diff options
authorMatsuu Takuto <>2009-01-01 03:04:10 +0000
committerMatsuu Takuto <>2009-01-01 03:04:10 +0000
commit63b18b69dc9341533b0821178f406289e5b76059 (patch)
tree046d1370de6925bf3ca21c1939f5af2424542639 /app-admin
parentRemoved old version. (diff)
Removed old versions.
(Portage version: 2.6.28-gentoo x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin')
5 files changed, 7 insertions, 453 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog b/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog
index 83fd89c11397..b7c8386e5b9b 100644
--- a/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for app-admin/puppet
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog,v 1.33 2008/12/23 16:49:41 matsuu Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/puppet/ChangeLog,v 1.34 2009/01/01 03:04:10 matsuu Exp $
+ 01 Jan 2009; MATSUU Takuto <>
+ -files/puppet-0.24.5-eix-0.14.0.patch, -puppet-0.24.5-r4.ebuild,
+ -puppet-0.24.6-r1.ebuild, -puppet-0.24.7.ebuild:
+ Removed old versions.
*puppet-0.24.7-r1 (23 Dec 2008)
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/files/puppet-0.24.5-eix-0.14.0.patch b/app-admin/puppet/files/puppet-0.24.5-eix-0.14.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 416d8f25ecbc..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/puppet/files/puppet-0.24.5-eix-0.14.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur puppet-0.24.5.orig/lib/puppet/provider/package/portage.rb puppet-0.24.5/lib/puppet/provider/package/portage.rb
---- puppet-0.24.5.orig/lib/puppet/provider/package/portage.rb 2008-07-08 22:46:19.000000000 +0900
-+++ puppet-0.24.5/lib/puppet/provider/package/portage.rb 2008-10-03 01:45:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- defaultfor :operatingsystem => :gentoo
- def self.instances
-- result_format = /(\S+) (\S+) \[(?:([0-9.a-zA-Z]+(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[0-9]*)*(?:-r[0-9]*)?)(?:\([^\)]+\))?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?[ ]*)*\] \[(?:(?:\{M\})?(?:\([~*]+\))?([0-9.a-zA-Z]+(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[0-9]*)*(?:-r[0-9]*)?)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?(?:![mf])*(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?)?\] ([\S]*) (.*)/
-+ result_format = /(\S+) (\S+) \[(?:([0-9.a-zA-Z]+(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[0-9]*)*(?:-r[0-9]*)?)(?:\([^\)]+\))?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?[ ]*)*\] \[(?:(?:\{M\})?(?:\([~*]+\))?([0-9.a-zA-Z]+(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[0-9]*)*(?:-r[0-9]*)?)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?(?:\+[ilvs]|![fmpbstuid])*(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?)?\] ([\S]*) (.*)/
- result_fields = [:category, :name, :ensure, :ensure_overlay, :version_available, :slot, :overlay, :vendor, :description]
- search_format = "{installedversionsshort}<category> <name> [<installedversionsshort>] [<best>] <homepage> <description>{}"
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.5-r4.ebuild b/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.5-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d997a22e1b67..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.5-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.5-r4.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/12/02 16:46:09 matsuu Exp $
-inherit elisp-common eutils ruby
-DESCRIPTION="A system automation and configuration management software"
-IUSE="emacs ldap rrdtool vim-syntax"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-DEPEND="emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
- >=dev-ruby/facter-1.1.0"
- >=app-portage/eix-0.9.4
- ldap? ( dev-ruby/ruby-ldap )
- rrdtool? (
- || (
- >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23
- dev-ruby/ruby-rrd
- )
- )"
-# || (
-# www-servers/webrick
-# www-servers/mongrel
-# )
-# dev-ruby/diff-lcs
-# dev-ruby/rails
-# dev-ruby/ruby-shadow
-USE_RUBY="ruby18 ruby19"
-pkg_setup() {
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ipv6 || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ipv6 support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ssl || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ssl support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- if use rrdtool && \
- has_version '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' && \
- ! built_with_use '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' ruby
- then
- die "net-analyzer/rrdtool must be built with ruby USE flag."
