22:00 (@alexxy) !time 22:00 (Willikins) alexxy: Europe - Moscow - Thu May 21 23:00 MSD 22:00 (@alexxy) heh 22:00 (@scarabeus) roll-call slackers 22:00 (+wired) w000t 22:00 (@alexxy) time to start 22:00 (@scarabeus) !herd kde 22:00 (@alexxy) =) 22:00 (Willikins) (kde) alexxy, carlo, cryos, dagger, deathwing00, jmbsvicetto, keytoaster, patrick, scarabeus, tampakrap, tgurr 22:00 (+wired) meh 22:00 (+wired) hopefully last meeting im not in that list 22:00 (dagger) huh 22:00 (+wired) :D 22:00 (@alexxy) time to start meeting 22:00 (nirbheek) hurr hurr 22:00 (@scarabeus) Time to start meting :D 22:00 (@alexxy) who is here? 22:00 -> tampakrap 22:00 (@hwoarang) wait! 22:00 (nirbheek) Time to start mating! 22:00 -!- Pesa [n=Pesa@bluemchen.kde.org] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:00 (@hwoarang) !herd qt 22:00 (dagger) alexxy: I'm not here :) 22:00 (@hwoarang) ladies? 22:01 (dagger) hwoarang: lol 22:01 (Willikins) (qt) carlo, hwoarang, tampakrap, yngwin 22:01 (Gentle) is the libusb blocker ( http://dpaste.com/46414/ ) known? How to best avoid it? 22:01 (nirbheek) !herd gnome 22:01 (Willikins) (gnome) dang, eva, ford_prefect, leio, nirbheek, remi 22:01 (+wired) that list as well 22:01 (nirbheek) Low attendance, hmmm. 22:01 (@hwoarang) Pesa: dont hide , come over here 22:01 (+wired) nirbheek: lolz 22:01 (Pesa) i'm here, just in time :D 22:01 (@scarabeus) bonsaikitten: you too, are you around? 22:01 (@bonsaikitten) no, I'm a square 22:01 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+vvvv papillon81 Phlogi _Phlogi Civil] by scarabeus 22:01 (@alexxy) bonsaikitten: or you square today? 22:01 (@bonsaikitten) :) 22:01 (nirbheek) bonsaikitten, lrn2read vowels 22:02 (@scarabeus) :D 22:02 (nirbheek) So, wait, this is it? This is the meeting? 22:02 (@scarabeus) so we are missing few devs, and importantly our lead 22:02 (nirbheek) rollcall followed by silence? 22:02 (+krytzz) im a triforce 22:03 (cvandonderen) I want to join too! :-D:-P 22:03 (@alexxy) jmbsvicetto: !!!!! 22:03 (dagger) should I *stab* him? 22:03 (+wired) nirbheek: our meetings happen in brainwave levels :P 22:03 (@hwoarang) yngwin_: !! 22:03 (+wired) the leads are away 22:03 (@alexxy) Civil: ! 22:03 (@hwoarang) slacking leaders :D 22:03 (+wired) maybe they went out for beers 22:03 (+wired) :D 22:03 (@alexxy) mine beer is near me 22:03 (@alexxy) =) 22:04 (@hwoarang) +1 22:04 (@scarabeus) mine too :] 22:04 (@scarabeus) ok 22:04 (+Civil) alexxy, ? 22:04 (@hwoarang) o_0 22:04 (+wired) i see 22:04 (dagger) I've got tonic with me (no without gin) 22:04 (@yngwin_) present 22:04 (@hwoarang) !! YEY!! 22:04 (+wired) beer meeting this will be 22:04 -!- yngwin_ is now known as yngwin 22:04 (+wired) yngwin: :D 22:04 (spatz) for me? you shouldn't have :p 22:04 -> papillon81 is here 22:04 -> Civil is here 22:04 -!- hwoarang topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | meeting 21.5. 19:00 UTC | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU | Beer meeting in 22:04 (@hwoarang) stupid topic 22:04 -!- joost_op [n=joost@] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:04 (+wired) hwoarang: you fail it 22:05 -> nirbheek is here 22:05 (joost_op) evening 22:05 (@scarabeus) nirbheek: you want really to be listed on the roll-call? 22:05 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+v spatz] by yngwin 22:05 -> nirbheek does not know why he is here except maybe for espionage and sabotage 22:05 (@scarabeus) nirbheek: dont you fear other gnomies would burn you as witch 22:05 -> reavertm around 22:05 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+v Pesa] by yngwin 22:05 (nirbheek) scarabeus, they're too busy slacking :p 22:05 (@scarabeus) ok 22:05 (@scarabeus) i think better it wont get 22:05 (@scarabeus) most of us is here 22:05 (@hwoarang) :D 22:06 (+wired) yodabeus 22:06 (@scarabeus) :D 22:06 (@scarabeus) ok somebody must do the log 22:06 (+reavertm) nirbheek: we'll talk about some desktop file related stuff that touches gnome as well, so stay here :) 22:06 (@scarabeus) i still didnt find how todo it on quassel 22:06 (+wired) i'm logging 22:06 (@scarabeus) great 22:06 (@hwoarang) nice 22:06 (nirbheek) reavertm, kewl 22:06 (@scarabeus) so anyone has something to the topic list we have on the mail, or we should start right away with it? 22:07 (cvandonderen) scarabeus: you can just copy-paste it from the backlog 22:07 (@tampakrap) why not wait 10 minutes for others? 22:07 (@scarabeus) cvandonderen: not convinient 22:07 -> papillon81 has got no mail 22:07 (cvandonderen) scarabeus: we did it last time for a kde.org meeting ;-) 22:07 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: what others, only boss and cryos is missing 22:07 -!- Red_Devil [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:07 (@tampakrap) boss then 22:07 -> jokey enters spectator mode 22:08 (nirbheek) jokey, YESH 22:08 (nirbheek) I finally catch you 22:08 -!- _Phlogi [n=quassel@38-77.76-83.cust.bluewin.ch] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:08 (+reavertm) http://dpaste.com/46416/ - meeting agenda 22:08 (+papillon81) reavertm: thanks 22:08 (@scarabeus) http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_c5211b31c0fbff058bc767e3ac8ef077.xml 22:08 (@scarabeus) for those whom dont like pastebins 22:09 (@yngwin) scarabeus: carlo is missing too 22:09 -> lxnay sniffs packets from now 22:09 (@scarabeus) yngwin: he will be allways missing 22:09 (@yngwin) i know, but i consider this an offence 22:09 (@scarabeus) well he does not reply to mine mails either 22:10 (@scarabeus) ok i will write it to summary and let it to jorge to sort out :P 22:10 (@yngwin) yes please 22:10 (@hwoarang) no 22:10 (+reavertm) a'ka "removing dead members" ? 22:10 (@hwoarang) i ve talked to jorge before 2-3 days 22:10 (cvandonderen) I could do the kde4 guide.... 22:10 (@hwoarang) he said it is up to qt herd to deal with him 22:10 (@hwoarang) :) 22:10 (@yngwin) ok 22:10 (cvandonderen) I'm new to Gentoo, so I can do it based on experiences encontered 22:10 (@yngwin) i'll take care of it then 22:11 (@hwoarang) ok 22:11 -> cryos|work wife is having a baby in a few weeks - he may not be present for the next few meetings. Sorry! 22:11 -!- kdeR [n=wired@musici.static.otenet.gr] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:11 (@hwoarang) o_0 22:11 (@hwoarang) new developer :D 22:11 (@tampakrap) congratulations! 22:11 (@yngwin) good luck with that 22:11 (+krytzz) haha 22:11 (@scarabeus) cryos|work: wow, cool, enjoy the little slacker, be sure you wont be sleeping either :] 22:11 (@yngwin) :) 22:12 (+krytzz) yeah congratulations 22:12 (dagger) cryos|work: grats to you and your mrs dude :) 22:12 (@hwoarang) \o/ congrats cryos|work :) 22:12 (@cryos|work) Thanks - expecting lots of ups and downs over the next few months. Today has been hectic... 22:12 (@cryos|work) US time zone doesn't help me get here either... 22:12 (+wired) cryos|work: congrats =] 22:12 (@alexxy) he he =) congratulations cryos|work =) 22:13 (@jmbsvicetto) Hello 22:13 (jokey) new dev training++ 22:13 (dagger) yaay jmbsvicetto! 22:13 (+krytzz) yay chef 22:13 (+wired) jmbsvicetto: leader! 22:13 (@hwoarang) :) 22:13 (+wired) w00t 22:13 (@jmbsvicetto) Sorry guys, but I just sat down at work. I've been working up until now 22:13 (@hwoarang) no worries 22:13 (@hwoarang) i bet we are about to break a record today 22:13 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: the network magic? :] 22:14 (lxnay) jmbsvicetto: helloes 22:14 (@scarabeus) ok i know we all can say hello for next 20 minutes, but lets get started :] 22:14 (@scarabeus) topic 1; doc handling 22:14 (@scarabeus) reavertm: anything changed on that subject? 22:14 (nirbheek) #gentoo-kde 22:15 (@scarabeus) and for specified packages with api-doc we will create new useflag 22:15 (nirbheek) mumble, mumble, what about packages that just rebuild the docs? 22:15 (nirbheek) And unconditionally install docs? 22:15 (@jmbsvicetto) cryos|work: congrats 22:15 (@scarabeus) nirbheek: we dont have such :] 22:16 (+reavertm) I support idea of leaving 'doc' for handbooks and introduce some other useflag when there's apidocs along with use documentation 22:16 (@cryos|work) Thanks jmbsvicetto :P 22:16 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: getting ready for that 22:16 (@scarabeus) reavertm: so we agree on that :] 22:16 (nirbheek) scarabeus, but hypothetically, if you guys did, what would you do :p 22:16 (+krytzz) nirbheek slap upstream 22:16 (@jmbsvicetto) Hi everyone 22:16 (nirbheek) krytzz, difficult to slap entire gnome :p 22:16 (joost_op) right now compile kdelibs +doc results in a 268MB vs 48MB package 22:16 (nirbheek) jmbsvicetto, HELLO. 22:16 (@scarabeus) so what would be the apidoc useflag 22:17 (+reavertm) same for kdepimlibs 22:17 (@scarabeus) api-doc apidoc 22:17 (@scarabeus) anything else? 22:17 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: By default on Gentoo, user docs should be installed 22:17 (@scarabeus) suggestions ... 22:17 (cvandonderen) and will the apidoc useflag only be for kde, or Gentoo-wide? 22:17 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: they are large 22:17 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: Only api / dev docs / examples should be conditional on use flags 22:17 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: hmm 22:17 (+wired) we could keep useflag for user docs but + it 22:17 (+reavertm) well, that's the way as well 22:18 (@scarabeus) sounds reasonable 22:18 (@scarabeus) +doc on kde-base 22:18 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus / reavertm: If they are large, they fit with the other docs - thus should depend on a use flag 22:18 (+reavertm) nirbheek: how do you have it on gnome? 22:18 (@jmbsvicetto) Gentoo does allow for exceptions ;) 22:18 (nirbheek) reavertm, we ignore the problem entirely =p 22:18 (+wired) lolz 22:18 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: well then lets invent apidoc 22:18 (@jmbsvicetto) nirbheek: hehe 22:18 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: docs are handled fine 22:18 (cvandonderen) and then make it kde-docs or something, because Java installs apidoc with doc too 22:18 (@scarabeus) but as joost said 22:18 (@scarabeus) 268 mb vs 48 mb 22:18 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: what fills those 268MB ? 22:19 (nirbheek) docsdammitwhatelse 22:19 (@yngwin) maybe a discussion on dev ml is warranted, about global apidoc useflag 22:19 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: api documentation 22:19 (@scarabeus) yngwin: i hate writing on -dev 22:19 (@scarabeus) yngwin: everything that is not anouncement turns to flame 22:19 (joost_op) for users having +doc in their make.conf, its not what they wanted 22:19 (lxnay) scarabeus: ;) true 22:19 (@yngwin) well, thats the official channel... 22:19 (+reavertm) if gentoo policy is to install docs by default, maybe we should drop 'doc' useflag for handbooks then 22:20 (+wired) scarabeus: it works if you just ignore flame[baits] 22:20 (nirbheek) scarabeus, ignore all replies is the solution 22:20 (@scarabeus) reavertm: now when it finaly works? ;] 22:20 -!- Devrethman [i=mpd@D-128-208-118-158.dhcp4.washington.edu] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:20 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i would go with +doc 22:20 (+wired) nah it should be optional, its gentoo 22:20 (+krytzz) me too scarabeus 22:20 (+spatz) if doc should be enabled by default then it should be done in the profile 22:20 (+wired) +doc sounds best 22:20 (@yngwin) no! 22:20 (+krytzz) why not 22:20 (@hwoarang) i dont like +doc 22:20 (+reavertm) not in profile 22:20 (@alexxy) heh ; to me seems better to use doc for user docs 22:20 (dagger) +doc sounds the best. If you want, you can disable it 22:20 (nirbheek) spatz, that results in too many circular deps 22:20 (@scarabeus) in kde-base packages 22:20 (@yngwin) not in profile 22:20 (+reavertm) better +doc per ebuild 22:20 (@scarabeus) yes per ebuild 22:21 (nirbheek) spatz, it's officially unsupported by Gentoo for global enabling 22:21 (@scarabeus) and the apidoc i will sum up some mail then 22:21 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: But is it only api documentation or the handbook as well? 22:21 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: we need to distinguish them where they are both 22:21 (+reavertm) (like in kdelibs) 22:21 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: +doc for documetnation only 22:21 (+reavertm) +doc whould be just for handbooks 22:21 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: apidoc or sth for api doc 22:21 -> yngwin goes off to set -doc in make.conf 22:21 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: where we ask on -dev for suggestions 22:22 (@scarabeus) yngwin: :D 22:22 (@yngwin) i can use internet thankyouverymuch 22:22 (dagger) yngwin: how about kde-base/* -doc :) 22:22 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, let me ask again. I'm not talking about use flags yet. I'm just trying to undestand what type of docs we have and an approximate size 22:22 -!