diff options
authorRalf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.org>2013-03-07 19:15:55 +0100
committerSitaram Chamarty <sitaram@atc.tcs.com>2013-09-08 16:16:32 +0530
commit59c817d06fbee0035fa7f078be789dc3dfed6561 (patch)
tree3b638203e47b3bdd5372a689c82caa77de8ec280 /contrib
parentallow groups in subconf files... (diff)
(contrib) user key management
committer's notes: code here, and docs in gitolite-doc repo, fetched from git://github.com/hemmecke/gitolite git://github.com/hemmecke/gitolite-doc respectively.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
2 files changed, 1179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/commands/ukm b/contrib/commands/ukm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a2d361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/commands/ukm
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
+use Gitolite::Rc;
+use Gitolite::Common;
+use Gitolite::Easy;
+=for usage
+Usage for this command is not that simple. Please read the full
+documentation in
+or online at http://gitolite.com/gitolite/ukm.html.
+usage() if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq '-h';
+# Terms used in this file.
+# pubkeypath: the (relative) filename of a public key starting from
+# gitolite-admin/keydir. Examples: alice.pub, foo/bar/alice.pub,
+# alice@home.pub, foo/alice@laptop.pub. You get more examples, if you
+# replace "alice" by "bob@example.com".
+# userid: computed from a pubkeypath by removing any directory
+# part, the '.pub' extension and the "old-style" @NAME classifier.
+# The userid identifies a user in the gitolite.conf file.
+# keyid: an identifier for a key given on the command line.
+# If the script is called by one of the super_key_managers, then the
+# keyid is the pubkeypath without the '.pub' extension. Otherwise it
+# is the userid for a guest.
+# The keyid is normalized to lowercase letters.
+my $rb = $rc{GL_REPO_BASE};
+my $ab = $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE};
+# This will be the subdirectory under "keydir" in which the guest
+# keys will be stored. To prevent denial of service, this directory
+# should better start with 'zzz'.
+# The actual value can be set through the GUEST_DIRECTORY resource.
+# WARNING: If this value is changed you must understand the consequences.
+# There will be no support if guestkeys_dir is anything else than
+# 'zzz/guests'.
+my $guestkeys_dir = 'zzz/guests';
+# A guest key cannot have arbitrary names (keyid). Only keys that do *not*
+# match $forbidden_guest_pattern are allowed. Super-key-managers can add
+# any keyid.
+# This is the directory for additional keys of a self key manager.
+my $selfkeys_dir = 'zzz/self';
+# There is no flexibility for selfkeys. One must specify a keyid that
+# matches the regular expression '^@[a-z0-9]+$'. Note that all keyids
+# are transformed to lowercase before checking.
+my $required_self_pattern = qr([a-z0-9]+);
+my $selfkey_management = 0; # disable selfkey managment
+# For guest key managers the keyid must pass two tests.
+# 1) It must match the $required_guest_pattern regular expression.
+# 2) It must not match the $forbidden_guest_pattern regular expression.
+# Default for $forbidden_guest_pattern is qr(.), i.e., every keyid is
+# forbidden, or in other words, only the gitolite-admin can manage keys.
+# Default for $required_guest_pattern is such that the keyid must look
+# like an email address, i.e. must have exactly one @ and at least one
+# dot after the @.
+# Just setting 'ukm' => 1 in .gitolite.rc only allows the super-key-managers
+# (i.e., only the gitolite admin(s)) to manage keys.
+my $required_guest_pattern =
+ qr(^[0-9a-z][-0-9a-z._+]*@[-0-9a-z._+]+[.][-0-9a-z._+]+$);
+my $forbidden_guest_pattern = qr(.);
+die "The command 'ukm' is not enabled.\n" if ! $rc{'COMMANDS'}{'ukm'};
+my $km = $rc{'UKM_CONFIG'};
+if(ref($km) eq 'HASH') {
+ # If not set we only allow keyids that look like emails
+ my $rgp = $rc{'UKM_CONFIG'}{'REQUIRED_GUEST_PATTERN'} || '';
+ $required_guest_pattern = qr(^($rgp)$) if $rgp;
+ $forbidden_guest_pattern = $rc{'UKM_CONFIG'}{'FORBIDDEN_GUEST_PATTERN'}
+ || $forbidden_guest_pattern;
+ $selfkey_management = $rc{'UKM_CONFIG'}{'SELFKEY_MANAGEMENT'} || 0;
+# get the actual userid
+my $gl_user = $ENV{GL_USER};
+my $super_key_manager = is_admin(); # or maybe is_super_admin() ?
+# save arguments for later
+my $operation = shift || 'list';
+my $keyid = shift || '';
+$keyid = lc $keyid; # normalize to lowercase ids
+my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($gl_user);
+# The following will only be true if a selfkey manager logs in to
+# perform a pending operation.
+my $pending_self = ($zop ne '');
+die "You are not a key manager.\n"
+ unless $super_key_manager || $pending_self
+ || in_group('guest-key-managers')
+ || in_group('self-key-managers');
+# Let's deal with the pending user first. The only allowed operations
+# that are to confirm the add operation with the random code
+# that must be provided via stdin or to undo a pending del operation.
+if ($pending_self) {
+ pending_user($gl_user, $zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser);
+ exit;
+my @available_operations = ('list','add','del');
+die "unknown ukm subcommand: $operation\n"
+ unless grep {$operation eq $_} @available_operations;
+# get to the keydir
+# Note that the program warns if it finds a fingerprint that maps to
+# different userids.
+my %userids = (); # mapping from fingerprint to userid
+my %fingerprints = (); # mapping from pubkeypath to fingerprint
+my %pubkeypaths = (); # mapping from userid to pubkeypaths
+ # note that the result is a list of pubkeypaths
+# Guest keys are managed by people in the @guest-key-managers group.
+# They can only add/del keys in the $guestkeys_dir directory. In fact,
+# the guest key manager $gl_user has only access to keys inside
+# %guest_pubkeypaths.
