diff options
authorChad Huneycutt <>2002-03-19 05:15:19 +0000
committerChad Huneycutt <>2002-03-19 05:15:19 +0000
commit6dc55ec91438806faba52bc7f255bdbb4c9bb300 (patch)
tree2682c5de06e9a9edd1c7f1d2cd72987c8f91fdbc /sys-apps/pcmcia-cs
parentebuilds for newest pcmcia-cs with my updates (diff)
reversed use of nocardbus
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/pcmcia-cs')
5 files changed, 5 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.conf b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.conf
index 25685d5f8d43..d44aa6f32c08 100644
--- a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.conf
+++ b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.conf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Put cardmgr options here
# To set the PCMCIA scheme at startup...
diff --git a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.rc6 b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.rc6
index 6489ff09dcde..7ec7844ee2ff 100644
--- a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.rc6
+++ b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/files/pcmcia.rc6
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ start() {
ebegin "Starting pcmcia"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /sbin/cardmgr -- -f -s ${RUN}/stab ${CARDMGR_OPTS}
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /sbin/cardmgr -- -s ${RUN}/stab ${CARDMGR_OPTS}
if [ $code -gt 0 -a $modules_loaded -eq 0 ] ; then
einfo "cardmgr failed to start. Make sure that you have PCMCIA"
diff --git a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-r3.ebuild b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b0cc12e42d6e..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
-# Maintainer: System Team <>
-# Author: Craig Joly <>, Daniel Robbins <>, Karl Trygve Kalleberg <>
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/03/05 19:19:32 drobbins Exp $
-DESCRIPTION="PCMCIA tools for Linux"
-DEPEND="sys-kernel/linux-headers X? ( virtual/x11 x11-libs/xforms )"
-RDEPEND="X? ( virtual/x11 x11-libs/xforms )"
-# Note: To use this ebuild, you should have the usr/src/linux symlink to
-# the kernel directory that pcmcia-cs should use for configuration.
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- cp Configure Configure.orig
- sed -e 's:usr/man:usr/share/man:g' Configure.orig > Configure
- #man pages will now install into /usr/share/man
-src_compile() {
- #use $CFLAGS for user tools, but standard kernel optimizations for the kernel modules (for compatibility)
- ./Configure -n \
- --srctree \
- --kernel=/usr/src/linux \
- --force \
- --arch="i386" \
- --uflags="$CFLAGS" \
- --kflags="-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer" \
- --cardbus \
- --nopnp \
- --noapm || die "failed configuring"
- # nopnp and noapm are important, because without them the pcmcia-cs
- # tools will require a kernel with ISA PnP and/or APM support,
- # which cannot be guaranteed. We need to make sure the tools
- # work *all* the time, not just some of the time.
- # The --srctree option tells pcmcia-cs to configure for the kernel in /usr/src/linux
- # rather than the currently-running kernel. It's Gentoo Linux policy to configure for
- # the kernel in /usr/src/linux
- emake all || die "failed compiling"
-src_install () {
- make PREFIX=${D} install || die "failed installing"
- cd ${D}
- rm -rf etc/rc*.d
- # remove X util if USE X isn't set
- # this is simply much easier than patching configure or the makefiles
- # not to build them in the first place
- use X || rm -rf usr/X11R6
- # todo: if they are nstalled, move them to /usr
- insinto /etc
- doins ${FILESDIR}/pcmcia.conf
- # install our own init script
- exeinto /etc/init.d
- newexe ${FILESDIR}/pcmcia.rc6 pcmcia
- if [ -z "`use build`" ]
- then
- cd ${S}
- # install docs
- else
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/man
- fi
- rm ${D}/etc/modules.conf
-src_postinst() {
- einfo "To avail yourself of the pcmcia-cs drivers, you have to disable the PCMCIA support in the kernel."
- einfo "(Otherwise, you might experience CardServices version mismatch errors)"
diff --git a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild
index acb41b3ca099..1c224691e230 100644
--- a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
# Maintainer: System Team <>
# Author: Craig Joly <>, Daniel Robbins <>, Karl Trygve Kalleberg <>
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/03/19 05:14:44 chadh Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2002/03/19 05:15:19 chadh Exp $
# This ebuild installs ${FILESDIR}/hermes.conf, which you can get from
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ src_compile() {
if [ -z "`use nocardbus`" ] ; then
- myconf="$myconf --nocardbus"
- else
myconf="$myconf --cardbus"
+ else
+ myconf="$myconf --nocardbus"
#use $CFLAGS for user tools, but standard kernel optimizations for the kernel modules (for compatibility)
diff --git a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33.ebuild b/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9f1b56468a..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
-# Maintainer: System Team <>
-# Author: Craig Joly <>, Daniel Robbins <>, Karl Trygve Kalleberg <>
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs/pcmcia-cs-3.1.33.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/03/12 05:21:24 chadh Exp $
-DESCRIPTION="PCMCIA tools for Linux"
-DEPEND="sys-kernel/linux-headers X? ( virtual/x11 x11-libs/xforms )"
-RDEPEND="X? ( virtual/x11 x11-libs/xforms )"
-# Note: To use this ebuild, you should have the usr/src/linux symlink to
-# the kernel directory that pcmcia-cs should use for configuration.
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- cp Configure Configure.orig
- sed -e 's:usr/man:usr/share/man:g' Configure.orig > Configure
- #man pages will now install into /usr/share/man
-src_compile() {
- #use $CFLAGS for user tools, but standard kernel optimizations for the kernel modules (for compatibility)
- ./Configure -n \
- --srctree \
- --kernel=/usr/src/linux \
- --force \
- --arch="i386" \
- --uflags="$CFLAGS" \
- --kflags="-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer" \
- --cardbus \
- --nopnp \
- --noapm || die "failed configuring"
- # nopnp and noapm are important, because without them the pcmcia-cs
- # tools will require a kernel with ISA PnP and/or APM support,
- # which cannot be guaranteed. We need to make sure the tools
- # work *all* the time, not just some of the time.
- # The --srctree option tells pcmcia-cs to configure for the kernel in /usr/src/linux
- # rather than the currently-running kernel. It's Gentoo Linux policy to configure for
- # the kernel in /usr/src/linux
- emake all || die "failed compiling"
-src_install () {
- make PREFIX=${D} install || die "failed installing"
- cd ${D}
- rm -rf etc/rc*.d
- # remove X util if USE X isn't set
- # this is simply much easier than patching configure or the makefiles
- # not to build them in the first place
- use X || rm -rf usr/X11R6
- # todo: if they are nstalled, move them to /usr
- insinto /etc
- doins ${FILESDIR}/pcmcia.conf
- # install our own init script
- exeinto /etc/init.d
- newexe ${FILESDIR}/pcmcia.rc6 pcmcia
- if [ -z "`use build`" ]
- then
- cd ${S}
- # install docs
- else
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/man
- fi
- rm ${D}/etc/modules.conf
-src_postinst() {
- einfo "To avail yourself of the pcmcia-cs drivers, you have to disable the PCMCIA support in the kernel."
- einfo "(Otherwise, you might experience CardServices version mismatch errors)"