- Enrico|ITA| [n=quassel@host86-47-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:22 (@yngwin) dagger: if only portage would support that 22:22 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: the doc is 5-10megs 22:22 (@scarabeus) per package 22:22 (dagger) yngwin: ouch. I though it does 22:22 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: apidoc is big crap 22:22 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: It does, if you change the order for inheritance ;) 22:23 (@yngwin) huh? 22:23 (joost_op) jmbsvicetto, it looks like right now on kdelibs with +doc it generates an insane size on the disc.. for no clear reason.. 22:23 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: So 5-10MB for handbook and possible >100MB for the rest? 22:23 (@scarabeus) y 22:23 (@scarabeus) so growth in total about +500meg now 22:23 (@alexxy) ohh 22:23 (@alexxy) realy big 22:23 (dagger) that's quite extensive 22:23 -> scarabeus already has -doc in use 22:23 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: It's possible to affect the way portage treats the use flags - but I'll leave that for another time 22:24 (@yngwin) jmbsvicetto: we were talking about wildcard support 22:24 (@jmbsvicetto) Ah, sorry. I -meant you were talking about -* default use flags 22:24 (+reavertm) or rather per-category USE flags 22:24 (@jmbsvicetto) s/-meant/thought/ 22:25 (+reavertm) anyway, we're deviating a bit from the topic 22:25 (@scarabeus) bit 22:25 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: In that case, let's talk about it in the dev ml 22:25 (@scarabeus) ok 22:25 (@scarabeus) i will sent that mail 22:25 (+reavertm) so we leave kdelibs alone for now or invent use flag for apidocs? 22:25 (@scarabeus) reavertm: first -dev 22:25 (@scarabeus) reavertm: then we will do whole thing 22:25 (@scarabeus) for now waiting on the mail 22:26 (+reavertm) it will take forever 22:26 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: Personally I would suggest we install handbook by default (handbook use flag) and leave the doc use flag for the rest (disabled by default) 22:26 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i give them 7 days 22:26 (+reavertm) we can rename USE flag anytime 22:26 (+reavertm) (and play with it in overlay) 22:26 (@scarabeus) pple would tear us apart :D 22:26 (@scarabeus) if we move back to handbook D: 22:26 (+wired) lol 22:26 (+reavertm) pple can kill our asses - who does the work - decides 22:26 (@alexxy) he he =) 22:26 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: +handbook for user docs ;) 22:26 (@alexxy) someone would forced to rebuild whole kde 22:26 (nirbheek) ouch 22:26 (joost_op) yeah it makes more sense.. 22:26 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: +handbook or +doc? 22:27 (joost_op) (o; 22:27 (@jmbsvicetto) My proposal would be +handbook for handbook and doc for the rest 22:27 (+wired) alexxy: doesn't portage profile/updates cover user flag changes? 22:27 (@scarabeus) --newuse 22:27 (+reavertm) (I'd like to rename +100 ebuilds and eclass) 22:27 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: meaning eapi docs 22:27 (@scarabeus) pple would hate us 22:27 (joost_op) since +doc right now generates the handbook 22:27 (+wired) use* 22:27 (@jmbsvicetto) s/eapi/api/ 22:27 (joost_op) keeping kdelibs out of it 22:27 (@alexxy) wired: no =) 22:27 (+reavertm) (i mena I woundn't lke to rename so many use flags...) 22:28 (@jmbsvicetto) We can do any changes in the use flags for 4.3 22:28 (Kuja^) wired: it only handles package renames afaik 22:28 (+wired) meh 22:28 -!- BarbieGentoo-er is now known as Tina- 22:28 (@scarabeus) i agree with reaver, we need some test suicider who will do it, with apidoc we have 2 packages to change 22:28 -!- jmbsvicetto topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | meeting: Now | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU 22:29 (@scarabeus) with handbook we have to touch all 22:29 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: The handbook should be dealt with in the eclasses, imo 22:29 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: ok but it will be todo for 4.3 22:29 (+reavertm) it's already dealt there, but ebuilds need to fixed as well 22:29 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: that's my opinion 22:29 (@scarabeus) or 4.4 22:29 (@scarabeus) :D 22:30 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: But you don't have to agree with me ;) 22:30 (joost_op) i'd address it to 4.4 22:30 (joost_op) but thats just my ho 22:30 (@scarabeus) well i am just lazy, cause it is annoying work 22:30 -!- ehustad [n=espen@ti511220a080-1003.bb.online.no] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:30 (@scarabeus) go throught all ebuilds and manualy check them 22:30 (@scarabeus) there is 250 of them 22:30 (@scarabeus) and pple still commit to them 22:30 (@scarabeus) so merge failitures 22:30 (@scarabeus) AAGHR 22:30 (dagger) scarabeus: make it 40 each :) 22:31 -!- UT2K3 [n=UT2K3@one.lanrena.ilk.de] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:31 -> lxnay can do annoying work 22:31 (@scarabeus) lxnay: you are realy willing to do it? 22:32 -> lxnay hides 22:32 (lxnay) ;) 22:32 (lxnay) well we can talk about it 22:32 (@scarabeus) as you wish 22:32 (joost_op) lxnay, hahaha leave it to scarabeus 22:32 (lxnay) but sure 22:32 (joost_op) we have enough todo 22:32 (lxnay) i can help out 22:32 -> joost_op grins 22:32 (@scarabeus) :] 22:32 (@scarabeus) :D 22:32 (+reavertm) I'd like to see how it's handled elsewhere 1st 22:32 (@scarabeus) reavertm: by elsewhere you mean? 22:33 (UT2K3) hi guys i upgraded to kde-4.3 and now the most icons are missing 22:33 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, so we'll use the dev ml to discuss the split between the documentation and the use flags for it. Anyone objects? 22:33 (@jmbsvicetto) UT2K3: We're in the middle of a meeting, please leave it for after the meeting 22:33 (UT2K3) ok 22:33 (lxnay) anything that falls into split attracts me, split and reign 22:34 (+reavertm) elsewhere, gnome (nirbheek by ignoring problem you mean installing everything provided by autoconf not caring whether docs are there or not?), openoffice, whatever 22:34 (nirbheek) reavertm, yeah, pretty much 22:34 (@scarabeus) reavertm: mostly they dont care 22:34 (nirbheek) the doc use-flag on gnome packages rebuilds the docs 22:34 (nirbheek) But even that's inconsistent for a few packages 22:35 (nirbheek) (some packages don't use gtk-doc) 22:35 (nirbheek) Oh, and these are api docs :p 22:35 (nirbheek) ls /usr/share/gtk-doc/html 22:35 (@jmbsvicetto) hmm, so do we want to move that discussion to the dev ml? 22:36 -> jmbsvicetto looks at the clock 22:36 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: jup 22:36 (+reavertm) anyway if 'doc' is for developer documentation, we need new USE flag for handbooks 22:36 (@scarabeus) end of this topic :] 22:36 (@jmbsvicetto) ;) 22:36 (@jmbsvicetto) KDE3? 22:36 (@scarabeus) that was FUBAR 22:36 (@scarabeus) total one 22:36 (@scarabeus) when we moved it to the tree 22:36 (@scarabeus) many things broke 22:36 -!- jmbsvicetto topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | meeting: Now - KDE3 | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU 22:37 (@scarabeus) even now it is not finished 22:37 (@tampakrap) not exactly 22:37 (+Pesa) please try to avoid the gtk-doc mess ;) 22:37 (@tampakrap) we knew from the beginning that were was going to be a mess with kde3 misc apps 22:37 (@jmbsvicetto) Well, we also have gcc-4.4 and glibc-2.10 joining the *fun* 22:37 (Mirrakor) :) 22:37 (+reavertm) kde3, well, the state is kdelibs is hacked to replace some entries of .desktop files on the fly to make kde4 apps (even those from kdeprefix) distinguished (and runnable) 22:37 (+wired) btw kdelibs3 -r6 just failed on me 22:37 (+reavertm) but... 22:38 (+wired) probably due to glibc or gcc =] 22:38 -!- cvandonderen [n=casper@212-182-159-91.ip.telfort.nl] <- quit ["leaving"] 22:38 (+wired) kde3 session lists all -kdeprefix kde4 apps in menu now properly 22:38 (@jmbsvicetto) Just a quick point, I think we should open a tracker bug about gcc-4.4 and another about glibc-2.10 breakages with KDE apps 22:38 (@alexxy) yep =) i use gcc 4.4 and new glibc 22:38 (+reavertm) the problem is - not all kde4 executables want to work within kde3 (or any non kde4) session 22:39 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i think that pple will have to live with it 22:39 (+wired) reavertm: actually all kde4 apps i tested worked in kde3 session 22:39 (+wired) reavertm: always -kdeprefix 22:39 (@scarabeus) with +kdeprefix i know it is evil 22:39 (+reavertm) wired: install 4.2 in kdeprefix and live in kdeprefix as well (so you have two kde4 releases in kdepredfx) and install kde3 22:39 (@scarabeus) but it wont work correctly so i think kde3 should not see it at all 22:39 (+wired) kdeprefix isn't supported atm 22:39 (+reavertm) troubles start there 22:40 (+wired) the patch doesn't even care 22:40 (@scarabeus) and we should focus on making the kde3 misc apps revbumped and stabled 22:40 (+reavertm) wired: looked at my patch? 22:40 (+reavertm) my patch does care :) 22:40 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i know you patched it, simple, just revert it 22:40 (+wired) haven't seen your patch 22:40 (+krytzz) i think who uses kde3 and kdeprefix doesnt deserve better :p 22:40 (+reavertm) well, it works with -kdeprefix as well 22:40 (@scarabeus) one +kdeprefix version never saw other +kdeprefix one 22:40 (@scarabeus) so... 22:40 -!- UT2K3 [n=UT2K3@one.lanrena.ilk.de] <- quit ["Bambus> frei nach dem motto: was ist besser als 14? 2 x 7 :o"] 22:40 (+wired) reavertm: does it work or not then? 22:40 (+reavertm) the point is - there's other approach 22:41 -!- ehustad_ [n=espen@ti511220a080-1003.bb.online.no] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:41 (+reavertm) wired: patch works, but just replacing those is not sufficient to run kde4 apps (kde 4.2 apps) within kde3 22:41 (+wired) well no 22:41 (+reavertm) they try to load oxygen theme from live kde 22:41 (+wired) kde4 kdeprefix apps will need a wrapper script 22:41 (+reavertm) that's issue that needs to be resolved 22:41 (+wired) just as kde3 apps need kde3 wrapper script in kde4 22:41 (+reavertm) that's stupid anyway 22:42 (+reavertm) let me check wrapper 22:42 (+papillon81) what is the main issue behind the kde3 topic that needs to be discussed here? 22:43 (+wired) having all stuff available in all menus 22:43 (+papillon81) k 22:43 (@tampakrap) ok apart from that 22:43 (+reavertm) wrapper doesn't fix this 22:43 (+reavertm) so anyway 22:43 (+reavertm) new idea is to modify .desktop files directly 22:43 (@tampakrap) i started opening stabilization bugs for various kde3 apps 22:44 (+reavertm) substitute paths with absolute ones, add suffixes to names to make it distinguished etc 22:44 (@tampakrap) i think monolithics can be masked and 3.5.10 can go to stabilization since 3.5.9 is dead 22:44 (@yngwin) ah that reminds me, are we deprecating arts as per bug 270575 ? 22:44 (Willikins) yngwin: https://bugs.gentoo.org/270575 "Dropping USE="arts" and USE="esd""; Gentoo Linux, Applications; NEW; ssuominen@g.o:qa@g.o 22:44 (+reavertm) i alrady started working on desktop-file-edit util (in desktop-file-utils, maybe it will be added there sometime) 22:44 (@scarabeus) we should 22:45 (@hwoarang) at last :) 22:45 (@yngwin) i think we can just remove arts support in 3.5.10 22:45 (@scarabeus) yup that would be smart 22:45 (@tampakrap) can arts be safely disabled? it needs testing 22:45 (@scarabeus) remove arts support in 3.5.10 22:45 (@yngwin) but we should check stable tree for packages requiring arts, if any 22:45 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: actualy more breakages is arts enabled 22:45 (+reavertm) nirbheek: you're not going to hack .desktop files loader in gnome to make kde4 apps (from multiple prefixes) not seen as duplicates? 22:45 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: it is more question, can we affort supporting arts 22:45 (+papillon81) lol 22:46 (@bonsaikitten) kill it with fire 22:46 (@bonsaikitten) then kill it again until it is dead 22:46 -!- gengor|lunch is now known as gengor 22:46 (+wired) lol 22:46 -> papillon81 has arts disabled since ages 22:46 (nirbheek) reavertm, why should they not be shown as duplicates? 