+my %guest_pubkeypaths = (); # mapping from userid to pubkeypath for $gl_user
+# Self keys are managed by people in the @self-key-managers group.
+# They can only add/del keys in the $selfkeys_dir directory. In fact,
+# the self key manager $gl_user has only access to keys inside
+# %self_pubkeypaths.
+my %self_pubkeypaths = ();
+# These are the keys that are managed by a super key manager.
+my @all_pubkeypaths = `find . -type f -name "*.pub" 2>/dev/null | sort`;
+for my $pubkeypath (@all_pubkeypaths) {
+ chomp($pubkeypath);
+ my $fp = fingerprint($pubkeypath);
+ $fingerprints{$pubkeypath} = $fp;
+ my $userid = get_userid($pubkeypath);
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($userid);
+ $userid = $zuser if $zop;
+ if (! defined $userids{$fp}) {
+ $userids{$fp} = $userid;
+ } else {
+ warn "key $fp is used for different user ids\n"
+ unless $userids{$fp} eq $userid;
+ }
+ push @{$pubkeypaths{$userid}}, $pubkeypath;
+ if ($pubkeypath =~ m|^./$guestkeys_dir/([^/]+)/[^/]+\.pub$|) {
+ push @{$guest_pubkeypaths{$userid}}, $pubkeypath if $gl_user eq $1;
+ }
+ if ($pubkeypath =~ m|^./$selfkeys_dir/([^/]+)/[^/]+\.pub$|) {
+ push @{$self_pubkeypaths{$userid}}, $pubkeypath if $gl_user eq $1;
+ }
+# do stuff according to the operation
+if ( $operation eq 'list' ) {
+ list_pubkeys();
+ print "\n\n";
+ exit;
+die "keyid required\n" unless $keyid;
+die "Not allowed to use '..' in keyid.\n" if $keyid =~ /\.\./;
+if ( $operation eq 'add' ) {
+ if ($super_key_manager) {
+ add_pubkey($gl_user, "$keyid.pub", safe_stdin());
+ } elsif (selfselector($keyid)) {
+ add_self($gl_user, $keyid, safe_stdin());
+ } else {
+ # assert ingroup('guest-key-managers');
+ add_guest($gl_user, $keyid, safe_stdin());
+ }
+} elsif ( $operation eq 'del' ) {
+ if ($super_key_manager) {
+ del_super($gl_user, "$keyid.pub");
+ } elsif (selfselector($keyid)) {
+ del_self($gl_user, $keyid);
+ } else {
+ # assert ingroup('guest-key-managers');
+ del_guest($gl_user, $keyid);
+ }
+# only function definitions are following
+# make a temp clone and switch to it
+our $TEMPDIR;
+BEGIN { $TEMPDIR = `mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX`; chomp($TEMPDIR) }
+END { my $err = $?; `/bin/rm -rf $TEMPDIR`; $? = $err; }
+sub cd_temp_clone {
+ chomp($TEMPDIR);
+ hushed_git( "clone", "$rb/gitolite-admin.git", "$TEMPDIR/gitolite-admin" );
+ chdir("$TEMPDIR/gitolite-admin");
+ my $ip = $ENV{SSH_CONNECTION};
+ $ip =~ s/ .*//;
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($ENV{GL_USER});
+ my $email = $zuser;
+ $email .= '@' . $ip unless $email =~ m(@);
+ my $name = $zop ? "\@$zselector" : $zuser;
+ # Record the keymanager in the gitolite-admin repo as author of the change.
+ hushed_git( "config", "user.email", "$email" );
+ hushed_git( "config", "user.name", "'$name from $ip'" );
+# compute the fingerprint from the full path of a pubkey file
+sub fingerprint {
+ my $fp = `ssh-keygen -l -f $_[0]`;
+ die "does not seem to be a valid pubkey\n"
+ unless $fp =~ /(([0-9a-f]+:)+[0-9a-f]+) /i;
+ return $1;
+# Read one line from STDIN and return it.
+# If no data is available on STDIN after one second, the empty string
+# is returned.
+# If there is more than one line or there was an error in reading, the
+# function dies.
+sub safe_stdin {
+ use IO::Select;
+ my $s=IO::Select->new(); $s->add(\*STDIN);
+ return '' unless $s->can_read(1);
+ my $data;
+ my $ret = read STDIN, $data, 4096;
+ # current pubkeys are approx 400 bytes so we go a little overboard
+ die "could not read pubkey data" . ( defined($ret) ? "" : ": $!" ) . "\n"
+ unless $ret;
+ die "pubkey data seems to have more than one line\n" if $data =~ /\n./;
+ return $data;
+# call git, be quiet
+sub hushed_git {
+ system("git " . join(" ", @_) . ">/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+# Extract the userid from the full path of the pubkey file (relative
+# to keydir/ and including the '.pub' extension.
+sub get_userid {
+ my ($u) = @_; # filename of pubkey relative to keydir/.
+ $u =~ s(.*/)(); # foo/bar/baz.pub -> baz.pub
+ $u =~ s/(\@[^.]+)?\.pub$//; # baz.pub, baz@home.pub -> baz
+ return $u;
+# Extract the @selector part from the full path of the pubkey file
+# (relative to keydir/ and including the '.pub' extension).
+# If there is no @selector part, the empty string is returned.
+# We also correctly extract the selector part from pending keys.
+sub get_selector {
+ my ($u) = @_; # filename of pubkey relative to keydir/.
+ $u =~ s(.*/)(); # foo/bar/baz.pub -> baz.pub
+ $u =~ s(\.pub$)(); # baz@home.pub -> baz@home
+ return $1 if $u =~ m/.\@($required_self_pattern)$/; # baz@home -> home
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($u);
+ # If $u was not a pending key, then $zselector is the empty string.
+ return $zselector;
+# Extract fingerprint, operation, selector, and true userid from a
+# pending userid.