- fi
- enewgroup puppet
- enewuser puppet -1 -1 /var/lib/puppet puppet
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.24.2-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-eix-0.14.0.patch"
-src_compile() {
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-compile ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el || die "elisp-compile failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- DESTDIR="${D}" ruby_einstall "$@" || die
- DESTDIR="${D}" erubydoc
- #
- # bug #237071
- #
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppetmaster
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.init puppetmaster
- #doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppetmaster
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.confd puppetmaster
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppet
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppet.init puppet
- doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppet
- # Initial configuration files
- keepdir /etc/puppet/manifests
- insinto /etc/puppet
- doins conf/gentoo/puppet/*
- # Location of log and data files
- keepdir /var/run/puppet
- keepdir /var/log/puppet
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/ssl
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/files
- fowners -R puppet:puppet /var/{run,log,lib}/puppet
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-install ${PN} ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el* || die "elisp-install failed"
- elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/${SITEFILE}"
- fi
- if use ldap ; then
- insinto /etc/openldap/schema; doins ext/ldap/puppet.schema
- fi
- if use vim-syntax ; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax; doins ext/vim/syntax/puppet.vim
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect; doins ext/vim/ftdetect/puppet.vim
- fi
- # ext and examples files
- for f in $(find ext examples -type f) ; do
- docinto "$(dirname ${f})"; dodoc "${f}"
- done
- docinto conf; dodoc conf/namespaceauth.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "Please, *don't* include the --ask option in EMERGE_EXTRA_OPTS as this could"
- elog "cause puppet to hang while installing packages."
- elog
- elog "Puppet uses eix to get information about currently installed packages,"
- elog "so please keep the eix metadata cache updated so puppet is able to properly"
- elog "handle package installations."
- elog
- elog "Currently puppet only supports adding and removing services to the default"
- elog "runlevel, if you want to add/remove a service from another runlevel you may"
- elog "do so using symlinking."
- elog
- if [ \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetd.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetmaster.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetca.conf" \
- ] ; then
- elog
- elog "Please remove deprecated config files."
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetca.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetd.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetmasterd.conf"
- elog
- fi
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen
-pkg_postrm() {
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.6-r1.ebuild b/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.6-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0dddd8ea2e..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.6-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.6-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/12/02 16:46:09 matsuu Exp $
-inherit elisp-common eutils ruby
-DESCRIPTION="A system automation and configuration management software"
-IUSE="emacs ldap rrdtool vim-syntax"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-DEPEND="emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
- >=dev-ruby/facter-1.5.0"
- >=app-portage/eix-0.9.4
- ldap? ( dev-ruby/ruby-ldap )
- rrdtool? (
- || (
- >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23
- dev-ruby/ruby-rrd
- )
- )"
-# || (
-# www-servers/webrick
-# www-servers/mongrel
-# )
-# dev-ruby/diff-lcs
-# dev-ruby/rails
-# dev-ruby/ruby-shadow
-USE_RUBY="ruby18 ruby19"
-pkg_setup() {
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ipv6 || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ipv6 support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ssl || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ssl support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- if use rrdtool && \
- has_version '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' && \
- ! built_with_use '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' ruby
- then
- die "net-analyzer/rrdtool must be built with ruby USE flag."
- fi
- enewgroup puppet
- enewuser puppet -1 -1 /var/lib/puppet puppet
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.24.2-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-eix.patch"
-src_compile() {
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-compile ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el || die "elisp-compile failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- DESTDIR="${D}" ruby_einstall "$@" || die
- DESTDIR="${D}" erubydoc
- #
- # bug #237071
- #
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppetmaster
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.init puppetmaster
- #doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppetmaster
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.confd puppetmaster
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppet
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppet.init puppet
- doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppet
- # Initial configuration files
- keepdir /etc/puppet/manifests
- insinto /etc/puppet
- doins conf/gentoo/puppet/*
- # Location of log and data files
- keepdir /var/run/puppet
- keepdir /var/log/puppet
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/ssl
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/files
- fowners -R puppet:puppet /var/{run,log,lib}/puppet
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-install ${PN} ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el* || die "elisp-install failed"
- elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/${SITEFILE}"
- fi
- if use ldap ; then
- insinto /etc/openldap/schema; doins ext/ldap/puppet.schema
- fi
- if use vim-syntax ; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax; doins ext/vim/syntax/puppet.vim
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect; doins ext/vim/ftdetect/puppet.vim
- fi
- # ext and examples files
- for f in $(find ext examples -type f) ; do
- docinto "$(dirname ${f})"; dodoc "${f}"
- done
- docinto conf; dodoc conf/namespaceauth.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "Please, *don't* include the --ask option in EMERGE_EXTRA_OPTS as this could"
- elog "cause puppet to hang while installing packages."
