diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2013-05-28 19:46:12 +0000
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2013-05-28 19:46:12 +0000
commitf319183325f146dadbd0b99bac64d37bfd76391a (patch)
parentIsn't tweak patches by hand fun? (diff)
Another tweaked patch, the only difference is the copyright line that got changed in the upstream source.mysql-extras-20130626-0116Zmysql-extras-20130602-1946Z
Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <>
2 files changed, 431 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/00000_index.txt b/00000_index.txt
index ebf5c95..1e19e1d 100644
--- a/00000_index.txt
+++ b/00000_index.txt
@@ -763,7 +763,13 @@
@@ Bug#57386: Enlarge the stacksize used for trackback.
@patch 07340_all_mysql_hardened_x86_strings.patch
-@ver to
+@ver to
+@pn mysql
+@pn mysql-cluster
+@@ Gentoo Bug #344031: Fix new TEXTRELs (remove old strings-x86.s file, for case-insensitive file-systems).
+@patch 07340_all_mysql_hardened_x86_strings-5.1.69.patch
+@ver to
@pn mysql
@pn mysql-cluster
@@ Gentoo Bug #344031: Fix new TEXTRELs (remove old strings-x86.s file, for case-insensitive file-systems).
diff --git a/07340_all_mysql_hardened_x86_strings-5.1.69.patch b/07340_all_mysql_hardened_x86_strings-5.1.69.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6ba9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/07340_all_mysql_hardened_x86_strings-5.1.69.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+As part of fixing the TEXTRELs, we must remove this file seperately because
+applying a move of .s -> .S on a case-insensitive file-system will cause patch
+to break.
+diff -urN a/strings/strings-x86.s b/strings/strings-x86.s
+--- a/strings/strings-x86.s 2010-11-09 21:29:32.192000076 +0100
++++ b/strings/strings-x86.s 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2002-2004 MySQL AB
+-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-# GNU General Public License for more details.
+-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+-# Optimized string functions Intel 80x86 (gcc/gas syntax)
+- .file "strings.s"
+- .version "1.00"
+-# Move a alligned, not overlapped, by (long) divided memory area
+-# Args: to,from,length
+-.globl bmove_align
+- .type bmove_align,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx
+- push %esi
+- movl 4(%esp),%edi # to
+- movl 8(%esp),%esi # from
+- movl 12(%esp),%ecx # length
+- addw $3,%cx # fix if not divisible with long
+- shrw $2,%cx
+- jz .ba_20
+- .p2align 4,,7
+- movl -4(%esi,%ecx),%eax
+- movl %eax,-4(%edi,%ecx)
+- decl %ecx
+- jnz .ba_10
+-.ba_20: pop %esi
+- movl %edx,%edi
+- ret
+- .size bmove_align,.bmove_align_end-bmove_align
+- # Move a string from higher to lower
+- # Arg from_end+1,to_end+1,length
+-.globl bmove_upp
+- .type bmove_upp,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx # Remember %edi
+- push %esi
+- movl 8(%esp),%edi # dst
+- movl 16(%esp),%ecx # length
+- movl 12(%esp),%esi # source
+- test %ecx,%ecx
+- jz .bu_20
+- subl %ecx,%esi # To start of strings
+- subl %ecx,%edi
+- .p2align 4,,7
+-.bu_10: movb -1(%esi,%ecx),%al
+- movb %al,-1(%edi,%ecx)
+- decl %ecx
+- jnz .bu_10
+-.bu_20: pop %esi
+- movl %edx,%edi
+- ret
+- .size bmove_upp,.bmove_upp_end-bmove_upp
+- # Append fillchars to string
+- # Args: dest,len,fill
+-.globl strappend
+- .type strappend,@function
+- pushl %edi
+- movl 8(%esp),%edi # Memory pointer
+- movl 12(%esp),%ecx # Length
+- clrl %eax # Find end of string
+- repne
+- scasb
+- jnz sa_99 # String to long, shorten it
+- movzb 16(%esp),%eax # Fillchar
+- decl %edi # Point at end null
+- incl %ecx # rep made one dec for null-char
+- movb %al,%ah # (2) Set up a 32 bit pattern.
+- movw %ax,%dx # (2)
+- shll $16,%eax # (3)
+- movw %dx,%ax # (2) %eax has the 32 bit pattern.
+- movl %ecx,%edx # (2) Save the count of bytes.
+- shrl $2,%ecx # (2) Number of dwords.