+sub get_pending {
+ my ($gl_user) = @_;
+ return ($1, $2, $3, $4)
+ if ($gl_user=~/^zzz-(...)-([0-9a-f]{32})-($required_self_pattern)-(.*)/);
+ return ('', '', '', $gl_user)
+# multiple / and are simplified to one / and the path is made relative
+sub sanitize_pubkeypath {
+ my ($pubkeypath) = @_;
+ $pubkeypath =~ s|//|/|g; # normalize path
+ $pubkeypath =~ s,\./,,g; # remove './' from path
+ return './'.$pubkeypath; # Don't allow absolute paths.
+# This function is only relavant for guest key managers.
+# It returns true if the pattern is OK and false otherwise.
+sub required_guest_keyid {
+ my ($_) = @_;
+ /$required_guest_pattern/ and ! /$forbidden_guest_pattern/;
+# The function takes a $keyid as input and returns the keyid with the
+# initial @ stripped if everything is fine. It aborts with an error if
+# selfkey management is not enabled or the function is called for a
+# non-self-key-manager.
+# If the required selfkey pattern is not matched, it returns an empty string.
+# Thus the function can be used to check whether a given keyid is a
+# proper selfkeyid.
+sub selfselector {
+ my ($keyid) = @_;
+ return '' unless $keyid =~ m(^\@($required_self_pattern)$);
+ $keyid = $1;
+ die "selfkey management is not enabled\n" unless $selfkey_management;
+ die "You are not a selfkey manager.\n" if ! in_group('self-key-managers');
+ return $keyid;
+# Return the number of characters reserved for the userid field.
+sub userid_width {
+ my ($paths) = @_;
+ my (%pkpaths) = %{$paths};
+ my (@userid_lengths) = sort {$a <=> $b} (map {length($_)} keys %pkpaths);
+ @userid_lengths ? $userid_lengths[-1] : 0;
+# List the keys given by a reference to a hash.
+# The regular expression $re is used to remove the initial part of the
+# keyid and replace it by what is matched inside the parentheses.
+# $format and $width are used for pretty printing
+sub list_keys {
+ my ($paths, $tokeyid, $format, $width) = @_;
+ my (%pkpaths) = %{$paths};
+ for my $userid (sort keys %pkpaths) {
+ for my $pubkeypath (sort @{$pkpaths{$userid}}) {
+ my $fp = $fingerprints{$pubkeypath};
+ my $userid = $userids{$fp};
+ my $keyid = &{$tokeyid}($pubkeypath);
+ printf $format,$fp,$userid,$width+1-length($userid),"",$keyid
+ if ($super_key_manager
+ || required_guest_keyid($keyid)
+ || $keyid=~m(^\@));
+ }
+ }
+# Turn a pubkeypath into a keyid for super-key-managers, guest-keys,
+# and self-keys.
+sub superkeyid {
+ my ($keyid) = @_;
+ $keyid =~ s(\.pub$)();
+ $keyid =~ s(^\./)();
+ return $keyid;
+sub guestkeyid {
+ my ($keyid) = @_;
+ $keyid =~ s(\.pub$)();
+ $keyid =~ s(^.*/)();
+ return $keyid;
+sub selfkeyid {
+ my ($keyid) = @_;
+ $keyid =~ s(\.pub$)();
+ $keyid =~ s(^.*/)();
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($keyid);
+ return "\@$zselector (pending $zop)" if $zop;
+ $keyid =~ s(.*@)(@);
+ return $keyid;
+# List public keys managed by the respective user.
+# The fingerprints, userids and keyids are printed.
+# keyids are shown in a form that can be used for add and del
+# subcommands.
+sub list_pubkeys {
+ print "Hello $gl_user, you manage the following keys:\n";
+ my $format = "%-47s %s%*s%s\n";
+ my $width = 0;
+ if ($super_key_manager) {
+ $width = userid_width(\%pubkeypaths);
+ $width = 6 if $width < 6; # length("userid")==6
+ printf $format, "fingerprint", "userid", ($width-5), "", "keyid";
+ list_keys(\%pubkeypaths, , \&superkeyid, $format, $width);
+ } else {
+ my $widths = $selfkey_management?userid_width(\%self_pubkeypaths):0;
+ my $widthg = userid_width(\%guest_pubkeypaths);
+ $width = $widths > $widthg ? $widths : $widthg; # maximum width
+ return unless $width; # there are no keys
+ $width = 6 if $width < 6; # length("userid")==6
+ printf $format, "fingerprint", "userid", ($width-5), "", "keyid";
+ list_keys(\%self_pubkeypaths, \&selfkeyid, $format, $width)
+ if $selfkey_management;
+ list_keys(\%guest_pubkeypaths, \&guestkeyid, $format, $width);
+ }
+# Add a public key for the user $gl_user.
+# $pubkeypath is the place where the new key will be stored.
+# If the file or its fingerprint already exists, the operation is
+# rejected.
+sub add_pubkey {
+ my ( $gl_user, $pubkeypath, $keymaterial ) = @_;
+ if(! $keymaterial) {
+ print STDERR "Please supply the new key on STDIN.\n";
+ print STDERR "Try something like this:\n";
+ print STDERR "cat FOO.pub | ssh GIT\@GITOLITESERVER ukm add KEYID\n";
+ die "missing public key data\n";
+ }
+ # clean pubkeypath a bit
+ $pubkeypath = sanitize_pubkeypath($pubkeypath);
+ # Check that there is not yet something there already.
+ die "cannot override existing key\n" if $fingerprints{$pubkeypath};
+ my $userid = get_userid($pubkeypath);
+ # Super key managers shouldn't be able to add a that leads to
+ # either an empty userid or to a userid that starts with @.
+ #
+ # To avoid confusion, all keyids for super key managers must be in
+ # a full path format. Having a public key of the form
+ # gitolite-admin/keydir/@foo.pub might be confusing and might lead
+ # to other problems elsewhere.