- elog
- elog "Puppet uses eix to get information about currently installed packages,"
- elog "so please keep the eix metadata cache updated so puppet is able to properly"
- elog "handle package installations."
- elog
- elog "Currently puppet only supports adding and removing services to the default"
- elog "runlevel, if you want to add/remove a service from another runlevel you may"
- elog "do so using symlinking."
- elog
- if [ \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetd.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetmaster.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetca.conf" \
- ] ; then
- elog
- elog "Please remove deprecated config files."
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetca.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetd.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetmasterd.conf"
- elog
- fi
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen
-pkg_postrm() {
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.7.ebuild b/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index fe7acdef1ee0..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/puppet/puppet-0.24.7.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/12/19 18:07:43 matsuu Exp $
-inherit elisp-common eutils ruby
-DESCRIPTION="A system automation and configuration management software"
-IUSE="emacs ldap rrdtool vim-syntax"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-DEPEND="emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
- >=dev-ruby/facter-1.5.0"
- >=app-portage/eix-0.9.4
- ldap? ( dev-ruby/ruby-ldap )
- rrdtool? (
- || (
- >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23
- dev-ruby/ruby-rrd
- )
- )"
-# || (
-# www-servers/webrick
-# www-servers/mongrel
-# )
-# dev-ruby/diff-lcs
-# dev-ruby/rails
-# dev-ruby/ruby-shadow
-USE_RUBY="ruby18 ruby19"
-pkg_setup() {
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ipv6 || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ipv6 support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- built_with_use virtual/ruby ssl || \
- die "Ruby must be built with ssl support, otherwise puppet will not be able to run"
- if use rrdtool && \
- has_version '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' && \
- ! built_with_use '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23' ruby
- then
- die "net-analyzer/rrdtool must be built with ruby USE flag."
- fi
- enewgroup puppet
- enewuser puppet -1 -1 /var/lib/puppet puppet
-src_compile() {
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-compile ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el || die "elisp-compile failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- DESTDIR="${D}" ruby_einstall "$@" || die
- DESTDIR="${D}" erubydoc
- #
- # bug #237071
- #
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppetmaster
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.init puppetmaster
- #doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppetmaster
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/puppetmaster.confd puppetmaster
- #doinitd conf/gentoo/init.d/puppet
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppet.init puppet
- doconfd conf/gentoo/conf.d/puppet
- # Initial configuration files
- keepdir /etc/puppet/manifests
- insinto /etc/puppet
- doins conf/gentoo/puppet/*
- # Location of log and data files
- keepdir /var/run/puppet
- keepdir /var/log/puppet
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/ssl
- keepdir /var/lib/puppet/files
- fowners -R puppet:puppet /var/{run,log,lib}/puppet
- if use emacs ; then
- elisp-install ${PN} ext/emacs/puppet-mode.el* || die "elisp-install failed"
- elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/${SITEFILE}"
- fi
- if use ldap ; then
- insinto /etc/openldap/schema; doins ext/ldap/puppet.schema
- fi
- if use vim-syntax ; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax; doins ext/vim/syntax/puppet.vim
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect; doins ext/vim/ftdetect/puppet.vim
- fi
- # ext and examples files
- for f in $(find ext examples -type f) ; do
- docinto "$(dirname ${f})"; dodoc "${f}"
- done
- docinto conf; dodoc conf/namespaceauth.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "Please, *don't* include the --ask option in EMERGE_EXTRA_OPTS as this could"
- elog "cause puppet to hang while installing packages."
- elog
- elog "Puppet uses eix to get information about currently installed packages,"
- elog "so please keep the eix metadata cache updated so puppet is able to properly"
- elog "handle package installations."
- elog
- elog "Currently puppet only supports adding and removing services to the default"
- elog "runlevel, if you want to add/remove a service from another runlevel you may"
- elog "do so using symlinking."
- elog
- if [ \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetd.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetmaster.conf" -o \
- -f "${ROOT}/etc/puppet/puppetca.conf" \
- ] ; then
- elog
- elog "Please remove deprecated config files."
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetca.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetd.conf"
- elog " /etc/puppet/puppetmasterd.conf"
- elog
- fi
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen
-pkg_postrm() {
- use emacs && elisp-site-regen