+- rep
+- stosl # (5 + 5n)
+- movb $3,%cl # (2)
+- and %edx,%ecx # (2) Fill in the odd bytes
+- rep
+- stosb # Move last bytes if any
+-sa_99: movb $0,(%edi) # End of string
+- popl %edi
+- ret
+- .size strappend,.strappend_end-strappend
+- # Find if string contains any char in another string
+- # Arg: str,set
+- # Ret: Pointer to first found char in str
+-.globl strcont
+- .type strcont,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx
+- pushl %esi
+- movl 8(%esp),%esi # str
+- movl 12(%esp),%ecx # set
+- clrb %ah # For endtest
+- jmp sc_60
+-sc_10: scasb
+- jz sc_fo # Found char
+-sc_20: cmp (%edi),%ah # Test if null
+- jnz sc_10 # Not end of set yet
+- incl %esi # Next char in str
+-sc_60: movl %ecx,%edi # %edi = Set
+- movb (%esi),%al # Test if this char exist
+- andb %al,%al
+- jnz sc_20 # Not end of string
+- clrl %esi # Return Null
+-sc_fo: movl %esi,%eax # Char found here
+- movl %edx,%edi # Restore
+- popl %esi
+- ret
+- .size strcont,.strcont_end-strcont
+- # Find end of string
+- # Arg: str
+- # ret: Pointer to end null
+-.globl strend
+- .type strend,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx # Save
+- movl 4(%esp),%edi # str
+- clrl %eax # Find end of string
+- movl %eax,%ecx
+- decl %ecx # ECX = -1
+- repne
+- scasb
+- movl %edi,%eax
+- decl %eax # End of string
+- movl %edx,%edi # Restore
+- ret
+- .size strend,.strend_end-strend
+- # Make a string with len fill-chars and endnull
+- # Args: dest,len,fill
+- # Ret: dest+len
+-.globl strfill
+- .type strfill,@function
+- pushl %edi
+- movl 8(%esp),%edi # Memory pointer
+- movl 12(%esp),%ecx # Length
+- movzb 16(%esp),%eax # Fill
+- movb %al,%ah # (2) Set up a 32 bit pattern
+- movw %ax,%dx # (2)
+- shll $16,%eax # (3)
+- movw %dx,%ax # (2) %eax has the 32 bit pattern.
+- movl %ecx,%edx # (2) Save the count of bytes.
+- shrl $2,%ecx # (2) Number of dwords.
+- rep
+- stosl # (5 + 5n)
+- movb $3,%cl # (2)
+- and %edx,%ecx # (2) Fill in the odd bytes
+- rep
+- stosb # Move last bytes if any
+- movb %cl,(%edi) # End NULL
+- movl %edi,%eax # End i %eax
+- popl %edi
+- ret
+- .size strfill,.strfill_end-strfill
+- # Find a char in or end of a string
+- # Arg: str,char
+- # Ret: pointer to found char or NullS
+-.globl strcend
+- .type strcend,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx
+- movl 4(%esp),%edi # str
+- movb 8(%esp),%ah # search
+- clrb %al # for scasb to find end
+-se_10: cmpb (%edi),%ah
+- jz se_20 # Found char
+- scasb
+- jnz se_10 # Not end
+- dec %edi # Not found, point at end of string
+-se_20: movl %edi,%eax
+- movl %edx,%edi # Restore
+- ret
+- .size strcend,.strcend_end-strcend
+- # Test if string has a given suffix
+-.globl is_prefix
+- .type is_prefix,@function
+- movl %edi,%edx # Save %edi
+- pushl %esi # and %esi
+- movl 12(%esp),%esi # get suffix
+- movl 8(%esp),%edi # s1
+- movl $1,%eax # Ok and zero-test
+-ip_10: cmpb (%esi),%ah
+- jz suf_ok # End of string/ found suffix
+- cmpsb # Compare strings
+- jz ip_10 # Same, possible prefix
+- xor %eax,%eax # Not suffix
+-suf_ok: popl %esi
+- movl %edx,%edi
+- ret
+- .size is_prefix,.is_prefix_end-is_prefix
+- # Find a substring in string
+- # Arg: str,search
+-.globl strstr
+- .type strstr,@function
+- pushl %edi
+- pushl %esi
+- movl 12(%esp),%esi # str
+- movl 16(%esp),%edi # search
+- movl %edi,%ecx