+ die "cannot add key that starts with \@\n" if (!$userid) || $userid=~/^@/;
+ cd_temp_clone();
+ _chdir("keydir");
+ $pubkeypath =~ m((.*)/); # get the directory part
+ _mkdir($1);
+ _print($pubkeypath, $keymaterial);
+ my $fp = fingerprint($pubkeypath);
+ # Maybe we are adding a selfkey.
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending($userid);
+ my $user = $zop ? "$zuser\@$zselector" : $userid;
+ $userid = $zuser;
+ # Check that there isn't a key with the same fingerprint under a
+ # different userid.
+ if (defined $userids{$fp}) {
+ if ($userid ne $userids{$fp}) {
+ print STDERR "Found $fp $userids{$fp}\n" if $super_key_manager;
+ print STDERR "Same key is already available under another userid.\n";
+ die "cannot add key\n";
+ } elsif ($zop) {
+ # Because of the way a key is confirmed with ukm, it is
+ # impossible to confirm the initial key of the user as a
+ # new selfkey. (It will lead to the function list_pubkeys
+ # instead of pending_user_add, because the gl_user will
+ # not be that of a pending user.) To avoid confusion, we,
+ # therefore, forbid to add the user's initial key
+ # altogether.
+ # In fact, we here also forbid to add any key for that
+ # user that is already in the system.
+ die "You cannot add a key that already belongs to you.\n";
+ }
+ } else {# this fingerprint does not yet exist
+ my @paths = @{$pubkeypaths{$userid}} if defined $pubkeypaths{$userid};
+ if (@paths) {# there are already keys for $userid
+ if (grep {$pubkeypath eq $_} @paths) {
+ print STDERR "The keyid is already present. Nothing changed.\n";
+ } elsif ($super_key_manager) {
+ # It's OK to add new selfkeys, but here we are in the case
+ # of adding multiple keys for guests. That is forbidden.
+ print STDERR "Adding new public key for $userid.\n";
+ } elsif ($pubkeypath =~ m(^\./$guestkeys_dir/)) {
+ # Arriving here means we are about to add a *new*
+ # guest key, because the fingerprint is not yet
+ # existing. This would be for an already existing
+ # userid (added by another guest key manager). Since
+ # that effectively means to (silently) add an
+ # additional key for an existing user, it must be
+ # forbidden.
+ die "cannot add another public key for an existing user\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit if (`git status -s` eq ''); # OK to add identical keys twice
+ hushed_git( "add", "." ) and die "git add failed\n";
+ hushed_git( "commit", "-m", "'ukm add $gl_user $userid\n\n$fp'" )
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") and die "git push failed\n";
+# Guest key managers should not be allowed to add directories or
+# multiple keys via the @domain mechanism, since this might allow
+# another guest key manager to give an attacker access to another
+# user's repositories.
+# Example: Alice adds bob.pub for bob@example.org. David adds eve.pub
+# (where only Eve but not Bob has the private key) under the keyid
+# bob@example.org@foo. This basically gives Eve the same rights as
+# Bob.
+sub add_guest {
+ my ( $gl_user, $keyid, $keymaterial ) = @_;
+ die "keyid not allowed: '$keyid'\n"
+ if $keyid =~ m(@.*@) or $keyid =~ m(/) or !required_guest_keyid($keyid);
+ add_pubkey($gl_user, "$guestkeys_dir/$gl_user/$keyid.pub", $keymaterial);
+# Add a new selfkey for user $gl_user.
+sub add_self {
+ my ( $gl_user, $keyid, $keymaterial ) = @_;
+ my $selector = "";
+ $selector = selfselector($keyid); # might return empty string
+ die "keyid not allowed: $keyid\n" unless $selector;
+ # Check that the new selector is not already in use even not in a
+ # pending state.
+ die "keyid already in use: $keyid\n"
+ if grep {selfkeyid($_)=~/^\@$selector( .*)?$/} @{$self_pubkeypaths{$gl_user}};
+ # generate new pubkey create fingerprint
+ system("ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f \"$TEMPDIR/session\" -C $gl_user");
+ my $sessionfp = fingerprint("$TEMPDIR/session.pub");
+ $sessionfp =~ s/://g;
+ my $user = "zzz-add-$sessionfp-$selector-$gl_user";
+ add_pubkey($gl_user, "$selfkeys_dir/$gl_user/$user.pub", $keymaterial);
+ print `cat "$TEMPDIR/session.pub"`;
+# Delete a key of user $gl_user.
+sub del_pubkey {
+ my ($gl_user, $pubkeypath) = @_;
+ $pubkeypath = sanitize_pubkeypath($pubkeypath);
+ my $fp = $fingerprints{$pubkeypath};
+ die "key not found\n" unless $fp;
+ cd_temp_clone();
+ chdir("keydir");
+ hushed_git( "rm", "$pubkeypath" ) and die "git rm failed\n";
+ my $userid = get_userid($pubkeypath);
+ hushed_git( "commit", "-m", "'ukm del $gl_user $userid\n\n$fp'" )
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") and die "git push failed\n";
+# $gl_user is a super key manager. This function aborts if the
+# superkey manager tries to remove his last key.
+sub del_super {
+ my ($gl_user, $pubkeypath) = @_;
+ $pubkeypath = sanitize_pubkeypath($pubkeypath);
+ die "You are not managing the key $keyid.\n"
+ unless grep {$_ eq $pubkeypath} @all_pubkeypaths;
+ my $userid = get_userid($pubkeypath);
+ if ($gl_user eq $userid) {
+ my @paths = @{$pubkeypaths{$userid}};
+ die "You cannot delete your last key.\n"
+ if scalar(grep {$userid eq get_userid($_)} @paths)<2;
+ }
+ del_pubkey($gl_user, $pubkeypath);
+sub del_guest {
+ my ($gl_user, $keyid) = @_;
+ my $pubkeypath = sanitize_pubkeypath("$guestkeys_dir/$gl_user/$keyid.pub");
+ my $userid = get_userid($pubkeypath);
+ # Check whether $gl_user actually manages $keyid.
