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Diffstat (limited to 'licenses/AVIRA-AntiVir')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/AVIRA-AntiVir b/licenses/AVIRA-AntiVir
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index 0000000..4826544
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+++ b/licenses/AVIRA-AntiVir
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+Avira GmbH
+End-user License Agreement (EULA)
+This Software has been copyrighted for the
+Avira GmbH
+Tjark Auerbach
+Chief Executive Officer
+Lindauer Str. 21
+88069 Tettnang, Germany
+hereinafter "Licensor".
+The unauthorised reproduction or unauthorised sale of this Software
+or parts thereof is liable to prosecution. Such conduct can be
+prosecuted under criminal or civil law and result in severe penalties
+and/or claims for damages. The Licensor hereby authorises you
+- hereinafter Licensee - to use this Software within the context
+of the following licensing conditions:
+§1 Subject of the Licence Concession
+1) Subject of the contract is the existing computer programme;
+in this case the activated full version including the licence
+file necessary for activation, (the "Software"), as well as the
+programme description, operating instructions and other pertinent
+materials (the "documentation").
+2) The transfer of the main programme to the Licensee shall take
+place (after the order has been placed) either by means of the
+sending of sealed system disks or by means of download by the
+Licensee from the website of the Licensor. Before a licence file
+has been purchased, the main programme can be used solely as
+a limited test version. In order to use all functions, the Licensee
+must purchase a licence file from the Licensor or from an authorised
+retailer. The transfer of the licence file to the Licensee shall
+take place by means of the sending of a sealed system disk by
+post, or, by order of the Licensee (as in other cases also at
+the option of the Licensor), by e-mail. In a case where the Licensee
+downloads the main programme or the licence file, the transfer
+shall be deemed to have taken place when downloading is complete.
+With the main programme, the Licensee receives the documentation;
+this shall be made available to the Licensee by the Licensor
+(and at the Licensor's option), either in printed form or as
+a file in a standard format (e.g. hlp, txt or pdf), irrespective
+of how the Software is transferred. If the Licensee receives
+the Software by means of downloading by modem or from the Licensor's
+server via the Internet, he/she shall download the Documentation
+in the same manner.
+3) The Software individually described in the documentation is
+commensurate with state-of-the-art technology. The Licensee is
+advised that with today's state-of-the art technology, it is
+not possible to manufacture Software in such a way that it works
+in every case and in a problem-free manner with all applications
+and in all combinations (especially with third-party Software).
+4) The Software may not be used in danger zones where error-free
+continuous operation is demanded (high-risk activities like,
+for example, the operation of atomic power facilities, weapons
+systems, aerospace navigation or communication systems and /or
+life-support machines).
+§2 Scope of Use
+The Licensor grants the Licensee the simple, non-exclusive and
+personal right to use the Software within the agreed scope of
+use - particularly with regard to the type and number of computers,
+for the duration of the contract (the "Licence"). The scope of
+the licence can be seen in the LIC-INFO.TXT file, which the Licensee
+receives together with the licence file.
+§3 Copyrights and Transfer of the Software
+1) The Licensee may reproduce the Software, if such reproduction
+is necessary for the use of the Software. Necessary reproductions
+include the installation of the Software from the original system
+disk or from the downloaded installation archive on the mass
+memory of the hardware in accordance with § 2, as well as the
+loading of the Software into the main memory during Software
+2) Moreover, the Licensee may reproduce the Software for backup
+purposes. However, only one backup copy of the original system
+disk or the downloaded installation archive may be created and/or
+stored. Said copy must be marked as a backup.
+3) Should a rotational backup of a system's entire data set, including
+the software programmes, be essential for a fast reactivation
+of the system following a complete breakdown, Licensee may create
+backup copies in the quantities absolutely required. The pertinent
+system disks shall be marked accordingly. These backup copies
+may be used for archive purposes in connection with data backup
+4) Licensee shall take the necessary steps to prohibit unauthorized
+access to the Software and its documentation by third parties.
+Affiliated companies of the Licensee are also regarded as being
+third parties. The original data media, as well as all backup
+copies, shall be stored in a secure place, safe from access by
+unauthorized third parties. The Licensee's employees shall be
+expressly informed as to their obligations to observe and abide
+by all contractual conditions specified herein, as well as all
+provisions of copyright law.
