diff options
authorCiaran McCreesh <>2004-10-22 19:42:20 +0000
committerCiaran McCreesh <>2004-10-22 19:42:20 +0000
commita3651bdd0e58ca98a1d6e77fba3c23f1acfea82f (patch)
tree490d0f72908bd42aa52ba817023a9905495c540e /app-vim/vimspell
parentremove macos finally and add sh (diff)
Make it work with aspell 0.6.x. Thanks to Molchanov Alexander in bug #66341 for one of the fixes. Also fix LICENSE syntax for GLEP 23
Diffstat (limited to 'app-vim/vimspell')
8 files changed, 224 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog b/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog
index 56cb62c35b5f..a45d8d2661e0 100644
--- a/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for app-vim/vimspell
# Copyright 2000-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2004/09/06 22:23:37 ciaranm Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2004/10/22 19:42:20 ciaranm Exp $
+*vimspell-1.84-r2 (22 Oct 2004)
+ 22 Oct 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <>
+ +files/vimspell-1.84-aspell-0.6.patch, +vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild:
+ Make it work with aspell 0.6.x. Thanks to Molchanov Alexander in bug #66341
+ for one of the fixes.
06 Sep 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild:
Display plugin help text, bug #62559
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/Manifest b/app-vim/vimspell/Manifest
index a9bb2a922646..f9553cc0a0c1 100644
--- a/app-vim/vimspell/Manifest
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/Manifest
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
-Hash: SHA1
+MD5 5b61193c1ea72ff2f0cf037ce312b3c2 vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild 2470
MD5 98ebae613eaef0c8446ed8128ebe0f51 ChangeLog 1828
MD5 e720f76806a69fd4504b735e675cb4f1 vimspell-1.84.ebuild 2312
+MD5 287ed69fc22d0cfe93943d541053391f vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild 2577
MD5 4968eccb5802ba554726105318ccc4f4 vimspell-1.70.ebuild 2303
MD5 9771ca4ff90b56dddc4acfadc6f6a01e metadata.xml 250
-MD5 5b61193c1ea72ff2f0cf037ce312b3c2 vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild 2470
-MD5 7101dd811b1925b8c3eb3c8544a289c0 files/digest-vimspell-1.84 65
+MD5 520de6488ff85f36d4f694cff73dd30b files/vimspell-1.84-explorersyntax.patch 509
+MD5 7101dd811b1925b8c3eb3c8544a289c0 files/digest-vimspell-1.84-r2 65
MD5 6a4ee637c8498ba26e82c61844aa5e55 files/digest-vimspell-1.70 65
+MD5 7101dd811b1925b8c3eb3c8544a289c0 files/digest-vimspell-1.84 65
MD5 7101dd811b1925b8c3eb3c8544a289c0 files/digest-vimspell-1.84-r1 65
-MD5 520de6488ff85f36d4f694cff73dd30b files/vimspell-1.84-explorersyntax.patch 509
-Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 bff67b402df306aff4515298e7472816 files/vimspell-1.84-aspell-0.6.patch 6219
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/files/digest-vimspell-1.84-r2 b/app-vim/vimspell/files/digest-vimspell-1.84-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd1cfe60788b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/files/digest-vimspell-1.84-r2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 7f3a6de67f1e09f5a77743015bc8e83e vimspell-1.84.tar.bz2 17841
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/files/vimspell-1.84-aspell-0.6.patch b/app-vim/vimspell/files/vimspell-1.84-aspell-0.6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7ac062d8ad77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/files/vimspell-1.84-aspell-0.6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+--- plugin/vimspell.vim 2004-04-22 19:47:29.000000000 +0400
++++ plugin/vimspell.vim 2004-10-21 12:10:12.811142448 +0400
+@@ -445,11 +445,15 @@ endfunction
+ " Function: s:SpellVerifyLanguage(a:language) {{{2
+ " Verify the availability of the language for the previously selected
+ " spell checker.
+ function! s:SpellVerifyLanguage(language)
+ if b:spell_executable == "ispell" || b:spell_executable == "aspell"
+- let l:dirs = system("echo word |". b:spell_executable ." -l -d". a:language )
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:dirs = system("echo word |". b:spell_executable ." -l -d". a:language )
++ else
++ let l:dirs = system("echo word |". b:spell_executable ." -d". a:language . " list ")
++ endif
+ if v:shell_error != 0
+ echo "Language '". a:language ."' not known from ". b:spell_executable ."."