+ my @paths = ();
+ @paths = @{$guest_pubkeypaths{$userid}}
+ if defined $guest_pubkeypaths{$userid};
+ die "You are not managing the key $keyid.\n"
+ unless grep {$_ eq $pubkeypath} @paths;
+ del_pubkey($gl_user, $pubkeypath);
+# Delete a selfkey of $gl_user. The first delete is a preparation of
+# the deletion and only a second call will actually delete the key. If
+# the second call is done with the key that is scheduled for deletion,
+# it is basically undoing the previous del call. This last case is
+# handled in function pending_user_del.
+sub del_self {
+ my ($gl_user, $keyid) = @_;
+ my $selector = selfselector($keyid); # might return empty string
+ die "keyid not allowed: '$keyid'\n" unless $selector;
+ # Does $gl_user actually manage that keyid?
+ # All (non-pending) selfkeys have an @selector part in their pubkeypath.
+ my @paths = @{$self_pubkeypaths{$gl_user}};
+ die "You are not managing the key $keyid.\n"
+ unless grep {$selector eq get_selector($_)} @paths;
+ cd_temp_clone();
+ _chdir("keydir");
+ my $fp = '';
+ # Is it the first or the second del call? It's the second call, if
+ # there is a scheduled-for-deletion or scheduled-for-addition
+ # selfkey which has the given keyid as a selector part.
+ @paths = grep {
+ my ($zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = get_pending(get_userid($_));
+ $zselector eq $selector
+ } @paths;
+ if (@paths) {# start actual deletion of the key (second call)
+ my $pubkeypath = $paths[0];
+ $fp = fingerprint($pubkeypath);
+ my ($zop, $zf, $zs, $zu) = get_pending(get_userid($pubkeypath));
+ $zop = $zop eq 'add' ? 'undo-add' : 'confirm-del';
+ hushed_git("rm", "$pubkeypath") and die "git rm failed\n";
+ hushed_git("commit", "-m", "'ukm $zop $gl_user\@$selector\n\n$fp'")
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
+ and die "git push failed\n";
+ print STDERR "pending keyid deleted: \@$selector\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $oldpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$gl_user/$gl_user\@$selector.pub";
+ # generate new pubkey and create fingerprint to get a random number
+ system("ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f \"$TEMPDIR/session\" -C $gl_user");
+ my $sessionfp = fingerprint("$TEMPDIR/session.pub");
+ $sessionfp =~ s/://g;
+ my $user = "zzz-del-$sessionfp-$selector-$gl_user";
+ my $newpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$gl_user/$user.pub";
+ # A key for gitolite access that is in authorized_keys and not
+ # existing in the expected place under keydir/ should actually not
+ # happen, but one never knows.
+ die "key not available\n" unless -r $oldpubkeypath;
+ # For some strange reason the target key already exists.
+ die "cannot override existing key\n" if -e $newpubkeypath;
+ $fp = fingerprint($oldpubkeypath);
+ print STDERR "prepare deletion of key \@$selector\n";
+ hushed_git("mv", "$oldpubkeypath", "$newpubkeypath")
+ and die "git mv failed\n";
+ hushed_git("commit", "-m", "'ukm prepare-del $gl_user\@$selector\n\n$fp'")
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
+ and die "git push failed\n";
+# Adding a selfkey should be done as follows.
+# cat newkey.pub | ssh git@host ukm add @selector > session
+# cat session | ssh -i newkey git@host ukm
+# The provided random data will come from a newly generated ssh key
+# whose fingerprint will be stored in $gl_user. So we compute the
+# fingerprint of the data that is given to us. If it doesn't match the
+# fingerprint, then something went wrong and the confirm operation is
+# forbidden, in fact, the pending key will be removed from the system.
+sub pending_user_add {
+ my ($gl_user, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = @_;
+ my $oldpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$zuser/$gl_user.pub";
+ my $newpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$zuser/$zuser\@$zselector.pub";
+ # A key for gitolite access that is in authorized_keys and not
+ # existing in the expected place under keydir/ should actually not
+ # happen, but one never knows.
+ die "key not available\n" unless -r $oldpubkeypath;
+ my $keymaterial = safe_stdin();
+ # If there is no keymaterial (which corresponds to a session key
+ # for the confirm-add operation), logging in to this key, removes
+ # it from the system.
+ my $session_key_not_provided = '';
+ if (!$keymaterial) {
+ $session_key_not_provided = "missing session key";
+ } else {
+ _print("$TEMPDIR/session.pub", $keymaterial);
+ my $sessionfp = fingerprint("$TEMPDIR/session.pub");
+ $sessionfp =~ s/://g;
+ $session_key_not_provided = "session key not accepted"
+ unless ($zfp eq $sessionfp)
+ }
+ my $fp = fingerprint($oldpubkeypath);
+ if ($session_key_not_provided) {
+ print STDERR "$session_key_not_provided\n";
+ print STDERR "pending keyid deleted: \@$zselector\n";
+ hushed_git("rm", "$oldpubkeypath") and die "git rm failed\n";
+ hushed_git("commit", "-m", "'ukm del $zuser\@$zselector\n\n$fp'")
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
+ and die "git push failed\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # For some strange reason the target key already exists.
+ die "cannot override existing key\n" if -e $newpubkeypath;
+ print STDERR "pending keyid added: \@$zselector\n";
+ hushed_git("mv", "$oldpubkeypath", "$newpubkeypath")
+ and die "git mv failed\n";
+ hushed_git("commit", "-m", "'ukm confirm-add $zuser\@$zselector\n\n$fp'")
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
+ and die "git push failed\n";
+# To delete a key, one must first bring the key into a pending state
+# and then truely delete it with another key. In case, the login
+# happens with the pending key (implemented below), it means that the
+# delete operation has to be undone.
