diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/install_gentoo/tasks/puppet.yml')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/install_gentoo/tasks/puppet.yml b/roles/install_gentoo/tasks/puppet.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e413297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/install_gentoo/tasks/puppet.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+- name: puppet
+ tags:
+ - puppet
+ block:
+ - name: stat /usr/lib/sysusers.d/acct-group-puppet.conf
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/usr/lib/sysusers.d/acct-group-puppet.conf"
+ register: stat_puppet_group
+ - name: stat /usr/lib/sysusers.d/acct-user-puppet.conf
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/usr/lib/sysusers.d/acct-user-puppet.conf"
+ register: stat_puppet_user
+ - name: ensure puppet user & group exist
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} emerge -1 acct-group/puppet acct-user/puppet
+ when: (not stat_puppet_user.stat.exists) or (not stat_puppet_group.stat.exists)
+ - name: getent puppet
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} getent passwd puppet
+ register: getent_puppet
+ - name: set puppet uid/gid
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ puppet_uid: "{{ (getent_puppet.stdout | split(':'))[2] }}"
+ puppet_gid: "{{ (getent_puppet.stdout | split(':'))[3] }}"
+ - name: create directories
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/{{ item.path }}"
+ owner: "{{ item.owner | default('root') }}"
+ group: "{{ item.group | default('root') }}"
+ mode: "{{ item.mode | default('0755') }}"
+ state: directory
+ recurse: true
+ loop:
+ - path: /etc/puppetlabs
+ mode: '0750'
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ #- path: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet # this should be a symlink to /etc/puppet/
+ - path: /etc/puppet
+ mode: '0750'
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/devices
+ mode: '0750'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/facter
+ mode: '0750'
+ owner: root
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl
+ mode: '0751'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/
+ mode: '0755'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests
+ mode: '0755'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl/public_keys/
+ mode: '0755'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
+ mode: '0750'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ - path: /etc/puppet/ssl/private/
+ mode: '0750'
+ owner: "{{ puppet_uid }}"
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ # If the paths exist and they are only empty, we can safely convert it.
+ - name: cleanup non-symlink /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
+ ansible.builtin.shell: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} bash -c 'if test ! -L /etc/puppetlabs/puppet && test -d /etc/puppetlabs/puppet ; then rm /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/.keep_app-admin_puppet-0 ; rmdir -v /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/* /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/devices /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ ; ln -vsf /etc/puppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet; fi'
+ # TODO: add check for non-empty /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/
+ - name: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ state: link
+ src: "/etc/puppet"
+ dest: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppetlabs/puppet"
+ follow: false
+ force: true
+ - name: check for /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/puppet.conf"
+ register: stat_etc_puppet_puppet_conf
+ - name: bootstrap /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
+ when: not stat_etc_puppet_puppet_conf.stat.exists
+ ansible.builtin.copy:
+ dest: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/puppet.conf"
+ content: |
+ [main]
+ environment = puppet7
+ use_srv_records = true
+ srv_domain = puppet.infra.gentoo.org
+ #server = puppetmaster.gentoo.org
+ #ca_server = puppetca.gentoo.org
+ #pluginsync = true
+ report = true
+ splaylimit = 900
+ certificate_expire_warning = 7d
+ parser = future
+ trusted_node_data = true
+ stringify_facts = false
+ number_of_facts_soft_limit = 16384
+ include_legacy_facts = true
+ - name: check for /etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml"
+ register: stat_etc_puppet_csr_attributes_yaml
+ - name: /etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
+ when: not stat_etc_puppet_csr_attributes_yaml.stat.exists
+ ansible.builtin.copy:
+ dest: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml"
+ mode: '0640'
+ owner: root
+ group: "{{ puppet_gid }}"
+ # TODO: nicer way to generate YAML here
+ content: |
+ custom_attributes:
+ 1.2.840.113549.1.9.7: '{{ puppet_autosign_token }}'
+ - name: check for /usr/bin/puppet
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/usr/bin/puppet"
+ register: stat_usr_bin_puppet
+ - name: install puppet
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} emerge -qu app-admin/puppet
+ when: not stat_usr_bin_puppet.stat.exists
+ # Do this AFTER puppet
+ - name: install ~arch msgpack
+ ansible.builtin.shell: >
+ ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~amd64 chroot {{ chroot }} emerge -qu dev-ruby/msgpack
+ when: not stat_usr_bin_puppet.stat.exists
+ - name: puppet cert check, pass1
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/ssl/certs/{{ hostname }}.gentoo.org.pem"
+ register: stat_puppet_cert_pass1
+ - name: puppet enrollment
+ #chroot {{ chroot }} puppet agent --onetime --test --verbose
+ # TODO: it needs to use wait at least once
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ timeout 30 chroot {{ chroot }} /usr/sbin/puppet ssl bootstrap --onetime --verbose --waitforcert=10
+ when: not stat_puppet_cert_pass1.stat.exists
+ - name: puppet cert check, pass2
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ chroot }}/etc/puppet/ssl/certs/{{ hostname }}.gentoo.org.pem"
+ register: stat_puppet_cert_pass2
+ - name: puppet enrollment failed
+ ansible.builtin.fail:
+ msg: >
+ You should run this on the master (if the fingerprints match):
+ puppet cert list
+ puppet cert sign {{ hostname }}.gentoo.org
+ when: not stat_puppet_cert_pass2.stat.exists
+ - name: initial puppet run
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} /usr/bin/puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --test
+ # TODO: verify if obsolete
+ - name: make.conf final pass
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} /usr/local/sbin/update-config /etc/portage/make.conf /etc/portage/make.conf.d .conf
+ # TODO: verify if obsolete
+ - name: etc-update
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ chroot {{ chroot }} etc-update --automode -5
+ # TODO: verify if obsolete
+ - name: check if root password is set
+ ansible.builtin.command: >
+ awk -F: '/^root:/{if($2 == "*"){ exit 1; }}' {{chroot}}/etc/shadow
+ register: root_password_set
+ - name: abort if no root password
+ ansible.builtin.fail:
+ msg: "No root password set on {{ hostname }}"
+ when: root_password_set.rc == 1