Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* hardened/linux/uclibc/arm: drop support <arm6j, default to hardfloatAnthony G. Basile2013-06-148-38/+8
* Remove mask for media-libs/amd64codecs, media-libs/realcodecs, and media-libs...Ulrich Müller2013-06-092-4/+7
* update googleearth mask wrt #471994Julian Ospald2013-06-031-2/+2
* Unmask xorg's synaptics, wacom, qxl on hardened/linux/uclibc/amd64Anthony G. Basile2013-06-011-1/+9
* Mask sci-chemistry/xdsgui due to missing support for sci-chemistry/xdsstat-binJustin Lecher2013-05-302-2/+8
* Mask sci-chemistry/xdsstat-bin due to missing emul packageJustin Lecher2013-05-302-2/+7
* Unmask video_cards_geode on hardened/linux/uclibc/x86, bug #458354Anthony G. Basile2013-05-281-1/+4
* Unmask jit and orc, but turn them off by default on hardened/linux/uclibcAnthony G. Basile2013-05-282-10/+6
* readd missing mask on hardened no-multilib profileMagnus Granberg2013-05-172-2/+17
* Remove hardened/linux/13.0 used for testingAnthony G. Basile2013-05-1635-303/+0
* Fix bug 469254 and 470092 for hardened profileMagnus Granberg2013-05-167-26/+225
* Mask USE=profile for net-analyzer/wireshark (bug #468404).Jeroen Roovers2013-05-041-2/+5
* Mask media-video/nvidia-settings on hardened profileMagnus Granberg2013-04-092-4/+6
* Relax maskings on hardened/linux/uclibc/mipsAnthony G. Basile2013-03-251-9/+1
* Relax iconv mask on git for hardened/linux/uclibc profilesAnthony G. Basile2013-03-251-6/+0
* Add sys-apps/elfix to @system for all hardened profilesAnthony G. Basile2013-03-251-2/+3
* Switch hardened profiles to inherit from 13.0Anthony G. Basile2013-03-248-1/+8
* mask games-rpg/bastion for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-rpg/dungeon-defenders for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-kids/crayon-physics for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-arcade/dynamitejack for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-action/solar2 for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-action/beathazardultra for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-1/+2
* mask games-action/swordandsworcery for hardened-multilibJulian Ospald2013-03-211-2/+3
* Mask some packages that rely on multilib.Ulrich Müller2013-03-181-1/+6
* Force USE=xattr on sys-apps/portage for hardened for XATTR_PAX markingAnthony G. Basile2013-03-181-2/+6
* Switch hardened/linux/mips profiles to 13.0Anthony G. Basile2013-03-068-8/+8
* Unmask recent versions of util-linux and sysvinit on hardened/linux/uclibc/mipsAnthony G. Basile2013-02-201-3/+1
* mask net-misc/teamviewer for hardened/linux/amd64/no-multilibJulian Ospald2013-02-201-1/+2
* mask games-action/trine2, cause it's 32bit onlyJulian Ospald2013-02-131-1/+2
* Add hardened/linux/13.0 for amd64 and x86 for testingAnthony G. Basile2013-02-0928-0/+296
* Drop sse5 USE flag.Matt Turner2013-02-072-6/+4
* Masking games-strategy/dominions2-demo on hardened/linux/uclibc/amd64Alfredo Tupone2013-02-021-2/+8
* Mark all hardened desktop/developer/server profiles as deprecatedAnthony G. Basile2013-02-0222-0/+22
* Unmask eudev on hardened/linux/uclibc/mipsAnthony G. Basile2013-01-271-6/+2
* Unmask orc in hardened profileMagnus Granberg2013-01-121-5/+1
* Remove obsolete masks, wrt bug #444181Sergey Popov2012-12-273-12/+2
* Remove obsolete masks, wrt bug #444181Sergey Popov2012-12-271-4/+1
* Update hardened/linux/uclibc/mips to reflect changes to virtual/udevAnthony G. Basile2012-12-241-3/+5
* Masking rebol for no-multilib profilesPatrick Lauer2012-12-231-1/+5
* Mask nvidia on app-admin/conky on hardened profileMagnus Granberg2012-11-292-2/+9
* adjusting use.mask to allow for nvidia cards to be used for cuda (but still n...Rick Farina2012-11-272-8/+14
* propogating changes from amd64 to x86 relating to nvidia on hardenedRick Farina2012-11-272-9/+19
* Use force the arch flags for hardened/linux/uclibc as with regular arch profilesAnthony G. Basile2012-11-215-0/+30
* add tools to the nvidia-drivers use flag masks to prevent it trying to pull i...Rick Farina2012-11-201-2/+3
* Unmask SIMD flags on hardened/linux/uclibc/x86 and unmask arch USE flags for ...Anthony G. Basile2012-11-203-0/+31
* Unmask SIMD flags on hardened/linux/uclibc/amd64Anthony G. Basile2012-11-201-0/+19
* unmask >=nvidia-drivers-300 on hardenedMagnus Granberg2012-11-202-9/+17
* Mask app-cdr/cdrtools on hardened/linux/uclibc/mipsAnthony G. Basile2012-11-151-1/+9
* Prefer module-init-tools to kmod or modutils on hardened/linux/uclibc/mipsAnthony G. Basile2012-11-151-1/+4