22:47 (nirbheek) (I'm unfamliar with exactly how kde4 prefixes work) 22:47 (+reavertm) if you have kde4.2 in /usr/kde/4.2 and /usr/kde/live - you'll get two identical "Text editor" icons lanching same app 22:47 (+reavertm) (the one that is 1rst in PATH 22:48 (@yngwin) kde4 installs vim? 22:48 (@hwoarang) lol :P 22:48 (@yngwin) "text editor" ... 22:48 (+reavertm) kwrite 22:48 (nirbheek) reavertm, I'm confused, how can two paths in PATH cause duplicate .desktops? 22:48 (Enrico|ITA|) yngwin: kde4 rocks, vim rocks so they pull in each other :D 22:48 -!- jkt| [n=jkt@gentoo/developer/jkt] <- quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 22:49 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i still think it is just wasting time 22:49 (@scarabeus) reavertm: just forget about some +kdeprefix 22:49 (@scarabeus) and problem is solved 22:49 (@scarabeus) really 22:49 (@scarabeus) we need it stable 22:49 (@scarabeus) for stabling kde4 22:49 (@yngwin) yeah, dont make it more complicated than necessary 22:49 (@scarabeus) then it will be done in 7 months 22:49 (@scarabeus) s/done/gone 22:49 (+reavertm) then there's no point in exporting XDG_DATA_DIRS for kdeprefixed installs 22:49 (nirbheek) Oh, I see 22:49 (nirbheek) _that_ way 22:49 (@alexxy) scarabeus: thats why i suggest to mask kdeprefix from regular users 22:50 (@yngwin) i think once kde4 is in stable, there will be few kde3 users 22:50 (nirbheek) reavertm, yes, plz2don't export prefixed installs (except for default prefix?) 22:50 (+papillon81) also think about the issue with networkmanager-applet concerning different paths 22:50 (@scarabeus) papillon81: later later 22:50 (@scarabeus) now we are on kde3 22:50 (@scarabeus) :] 22:50 (+reavertm) but it can be done :P 22:50 (@scarabeus) reavertm: can and must are 2 things 22:50 (@scarabeus) reavertm: and we have other things we need to have done 22:50 (@scarabeus) which are actualy more important than this 22:51 (+wired) if user has kdeprefix 22:51 (nirbheek) You guys have too much time and manpower :p 22:51 (+wired) we should just export 22:51 (@scarabeus) if user has kdeprefix, we dont bother with kde3 22:51 (+wired) the ... higehr version one maybe? 22:51 -!- Sho_ [n=EHS1@kde/hein] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 22:51 (+wired) in XDG_DATA_DIRS 22:51 (+reavertm) there is a bug already - "kde4 apps not shown in gnome" or whatever 22:51 -!- Sho_ [n=EHS1@kde/hein] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:51 (@scarabeus) reavertm: yep that is other thing, and that can be handled by, newest ap win 22:51 (+reavertm) (or the other way around?) 22:52 (@scarabeus) kde4 apps in gnome 22:52 (+wired) if user has -kdeprefix installed, only that one shows in other DEs, if he has only +kdeprefix then grab newer version (or stabler, whatever) 22:52 (@scarabeus) yep 22:52 (@scarabeus) but dont bother with it on kde3 22:52 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: we can't mask 3.5.9 monos until we get 3.5.10 marked stable 22:52 (@hwoarang) afaik there was another situation that kde3 apps didnt show on kde4 session 22:52 (+reavertm) what you have just written - how exactly are you going to implement? 22:53 (+reavertm) espeically "if he has only +kdeprefix then grab newer version (or stabler, whatever)" part 22:53 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: That would cause issues for stable users 22:54 (+wired) reavertm: check in /etc/env.d/... ? 22:55 (@scarabeus) ok for kde3 i have two things 22:55 (@scarabeus) - kill arts, all misc apps needs it removed and be stabled before 3.5.10 stabling 22:55 (@scarabeus) - stable 3.5.10, all kde related misc apps needs to be revbumped/verbumped and stabled before it 22:55 (@scarabeus) anything to this 22:55 (@alexxy) jmbsvicetto: thats why i think its better to mask kdeprefix use flag to not confuse stable users at all 22:55 -!- jkt| [n=jkt@basa.flaska.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:55 (@tampakrap) kde3 misc apps is up to me 22:55 (+reavertm) making kdeprefix is differnt topic :) 22:55 (@yngwin) i'd agree with masking kdeprefix useflag 22:55 (+wired) actually i agree with alexxy it should be masked 22:56 (+krytzz) me too ^^ 22:56 (@jmbsvicetto) alexxy: Unmasking a use flag is not something we should ask our users to do 22:56 (@scarabeus) reavertm: i think we will talk about it on the bug 22:56 (@tampakrap) i want someone to stable 3.5.10, i don't know the procedure for a list of packages 22:56 (@jmbsvicetto) alexxy: We already have it disabled by default 22:56 (+wired) too many users use +kdeprefix without knowing wth it is 22:56 (+wired) ohhh look shiny use flag 22:56 (@alexxy) jmbsvicetto: kdeprefix is topper to make kde 4.2 stabel 22:56 (@hwoarang) wired is right actually :) 22:56 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: i dont mind having unmasked kdeprefix, when the kdeprefix issues are fixed 22:56 (@alexxy) jmbsvicetto: users can think that they want to have kde in /usr/kde/ and use kdeprefix 22:56 (@scarabeus) and users install it "by accident" 22:57 (@jmbsvicetto) wired: Gentoo is not a distro for "not smart" users 22:57 (+wired) jmbsvicetto: im with you 100% 22:57 (+wired) the users aint 22:57 (@jmbsvicetto) wired: We don't want to become Ubuntu ;) 22:57 (@alexxy) but it will cause troubles if they hav kde3 for example 22:57 (nirbheek) jmbsvicetto, Hey, you just Godwinned the conversation :p 22:57 (@yngwin) ok, maybe add an ewarn then 22:57 (+wired) there seems to be some general confusion regarding it 22:57 (+wired) maybe it needs to be documented better 22:57 -!- _Phlogi [n=quassel@168-18.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:57 (+reavertm) great, then I need volunteer to fix one bug - the one with picking live oxygen by kde 4.2 apps (both installed in kdeprefix) 22:58 (+reavertm) after that - I can call kdeprefix supported 22:58 (+reavertm) volunteers? 22:58 (+reavertm) if no - mask kdeprefix :P 22:58 (joost_op) we will have -kdeprefix in our next branch for sure 22:58 -!- bschindler [n=quassel@77-56-156-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] joins -> #gentoo-kde 22:58 (@jmbsvicetto) Let's improve our docs and make it *very* clear that users shouldn't enable kdeprefix unless they're ready to assume the support for their install 22:58 (joost_op) if it helps 22:58 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: also evarn is not bad idea 22:58 (@scarabeus) ewarn 22:58 (@jmbsvicetto) No problem with that 22:58 (+wired) jmbsvicetto++ 22:58 (@scarabeus) something like I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING variable 22:59 (+wired) and ewarn should be there as well 22:59 -!- Eythan [n=Eythan@AMontpellier-552-1-118-57.w86-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] <- quit ["Leaving"] 22:59 (+krytzz) yeah this one is great 22:59 (nirbheek) Why not just globally use.mask it? 22:59 (@jmbsvicetto) Although you all know just how much ewarns users tend to pay attention to 22:59 (nirbheek) People who want to use it can enable it 22:59 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: no 22:59 (@yngwin) not another variable, then it'd be better just to mask the useflag 22:59 (+wired) also many users think kdeprefix is needed for kde3/kde4, we need to tell them thats no longer the case 22:59 (+reavertm) what's wrong with masking it until kdeprefix issues are fixed? 22:59 (dagger) nirbheek: global use.mask should be for stuff which is know to be broken. 23:00 (+reavertm) actually kdeprefix IS KNOWN to be broken :P 23:00 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: i mean like live warning is handled 23:00 (@yngwin) well, it *is* known to break things 23:00 (nirbheek) dagger, isn't this known to be broken? :p 23:00 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: I use it here :P 23:00 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: i just expresed myself poorly 23:00 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: broken ktorrent.. 23:00 (+reavertm) it is broken when used with non-kde4 sessions . period 23:00 (dagger) is it broken for all installs? If you just use one kde (4.2) and no other version? 23:00 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: I don't think we should require users to set a new use flag or to have to digg how to unmask use flags 23:00 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: broken misc plasmoids... 23:00 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: no useflag 23:00 (@alexxy) reavertm: if its known to be broken then it should be masked by default 23:00 (@alexxy) from regular users 23:01 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: like the warning it is doing in live 23:01 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: You're talking about mixing kde versions or using other DEs 23:01 (nirbheek) dagger, then it's of no use, right? (if you only have one) 23:01 (@alexxy) people who want to play with it smart enough to unmask it 23:01 (+reavertm) both 23:01 (+reavertm) using other DEs with multiple KDE4's installed 23:01 (dagger) nirbheek: but I might like to have it in /usr/kde/4.2 location 23:02 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: ^ 23:02 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+v Kuja^] by scarabeus 23:02 (nirbheek) dagger, then why not make it default? :p 23:02 (dagger) use.mask unmasking is not documented and should not be used really 23:02 (nirbheek) kdeprefix is not documented, and should noe be used really (unless you know what you're doing) 23:02 (@tampakrap) kdeprefix is documented 23:02 (+reavertm) what else. use.force? 23:03 (+reavertm) (and it be overriden in /etc somewhere?) 23:03 -!- ELITE_x [n=quassel@quassel/user/elite] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:03 (nirbheek) tampakrap, yeah, and my code is documented ;p 23:03 (@scarabeus) ok you guys are way of topic :} 23:03 (@scarabeus) we are suposed to talk about kde3 23:04 (@scarabeus) so for now we have revbumping all misc packages and removing arts 23:04 (@jmbsvicetto) So let's focus again on KDE3 23:04 (@scarabeus) anything else onto that topic? 23:04 (@tampakrap) yes 23:04 (@tampakrap) let me talk for a minute 23:04 (@yngwin) well, this kdeprefix mess should be decided before stabling 3.5.10 23:04 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: I don't think it's worthy to worry about arts, but if those working on KDE3 want to drop it now, I don't have a problem with it 23:04 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: it is not working, again ton of bugs open 23:04 (@tampakrap) the original idea behind hacking kde3 eclasses was to have mostly a kde4 session with kde3 apps working 23:04 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: so if we kill it we smash bugs 23:05 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: well, it isn't a regression ;) 23:05 (@tampakrap) especially those that aren't still ready for kde4 23:05 (@alexxy) kde3 works perfectly without arts 23:05 (@alexxy) =) 23:05 (@tampakrap) this issue is fixed, if wired and reavertm want to play more it is their issue, the stabilizattion can be proceeded normally 23:05 (@tampakrap) and i'm going to document it 23:05 (@tampakrap) objections? 23:05 (+reavertm) nope 23:06 (+reavertm) we can add some blocker anytime 23:06 (+reavertm) (if needed) 23:06 (@tampakrap) also 23:06 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: I agree with that 23:06 (@yngwin) as long as kdeprefix is properly documented 23:06 (@tampakrap) the mess created in kde misc apps was expected, so nothing is fucked 23:06 (wilder_) hiall, qt-4.5.1 in portage does not contain http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/qt-copy/patches/0279-svg-rendering-regression.diff 23:06 (@tampakrap) we new from the beginning that most of them should be rebuilt to work and i am trying to revbump and stabilize the most popular ones 23:07 (@tampakrap) and close random bugs 23:07 (wilder_) ? 