+sub pending_user_del {
+ my ($gl_user, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = @_;
+ my $oldpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$zuser/$gl_user.pub";
+ my $newpubkeypath = "$selfkeys_dir/$zuser/$zuser\@$zselector.pub";
+ print STDERR "undo pending deletion of keyid \@$zselector\n";
+ # A key for gitolite access that is in authorized_keys and not
+ # existing in the expected place under keydir/ should actually not
+ # happen, but one never knows.
+ die "key not available\n" unless -r $oldpubkeypath;
+ # For some strange reason the target key already exists.
+ die "cannot override existing key\n" if -e $newpubkeypath;
+ my $fp = fingerprint($oldpubkeypath);
+ hushed_git("mv", "$oldpubkeypath", "$newpubkeypath")
+ and die "git mv failed\n";
+ hushed_git("commit", "-m", "'ukm undo-del $zuser\@$zselector\n\n$fp'")
+ and die "git commit failed\n";
+# A user whose key is in pending state cannot do much. In fact,
+# logging in as such a user simply takes back the "bringing into
+# pending state", i.e. a key scheduled for adding is remove and a key
+# scheduled for deletion is brought back into its properly added state.
+sub pending_user {
+ my ($gl_user, $zop, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser) = @_;
+ cd_temp_clone();
+ _chdir("keydir");
+ if ($zop eq 'add') {
+ pending_user_add($gl_user, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser);
+ } elsif ($zop eq 'del') {
+ pending_user_del($gl_user, $zfp, $zselector, $zuser);
+ } else {
+ die "unknown operation\n";
+ }
+ system("gitolite push >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
+ and die "git push failed\n";
diff --git a/contrib/t/ukm.t b/contrib/t/ukm.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4fc0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/t/ukm.t
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# Call like this:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# this is hardcoded; change it if needed
+use lib "src/lib";
+use Gitolite::Common;
+use Gitolite::Test;
+# basic tests using ssh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+my $bd = `gitolite query-rc -n GL_BINDIR`;
+my $h = $ENV{HOME};
+my $ab = `gitolite query-rc -n GL_ADMIN_BASE`;
+my $pd = "$bd/../t/keys"; # source for pubkeys
+umask 0077;
+_mkdir( "$h/.ssh", 0700 ) if not -d "$h/.ssh";
+try "plan 204";
+# Reset everything.
+# Only admin and u1, u2, and u3 keys are available initially
+# Keys u4, u5, and u6 are used as guests later.
+# For easy access, we put the keys into ~/.ssh/, though.
+try "
+ rm -f $h/.ssh/authorized_keys; ok or die 1
+ cp $pd/u[1-6]* $h/.ssh; ok or die 2
+ cp $pd/admin* $h/.ssh; ok or die 3
+ cp $pd/config $h/.ssh; ok or die 4
+ cat $h/.ssh/config
+ perl s/%USER/$ENV{USER}/
+ put $h/.ssh/config
+ mkdir $ab/keydir; ok or die 5
+ cp $pd/u[1-3].pub $ab/keydir; ok or die 6
+ cp $pd/admin.pub $ab/keydir; ok or die 7
+# Put the keys into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+system("gitolite ../triggers/post-compile/ssh-authkeys");
+# enable user key management in a simple form.
+# Guest key managers can add keyids looking like email addresses, but
+# cannot add emails containing example.com or hemmecke.org.
+system("sed -i \"s/.*ENABLE =>.*/'UKM_CONFIG'=>{'FORBIDDEN_GUEST_PATTERN'=>'example.com|hemmecke.org'}, ENABLE => ['ukm',/\" $h/.gitolite.rc");
+# super-key-managers can add/del any key
+# super-key-managers should in fact agree with people having write
+# access to gitolite-admin repo.
+# guest-key-managers can add/del guest keys
+confreset; confadd '
+ @guest-key-managers = u2 u3
+ @creators = u2 u3
+ repo pub/CREATOR/..*
+ C = @creators
+# Populate the gitolite-admin/keydir in the same way as it was used for
+# the initialization of .ssh/authorized_keys above.
+try "
+ mkdir keydir; ok or die 8
+ cp $pd/u[1-3].pub keydir; ok or die 9;
+ cp $pd/admin.pub keydir; ok or die 10;
+ git add conf keydir; ok
+ git commit -m ukm; ok; /master.* ukm/
+# Activate new config data.
+try "PUSH admin; ok; gsh; /master -> master/; !/FATAL/" or die text();
+# Check whether the above setup yields the expected behavior for ukm.
+# The admin is super-key-manager, thus can manage every key.
+try "
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; /Hello admin, you manage the following keys:/
+ / admin +admin/
+ / u1 +u1/
+ / u2 +u2/
+ / u3 +u3/
+# u1 isn't a key manager, so shouldn't be above to manage keys.
+try "ssh u1 ukm; !ok; /FATAL: You are not a key manager./";
+# u2 and u3 are guest key managers, but don't yet manage any key.
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u2, you manage the following keys:\n\n\n";
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u3, you manage the following keys:\n\n\n";
+# Unknows subkommands abort ukm.
+try "ssh u2 ukm fake; !ok; /FATAL: unknown ukm subcommand: fake/";
+# Addition of keys.
+# If no data is provided on stdin, we don't block, but rather timeout
+# after one second and abort the program.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add u4\@example.org; !ok; /FATAL: missing public key data/";
+# If no keyid is given, we cannot add a key.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add; !ok; /FATAL: keyid required/";
+try "
+ DEF ADD = cat $pd/%1.pub|ssh %2 ukm add %3
+ DEF ADDOK = ADD %1 %2 %3; ok
+ DEF ADDNOK = ADD %1 %2 %3; !ok
+ DEF FP = ADDNOK u4 u2 %1
+ DEF FORBIDDEN_PATTERN = FP %1; /FATAL: keyid not allowed:/
+# Neither a guest key manager nor a super key manager can add keys that have
+# double dot in their keyid. This is hardcoded to forbid paths with .. in it.