+5) The Licensee is not authorised,
+a. with the exception of the reproductions expressly authorised
+in this agreement, to create other reproductions of the Software
+or the documentation, either wholly or in part, on the same or
+on other disks/carrier media; this also includes the output of
+the programme code to a printer;
+b. to transfer the Software from one computer to another computer
+or recording device via a network or other data transfer channel,
+insofar as the receiving device is not a computer or other recording
+device of the Licensee which is referred to in, and understood
+to be within, the framework of this Agreement;
+c. without the written express permission of the Licensor, to
+change, translate, retro-develop, decompile or disassemble the
+Software, or to create works derived from the Software or the
+documentation, or to reproduce, translate, change or create works
+derived from the documentation , insofar as this is not absolutely
+necessary within the context of contractual use;
+d. to remove copyright endorsements, serial numbers or other features
+which serve to identify the programme, unless the Licensor has
+provided written authorisation for this beforehand;
+e. to transfer the Software to third parties or to provide access
+to the Software in any other form. This also applies to reproduction
+of the Software. Affiliated companies of the Licensee shall also
+be regarded in principle as third parties; transferring the Software
+within the group of companies for exclusive use at the new site
+shall be authorised in writing by the Licensor - such authorisation
+may only be denied for a major reason. In this case, adherence
+to the scope of use as per § 2 and § 3, any other agreements
+made in this contract and any possible secondary agreements shall
+be ensured. When such transfer has occurred, the Licensee must
+fully delete the Software and any backup copies still at the
+previous site of use within the group of companies without delay;
+f. to transfer the Software, the documentation or parts thereof
+to third parties for the purposes of renting or leasing over
+a period of time.
+§4 Other Rights to the Software
+Within the context of the performance of the existing agreement,
+any purchase of full rights by the Licensee shall only take place
+on the physical system disks on which the Software and the documentation
+are recorded. Purchase of utilisation rights or rights of use
+for the Software and the documentation shall only take place
+insofar as this is expressly intended in the existing agreement.
+The Licensor retains in particular all publication rights, reproduction
+rights, editing rights, translation rights and other utilization
+rights to the Software.
+§5 Term and Termination
+1) The Licensee has the right to use the Software and the documentation
+2) The right of both parties to exceptional termination shall
+remain unaffected, if a major reason for such termination exists.
+In particular, the Licensor has the right to terminate without
+notice in the case of substantial violations of contractual obligations
+on the part of the Licensee.
+3) After a termination, the Licensee is liable under contract
+to fully delete all Software, in particular the original system
+disk, any backup copies and any pertinent Software files installed
+on his/her computer. The Licensee shall also return all pertinent
+documentation. The Licensor has the right to demand a sworn statement
+from the Licensee regarding such deletion.
+§6 Warranty and Cooperation of the Licensee
+1) Warranty claims by the Licensee for Software defects or defective
+documentation shall only be made to the supplier of the Software
+- in particular to the retailer.
+2) If the Licensor is also the supplier - in the case of direct
+purchase of the Software from the Licensor - the Licensor shall
+guarantee the possibility of use in conformity with the documentation,
+if no other agreement on special cases has been made. The legal
+warranty period shall begin with the transfer of the Software
+as per § 1. 2. If the Licensee is not a consumer as defined within
+the meaning of the German Civil Code (BGB), the following shall
+also apply: The warranty period shall amount to 12 months; in
+the case of deviations from the documentation, where such deviations
+considerably affect contractual use, the Licensor, at his/her
+option, shall be obliged to supply a replacement or subsequent
+improvement. If the Licensor cannot correct such deviations (within
+an appropriate time limit) through the delivery of replacements
+or subsequent improvements, or if the Licensor cannot bypass
+such deviations in such a way that the Licensee is enabled contractual
+use of the Software, or if the delivery of replacements or subsequent
+improvements are deemed to have failed due to any other causes,
+the Licensee, at his/her option, can demand a reduction in the
+purchase price or cancel the licence for the programme without
+notice. In the latter case, the Licensee shall also be entitled
+to a full refund of the purchase price.
+3) When reporting errors, the Licensee shall endeavour to be extremely
+precise in the description, narrowing-down, determination and
+reporting of such errors - to this end, he/she shall use competent
+employees. Where applicable, checklists supplied by the retailer
+or Licensor shall be used.
+§7 Liability and Third Party Proprietary Rights
+1) In the case of damages for which he/she is responsible, the
+Licensor shall be liable to pay up to five times the amount of
+the price paid upon delivery of the Software or licence file.
+Standard in this case is the net amount paid (without VAT) at
+the time of purchase.
+2) The Licensor shall not be held liable for any lack of economic
+success, for indirect damages, consequential damages and for
+damages arising from third party claims, with the exception of
+claims pertaining to the infringement of third party proprietary
+3) The Licensor shall only be held liable for ordinary negligence
+insofar as an obligation is violated, adherence to which is of
+major importance for the attainment of the object of this contract
+(cardinal obligation).