23:07 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: At this point, I think we should have 2 goals with KDE3: working environment to those still resisting KDE4 and working KDE3 apps inside a KDE4 session 23:07 (@hwoarang) wilder_: it does. but we have a meeting now 23:07 (+krytzz) wilder_ please later, we are in a meeting currently 23:07 (@tampakrap) jmbsvicetto: both those work 23:07 (@scarabeus) so we can stable 23:07 (@scarabeus) goodie 23:07 (wilder_) sry 23:07 (+krytzz) np 23:07 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: right, but we should be explicit that is what we'll support for KDE3 23:08 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: So people know what we're doing and what we're willing to support 23:08 (@tampakrap) i can document that 23:08 (+reavertm) if we disable XDG_DATA_DIRS for kdeprefixed kde4's - current kdelibs patch is sufficient 23:08 (+reavertm) (for kde3) 23:08 (@tampakrap) and also propose things to users so as to have a fully working kde4 env 23:09 (+reavertm) so only remaining issue is to fix kde4 session (kdelibs .desktop files loader) the same way as kdelibs3 one 23:09 (+reavertm) (I can do it) 23:09 (@tampakrap) not a major one but feel free 23:09 (@jmbsvicetto) I also propose we make it clear that upstream stopped working on KDE almost 1 year ago and doesn't show much concern about it anymore 23:09 (+reavertm) (a'ka fixing kde3 apps in kde4) 23:09 (@tampakrap) the major issue is to have them working, i don't care much if they aren't listed in kmenu :) 23:09 (@jmbsvicetto) So people worried about security should start thinking about upgrading 23:10 (+wired) actually them showing up is important 23:10 (@tampakrap) ok i'll prepare a new document about kde3 and kde3/4 23:10 (@jmbsvicetto) That's another reason we need to press for KDE4 going stable 23:10 (+wired) so that patch reavertm is talking about is needed 23:10 (+reavertm) tampakrap: it will make them work - they need no special care apart from appending fullpath to executable 23:10 -!- pgega [n=pgega@tonbridgesecpay.force9.co.uk] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:10 -!- Phlogi [n=quassel@24-167.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:10 (@tampakrap) reavertm: feel free to do it no problem by me 23:11 (@scarabeus) ok i would say important things about kde3 are done 23:11 (@scarabeus) what is next... 23:11 (@scarabeus) KDE 4.3 23:11 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: So, should we try to define a timeline for 3.5.10? 23:11 (@scarabeus) oh 23:11 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: just one sec 23:11 (@scarabeus) deadline? 23:11 (@tampakrap) what deadline? i can open the bug even now, the things i wanted to work are ready 23:12 (@tampakrap) i don't know from the open bugs view if this is possible 23:12 (@jmbsvicetto) ok 23:12 (@scarabeus) ok so lets say 15.6 is last day when we cc archies? 23:12 (@tampakrap) ok we have the kde3 thing settled 23:12 (@jmbsvicetto) So we'll open a stabilization bug for 3.5.10 asap? 23:13 (@tampakrap) yes ok 23:13 (@jmbsvicetto) Good :) 23:13 (@tampakrap) scarabeus: paste the summary so everyone can see it 23:13 -!- jmbsvicetto topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | meeting: Now - KDE4.3 | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU 23:13 (@hwoarang) http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_c5211b31c0fbff058bc767e3ac8ef077.xml 23:13 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: it is mess 23:13 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: i need to polish it later 23:13 (@scarabeus) dont worry summary will be 23:13 (@tampakrap) ok 23:13 (@tampakrap) next topic 23:13 (@scarabeus) libknotification is done 23:13 (+krytzz) ok for 4.3, i dont know for sure but i think the libnotification stuff is being merged into kdelibs later 23:13 (@scarabeus) it is pdepend in kdelibs 23:14 (@scarabeus) it will be merged in 4.4 23:14 (+krytzz) ah ok 23:14 (@scarabeus) so for now it is best solution 23:14 (@scarabeus) also i dont get upstream 23:14 (@scarabeus) seriously 23:14 (@scarabeus) the lib is needed in half core packages 23:14 (@scarabeus) and they didnt add it 23:14 (@scarabeus) insane 23:14 (+wired) yes well 23:14 (@alexxy) yep 23:14 -> jmbsvicetto whistles 23:14 (+wired) at first they had it in extra gear 23:14 (+reavertm) abi/api changes probably 23:14 (+wired) LOLZ 23:14 (+wired) :p 23:14 (+reavertm) they wanted to workaround feature freeze :P 23:14 (+reavertm) simly 23:15 (+reavertm) so they invented "experimental" thing 23:15 (@alexxy) ohh 23:15 (@scarabeus) ok 23:15 (@scarabeus) what else we have for kde4.3 23:15 (@alexxy) some additional deps 23:15 (@alexxy) like wicd 23:15 (@tampakrap) kopete will have facebook support :) 23:15 (+reavertm) and phonon 23:15 (@hwoarang) LOOOOLZ 23:15 (@alexxy) yep 23:16 (@alexxy) also non released phonon as dep 23:16 (+krytzz) well virtuoso isnt stable as trueg wrote 23:16 (@scarabeus) krytzz: it is not mandatory for 4.3 23:16 (@scarabeus) :} 23:16 (+reavertm) or maybe we pull mplayer with mplayerthumbs? 23:16 (+reavertm) (it's pretty heavy dep) 23:16 (dagger) what's the status of policykit with 4.3? Do we need some extra docs? 23:16 (+krytzz) yes 23:16 (@scarabeus) ah 23:16 (@scarabeus) docs 23:16 (+krytzz) reavertm how do other package handle such deps? 23:16 (@scarabeus) definetly 23:16 (@alexxy) well 23:16 (+reavertm) (that's why I opted for making phonon snapshot evem if I use mplayer myself) 23:17 (@alexxy) policy kit used to control some privilegies like suspend/resume 23:17 (+reavertm) krytzz: you mean other distros? 23:17 (@yngwin) when is kde going to use qt's phonon? 23:17 (+reavertm) or whether it's compatible? 23:17 (+krytzz) reavertm no, i mean other packages who just call another binary 23:17 (@scarabeus) yngwin: hopefully with 4.6 23:17 (+reavertm) yngwin: for us? never 23:17 (@scarabeus) yngwin: but we can just hope 23:17 (@yngwin) ok 23:17 (+reavertm) unless we package xine backend separately 23:18 -!- Pesa [n=Pesa@bluemchen.kde.org] <- leaves #gentoo-kde [] 23:18 (+reavertm) (btw, policykit panel crashes in kde trunk, anyone can confirm?) 23:18 (@scarabeus) reavertm: ok we will ship phonon snapshot 23:18 (@hwoarang) is this possible? does it worth the pain? 23:19 (@scarabeus) hwoarang: worth it is 23:19 (@scarabeus) because we wont have the blocker bugs 23:19 (+reavertm) pain it is not 23:19 (@hwoarang) ok then this sounds great ! 23:19 -!- Pesa [n=Pesa@bluemchen.kde.org] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:19 (@alexxy) reavertm: in 4.2.87 it works 23:19 (@scarabeus) ok what state is the policykit anyway 23:19 (@scarabeus) is it usable 23:19 (@scarabeus) does it work? 23:19 (@scarabeus) is there something neede 23:19 (@scarabeus) d 23:19 (@scarabeus) (i am quite scared about it) 23:20 (@alexxy) scarabeus: polkit works 23:20 (+reavertm) krytzz: I haven't understood, sorry 23:20 (@alexxy) and its needed for some actions like suspend resume 23:20 (dagger) alexxy: isn't it controled by hal's policykit settings? 23:20 (@scarabeus) if it works then ok 23:20 (@alexxy) dagger: not sure 23:20 (+krytzz) reavertm hm forget it :p i think i missed something 23:21 (+reavertm) (in kubuntu thet did it well btw) 23:21 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: about the blocks, I think we should add a kde use flag for qtscriptgenerator/qt-qt3support so that we can solve the phonon blocks. I talked about that in the bug 23:21 (@tampakrap) kde4 use flag 23:21 (@yngwin) we'll come to that 23:21 (dagger) jmbsvicetto: good point 23:21 (+reavertm) what about adding virtual for phonon? 23:21 (@scarabeus) ok so we will ship phonon snapshot in main tree 23:21 (@alexxy) ahh yes use flags 23:21 (@scarabeus) any objections 23:21 (@alexxy) =) 23:22 (@scarabeus) and i think virtual is better than useflag 23:22 (@hwoarang) +1 ^^ 23:22 (@yngwin) why? 23:22 (@scarabeus) it should work 23:22 (+reavertm) phonon in qt 4.5.1 is the same version as media-sound/phonon in tree 23:22 (@scarabeus) and we dont have to polute the qt ebuilds 23:22 (@jmbsvicetto) bug 270188 23:22 (+reavertm) (just with no-go backend - gstreamer) 23:22 (Willikins) jmbsvicetto: https://bugs.gentoo.org/270188 "qt-phonon / phonon + phonon-kde block"; Gentoo Linux, Applications; REOP; jannisf@gmail.com:kde@g.o 23:23 (+reavertm) those blocks are mostly portage bugs btw 23:23 (@yngwin) yes 23:23 (@yngwin) well, if kde wants a virtual, i suppose that would work 23:23 (@scarabeus) yngwin: well i thinked about you 23:23 (@jmbsvicetto) hmm, how will the virtual solve the isue? 23:23 (@scarabeus) i dont mind poluting qt ebuilds 23:23 (@jmbsvicetto) issue* 23:23 (@scarabeus) but isnt virtual better for maintaining? 23:24 (+reavertm) || deps will be removed from ebuilds 23:24 (@jmbsvicetto) The virtual will have to prefer one implementation over the other - which one will we prefer? 23:24 -!- marco_ [n=marco@] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:24 (@scarabeus) media one 23:24 (+reavertm) || ( qt-phonon phonon ) deps 23:24 (@scarabeus) cause it is phonon + xine 23:24 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: I don't think qt will want that 23:24 (+wired) i agree with jmbsvicetto, kde use sounds better 23:24 (@scarabeus) ok then we have to separate the xine 23:24 (@scarabeus) srsly i dont mind 23:24 (@scarabeus) so make it work :] 23:24 (@yngwin) we wont use the virtual if qt-phonon is 2nd choice 23:24 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: Otherwise, we could just revert the deps on the qt ebuilds 23:25 -> hwoarang lost contact 23:25 (+reavertm) separating xine needs to be done anyway iho 23:25 (@hwoarang) qt-phonon+xine sounds better 23:25 (@hwoarang) n? 23:25 (@hwoarang) *no? 23:25 (@yngwin) that sounds like a better solution 23:25 (+reavertm) make it possible 23:25 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: What we really need to do is to force xine to qt upstream ;) 23:25 (@hwoarang) you cant 23:25 (+reavertm) xine is evil GPL 23:25 (+reavertm) no can do 23:26 (@jmbsvicetto) right, *evil* 23:26 (@yngwin) lol 23:26 (@scarabeus) ok so snapshot and spliting 23:26 (@hwoarang) the thing is, is it possible to ship xine separately? 23:26 (@scarabeus) the useflag i guess is ok 23:26 (@hwoarang) good 23:26 (+reavertm) hwoarang: shoud be possible 23:26 (@scarabeus) so lets use it for now 23:26 (@scarabeus) and later we just drop media-sound/phonon 23:26 (@scarabeus) problem solved 23:27 (@yngwin) hwoarang: you ok with USE=kde in qt ebuilds to prefer media-sound/phonon over qt-phonon? 23:27 (+reavertm) (what about -9999? live phonon frm qt is not really live phonon - media-sound/phonon-9999 will need to stay - virtual can come into play) 23:27 (@hwoarang) i dont mind 23:28 (+reavertm) hwoarang: and you need to strip gstreamer from qt-phonon as well 23:28 (@yngwin) ok 23:28 (@hwoarang) in case we have kde? 23:28 -!- d00p [n=d00p@srv3.nutime.de] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:28 (@hwoarang) kde? -> media-sound/phonon and strip gstreamer? 23:28 -> hwoarang lost contact again :S 23:28 (+reavertm) xine and gstreamer backends could be split from media-sound/phonon 23:28 (@hwoarang) ok 23:29 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: can we have "kde? ( || ( media-sound/phonon x11-libs/qt-phonon )) !kde? ( || ( x11-libs/qt-phono media-sound/phonon ))" ? 23:29 (@yngwin) we can work out the details later 23:29 (@hwoarang) reavertm: so we ll use the split packages and strip the gstreamer from qt-phonon 23:29 (+reavertm) imho - qt-phonon should provide just phonon library - no platorm sound library 23:29 (@scarabeus) details later plz 23:29 (@hwoarang) ok 23:29 (+reavertm) ok 23:29 (@scarabeus) anything else for kde4.3 23:29 (@scarabeus) this release seems fine 23:29 (@jmbsvicetto) That way we can add a dep on kde4 eclasses for x11-libs/qt-qt3support[kde] 23:29 (@scarabeus) if we have nothing else 23:29 (+reavertm) yeah, it's b0rked! 23:29 (@scarabeus) borked by upstream 23:30 (@scarabeus) but if there is something from our side 23:30 -!- helch [n=helch@212-41-73-167.adsl.solnet.ch] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:30 (+reavertm) (bth, it's misusing kde USE flag - better something related to phonon, not kde) 23:30 (@tampakrap) phonon use flag? 23:30 (@hwoarang) we can work on that 23:31 (@hwoarang) kde4 sounds better to me . or kde 23:31 (@yngwin) kde it is 23:31 (@hwoarang) ok move on 23:31 (@jmbsvicetto) hwoarang: As we're talking about kde-4.3, let's spend a few minutes talking about the use flags 23:31 (+reavertm) kde, kde4? 23:31 (@hwoarang) as you wish :) 23:32 (@jmbsvicetto) hwoarang: We should drop the KDE4 use flag now and instead use KDE and KDE3 use flags 23:32 (@tampakrap) kde->kde3 and kde4->kde4 and we can document that too 23:32 (+reavertm) I expreessed my opition on -desktop ml 23:32 (@hwoarang) that discussion took place ages ago 23:32 (@tampakrap) why change the kde use flag? it is already used by kde3 23:32 (@hwoarang) :/ i m not sure if we reached on some solution 23:32 (@jmbsvicetto) The KDE use flag should give users the best working version at each point in time - that means it should give users KDE4 now 23:32 (@scarabeus) kde = latest kde, for now kde4 23:32 (@scarabeus) kde3 = kde 3.5 23:32 (@yngwin) kde useflag means highest available version that is relevant to the package 23:33 (@jmbsvicetto) not exactly the latest. As long as a version is experimental, it makes sense to have one use flag for it 23:33 (@scarabeus) what i write 23:33 (+reavertm) I don't like idea of self-'migrating' USE flag 23:33 (@tampakrap) and what about kgtk for example that supports both? 23:33 (@scarabeus) reavertm: gtk2 gtk1 was pain 23:33 (+reavertm) "now we consider kde as KDE4, later it will be KDE5) 23:33 (@scarabeus) trust me self migrating is better 23:33 (dagger) jmbsvicetto: wouldn't it be less ambiguous to keep kde3 and kde4, so people will _always_ know what potential deps it might have/ 23:33 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: that's how it should be, imo 23:33 (+reavertm) dagger: my point 23:34 (@scarabeus) their issue 23:34 (@jmbsvicetto) dagger / reavertm: One can check the local use flags 23:34 (@scarabeus) they can track our anouncement 23:34 (@scarabeus) we have news 23:34 (@scarabeus) so we can sent it to their machine quite obviously 23:34 (@jmbsvicetto) That's why we can now have local descriptions to make clear what each flag does 23:34 (+reavertm) ok, what about compiz? 