+ return 1
+ endif
+ else
+@@ -470,12 +474,17 @@ function! s:SpellGuessLanguage()
+ let l:mlang=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","")
+ while matchstr(l:mlang,",") == ""
+ \ && l:langnum <= s:SpellGetOption("spell_guess_max_languages",3)
+- let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -l -d " .
+- \ l:mlang . " < " . escape(expand("%"),' \'))
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -l -d " .
++ \ l:mlang . " < " . escape(expand("%"),' \'))
++ else
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -d " .
++ \ l:mlang . " list " . " < " . escape(expand("%"),' \'))
++ endif
+ let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"')
+ let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n")
+ let l:spellcount=0
+ let l:errorcount=0
+@@ -527,12 +536,13 @@ function! s:SpellGetDicoList()
+ let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\.hash","","g")
+ let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\n",",","g")
+ elseif b:spell_executable == "aspell"
+ " Thanks to Alexandre Beneteau <> for showing
+ " me a way to get aspell directory for dictionaries.
+- let l:dirs = system('aspell config | '. s:grep . ' "dict-dir current"')
+- let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs,'^.*dict-dir current: \(\/.*\)','\1',"")
++" let l:dirs = system('aspell config | '. s:grep . ' "dict-dir current"')
++" let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs,'^.*dict-dir current: \(\/.*\)','\1',"")
++ let l:dirs = system('aspell config dict-dir')
+ "don't know, why there is a <NUL> char at the end of line ? Get rid of it.
+ let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs,".$","","")
+ let l:dirfiles = glob("`".s:find . l:dirs . s:findname . '"*.multi"' . s:findopt ."`")
+ let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\/[^\n]*\/","","g")
+@@ -743,10 +758,11 @@ endfunction
+ " 1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise.
+ " Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen
+ "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
+ function! s:SpellInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision)
++ return 0
+ " Name of the document path based on the system we use:
+ if (has("unix"))
+ " On UNIX like system, using forward slash:
+ let l:slash_char = '/'
+ let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir -p '
+@@ -895,15 +911,26 @@ function! s:SpellCheck()
+ let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\"
+ let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ if exists("b:spell_filter") && b:spell_filter != ""
+- let l:errors=system('cat '. escape(l:filename,' \')."|".b:spell_filter_pipe
+- \. b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -l -d ".b:spell_language)
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:errors=system('cat '. escape(l:filename,' \')."|".b:spell_filter_pipe
++ \. b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -l -d ".b:spell_language)
++ else
++ let l:errors=system('cat '. escape(l:filename,' \')."|".b:spell_filter_pipe
++ \. b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -d ".b:spell_language
++ \. " list ")
++ endif
+ else
+- let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
+- \. " -l -d ".b:spell_language." < ".escape(l:filename,' \'))
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
++ \. " -l -d ".b:spell_language." < ".escape(l:filename,' \') )
++ else
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
++ \. " -d ".b:spell_language." list "." < ".escape(l:filename,' \') )
++ endif
+ endif
+ let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"')
+ let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n")
+ let l:spellcount=0
+@@ -1015,12 +1042,17 @@ function! s:SpellCheckWindow()
+ let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\"
+ let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ endif
+- let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
+- \ . " -l -d ".b:spell_language." < ".w:tempname)
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
++ \ . " -l -d ".b:spell_language." < ".w:tempname)
++ else
++ let l:errors=system(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options
++ \ . " -d ".b:spell_language. " list " ." < ".w:tempname)
++ endif
+ let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"')
+ let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n")
+ while (l:index > 0)
+ " use stridx/strpart instead of sustitude, because it is faster
+@@ -1087,12 +1119,17 @@ function! s:SpellCheckLine()
+ let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\"
+ let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
+ endif
+- let l:ispexpr = "echo \"".escape(getline('.'),'\"<>')."\"|".b:spell_filter_pipe
+- \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . ' -l -d '.b:spell_language
++ if b:spell_executable == "ispell"