+- incl %ecx # %ecx = search+1
+- movb (%edi),%ah # %ah = First char in search
+- jmp sf_10
+-sf_00: movl %edx,%esi # si = Current str-pos
+-sf_10: movb (%esi),%al # Test if this char exist
+- andb %al,%al
+- jz sf_90 # End of string, didn't find search
+- incl %esi
+- cmpb %al,%ah
+- jnz sf_10 # Didn't find first char, continue
+- movl %esi,%edx # Save str-pos in %edx
+- movl %ecx,%edi
+-sf_20: cmpb $0,(%edi)
+- jz sf_fo # Found substring
+- cmpsb
+- jz sf_20 # Char ok
+- jmp sf_00 # Next str-pos
+-sf_90: movl $1,%edx # Return Null
+-sf_fo: movl %edx,%eax # Char found here
+- decl %eax # Pointed one after
+- popl %esi
+- popl %edi
+- ret
+- .size strstr,.strstr_end-strstr
+- # Find a substring in string, return index
+- # Arg: str,search
+-.globl strinstr
+- .type strinstr,@function
+- pushl %ebp
+- movl %esp,%ebp
+- pushl 12(%ebp) # search
+- pushl 8(%ebp) # str
+- call strstr
+- add $8,%esp
+- or %eax,%eax
+- jz si_99 # Not found, return NULL
+- sub 8(%ebp),%eax # Pos from start
+- inc %eax # And first pos = 1
+-si_99: popl %ebp
+- ret
+- .size strinstr,.strinstr_end-strinstr
+- # Make a string of len length from another string
+- # Arg: dst,src,length
+- # ret: end of dst
+-.globl strmake
+- .type strmake,@function
+- pushl %edi
+- pushl %esi
+- mov 12(%esp),%edi # dst
+- movl $0,%edx
+- movl 20(%esp),%ecx # length
+- movl 16(%esp),%esi # src
+- cmpl %edx,%ecx
+- jz sm_90
+-sm_00: movb (%esi,%edx),%al
+- cmpb $0,%al
+- jz sm_90
+- movb %al,(%edi,%edx)
+- incl %edx
+- cmpl %edx,%ecx
+- jnz sm_00
+-sm_90: movb $0,(%edi,%edx)
+-sm_99: lea (%edi,%edx),%eax # Return pointer to end null
+- pop %esi
+- pop %edi
+- ret
+- .size strmake,.strmake_end-strmake
+- # Move a string with max len chars
+- # arg: dst,src,len
+- # ret: pos to first null or dst+len
+-.globl strnmov
+- .type strnmov,@function
+- pushl %edi
+- pushl %esi
+- movl 12(%esp),%edi # dst
+- movl 16(%esp),%esi # src
+- movl 20(%esp),%ecx # Length of memory-area
+- jecxz snm_99 # Nothing to do
+- clrb %al # For test of end-null
+-snm_10: cmpb (%esi),%al # Next char to move
+- movsb # move arg
+- jz snm_20 # last char, fill with null
+- loop snm_10 # Continue moving
+- incl %edi # Point two after last
+-snm_20: decl %edi # Point at first null (or last+1)
+-snm_99: movl %edi,%eax # Pointer at last char
+- popl %esi
+- popl %edi
+- ret
+- .size strnmov,.strnmov_end-strnmov
+-.globl strmov
+- .type strmov,@function
+- movl %esi,%ecx # Save old %esi and %edi
+- movl %edi,%edx
+- movl 8(%esp),%esi # get source pointer (s2)
+- movl 4(%esp),%edi # %edi -> s1
+-smo_10: movb (%esi),%al
+- movsb # move arg
+- andb %al,%al
+- jnz smo_10 # Not last
+- movl %edi,%eax
+- dec %eax
+- movl %ecx,%esi # Restore
+- movl %edx,%edi
+- ret
+- .size strmov,.strmov_end-strmov
+-.globl strxmov
+- .type strxmov,@function
+- movl %ebx,%edx # Save %ebx, %esi and %edi
+- mov %esi,%ecx
+- push %edi
+- leal 8(%esp),%ebx # Get destination
+- movl (%ebx),%edi
+- xorb %al,%al
+- jmp next_str # Handle source ebx+4
+- movsb
+- cmpb -1(%edi),%al
+- jne start_str
+- decl %edi # Don't copy last null
+- addl $4,%ebx
+- movl (%ebx),%esi
+- orl %esi,%esi
+- jne start_str
+- movb %al,0(%edi) # Force last to ASCII 0
+- movl %edi,%eax # Return ptr to ASCII 0
+- pop %edi # Restore registers
+- movl %ecx,%esi
+- movl %edx,%ebx
+- ret
+- .size strxmov,.strxmov_end-strxmov