23:34 (dagger) jmbsvicetto: what if we suddenly change kde flag to old kde4. That will cause problems for users 23:35 (+reavertm) kde3 and kde USE flags? 23:35 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: I'll fix that one 23:35 (+reavertm) what about 'kde' meaning "general KDE support" 23:35 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: I haven't spend as much time with it as I would like 23:35 (+reavertm) what the heck is that? 23:35 (@scarabeus) dagger: nothing 23:35 (dagger) I really believe we shoudn't have kde and kde3, just kde4 and kde3. That way it's simple for people 23:35 (@scarabeus) they just read anoucnement 23:36 -!- Weaselweb [n=quassel@2001:6f8:9e4:123:21a:92ff:fe5a:1409] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 23:36 (dagger) scarabeus: do you read announcements? Most people don't 23:36 (@scarabeus) their problem 23:36 (@scarabeus) really 23:36 (@scarabeus) i read them 23:36 (@yngwin) indeed 23:36 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: I mean, there's choice to build against kdelibs:3.5 and kdelibs4 - it needs to be distinguished 23:36 (@hwoarang) wtf 23:36 (@jmbsvicetto) dagger: That way everyone will have to update their use flags to migrate between versions - I don't think that makes any sense 23:36 (@hwoarang) stop carying about lazy users 23:36 (+papillon81) scarabeus is right. kde should always refer to the latest version 23:36 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: yes, I know. I'll keep the 2 use flags, but they're going to become kde3 and kde 23:36 -!- pip_ [n=pip@e179240053.adsl.alicedsl.de] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:36 (dagger) jmbsvicetto: they will have to modify use flags anyway migrating from 3 to 4, as most use flags are different anyway 23:37 (@yngwin) most users will want/assume support for latest version 23:37 (+reavertm) "general KDE support" means compiling against some kdelibs 23:37 (@jmbsvicetto) dagger: that's a different thing, but kde will mean adding support for KDE 23:37 (+reavertm) there's no "general" kdelibs - it's particular kdelibs that will be pulled 23:37 (dagger) I don't want to wonder - what version might it be today ... and what will it be tommorow - and I'm pretty sure users don't want it as well 23:38 (@yngwin) it's pretty straightforward 23:38 (+reavertm) that being said = "support for KDE" is not clear enough 23:38 -!- LXj [n=lx@ip211-94.telenet.dn.ua] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:38 -!- wohnout [n=wohnout@kolej-mk-60.zcu.cz] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:38 (+reavertm) stable users have kde 3.5 and support for kde means support for THEIR kde 23:38 (dagger) no it's not streaightforward. Some will assume - most recent, some will assume stable, some other wont have idea 23:38 (+wired) well one valid alternative would be to just ditch kde and keep kde3 and kde4 23:38 (+reavertm) for me kde treacking latest kde in portage is no go 23:38 (+reavertm) never 23:39 (dagger) if we change kde to kde3 - we screw stable users and emerge -DN 23:39 (@yngwin) it's been that way for a long time, and for good reasons 23:39 -!- The_Ball [n=The_Ball@d58-106-136-240.sbr4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:39 (dagger) unless you want to do the change when kde4 goes stable 23:39 (+reavertm) yes, my recommendation is to drop 'kde' and keep only 'kde3', 'kde4' and so on 23:39 (@yngwin) dagger: we dont need to change 23:40 (dagger) yngwin: I'm lost than. I thought kde will suppose to be for kde 4 23:40 (@jmbsvicetto) dagger: I think you're missing an important point - the kde use flag is relevant for misc apps, not for base kde 23:40 (+spatz) will be symmetric with 'qt3', 'qt4', which makes sense to many people 23:40 (@tampakrap) can we vote? options: kde3-kde4 and kde-kde3 23:40 (@scarabeus) ok 23:40 (@scarabeus) lets have vote 23:40 -!- thansen [n=thansen@c-76-27-110-194.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:40 (@alexxy) reavertm: +1 23:40 (+Civil) kde3-kde4 23:40 (@tampakrap) i vote kde3-kde4 23:40 (dagger) kde3-kde4 23:40 (@yngwin) kde means kde support 23:40 (+krytzz) kde3-kde4 23:40 (+wired) do we vote or dev-only? =] 23:40 (@scarabeus) on this only devs please 23:40 (@scarabeus) and use 1 2 23:40 (+krytzz) oh :p sorry ignore mine 23:41 (@scarabeus) 1 for kde3-kde4 23:41 (@scarabeus) 2 for kde3-kde 23:41 (@hwoarang) 2 23:41 (@tampakrap) 1 23:41 (@yngwin) 2 23:41 (@alexxy) 1 23:41 (@scarabeus) 1 23:41 (@jmbsvicetto) 2 23:41 (dagger) 1 23:41 (@scarabeus) erm 2 23:41 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: I think you messe your vote ;) 23:41 (@scarabeus) i mean 2 23:41 (@scarabeus) :D 23:41 (@scarabeus) idiot 23:41 (@jmbsvicetto) messed* 23:41 (@scarabeus) yup 23:41 (@yngwin) you pulled a ssuominen 23:41 (@scarabeus) 2222222 23:41 (@scarabeus) i wont change it 23:42 (@alexxy) no!!!!!! 23:42 (@hwoarang) 2 it is :P 23:42 (@scarabeus) i just wanted to mark kde3-kde as one ; then i read it above 23:42 (dagger) scarabeus: lies! 23:42 (Viedzmin) ave \m/ 23:42 (dagger) scarabeus: ;) 23:42 (@scarabeus) ;[ 23:42 (@scarabeus) ;] 23:42 (@yngwin) so we stay with current practice 23:42 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, so let's move forward 23:42 (@scarabeus) yep 23:42 (@scarabeus) CODE 23:42 (@tampakrap) wait 23:42 -!- doobry [n=quassel@host86-169-175-149.range86-169.btcentralplus.com] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 23:42 (@yngwin) yes 23:43 (@tampakrap) who will do the change? 23:43 (@tampakrap) :) 23:43 (@yngwin) what change? 23:43 (@hwoarang) you 23:43 (@scarabeus) when you smile so much 23:43 (@scarabeus) guess twice 23:43 (+reavertm) thos who voted that is 23:43 (dagger) scarabeus: can you please explain magic CODE 23:43 (@scarabeus) dagger: you dont get something in it? 23:43 (@scarabeus) then ask 23:43 (@scarabeus) ok what code is 23:43 (@tampakrap) people wait the last topic isn't finished 23:43 (@scarabeus) it is list of things all kde team packages should comply 23:43 (dagger) scarabeus: I have no idea what " - enforcing CODE requirements everywhere" is about 23:43 (+reavertm) look at CODE file in Documentation 23:43 (@tampakrap) we need to grep the tree and change the flags who will do it??????????? 23:44 (@yngwin) tampakrap: NO NEED 23:44 (+reavertm) it's work in progress 23:44 -!- The_Ball1 [n=The_Ball@d58-106-26-133.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:44 (@scarabeus) http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/kde.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/CODE 23:44 (@yngwin) only when there is a choice between kde 3 and 4 support do you need to specify USE=kde3 23:44 (dagger) scarabeus: ok, now I get you 23:44 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: That needs only to be done for latest versions of misc packages that work with KDE4 23:45 -!- termite47384 [n=me@cpe-066-057-082-106.nc.res.rr.com] <- quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 23:45 -!- LXj [n=lx@ip211-94.telenet.dn.ua] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:45 (+reavertm) ok, so CODE is set of commit policies/guides in overlay basically 23:46 (@scarabeus) in overlay and in tree too 23:46 (+reavertm) maybe some ebuild workflow will be recommended there as well 23:46 (@scarabeus) yup i want everyone to look on it and write some suggestions there and we will merge it 23:46 (+krytzz) repoman plugin for the CODE :p 23:46 (@scarabeus) krytzz: :D 23:46 (@hwoarang) lazy ppl 23:47 (@hwoarang) you can write a quick draft for kde ebuilds, just like i did for qt4 based ebuilds 23:47 (+reavertm) will be there 23:47 (+reavertm) as well as templates for blocks, etc 23:47 (+reavertm) anyway - one rule 23:47 (@yngwin) btw, i want $PN in commit messages for qting-edge as well 23:48 (@hwoarang) hm? 23:48 (+reavertm) everyone should respect them :) 23:48 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: If we have a CODE file, I might add a few suggestions about ebuilds (the ones reavertm noted some time ago) 23:48 (@scarabeus) yep this one is draft 23:49 (@scarabeus) althrought i enforce it as-is 23:49 (@scarabeus) so please improve it 23:49 (@hwoarang) yngwin: what? you want a template for qting-edge commits? 23:49 (@scarabeus) and in next meeting it will be enabled as hard-forced 23:49 (@scarabeus) and we should punish not folowing it 23:49 -!- Red_Devil [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:49 (@scarabeus) i know annoying, but reduces time needed for maintaining 23:49 (@hwoarang) indeed 23:49 (@yngwin) hwoarang: yes please start commit msg with $PN 23:50 -!- Red_Devil is now known as Guest36992 23:50 (@hwoarang) thats sad. I really enjoyed funny commit messages 23:50 (@hwoarang) :D 23:50 (@yngwin) i dont mind funny :) 23:50 (@hwoarang) ok hold on 23:50 (+reavertm) ok, anything else? next? 23:50 (@yngwin) but i do want to see what pkg is affected 23:50 (@hwoarang) !herd qt && Pesa && spatz 23:50 (+wired) lol-cat/pn 23:50 (@hwoarang) ^^ 23:50 (@hwoarang) && wired 23:51 (Pesa) hwoarang: i'm here 23:51 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+vv Pesa spatz] by scarabeus 23:51 (+wired) hwoarang: seriously, we read it already 23:51 (+wired) :D 23:51 (@hwoarang) did you see what we said about commit messages? 23:51 -!- The_Ball_ [n=The_Ball@d58-106-141-118.sbr4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:51 (+spatz) yep 23:51 (@hwoarang) you did 23:51 (@hwoarang) ok 23:51 (+Pesa) yes 23:52 (@hwoarang) anything else about CODE kde ppl? 23:52 (@scarabeus) ok 23:52 (@scarabeus) code done 23:52 (@scarabeus) if noone has anything else 23:52 (Willikins) hwoarang: incorrect usage, ask for help using 'Willikins: help herd' 23:52 (+wired) lolz 23:52 (@hwoarang) yes baby whatever 23:52 (@scarabeus) next new pple in team etc/etc... 23:52 (@scarabeus) so if you move your eyes to voiced pple 23:53 (@hwoarang) we have plenty of them :P 23:53 (@scarabeus) those are our not-yet deved/herdtested resources 23:53 (@jmbsvicetto) hmmm, we're at around half of the agenda and we're hitting the 2 hour mark 23:53 (+wired) who did you call a resource!!! :D 23:53 (@yngwin) wired has finished quizzes, now it's up to recruiters 23:53 (@hwoarang) this meeting will last forever! 23:53 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: too much spam about kde3 23:53 (+krytzz) 1/4 if you add the qt stuff jmbsvicetto :p 23:53 (@hwoarang) \o/ 23:53 (@scarabeus) most is done 23:53 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: you know - it's merithorical meeting, not just fluff talk! :) 23:53 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: kdeprefix is done 23:53 (@scarabeus) and so on 23:54 (@yngwin) i'm interjecting qt recruits now 23:54 (@scarabeus) ok so if you pple want to mentor someone 23:54 (+reavertm) scarabeus: I'd have some idea 23:54 (@scarabeus) or vice versa, if someone has urge became dev fast :D 23:54 (@scarabeus) reavertm: you dont count, you have resistance to becaming dev, althrought i dunno why ;D 23:54 (+reavertm) even if we have quite many HT's and contributors, I still feel we're understaffed in terms of tracking uptream patches 23:54 (@yngwin) Pesa has been very active with Qt already, and spatz is our newest recruit 23:55 (@hwoarang) \o/ 23:55 (+wired) woot 23:55 (@yngwin) they both are on their way to devhood 23:55 (+spatz) :D 23:55 (+Pesa) ;) 23:55 (@yngwin) there is another one, sping, not here now, he will join us after finishing GSoC 23:55 (@tampakrap) and me :D 23:55 (@hwoarang) we are growing fast 23:55 (@hwoarang) be carefeull 23:55 (@scarabeus) for kde team i would like krytzz and papillon81 to work on their ebuild quiz, cause you two are progressing :] 23:55 (+papillon81) scarabeus: i have the quiz ready :-) 23:55 (@scarabeus) great 23:56 (@scarabeus) papillon81: sent it by mail, and we will discuss the meeting about it 23:56 (+wired) yngwin: btw when should I expect a response? :) 23:56 (@scarabeus) later :} 23:56 (@hwoarang) soon wired 23:56 (+krytzz) i cant devote enough time currently to do serious stuff 23:56 (@yngwin) tampakrap: you may hear from sping (sebastian) as he is interested in qt3/kde3 maintenance 23:56 (@yngwin) wired: usually within a few days 23:56 (+reavertm) btw, what about 'assigning' some herd packages to particulat people? 