag name="gtk3">Build all of MATE DE with GTK+3 instead of GTK+2</flag>
<flag name="notification">Force notification daemon to default to MATE's
notification daemon. Enabled by default. Disable if it causes conflicts
with other installed desktop environments.</flag>
@@ -21,5 +22,7 @@
applications. Disable this if you plan to use your own non-MATE
Desktop alternatives or a custom mixture of MATE and non-MATE
+ <flag name="help">Install <pkg>gnome-extra/yelp</pkg> to handle in application
+ help menus and documentation browsing</flag>