+try "
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\@hemmecke..org; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+ ADDNOK u4 admin u4\@hemmecke..org; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+ ADDNOK u4 admin ./../.myshrc; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+# guest-key-managers can only add keys that look like emails.
+try "
+ FORBIDDEN_PATTERN u4\@foo\@example.org
+ # No support for 'old style' multiple keys.
+ FORBIDDEN_PATTERN u4\@example.org\@foo
+ # No path delimiter in keyid
+ FORBIDDEN_PATTERN foo/u4\@example.org
+ # Certain specific domains listed in FORBIDDEN_GUEST_PATTERN are forbidden.
+ # Note that also u4\@example-com would be rejected, because MYDOMAIN
+ # contains a regular expression --> I don't care.
+ FORBIDDEN_PATTERN u4\@example.com
+ FORBIDDEN_PATTERN u4\@hemmecke.org
+# Accept one guest key.
+try "ADDOK u4 u2 u4\@example.org";
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok; /Hello u2, you manage the following keys:/
+ / u4\@example.org *u4\@example.org/";
+# Various ways how a key must be rejected.
+try "
+ # Cannot add the same key again.
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\@example.org; /FATAL: cannot override existing key/
+ # u2 can also not add u4.pub under another keyid
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\@example.net; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ # u2 can also not add another key under the same keyid.
+ ADDNOK u5 u2 u4\@example.org; /FATAL: cannot override existing key/
+ # Also u3 cannot not add another key under the same keyid.
+ ADDNOK u5 u3 u4\@example.org
+ /FATAL: cannot add another public key for an existing user/
+ # And u3 cannot not add u4.pub under another keyid.
+ ADDNOK u4 u3 u4\@example.net; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ # Not even the admin can add the same key u4 under a different userid.
+ ADDNOK u4 admin u4\@example.net; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ /Found .* u4\@example.org/
+ # Super key managers cannot add keys that start with @.
+ # We don't care about @ in the dirname, though.
+ ADDNOK u4 admin foo/\@ex.net; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin foo/\@ex; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin \@ex.net; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin \@ex; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+# But u3 can add u4.pub under the same keyid.
+try "ADDOK u4 u3 u4\@example.org";
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok; /Hello u3, you manage the following keys:/
+ / u4\@example.org *u4\@example.org/";
+# The admin can add multiple keys for the same userid.
+try "
+ ADDOK u5 admin u4\@example.org
+ ADDOK u5 admin u4\@example.org\@home
+ ADDOK u5 admin laptop/u4\@example.org
+ ADDOK u5 admin laptop/u4\@example.org\@home
+# And admin can also do this for other guest key managers. Note,
+# however, that the gitolite-admin must be told where the
+# GUEST_DIRECTORY is. But he/she could find out by cloning the
+# gitolite-admin repository and adding the same key directly.
+try "
+ ADDOK u5 admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org\@foo
+ ADDOK u6 admin zzz/guests/u3/u6\@example.org
+try "ssh admin ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello admin, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+a4:d1:11:1d:25:5c:55:9b:5f:91:37:0e:44:a5:a5:f2 admin admin
+00:2c:1f:dd:a3:76:5a:1e:c4:3c:01:15:65:19:a5:2e u1 u1
+69:6f:b5:8a:f5:7b:d8:40:ce:94:09:a2:b8:95:79:5b u2 u2
+26:4b:20:24:98:a4:e4:a5:b9:97:76:9a:15:92:27:2d u3 u3
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\@example.org laptop/u4\@example.org
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\@example.org laptop/u4\@example.org\@home
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\@example.org u4\@example.org
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\@example.org u4\@example.org\@home
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\@example.org zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\@example.org zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org\@foo
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\@example.org zzz/guests/u3/u4\@example.org
+fc:0f:eb:52:7a:d2:35:da:89:96:f5:15:0e:85:46:e7 u6\@example.org zzz/guests/u3/u6\@example.org
+# Now, u2 has two keys in his directory, but u2 can manage only one of
+# them, since the one added by the admin has two @ in it. Thus the key
+# added by admin is invisible to u2.
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u2, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\@example.org u4\@example.org
+# Since admin added key u6@example.org to the directory of u2, u2 is
+# also able to see it and, in fact, to manage it.
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u3, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\@example.org u4\@example.org
+fc:0f:eb:52:7a:d2:35:da:89:96:f5:15:0e:85:46:e7 u6\@example.org u6\@example.org
+# Deletion of keys.
+try "
+ DEF DEL = ssh %1 ukm del %2
+ DEF DELOK = DEL %1 %2; ok
+ DEF DELNOK = DEL %1 %2; !ok
+ DEF DELNOMGR = DELNOK %1 %2; /FATAL: You are not managing the key /
+# Deletion requires a keyid.
+try "ssh u3 ukm del; !ok; /FATAL: keyid required/";
+# u3 can, of course, not remove any unmanaged key.
+try "DELNOMGR u3 u2";
+# But u3 can delete u4@example.org and u6@example.org. This will, of course,
+# not remove the key u4@example.org that u2 manages.
+try "
+ DELOK u3 u4\@example.org
+ DELOK u3 u6\@example.org
+# After having deleted u4@example.org, u3 cannot remove it again,
+# even though, u2 still manages that key.
+try "DELNOMGR u3 u4\@example.org";
+# Of course a super-key-manager can remove any (existing) key.
+try "
+ DELOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org
+ DELNOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org
+ /FATAL: You are not managing the key zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org./
+ DELNOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org\@x
+ /FATAL: You are not managing the key zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org./
+ DELOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\@example.org\@foo
+# As the admin could do that via pushing to the gitolite-admin manually,
+# it's also allowed to delete even non-guest keys.
+try "DELOK admin u3";
+# Let's clean the environment again.
+try "
+ DELOK admin laptop/u4\@example.org\@home
+ DELOK admin laptop/u4\@example.org
+ DELOK admin u4\@example.org\@home
+ DELOK admin u4\@example.org
+ ADDOK u3 admin u3
+ ";
+# Currently the admin has just one key. It cannot be removed.
