diff options
authorAndres Loeh <>2004-03-03 17:12:17 +0000
committerAndres Loeh <>2004-03-03 17:12:17 +0000
commitb7c4fe00ae4e319a47a28ce0c0a74df9802aee32 (patch)
tree8a0b2ed57ae6610b04eff18f829977d76544c7de /dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild
parentmark 0.90 stable on x86 (Manifest recommit) (diff)
initial import of wxhaskell
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild b/dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f4dad333bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-haskell/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-0.6.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/03/03 17:12:17 kosmikus Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="a portable and native GUI library for Haskell"
+ >=virtual/ghc-6.2
+ >=x11-libs/wxGTK-2.4.1
+ doc? ( >=dev-haskell/haddock-0.6-r2 )"
+src_compile() {
+ # non-standard configure, so econf is not an option
+ mv configure configure.orig
+ # adapt to Gentoo path convention
+ sed -e 's:/doc/html:/share/doc/html:' \
+ -e 's:wxwinlibs="`$.*$:wxwinlibs="`$wxconfig --libs` `$wxconfig --gl-libs`":' \
+ configure.orig > configure
+ # sed -e 's:test "$wxwinlib\":test "":' configure.orig > configure
+ chmod u+x ./configure
+ # determine ghc library directory
+ # (so that it's possible to install the library for
+ # multiple versions of ghc)
+ local ghc_version
+ local myopts
+ ghc_version=`best_version virtual/ghc | sed "s:.*/::"`
+ test -n ${ghc_version} && ghclibdir="/usr/lib/${ghc_version}"
+ test -n ${ghclibdir} || ghclibdir="/usr/lib"
+ test -n ${ghclibdir} && myopts="${myopts} --libdir=${D}/${ghclibdir}"
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --hcpkg=/bin/true \
+ ${myopts} \
+ || die "./configure failed"
+ # emake doesn't work
+ make || die "make failed"
+ # create documentation
+ if [ `use doc` ]; then
+ make doc || die "make doc failed"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ make install || die "make install failed"
+ if [ `use doc` ]; then
+ dohtml -A haddock -r out/doc/*
+ cp -r samples ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "Registering wxcore package"
+ wxhlibdir=${ghclibdir} ghc-pkg -u -i ${S}/config/wxcore.pkg
+ einfo "Registering wx package"
+ wxhlibdir=${ghclibdir} ghc-pkg -u -i ${S}/config/wx.pkg
+pkg_postrm() {
+ # check if another version is still there
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PF}" \
+ || has_version ">${CATEGORY}/${PF}" \
+ || unregister_ghc_packages
+unregister_ghc_packages() {
+ einfo "Unregistering wx package"
+ /usr/bin/ghc-pkg -r wx
+ einfo "Unregistering wxcore package"
+ /usr/bin/ghc-pkg -r wxcore