+4) For the recovery of data and other damages due to loss of data,
+the Licensor shall only be liable to pay an amount typical for
+the effort and costs involved in such a recovery, and only then
+if the Licensee has ensured that this data (as defined within
+the meaning of proper data processing from data banks) is held
+in readiness in machine-readable form, can be reproduced with
+a justifiable amount of effort, and if the Licensee has in particular
+carried out regular and risk-pertinent creation of backup copies.
+5) The limitations of liability in § 1-4 do not apply to damages
+caused by malice or gross negligence on the part of the Licensor,
+his/her legal representatives, responsible employees, auxiliary
+persons and damages arising from injury to life, body or health.
+6) If the Licensee is in violation of any of the limitations of
+use contained in the existing contract, in particular of § 1.4,
+liability on the part of the Licensor for damages arising from
+such violation shall be excluded.
+7) Liability in accordance with the product liability law shall
+remain unaffected.
+8) If a third party, in spite of the Licensee's contractually
+correct use of the valid, unchanged original version of the Software
+or documentation, makes claims against the Licensee claiming
+infringement of industrial property rights or infringement of
+copyright in the German Federal Republic, the Licensor shall
+defend the Licensee against all such claims. The Licensor shall
+assume the legal costs and quantum of damages imposed on the
+Licensee, provided that the Licensee has immediately informed
+the Licensor of the assertion of such claims and provided that
+all legal defence measures and composition hearings/negotiations
+are reserved for the Licensor.
+9) If claims in accordance with §8 or other claims for an infringement
+of third part proprietary rights have been made, or are expected
+to be made against the Licensee, the Licensor, at his/her option,
+has the right to change or exchange all or part of the Software
+and/or documentation at his/her own expense, to an extent that
+is deemed reasonable for the Licensee.
+10) If a case arises involving §8 and §9, when a Software change
+or the execution of a right of use is not possible with reasonable
+effort, each contractual partner can cancel the licence for the
+Software involved without notice.
+§8 Updates
+1) With the purchase of the licence file, the Licensee is entitled
+to receive and install updates. Updates are made available to
+the Licensee via download from the website of the Licensor -
+unless otherwise agreed.
+2) Provided that no other terms have been agreed for the use of
+such updates, the existing conditions apply.
+3) The duration and extent of the Licensee's download subscription
+rights are governed by the terms of the purchased licence.
+4) An extension of the Licensee's download subscription rights
+is based on the terms agreed upon. Unless otherwise specified,
+the Licensor's terms and conditions apply which are published
+on his/her website.
+§9 Remuneration of the Licensor
+1) If conclusion and implementation of the existing contract take
+place without the involvement of the retail trade, i.e. directly
+with the Licensor,
+a) the Licensor shall receive a one-off fee, which may include
+an update subscription for the first period of use, from the
+Licensee upon purchase of the licence file which is necessary
+for activation of the Software. The amount of the licence fee
+is either taken from the Licensor's price list which is/was valid
+at the time of ordering and which can be accessed on the Licensor's
+website, or derived from a different agreement.
+b) The licence fee in accordance with a.) shall be paid upon transfer
+of the licence file (as per § 1.2) to the Licensee. The Licensee
+shall receive an invoice for the payable amount together with
+the licence file.
+2) If the Software is purchased through a retailer, the licence
+fee, which may include an update subscription for the first period
+of use, is discharged upon payment of the purchase price.
+§10 Miscellaneous
+1) Any changes in, and/or supplements to this contract, including
+this clause, must be made in writing. Verbal supplements to this
+contract shall under no circumstances be made. General Terms
+and Conditions of Business of the Licensee are not part of this
+contract and have no legal force where this contractual relationship
+is concerned.
+2) If a provision of this contract ceases to be effective or proves
+to be not feasible, and the attainment of the object of this
+contract is nevertheless still not essentially impossible, the
+lawfulness of any remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.
+Both parties shall replace the provision which is ineffective
+or not feasible by one which, in a legally valid and economical
+manner, comes closest to the sense and purpose of the ineffective
+3) The laws of the German Federal Republic apply to this contract.
+Place of jurisdiction for merchants (who are Licensees) is the
+registered office of the Licensor.
+4) In the case of delivery in EU countries, price calculation
+without VAT can only occur if the Licensee has provided his/her
+Avira GmbH
+Lindauer Str. 21 | 88069 Tettnang | Germany
+Telephone: +49 (0) 7542-500 0
+Fax: +49 (0) 7542-525 10