+# But after adding another key, deletion should work fine.
+try "
+ DELNOK admin admin; /FATAL: You cannot delete your last key./
+ ADDOK u6 admin second/admin; /Adding new public key for admin./
+ DELOK admin admin
+ DELNOK u6 admin; /FATAL: You are not managing the key admin./
+ DELNOK u6 second/admin; /FATAL: You cannot delete your last key./
+ ADDOK admin u6 admin; /Adding new public key for admin./
+ DELOK u6 second/admin
+# Selfkey management.
+# If self key management is not switched on in the .gitolite.rc file,
+# it's not allowed at all.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add \@second; !ok; /FATAL: selfkey management is not enabled/";
+# Let's enable it.
+system("sed -i \"/'UKM_CONFIG'=>/s/=>{/=>{'SELFKEY_MANAGEMENT'=>1,/\" $h/.gitolite.rc");
+# And add self-key-managers to gitolite.conf
+# chdir("../gitolite-admin") or die "in `pwd`, could not cd ../g-a";
+try "glt pull admin origin master; ok";
+put "|cut -c5- > conf/gitolite.conf", '
+ repo gitolite-admin
+ RW+ = admin
+ repo testing
+ RW+ = @all
+ @guest-key-managers = u2 u3
+ @self-key-managers = u1 u2
+ @creators = u2 u3
+ repo pub/CREATOR/..*
+ C = @creators
+try "
+ git add conf keydir; ok
+ git commit -m selfkey; ok; /master.* selfkey/
+try "PUSH admin; ok; gsh; /master -> master/; !/FATAL/" or die text();
+# Now we can start with the tests.
+# Only self key managers are allowed to use selfkey management.
+# See variable @self-key-managers.
+try "ssh u3 ukm add \@second; !ok; /FATAL: You are not a selfkey manager./";
+# Cannot add keyid that are not alphanumeric.
+try "ssh u1 ukm add \@second-key; !ok; /FATAL: keyid not allowed:/";
+# Add a second key for u1, but leave it pending by not feeding in the
+# session key. The new user can login, but he/she lives under a quite
+# random gl_user name and thus is pretty much excluded from everything
+# except permissions given to @all. If this new id calls ukm without
+# providing the session key, this (pending) key is automatically
+# removed from the system.
+# If a certain keyid is in the system, then it cannot be added again.
+try "
+ ADDOK u4 u1 \@second
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; /u1 zzz/self/u1/zzz-add-[a-z0-9]{32}-second-u1/
+ ssh u1 ukm; ok; /u1 \@second .pending add./
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@second; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@second/
+ ssh u4 ukm; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@second/
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; !/zzz/; !/second/
+# Not providing a proper ssh public key will abort. Providing a good
+# ssh public key, which is not a session key makes the key invalid.
+# The key will, therefore, be deleted by this operation.
+try "
+ ADDOK u4 u1 \@second
+ echo fake|ssh u4 ukm; !ok; /FATAL: does not seem to be a valid pubkey/
+ cat $pd/u5.pub | ssh u4 ukm; ok;
+ /session key not accepted/
+ /pending keyid deleted: \@second/
+# True addition of a new selfkey is done via piping it to a second ssh
+# call that uses the new key to call ukm. Note that the first ssh must
+# have completed its job before the second ssh is able to successfully
+# log in. This can be done via sleep or via redirecting to a file and
+# then reading from it.
+try "
+ # ADDOK u4 u1 \@second | (sleep 2; ssh u4 ukm); ok
+ ADD u4 u1 \@second > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u4 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@second/
+# u1 cannot add his/her initial key, since that key can never be
+# confirmed via ukm, so it is forbidden altogether. In fact, u1 is not
+# allowed to add any key twice.
+try "
+ ADDNOK u1 u1 \@first
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@first
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+# u1 also can add more keys, but not under an existing keyid. That can
+# be done by any of his/her identities (here we choose u4).
+try "
+ ADDNOK u5 u1 \@second; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@second/
+ ADD u5 u4 \@third > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u5 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@third/
+# u2 cannot add the same key, but is allowed to use the same name (@third).
+try "
+ ADDNOK u5 u2 \@third; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ ADD u6 u2 \@third > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u6 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@third/
+# u6 can schedule his/her own key for deletion, but cannot actually
+# remove it. Trying to do so results in bringing back the key. Actual
+# deletion must be confirmed by another key.
+try "
+ ssh u6 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ssh u2 ukm; ok; /u2 \@third .pending del./
+ ssh u6 ukm; ok; /undo pending deletion of keyid \@third/
+ ssh u6 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ssh u2 ukm del \@third; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@third/
+# While in pending-deletion state, it's forbidden to add another key
+# with the same keyid. It's also forbidden to add a key with the same
+# fingerprint as the to-be-deleted key).
+# A new key under another keyid, is OK.
+try "
+ ssh u1 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@third; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@third/
+ ADDNOK u5 u1 \@fourth;
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+ ADD u6 u1 \@fourth > session; ok
+ ssh u1 ukm; ok;
+ /u1 \@second/
+ /u1 \@fourth .pending add./
+ /u1 \@third .pending del./
+# We can remove a pending-for-addition key (@fourth) by logging in
+# with a non-pending key. Trying to do anything with key u5 (@third)
+# will just bring it back to its normal state, but not change the
+# state of any other key. As already shown above, using u6 (@fourth)
+# without a proper session key, would remove it from the system.
+# Here we want to demonstrate that key u1 can delete u6 immediately.
+try "ssh u1 ukm del \@fourth; /pending keyid deleted: \@fourth/";
+# The pending-for-deletion key @third can also be removed via the u4
+# (@second) key.
+try "ssh u4 ukm del \@third; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@third/";
+# Non-existing selfkeys cannot be deleted.
+try "ssh u4 ukm del \@x; !ok; /FATAL: You are not managing the key \@x./";