23:57 (+reavertm) for example one would take kdepim, someone else kdebindings 23:57 (@tampakrap) not kde-base/* only extra packages 23:57 (@scarabeus) reavertm: it needs interest 23:57 (+reavertm) this way work is somewhat split 23:57 -!- mikkoc [n=mikko@host116-78-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:57 (+papillon81) scarabeus: it's mostly ready but already lying around for a year or so. will have to look over it 23:57 (+wired) yngwin: thnx 23:57 (@scarabeus) papillon81: no prob :} 23:57 (+reavertm) scarabeus: of course... unfortunately 23:58 (@scarabeus) ok i think that is all i wanted about recruits 23:58 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: That's against the spirit of herds 23:58 (@scarabeus) i wanted you to see them 23:58 (@scarabeus) and also whom is progressing i contacted 23:58 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: But nothing prevents one from adding himself to a package belonging to one of the herds 23:58 -!- dagger [n=dagger@gentoo/developer/dagger] <- leaves #gentoo-kde ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 23:58 -!- dagger [n=dagger@gentoo/developer/dagger] joins -> #gentoo-kde 23:58 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+o dagger] by ChanServ 23:58 (@scarabeus) anything else upon recruits? 23:58 (@scarabeus) anyone? 23:59 -!- The_Ball [n=The_Ball@d58-106-136-240.sbr4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:59 (@scarabeus) jokey: are you here? 23:59 (+reavertm) jmbsvicetto: I'm not talking about beaurocracy (adding to metadata) but real maintenance (periodically looking for some bugs in kde.org) 23:59 (+reavertm) or we can just rely on b.g.o 23:59 (@scarabeus) we are good at handling new bugs 23:59 (@scarabeus) really 23:59 (@jmbsvicetto) reavertm: Well, people can focus on particular areas --- Day changed Fri May 22 2009 00:00 (jokey) scarabeus: yep 00:00 (@jmbsvicetto) About bugs, we need to start paying extra attention to security bugs 00:00 (@scarabeus) jokey: so, what i need to do to be able to add pple to our git overlay 00:00 (@scarabeus) jokey: i can do for sunrise, so what is needed to be done for kde team ones 00:00 (@jmbsvicetto) you need to poke him :P 00:00 (@scarabeus) i know 00:00 (@jmbsvicetto) or rbu or robbat2 00:00 (@scarabeus) directly i mean 00:00 (jokey) need to mess with robin, I'll poke you back 00:00 (@scarabeus) rbu cant touch git 00:00 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: he can 00:01 (@dagger) scarabeus: he can 00:01 (@scarabeus) jokey: this workflow is unflexible :] 00:01 (@scarabeus) dagger: good update :] 00:01 (@scarabeus) okey i will handle this with jokey internaly then :] 00:01 (@scarabeus) the next topic is our guide 00:01 (@scarabeus) kde4 one 00:01 (@scarabeus) it neeeds update/cleanup 00:01 (@scarabeus) who will do it 00:01 (+reavertm) "handling cmake relwithdebuginfo compilation to please upstream..." ? 00:01 (jokey) internally? oO teh sekrit 00:02 (joost_op) guys can the sabayon point on the agenda be discussed at later time 00:02 (@jmbsvicetto) joost_op: hehe 00:02 (@scarabeus) reavertm: deffered 00:02 (@scarabeus) reavertm: thought about it 00:02 (@scarabeus) reavertm: not worth 00:02 (+krytzz) what?? 00:02 (+reavertm) yeah, agreed 00:02 (+papillon81) goooood 00:02 (@scarabeus) jokey: definetly 00:02 (@scarabeus) ;] 00:03 (joost_op) jmbsvicetto, i think it can be talked about off the record anyway 00:03 (@scarabeus) so the guide 00:03 (+krytzz) ok then lets discuss this later scarabeus 00:03 (@scarabeus) who 00:03 (@tampakrap) wait 00:03 (@tampakrap) about the guide 00:03 (@tampakrap) would you like a kde3/4 monolithic one? 00:03 (@jmbsvicetto) joost_op: sorry, that was meant for jokey 00:03 -!- pgega [n=pgega@77-99-66-168.cable.ubr01.tonb.blueyonder.co.uk] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:04 (joost_op) oh 00:04 (@yngwin) tampakrap: i think it makes sense, with kde4 going to go stable 00:04 (@tampakrap) stating how to install kde4, how to install live/snapshots and how to install 3.5, and how we can mix them 00:04 (@tampakrap) i'll do the guide 00:04 (@tampakrap) agreed with the mixed guide? 00:05 (joost_op) scarabeus, let me know the outcome of the dicussion 00:05 (@tampakrap) boss? devs? hts? 00:05 (joost_op) if any 00:05 (@scarabeus) tampakrap: agreed 00:05 (@scarabeus) so quiet... 00:05 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: Perhaps we could have a new doc that points to specific guides about KDE4 and KDE3 00:05 (@scarabeus) what happend 00:05 -!- AntiXpucT [n=Skim@] <- quit [] 00:06 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: That doc would just focus on the integratio of 3 and 4 00:06 (@yngwin) scarabeus: more beer, less talk ;) 00:06 (@hwoarang) lolz 00:06 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: I need to have some fun with work network yet, so no beer for me ;) 00:06 (@yngwin) heh 00:06 (+reavertm) if we focus guys - we'll finish earlier :P 00:07 (@hwoarang) ok with the guide? 00:07 (joost_op) +1 00:07 (@hwoarang) shall we proceed? 00:07 (@hwoarang) tampakrap: ? 00:07 (@tampakrap) jmbsvicetto: the procedure to install kde3 and to install kde3/4 isn't different so i wouldn't agree :) 00:07 (@tampakrap) same sets, same keyword files... 00:07 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: ok, feel free to work on it 00:07 (@yngwin) i say whoever writes the guide(s), gets to make the decision 00:07 (@tampakrap) ok move on then 00:08 (@scarabeus) ok yngwin you take over 00:08 (@hwoarang) what about kdebindings? 00:08 (@hwoarang) is this off as well? 00:08 (@scarabeus) eh 00:08 (+reavertm) lacks some ebuilds 00:08 (@scarabeus) right 00:08 (@scarabeus) bindigns 00:08 (@dagger) "kdebindings, lots of stuff missing there" 00:08 (@scarabeus) we lacks tons of stuff 00:08 (+reavertm) usually ruby and c# 00:08 -!- jmbsvicetto topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | meeting: Now - kdebindings | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU 00:09 (+wired) lol 00:09 (@yngwin) ok, whats the story with ruby for kde? does that depend on (currently broken) qt4-qtruby at all? 00:09 (+reavertm) nobody knows :) 00:09 (@scarabeus) ruby java c# php 00:09 (@scarabeus) so whom wants it 00:09 (+reavertm) - we need to try add those ebuilds 00:09 -!- ABCD [n=ABCD@wikipedia/ABCD] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:10 (+reavertm) - maybe some ebuild name refactor for 4.3 00:10 (+reavertm) anything else regarding kdebindings? 00:10 (@scarabeus) ok reavertm we will talk about it later 00:10 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: no PERL? 00:10 (@scarabeus) reavertm: and delegate to other HTs 00:10 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: no perl 00:10 (@jmbsvicetto) I suggest we hand JAVA to bonsaikitten :P 00:10 (@scarabeus) bindigns done 00:11 (@scarabeus) joost_op: do you want to talk about sabayon then? 00:11 (@jmbsvicetto) He's becoming too sane 00:11 (@scarabeus) D 00:11 (@bonsaikitten) jmbsvicetto: thank you :) 00:11 (@jmbsvicetto) bonsaikitten: we aim to please ;) 00:11 (@bonsaikitten) I aim to kill 00:11 (+papillon81) :D 00:11 (joost_op) well scarabeus i'm here 00:12 (+reavertm) go :) 00:12 (@scarabeus) shoot 00:12 (@scarabeus) :] 00:12 (@dagger) RUN! 00:12 (joost_op) from the sabayon side we want to shoulder the kde herd as much as possible 00:12 -!- Guest36992 [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] <- quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:12 (joost_op) what we can offer would be something in the form off a repository that has experimental kde stuffs, built of the testing tree 00:12 (+reavertm) you already did with some automagic deps and doc verification 00:13 (joost_op) since i would maintain that tree, i could feedback about my findings 00:13 (+reavertm) binary packages you mean? i don't follow 00:13 (joost_op) nah 00:14 (joost_op) i built against a tree thats near full portage 00:14 -!- UT2K3 [n=UT2K3@] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:14 (joost_op) sabayon is near full portage 00:14 (+reavertm) yes, I know, what would be that experimental kde stuff? 00:14 -!- FlyingFoX [n=FlyingFo@] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:14 (joost_op) well, e.g. you are working on kde 4.3 00:15 (joost_op) i could add this in a kde repository 00:15 (joost_op) and start working on this and feedback my findings 00:15 (UT2K3) hello guys, i'm using fglrx with dualscreen. When run kde its only on the notebook lcd and the right screen have no wm. Its possible to make it work? 00:15 (@hwoarang) why not use the ebuilds from kde-testing? whu starting a new repository 00:15 (joost_op) if you think it would help collect info 00:15 (@hwoarang) UT2K3: meeting now . laterz : 00:15 (@hwoarang) :) 00:16 (joost_op) hwoarang, we don't want that in our mainline repositories .. 00:16 (+krytzz) joost_op hm well duplicated work/ebuilds is always bad :p 00:16 (UT2K3) oh its still meeting ok 00:16 (@hwoarang) as krytzz said, duplicating ebuilds will lead to more compilcated results 00:17 (@dagger) UT2K3: yeah, but it shouldn't take long now 00:17 (joost_op) do you guys to start with see a benefit in me, or sabayon, help testing 00:17 (tdr) duplicated ebuild confuse people 00:17 (+reavertm) joost_op: you're free to do anything with ebuilds - and patches (those upstream I guess) are always welcome 00:17 (UT2K3) okay (= ty 00:17 (@jmbsvicetto) joost_op: If you want to cooperate, using something we provide would seem to be better for both projects than duplicating work 00:17 (joost_op) nono 00:17 (joost_op) your ebuilds 00:17 -!- panard [n=panard@2a01:e35:8a09:e130:2e0:61ff:fe11:7adb] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 00:18 (+reavertm) joost_op: you just need to find someone to take care of this - it's quite a bit of work 00:18 (joost_op) lol 00:18 (@jmbsvicetto) So you mean you could test ~arch ebuilds? 00:18 (joost_op) x86 and amd64 00:18 (+krytzz) joost_op we had this already with kde-crazy and kde-testing, was a mess :p 00:18 (@jmbsvicetto) Then go for it, we'll be glad to get bug reports 00:18 (joost_op) i have a power machine to built 00:18 (@scarabeus) ok i will put it this way 00:19 (joost_op) i have testers AND users that report 00:19 (@scarabeus) bugs from ppl with @sabayonlinux.org will be handled legitimely as our bugs 00:19 (@scarabeus) and we can reflect them as HTs 00:19 (@jmbsvicetto) joost_op: although most of us run ~arch or stuff in kde-testing 00:19 (joost_op) i can filter whats important 00:19 (@scarabeus) just for internal herd needs 00:19 -!- Sho_ [n=EHS1@kde/hein] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 00:19 (@scarabeus) so we can rely for some info from them 00:19 (+reavertm) especially those automagic deps are welcome 00:19 (@scarabeus) yep 00:19 (+reavertm) :) 00:20 (@scarabeus) those made mine day great :] 00:20 -!- Sho_ [n=EHS1@kde/hein] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:20 (joost_op) yeah in our staff meeting we talked about how to report anything back to gentoo 00:20 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, I'll have to leave in approximately 10 minutes 00:20 (@dagger) Qt stuff now? 00:21 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: did you read what i wrote? 00:21 (@scarabeus) any objections to that? 00:21 (joost_op) anybody from our team uses @sabayonlinux.org 00:21 (@jmbsvicetto) joost_op: we discuss details later with you. We can even schedule some time 00:21 (joost_op) and each report has been dicussed in our team first 00:21 -!- panard [n=panard@banquise.backzone.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:21 (joost_op) to not overload anybody 00:21 (joost_op) and to certainly not duplicate work 00:21 (@jmbsvicetto) scarabeus: no objection 00:22 (joost_op) allright 00:22 -!- helch [n=helch@212-41-73-167.adsl.solnet.ch] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 00:22 (@jmbsvicetto) In some cases we might require some testing to duplicate the bug, but we'll address the bugs 00:22 (joost_op) i'm saying you can abuse me to get things in our yet to make repository 00:22 (joost_op) where we can heve people to test it 00:23 (joost_op) *have 00:23 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, thanks 00:23 -!