diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/glsr/src/pym/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/glsr/src/pym/ b/src/glsr/src/pym/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11aaaf206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/glsr/src/pym/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright 2004 Ian Leitch
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id:,v 2004/06/04 06:38:35 port001 Exp $
+__modulename__ = "Script"
+import types
+import string
+import MySQL
+import Config
+from GLSRBackend import GLSRBackend as Parent
+class Script(Parent):
+ tablename = Config.MySQL["script_table"]
+ def Create(self, submitter, category, name, descr, body):
+ """Add a new script to the database"""
+ return Parent.Create(self,
+ {"submitter": submitter,
+ "category": category,
+ "rank": 0,
+ "name": name,
+ "descr": description,
+ "body": body})
+ def Approve(self, uid):
+ """Mark script as approved"""
+ return Parent.Modify(self, ["approved", "approvedby"],
+ {"approved": 1,
+ "approvedby": uid})
+ def Search(self, Terms):
+ """
+ Search for scripts in the DB.
+ Terms should be a dictionary of (field, value) pairs. If 'value' is a
+ ListType then they will be OR'd
+ (i.e. field = value[0] OR field = value[1]...)
+ Searchable values include: language, category, status, name, descr,
+ submitter
+ """
+ import operator
+ qStr = self.__mk_query(["language", "category"], Terms)
+ if qStr != "":
+ qStr = "WHERE " + qStr
+ scripts = MySQL.Query("SELECT * FROM %s%s %s" %
+ (Config.MySQL["prefix"], self.tablename, qStr))
+ found = []
+ for script in scripts:
+ for key in ["name", "descr", "submitter"]:
+ if key in Terms.keys():
+ if script[key].find(Terms[key]) != -1:
+ found.append(script)
+ # Get the subscripts
+ qStr = self.__mk_query(["status"], Terms)
+ if qStr != "":
+ qStr = "AND " + qStr
+ loop = len(found) # Since found will be modified, this is necessary.
+ for i in range(loop):
+ qStr = ("SELECT %s_version, %s_date, %s_status, %s_approvedby" %
+ tuple(operator.repeat(Config.MySQL["subscript_table"], 4))+
+ " FROM %s%s WHERE status != 'draft' AND parent = %s " %
+ (Config.MySQL["prefix"], Config.MySQL["subscript_table"],
+ found[i]["scid"]) + qStr)
+ if "most_recent" in Terms.keys():
+ subscript = MySQL.Query(qStr + " ORDER BY version",
+ fetch = "one")
+ found[i].update(subscript)
+ else:
+ subscripts = MySQL.Query(qStr, fetch = "all")
+ for subscript in subscripts[1:]:
+ found.append(found[i])
+ found[len(found)].update(subscript)
+ found[i].update(subscripts[0])
+ return found
+ def __mk_query_str(self, field, Terms):
+ qStr = field + " IN "
+ if type(Terms[field]) == types.ListType:
+ if not len(Terms[field]):
+ return ""
+ newlist = map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, Terms[field])
+ value = string.join(newlist, "," % field)
+ else:
+ value = Terms[field]
+ return "%s (%s)" % (qStr, value)
+ def __mk_query(self, fields, Terms):
+ qStr = ""
+ for (key,value) in Terms.items():
+ if key in fields:
+ if qStr != "":
+ qStr = qStr + " AND "
+ qStr = qStr + self.__mk_query_str(key, Terms)
+ return qStr