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- Gentoo SELinux Handbook</title>
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-<h1>Gentoo SELinux Handbook</h1>
-<b><a href="?part=1">Introduction to Gentoo/Hardened SELinux</a></b><br>
-In this part we cover what SELinux is and how it is positioned within the
-Gentoo/Hardened project.
-<b><a href="?part=1&amp;chap=1">Enhancing Linux Security</a></b><br>
-Security is more than enabling a certain framework or installing a different
-Linux kernel. It is a way of working / administrating your Gentoo Linux system.
-We cover a few (generic) best practices, and then elaborate on what Mandatory
-Access Control is and how SELinux fills in this gap.
-<b><a href="?part=1&amp;chap=2">SELinux Concepts</a></b><br>
-To be able to properly work with SELinux, it is vital that you understand a few
-of its concepts like domains, domain transitions and file contexts. Without
-a basic understanding of these aspects, it will be difficult to understand
-how SELinux policies work and how to troubleshoot if things go wrong.
-<b><a href="?part=1&amp;chap=3">SELinux Resources</a></b><br>
-To get more acquainted with SELinux, many resources exist on the Internet.
-In this chapter we give a quick overview of the various resources as well
-as places where you can get more help when you are fighting with SELinux.
-<b><a href="?part=2">Using Gentoo/Hardened SELinux</a></b><br>
-With the theoretic stuff behind us, let us start by installing Gentoo/Hardened
-with a SELinux kernel as well as the SELinux tools.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=1">Gentoo SELinux Installation / Conversion</a></b><br>
-To set up SELinux within Gentoo/Hardened, you first need to install Gentoo with
-the correct Hardened profile (or convert to the Hardened profile) and then
-update your system to become a SELinux-managed system. This chapter will guide
-you through this process.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=2">Configuring SELinux For Your Needs</a></b><br>
-With SELinux now "installed" and enabled (although in permissive mode), we now
-configure it to suit your particular needs. After all, SELinux is a Mandatory
-Access Control system where you, as security administrator, define what is
-allowed and what not.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=3">SELinux Commands</a></b><br>
-Let's take a step back and get to know a few more commands. We covered most of
-them in the previous section, but we will now dive a bit deeper in its
-syntax, features and potential pitfalls.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=4">Permissive, Unconfined, Disabled or What Not...</a></b><br>
-Your system can be in many SELinux states. In this chapter, we help you switch
-between the various states / policies.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=5">Modifying the Gentoo Hardened SELinux Policy</a></b><br>
-Gentoo Hardened offers a default policy, but this might not allow what you want
-(or allows too much). In this chapter we tell you how you can tweak Gentoo's
-policy, or even run your own.
-<b><a href="?part=2&amp;chap=6">Troubleshooting SELinux</a></b><br>
-Everything made by a human can and will fail. In this chapter we will try to
-keep track of all potential issues you might come across and how to resolve
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- The contents of this document, unless otherwise expressly stated, are licensed under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5">CC-BY-SA-2.5</a> license. The <a href="http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/name-logo.xml"> Gentoo Name and Logo Usage Guidelines </a> apply.
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-<tr><td class="topsep" align="center"><p class="alttext">Page updated September 18, 2011</p></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="topsep" align="left"><p class="alttext"><b>Summary: </b>
-This is the Gentoo SELinux Handbook.
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- <a href="mailto:pebenito@gentoo.org" class="altlink"><b>Chris PeBenito</b></a>
- <a href="mailto:sven.vermeulen@siphos.be" class="altlink"><b>Sven Vermeulen</b></a>
- Chris Richards
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