- mpagano [n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano] <- quit ["cya"] 00:23 (@scarabeus) ok we will address this issue more at more comfy time :] 00:23 (@scarabeus) now lets get to the qt 00:23 (@hwoarang) \o/ 00:23 (@hwoarang) ************************** qt meeting ***************************** 00:23 (joost_op) allright, thx 00:23 (@hwoarang) wake up ppl 00:23 (+Pesa) :) 00:23 (@hwoarang) !herd qt 00:24 (+wired) hwoarang: seriously, we're all here 00:24 (Willikins) (qt) carlo, hwoarang, tampakrap, yngwin 00:24 (+wired) :D 00:24 (@dagger) bear time :) 00:24 (@hwoarang) spatz: ping 00:24 (+spatz) pong 00:24 (@dagger) (not ever beer :p) 00:24 (@jmbsvicetto) hwoarang: technically it's still the KDE *team* meeting ;) 00:24 (@hwoarang) well yes :P 00:24 (@yngwin) ok, first decision: next time separate qt meeting 00:24 (@hwoarang) i just wanted to wake them up 00:24 (@hwoarang) :D 00:24 (@yngwin) this is getting too long for some ppl 00:24 (+reavertm) I agree 00:24 -!- Sho_ [n=EHS1@kde/hein] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 00:24 (@tampakrap) for all 00:24 (@hwoarang) i think this is the first time the kde one took that long 00:25 (@scarabeus) yngwin: well the issue is due to we didnt have meeting in 2 months window 00:25 (+reavertm) we're technical, soory ;) 00:25 (@yngwin) i know 00:25 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: Do you think it's best to have split meetings or should we have more frequent/shorter meetings? 00:25 (@scarabeus) good Q 00:25 (@yngwin) more frequent + shorter 00:25 (+reavertm) split meeting is good anyway 00:25 (+papillon81) first of all we should go on with the topics 00:25 (@hwoarang) +1 yngwin 00:25 (+reavertm) no need to qt folks to attend to kde meeting anyway unless they're interested 00:26 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin: I can live with both and if we keep having the same meeting, qt issues don't (shouldn't) be left for the end 00:26 (@hwoarang) meeting is supposed to be 'project' wise 00:26 (@hwoarang) not herd wise 00:26 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: it is for this time 00:26 (@scarabeus) jmbsvicetto: next time i can shuffle the topics 00:26 (@jmbsvicetto) yeah, I'm just opening up other solutions in case people prefer them 00:26 (@scarabeus) and we can have the meetings often i dont mind :] 00:26 (@yngwin) alright, lets get on it 00:26 -!- Civil [n=Civilian@95-24-2-240.broadband.corbina.ru] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 00:27 (@yngwin) we can discuss needs for next meeting tomorrow ;) 00:27 (@hwoarang) i think we can pass the recruit stuff 00:27 (@scarabeus) okey 00:27 (@yngwin) recruits i already mentioned 00:27 (@yngwin) qt status in tree 00:27 (@yngwin) 4.5.1 is goibng stable, but arches are slow 00:27 (@hwoarang) indeed :/ 00:27 -!- Displacer [n=tool@tool.gtn.ru] <- quit ["Leaving"] 00:27 (+wired) !earch qt-core 00:27 (Willikins) wired: x11-libs/qt-core 4.4.2[4]: 4.4.2-r2[4]: amd64 hppa ia64 ppc64 sparc x86 4.5.1[4]: alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd 00:28 (@hwoarang) there is a bug about the -platform . The addition on qt4-build-edge eclass seems to fix it 00:28 -> hwoarang searches the bug 00:28 (+wired) bug 266201 00:28 (Willikins) wired: https://bugs.gentoo.org/266201 "Please mark x11-libs/qt-*-4.5.1 stable [also regression tracker]"; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; NEW; yngwin@g.o:qt@g.o 00:28 (@hwoarang) bug 270475 00:28 (Willikins) hwoarang: https://bugs.gentoo.org/270475 "x11-libs/qt-4.5 configure guesses arch based on uname"; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; NEW; jokey@g.o:qt@g.o 00:29 -!- emera|d [n=smaragd@p579DE9E7.dip.t-dialin.net] <- quit [] 00:29 (@hwoarang) this bug ( and the proposed solution ) seems to fix the massive errors we had with ppc, chroots, distcc etc 00:30 (@yngwin) ok, i propose we add arches on that one, and ask their opinion 00:30 (@jmbsvicetto) It would great if you could get upstream to fix qt-webkit on sparc 00:30 (+papillon81) there is another patch for qt-gui (already in the qting-edge overlay), that fixes PPC graphics issues and should go to the treee ASAP 00:30 (@hwoarang) qt-gui is stable on ppc 00:30 (@jmbsvicetto) We won't be able to get KDE in sparc until qt-webkit is fixed or we can make KDE upstream make it optional 00:30 (@yngwin) bug number? 00:30 (+wired) yngwin: ^^ thats the one i've talked to you about 00:31 (@hwoarang) jmbsvicetto: dont expect this to happen soon 00:31 (@yngwin) i know, i still havent heard if its so important and why 00:31 (@hwoarang) upstream is really really slow 00:31 (+papillon81) yngwin: no bug # 00:31 (@hwoarang) i really dont think we should do a revbump just for a ppc patch 00:31 (@hwoarang) cause all other arches will upgrade for nothing 00:31 (@hwoarang) maybe we can put is 'silently' on stable qt-gui-4.5.1 00:31 (@hwoarang) *s/is/it 00:31 (+papillon81) hwoarang: just add it silently :-) 00:32 (@yngwin) we need a proper bug report 00:32 -> papillon81 will do it 00:32 (@tampakrap) well, revbump and tell ppc to stabilize again 00:32 (@yngwin) because i still dont know what we're talkingf about 00:32 (@tampakrap) it won't break stable users anywayz 00:32 (@hwoarang) tampakrap: revbump is wrong 00:32 (@hwoarang) the rest of arches dont need to emerge qt-gui again 00:32 (@jmbsvicetto) yngwin / wired: are you asking the bug number for qt-webkit and sparc? 00:33 (@hwoarang) it is just a ppc patch that can go on the current qt-gui 00:33 (@tampakrap) i know but there is no other way 00:33 (@yngwin) ok, we can discuss that on the bug 00:33 (+wired) jmbsvicetto: no the patch for qt-gui and ppc 00:33 (@hwoarang) good 00:33 (@yngwin) jmbsvicetto: no, the ppc issue 00:33 (@jmbsvicetto) ok 00:33 (+wired) jmbsvicetto: it doesn't have a bug 00:34 (@tampakrap) two options, silent update or revbump and restabilize, choose one, i choose the second 00:34 (@yngwin) ok, other in tree issues? 00:34 (@hwoarang) scarc issue should go upstream but i am pretty sure it ll take forever even to accept it as valid 00:34 -!- ali_bush_work [i=cab44391@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e12143e624250926] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:34 (@yngwin) yes, but we can do our duty and report 00:34 (@hwoarang) yes 00:34 (@hwoarang) of course 00:34 (@tampakrap) wait 00:34 (@tampakrap) the sparc issue is reported by me in gentoo bugzilla long time ago 00:34 (@tampakrap) i've made some research about it 00:35 (@hwoarang) yes but did you take it upstream? 00:35 (@tampakrap) there was actually a patch 00:35 (@hwoarang) can you ? 00:35 (@hwoarang) mmm 00:35 (@yngwin) bug # ? 00:35 (@tampakrap) but it broke ppc64 i think or something 00:35 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: The patch wasn't accepted upstream 00:35 (@tampakrap) of course since it broke ppc64 00:35 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: And iirc, that bug may also affect alpha (or at least also interests them) 00:35 (@yngwin) we could apply the patch only on sparc 00:36 (@tampakrap) yes 00:36 (@tampakrap) exactly 00:36 (@hwoarang) sound like an easy work around 00:36 (@tampakrap) i own a sparc but it will take some time to update it to qt-4.5 00:36 (@tampakrap) i'll contact sparc herd as well 00:36 (@hwoarang) ok 00:36 (@jmbsvicetto) tampakrap: tcunha and jmorgan might be willing to help out with it 00:37 (@tampakrap) bug 235685 00:37 (Willikins) https://bugs.gentoo.org/235685 "x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.4.x sigbus on ~sparc"; Gentoo Linux, KDE; NEW; tampakrap@g.o:sparc@g.o 00:38 (@hwoarang) ok 00:38 (@yngwin) ok, if you can follow-up on that with sparc arch team 00:38 (@tampakrap) comment 7 says that it should not be restricted to sparc only 00:38 -!- B-Man1 [n=B-Man@cpe-098-024-241-139.ec.res.rr.com] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:38 (@tampakrap) i don't know why 00:38 (+papillon81) bug 270769 00:38 (Willikins) papillon81: https://bugs.gentoo.org/270769 "x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.1 PPC endian fix"; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; NEW; chrschmitt@gmail.com:bug-wranglers@g.o 00:38 (@yngwin) tampakrap: could be interesing for other arches too, like alpha 00:39 (@yngwin) papillon81: tnx 00:40 (@hwoarang) are we done with bugs? 00:40 (@yngwin) no 00:40 (@yngwin) i'd like someone to look at bug 209626 00:40 (Willikins) yngwin: https://bugs.gentoo.org/209626 "Patches for qt4.eclass and qt4-build.eclass to make them ready for eclass-manpages"; Gentoo Linux, Eclasses and Profiles; NEW; bugs@rennings.net:qt@g.o 00:41 (@hwoarang) I will take care of it 00:41 (@yngwin) thanks 00:41 (@hwoarang) anything else? 00:42 -!- andreax [n=andreaz@p57B94087.dip.t-dialin.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:42 (@yngwin) and is there anyone interested in bug 224951 ? 00:42 (Willikins) yngwin: https://bugs.gentoo.org/224951 "[Tracker] dev-ruby/qt4-qtruby issues"; Gentoo Linux, Applications; NEW; unnamedrambler@gmail.com:ruby@g.o 00:42 -!- Friesia [n=speckius@] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 00:42 (@yngwin) it has been hardmasked (all versions) in tree for a while now 00:42 (@hwoarang) brrrrrrrrrrrrr ruby 00:43 (@yngwin) well, i think we should fix it or schedule for removal 00:43 (@hwoarang) we can ping ruby herd again 00:43 (@hwoarang) as reach a common decision 00:43 (@hwoarang) *and 00:44 (@yngwin) i started doing some testing on 2.x version, but didnt get far 00:44 (+wired) i could give it a try as well 00:44 (@hwoarang) we can add it on overlay and start playing 00:44 (@yngwin) i needs work (which means time) 00:44 (@yngwin) ok, i'll add what i have to overlay 00:44 (@hwoarang) ok 00:44 (+wired) =] 00:44 (@hwoarang) bug 236341 needs some love as well 00:44 (Willikins) hwoarang: https://bugs.gentoo.org/236341 "PyQt4 has automagic dependencies"; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; REOP; alessandro.guido@gmail.com:qt@g.o 00:45 (@hwoarang) i think me and Pesa will get this done soon 00:45 (+Pesa) i'm working on that one 00:45 (@yngwin) nice 00:45 (@hwoarang) sweet 00:45 (@hwoarang) i cant see anything else 00:45 (+Pesa) btw, bug 251997 was fixed some time ago 00:45 (Willikins) Pesa: https://bugs.gentoo.org/251997 "net-im/psi: pre-stripped files found"; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; NEW; flameeyes@g.o:welp@g.o 00:45 -!- andreax1 [n=andreaz@p57B9556B.dip.t-dialin.net] <- quit [Operation timed out] 00:45 (+Pesa) please mark as such :) 00:45 (@yngwin) ok, we can close that? 00:45 (@hwoarang) yes indeed 00:45 (+Pesa) yep 00:46 (+Pesa) fixed by a change in eqmake4 00:46 (@yngwin) done 00:46 (@hwoarang) \o/ 00:46 (+Pesa) thanks 00:46 (@hwoarang) any other bugs? 00:46 (@yngwin) what about the embedded stuff 00:47 (@hwoarang) tricky 00:47 (@hwoarang) qt-embedded? 00:47 (@yngwin) esp https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43827#c9 00:48 (@hwoarang) we can contact him 00:48 (@yngwin) maybe we should contact him and see if he still wants to maintain it 00:48 (@hwoarang) and ask him to be proxy mantainer 00:48 (@yngwin) then add it to overlay or tree 00:48 (@yngwin) indeed 00:48 -> hwoarang noted 00:48 (@hwoarang) I will contact him 00:48 (@yngwin) ok, on to overlay then? 00:49 -!- panard [n=panard@banquise.backzone.net] <- quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 00:49 (@hwoarang) sorry? 00:49 (@tampakrap) yes 00:49 (@yngwin) next point on agenda 00:49 (@hwoarang) we are moving on? 00:49 (@hwoarang) ok 00:49 (@hwoarang) Pesa: spatz 00:49 (@hwoarang) are you guys using qt live ebuilds? 00:49 (+Pesa) no 00:49 (+spatz) nope 00:49 -!- Guest36992 [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:49 (@tampakrap) i am 00:50 (@hwoarang) ok 00:50 (+papillon81) me 00:50 (+reavertm) i use qt-copy in chroot 00:50 (@hwoarang) so we need to see who maintains what 00:50 (@hwoarang) i do maintain 4.5.9999 (both qt-copy and nokias ) 00:50 (@yngwin) i use latest release 00:50 (+reavertm) but I'm no longer maintaing those... 00:50 (@hwoarang) that is 4.9999? 00:50 (@hwoarang) wired: is on 4.9999 00:50 (+wired) i test 4.999 and 4.5.9999[-qt-copy 00:50 (@yngwin) 4.9999 is nokia qt git trunk 00:50 (+wired) i test 4.999 and 4.5.9999[-qt-copy] 00:51 -!- panard [n=panard@2a01:e35:8a09:e130:2e0:61ff:fe11:7adb] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:51 (@hwoarang) so we are ok on that 00:51 -!- Polynomial-C [n=Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 00:51 (+wired) nokia 00:51 (+wired) 4.6 trunk and 4.5 trunk ^^ :) 00:51 -!- Hello_World [n=koukos@ip-83-212-218-40.adsl.aueb.gr] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:51 (@hwoarang) ok so we re ok on qt libe ebuilds 00:52 (@hwoarang) *live 00:52 (+wired) we should discuss what will happen to the RDEPEND in qt4-edge-build 00:52 (@hwoarang) yes 00:52 (+wired) are we moving that in tree? 00:52 (@yngwin) is it tested enough? 