++ let l:ispexpr = "echo \"".escape(getline('.'),'\"<>')."\"|".b:spell_filter_pipe
++ \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . ' -l -d '.b:spell_language
++ else
++ let l:ispexpr = "echo \"".escape(getline('.'),'\"<>')."\"|".b:spell_filter_pipe
++ \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . ' -d '.b:spell_language . " list "
++ endif
+ let l:errors=system(l:ispexpr)
+ let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"')
+ let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n")
+ while (l:index > 0)
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild
index 1e3ca09be741..beaffb4e9bdf 100644
--- a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild,v 1.7 2004/07/14 13:52:09 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.70.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/10/22 19:42:20 ciaranm Exp $
inherit vim-plugin
DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: on-the-fly spell checking with aspell"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-1 GPL-2 )"
KEYWORDS="x86 sparc alpha ia64 ~ppc ~amd64"
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild
index 475ab3ec39ac..1a7a36aaed45 100644
--- a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild,v 1.7 2004/09/06 22:23:37 ciaranm Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/10/22 19:42:20 ciaranm Exp $
inherit eutils vim-plugin
DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: on-the-fly spell checking with aspell"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-1 GPL-2 )"
KEYWORDS="x86 sparc alpha ~ia64 ~ppc ~amd64 mips"
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..275ffa0564f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/10/22 19:42:20 ciaranm Exp $
+inherit eutils vim-plugin
+DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: on-the-fly spell checking with aspell"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-1 GPL-2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~sparc ~alpha ~ia64 ~ppc ~amd64 ~mips"
+# In theory, this plugin supports either aspell or ispell. However,
+# virtual/spell has been removed by seemant in favour of just using
+# app-text/aspell:
+# 20:06 <@seemant> ciaranm: I think I might have removed it, come to
+# think of it, because I was on a kick to get everything converted
+# to aspell instead of ispell
+# 20:06 <@seemant> for the simple reason that ispell blows dogs
+# So we'll just force people to use aspell...
+RDEPEND="$RDEPEND app-text/aspell"
+function src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}/plugin
+ # Apply patch to fix directory syntax highlighting (bug #52363)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-explorersyntax.patch
+ # Apply patch to work with new aspell (bug #66341)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-aspell-0.6.patch
+ # This plugin needs to be told which spell program to use. The default
+ # is hard-coded as 'ispell' in the plugin file. We can fix that with a
+ # bit of sed magic.
+ OLD_DEFAULT='s:SpellGetOption("spell_executable","ispell")'
+ NEW_DEFAULT='s:SpellGetOption("spell_executable","aspell")'
+ sed -e "s/$OLD_DEFAULT/$NEW_DEFAULT/g" \
+ -i vimspell.vim || die "default setting fix failed"
+ # This plugin also tries to install its own documentation automatically
+ # upon load. This breaks emerge unmerge, so we'll install the docs
+ # manually.
+ mkdir ${S}/doc || die
+ cd ${S}/doc
+ cp ${S}/plugin/vimspell.vim vimspell.txt
+ sed -e "1,/^=== \+START_DOC/d" \
+ -e "/^=== \+END_DOC/,\$d" \
+ -e "s/{{{[1-9]/ /g" \
+ -e "s/#version#/v${PV}/g" \
+ -i vimspell.txt || die "docs failed"
+ echo -ne "\n vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:\n" >> vimspell.txt
+ # Unfortunately, there's a rather large logic error in the documentation
+ # installation code. If vim can't write to /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/doc/
+ # then the plugin will try to install a copy of the docs locally, even if
+ # the global directory has an up-to-date copy. To get around this we'll
+ # make the SpellInstallDocumentation function do nothing.
+ cd ${S}/plugin
+ sed -e "/^function! s:SpellInstallDocumentation/a\ return 0" \
+ -i vimspell.vim || die "install fix failed"
diff --git a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild
index e4f87f97e740..6eaa1c221850 100644
--- a/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild
+++ b/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild,v 1.4 2004/07/14 13:52:09 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-vim/vimspell/vimspell-1.84.ebuild,v 1.5 2004/10/22 19:42:20 ciaranm Exp $
inherit vim-plugin
DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: on-the-fly spell checking with aspell"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-1 GPL-2 )"
KEYWORDS="~x86 sparc ~alpha ~ia64 ~ppc ~amd64 ~mips"