00:52 (+wired) today tampakrap had yet another issue 00:52 -!- UT2K3 [n=UT2K3@] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 00:53 (@hwoarang) what about the paludis support 00:53 (+wired) yngwin: so far it seems safe on my tests 00:53 (+wired) paludis doesn't like it but thats only because ciaran doesn't want to implement blocks the same way portage does 00:53 (@yngwin) paludis seems to be broken at this point 00:53 -!- Polynomial-C [n=Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:53 (@bonsaikitten) hwoarang: why do we care? 00:53 (@hwoarang) cause i cant stand the trolls tomorrow 00:54 -!- bschindl [n=quassel@77-56-156-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] <- quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 00:54 (+wired) no trolls 00:54 (@hwoarang) if you know what i mean 00:54 (+wired) actually 00:54 (@bonsaikitten) so ignore them 00:54 (@bonsaikitten) "WORKSFORME" is a great defense ;) 00:54 (+wired) this is one of the few cases where he didn't complain 00:54 (@hwoarang) in this case we can proceed 00:54 (+wired) i think the way this works is valid and paludis should adapt if it wants to work 00:54 (@hwoarang) the solution is pretty clean and easily revertable 00:55 (@hwoarang) yngwin: what do you think 00:55 (@yngwin) i dont think there is a better solution 00:55 -!- termite47384 [n=me@cpe-066-057-082-106.nc.res.rr.com] joins -> #gentoo-kde 00:55 -!- mode/#gentoo-kde [+v termite47384] by ChanServ 00:55 (@hwoarang) ok then we can proceed 00:55 (@yngwin) if we talk about eclass functionality anyway 00:55 (+wired) ok then it should go to qt4-build along with anything else we decide to migrate 00:55 (@yngwin) what about other stuff we want to move to tree 00:56 (@hwoarang) well 00:56 (@hwoarang) qt4-build can use -platform as discussed before 00:56 (@hwoarang) but that should take a while 00:56 (@yngwin) yes 00:56 (@hwoarang) we need to invite arches on that bug 00:56 (@hwoarang) i have nothing else to propose for qt4-build 00:57 (@hwoarang) i think this eclass has been reviewed recently 00:57 (@hwoarang) just before pushing qt-4.5.0_rc1 00:57 (@yngwin) we need to remove custom-cxxflags when 4.5.2 goes in 00:57 (@hwoarang) yes 00:58 (@hwoarang) this use flag has been dropped on overlay. Works ok . 00:58 (@hwoarang) we are safe to drop it when 4.5.2 arrives 00:58 (@yngwin) good, let's not forget 00:58 -> hwoarang noted 00:58 (@yngwin) what about qt4.eclass 00:58 (@hwoarang) Pesa: here we are 00:58 (@hwoarang) :D 00:59 (+Pesa) heh 00:59 (@yngwin) we wanted qt4-edge -> qt4-ng or something? 00:59 (@hwoarang) i think that you pushed a default src_configure and src_install in the past 00:59 (@hwoarang) but you revert it 00:59 (@hwoarang) why? 00:59 (@yngwin) we had to 00:59 (@hwoarang) brakeages? 00:59 (@yngwin) it broke stuff all over the place 00:59 (@hwoarang) right 01:00 (@hwoarang) i cant understand how 01:00 (@hwoarang) since src_install is always overriden 01:00 (@yngwin) so i do want that back in, but we need it in a separate eclass, so existing ebuilds can be migrated slowly 01:00 (@hwoarang) but lets play it safe 01:00 (@hwoarang) ok 01:00 (+Pesa) isn't it possible to have a drop-in replacement? 01:00 (@hwoarang) meaning? 01:01 -!- smorg [n=quassel@75-168-239-242.mpls.qwest.net] <- quit ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 01:01 (+Pesa) a revised qt4.eclass, but maintaining backward compatibility 01:01 (@yngwin) no, because we require eapi-2 and have new default functionality such as src_configure in there 01:01 (@hwoarang) we cant 01:01 -!- smorg [n=quassel@75-168-239-242.mpls.qwest.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 01:01 (@hwoarang) how about maintain eqmake4 on qt4.eclass and inherit that eclass on the new one? 01:02 (@hwoarang) just to avoid mantaining 2 eqmake4 01:02 (@yngwin) hmm, i dont like the added level of complexity 01:02 (+Pesa) i agree with yngwin 01:03 -> hwoarang is thinking 01:03 (+spatz) is qt4-edge to be merged as-is? at least the translations stuff seems broken on many packages and fixing after merge can be problematic 01:03 (+Pesa) it'd be better to have a eqmake4.eclass inherited by both the new and the old qt4 eclasses 01:03 (@hwoarang) the translations part is experimental 01:04 (+Pesa) spatz: i don't think so 01:04 (@hwoarang) yngwin: cant we open a tracker 01:04 (@hwoarang) about the brakeages? 01:04 (+spatz) Pesa: which part? 01:04 (@yngwin) what breakages? 01:04 (@hwoarang) which are caused by the new eclass? 01:05 (@hwoarang) in case we push it as qt4.eclass 01:05 (+Pesa) spatz: well, src_configure() needs improvements imho 01:05 (@yngwin) only if we dont touch the original eclass, we can't break stable stuff 01:06 (@hwoarang) introducing the default src_configure and src_install will brake some packages 01:06 (@hwoarang) we can track them on bugzilla 01:06 (@hwoarang) on a special tracker 01:06 (@yngwin) what i propose is to add the new eclass, and mark the old one as deprecated and make a tracker for migration to new eclass 01:06 (+Pesa) yeah 01:06 (@tampakrap) ^^nice 01:06 (+wired) yngwin++ 01:07 (+wired) qt4-v2.eclass? 01:07 (@hwoarang) nah 01:07 (@hwoarang) we need a pretty cool name 01:07 (@hwoarang) :P 01:07 (@yngwin) we had qt4-ng in mind 01:07 (@hwoarang) -ng sounds ok 01:07 (+wired) keep in mind one day we might have another big-bad-ass revision 01:07 (+wired) lets stick a number in there 01:07 (@yngwin) yeah, so i'm open for suggestions 01:07 (@tampakrap) qt4-r1.eclass? 01:07 (+wired) -r1 isn't bad either 01:08 (@yngwin) inherit qt4-r1 01:08 (@hwoarang) nah 01:08 (@hwoarang) ugly 01:08 (@hwoarang) :P 01:08 (@yngwin) i'm not sure i like that 01:08 (+wired) i prefer qt4-v2 01:08 (+wired) inherit qt4-v2 01:08 (kage-ookami) qt4-2nd 01:08 (@yngwin) qt4-edition2009 01:08 (@hwoarang) .. 01:08 (@yngwin) just brainstorming 01:08 (+spatz) qt4-home_premium 01:08 (@tampakrap) qt4_pre20090521 01:08 (+wired) lol 01:08 (@yngwin) well, that's bikeshedding, can be done tomorrow 01:09 (+wired) qt4-try2 01:09 (+wired) :D 01:09 (@hwoarang) ok 01:09 (@tampakrap) qt4_thepreviousonewasFAIL 01:09 (@yngwin) but we agree on principle? 01:09 (@tampakrap) yes 01:09 (+wired) i think its the best approach yeah 01:09 (@hwoarang) ok 01:09 -!- joost_op [n=joost@] <- quit ["Leaving"] 01:09 (+Pesa) i do, if my opinion counts 01:09 (@yngwin) it does :) 01:09 (@hwoarang) also Pesa and me are working on eqmake4 patch, to automatically guesses the project name so we can have a more generic src_configure 01:09 (@yngwin) translation stuff still needs work? 01:10 (@hwoarang) yes 01:10 (+Pesa) can be made more generic i think 01:10 (@hwoarang) i have two ebuilds that I still want to migrate on that 01:10 (@yngwin) ok, so lets work on it in overlay, and see in a few weeks time or so 01:10 (@hwoarang) Pesa: i ll add the second patch, then feel free to play :) 01:11 (@yngwin) anything about other packages in overlay? 01:11 (@hwoarang) the current status seems ok 01:11 (+Pesa) hwoarang: with '.' instead of ${S} though! 01:11 (@tampakrap) i can take care of live ones 01:11 (@hwoarang) yes :) 01:11 (@hwoarang) i ve moved many packages on tree 01:11 (@hwoarang) and kept the live ones 01:11 (+Pesa) fine then 01:12 (@yngwin) what about qtjambi 01:12 (@yngwin) shouldnt that go to tree as well? 01:12 (@yngwin) 4.5.0 that is 01:12 (+Pesa) i added 4.5.0_p1 to the overlay 01:12 (@hwoarang) does it work? 01:12 (@hwoarang) or it needs further testing 01:12 (+Pesa) worksforme :D 01:12 (@yngwin) it's java, how would i know if it works? 01:12 (+wired) lol 01:12 (@yngwin) :p 01:13 (+wired) yngwin: actually the correct answer would be 01:13 (@hwoarang) so what can we do with it 01:13 (+wired) its java, ofcourse not 01:13 (+Pesa) seriously, it has huge improvements over portage version 01:13 (+wired) :D 01:13 (@yngwin) who maintains it in portage again 01:13 -!- bschindler [n=quassel@77-56-156-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] <- quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 01:14 (@hwoarang) !meta -v qtjambi 01:14 (Willikins) hwoarang: Package: dev-java/qtjambi Herd: qt, java Maintainer: qt, java 01:14 (@hwoarang) we do 01:14 (@hwoarang) :P 01:14 (+wired) lolz 01:14 (@dagger) lol ;) 01:14 (@yngwin) ali_bush it seems from changelog 01:15 (@yngwin) ok, maybe confer with him 01:15 -> hwoarang noted 01:15 (@yngwin) then we can bump 01:15 (@hwoarang) i ll poke him as long as he is available 01:15 (@hwoarang) *as soon as 01:15 (@hwoarang) stupid beer 01:16 (@yngwin) heh 01:16 (@jmbsvicetto) ok, I really need to leave now. See you later 01:16 -!- Guest36992 [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] <- quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 01:16 (@hwoarang) bye bye jmbsvicetto 01:16 (@yngwin) ok, see you jmbsvicetto 01:16 -!- sean345 [n=quassel@c-76-105-5-254.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] joins -> #gentoo-kde 01:16 (+wired) bye jmbsvicetto 01:16 (@hwoarang) ok i think we are done with the overlay 01:16 (@yngwin) on to last point? 01:16 (+Pesa) bye jmbsvicetto 01:16 (ali_bush_work) you talking to me :) 01:16 (+spatz) have fun :) 01:16 (@hwoarang) ah 01:16 (@hwoarang) there he is 01:16 (@yngwin) ali_bush_work: yes, we have qtjambi-4.5.0_p1 in overlay 01:17 (ali_bush_work) cool. does it work 01:17 -!- Guest36992 [n=red@lounge.datux.nl] joins -> #gentoo-kde 01:17 (@hwoarang) lol :) 01:17 (@yngwin) [00:12:52] it's java, how would i know if it works? 01:17 (@yngwin) ;) 01:17 (@yngwin) but Pesa says it does 01:18 (ali_bush_work) i'll put it on my todo list :) 01:18 -!- anselmolsm [n=anselmo@] <- quit [Remote closed the connection] 01:18 (@yngwin) alright 01:18 (ali_bush_work) ETC next century 01:18 (@hwoarang) goodie 01:18 (@hwoarang) no rush :P 01:18 (+Pesa) ali_bush_work: yes, demos and examples work, and also qtdesigner integration 01:18 (@yngwin) we can bump, and let you deal with the bugs :p 01:19 (@yngwin) but if Pesa says it works, i trust him 01:19 (+Pesa) ali_bush_work: and there are tons of other improvements 01:19 (ali_bush_work) ok cool. I will qa the ebuild just too make sure if follows our standards 01:20 (@hwoarang) sweet 01:20 (+Pesa) thanks 01:20 -!- geo27 [n=quassel@lns-bzn-56-82-255-250-237.adsl.proxad.net] <- quit [No route to host] 01:20 (@hwoarang) ok last topic 01:20 (@hwoarang) leader? :/ 01:20 (@yngwin) do we need an elected lead? 01:20 (@hwoarang) what for 01:20 (@yngwin) now that we're a fast growing team 01:21 (@tampakrap) jmbsvicetto is the project leader, scarabeus is KDE HT Lead and yngwin is Qt HT lead 01:21 (@yngwin) well, i thought i would put it before you 01:21 (@tampakrap) i think that is enough 01:21 (@hwoarang) i cant see the reason :) 01:21 (@yngwin) because i just assumed the position, when no-one was looking 01:21 (@hwoarang) i am pretty happy with the current situation 01:22 (@hwoarang) maybe we should discuss it again in July 01:22 (@yngwin) but if you guys are happy with it 01:22 (@hwoarang) before we leave 01:22 (kage-ookami) yngwin: sometimes it takes a person to just assume the position 01:22 (@yngwin) i know 01:23 (@hwoarang) so the answer is NO 01:23 (+spatz) if it works don't fix it 01:23 (@hwoarang) you ll stay the leader either you like it or not 01:23 (@yngwin) ok 01:23 (@hwoarang) 01:23 (+wired) yngwin QT leader woot =] 01:23 (@scarabeus) :D 01:23 (@yngwin) 01:23 (@scarabeus) okey 01:23 (@scarabeus) :D 01:23 (@hwoarang) ------------------- 01:23 (+Pesa) :D 01:23 (@hwoarang) omg 01:24 (@hwoarang) 3:30 hours 01:24 (@hwoarang) jesus! 01:24 (@yngwin) holy mother 01:24 (+wired) closer to 3 hours actually 01:24 (+spatz) back to homework :/ 01:24 (+wired) but still! 01:24 -> yngwin hands out more cookies 01:24 (+wired) scarabeus: you want log? 01:24 (@yngwin) wired: CC me as well please 01:24 (@tampakrap) does it need rendering? 01:25 (@yngwin) i'll do summary for Qt part 01:25 (@hwoarang) ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh 01:25 (@hwoarang) btw 01:25 (@hwoarang) for those who havent noticed 01:25 -!- tampakrap topic of #gentoo-kde ->> Gentoo KDE | KDE 4 guide: http://tinyurl.com/4n47v4 | p.keywords: http://xrl.us/kdekeyw | Overlays: kde-testing, qting-edge | Want to help? http://tinyurl.com/gktodo | Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/kdebugs1 http://xrl.us/qtbugs | Useful links: http://userbase.kde.org/ http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard | Want to test KDE4 on a kvm? http://tinyurl.com/by7tv3 | KDE 4.2.87in kde-testing! | SitRep: SNAFU 01:25 (@hwoarang) i ve wrote this guide http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/qt4-based-ebuild-howto.xml 01:25 (@hwoarang) so any additions etc are welcomed