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+<@ulm> meeting time [20:00]
+<@ulm> !proj council
+<willikins> ( ajak, dilfridge, mattst88, mgorny, sam, soap,
+ ulm
+<@sam_> \o
+* soap here
+<@ulm> agenda:
+* mattst88 here
+* mgorny here
+<@ulm> 1. roll call
+* sam_ here
+* ajak here
+* ulm here
+<+Arsen> here (in place of dilfridge)
+<@ulm> ok, all here [20:01]
+<@ulm> 2. Foundation dissolution status update
+<@ulm> no news, I fear
+<@ulm> or has somebody reached out to other distros?
+<@sam_> I reached out to adelie but I need to speak to someone else [20:02]
+<@sam_> (the person I spoke to passed me onto someone else, and I need to
+ follow that up)
+<@ulm> k
+<@ulm> thanks
+<@ulm> so hopefully some update next month
+<@ulm> anyone else wants to speak up? [20:03]
+<@ulm> 3. Refresh Hetzner servers
+<@ulm> robbat2: are you here?
+<@ulm> IIUC it's additional cost of 4 euros per month plus 39 euros one-time
+ charge [20:04]
+<@ulm> so looks like a no-brainer? [20:05]
+<@ulm> any comments?
+<@mattst88> seems good to me [20:06]
+<@mgorny> lgtm
+<+Arsen> dilf has mentioned that he'd like it to stay in europe, and AX102
+ seems to match his description
+<@sam_> yeah, I hadn't clocked before that oystercatcher was already at
+ Hetzner
+<@sam_> it sounds good to me
+<@ajak> i don't hate the idea of adding drives to OSL but i don't feel super
+ strongly
+<@sam_> that's the 2nd bit i think ajak
+<@sam_> rather than the refresh
+<+Arsen> right, think so too
+<@ajak> oh sorry
+<+Arsen> the refresh is new metal for the binhost, yes?
+<@ajak> yes
+<@ulm> so, let's vote [20:07]
+<@ulm> motion: approve infra's request to refresh the Hetzner servers
+* mattst88 yes
+* mgorny yes
+* Arsen yes
+* sam_ yes
+* ajak yes
+* soap yes
+* ulm yes
+<@ulm> unanimous with 7 yes votes
+<@ulm> thanks
+<@ulm> 4. Hardware for online historical distfile archive
+<@ulm> same mail message as above, plus bug 834712 [20:08]
+<willikins> ulm: ""Old" or "historical" Gentoo
+ distfiles mirror"; Gentoo Infrastructure, Other; CONF;
+ badatcomputerslongytemail:infra-bugs
+<@sam_> first I'd just want to say I think fixing the bug is pretty important
+<@sam_> especially for stuff like our own patchsets
+<@sam_> preserving our history matters but also helping users upgrade old
+ systems, and also verifying provenance
+<@sam_> so i'm glad we're looking at it
+<+arthurzam> (just noting that both links brought up in the mail are "out of
+ stock", so you might need to approve price range and not precise
+ one)
+<@sam_> wrt the ML discussion: it's not in robbat2's proposal, but I wouldn't
+ want us to do amazon as some suggested [20:09]
+<@sam_> nixos have got themselves into *very* deep financial issues by leaning
+ heavily on AWS
+ [20:10]
+<@mgorny> yes, we really don't want to use amazon for anything
+<@mgorny> if only because the guy's total asshole
+<@mgorny> and because they never replied to us wrt open source credits
+* ajak nods [20:11]
+<@soap> agreed
+<@ulm> robbat2's first preference was to buy some physical drives
+<@sam_> (they're literally forking out $10k/mo)
+<@sam_> yeah, I think that's my preference too
+<@mgorny> yep [20:12]
+<+Arsen> dilfridge mentioned that the 'extra new machine for the archive
+ server is also good'
+<@mgorny> my only concern is copyright
+<@mgorny> i'm worried that at least some of the historical distfiles haven't
+ been restricted properly
+<+Arsen> that is quite possible
+<@ulm> yeah, we sort that out as we go
+<@mgorny> also i wonder if we should try contacting
+<@mgorny> i mean, archiving software is one of the things they do [20:13]
+<@sam_> Eli isn't around at the moment (sourcehut is being ddos'd) but IIRC
+ he'd mentioned before that handles something like the Arch
+ distfiles set
+<@sam_> would be worth asking about that as well (although not a blocker)
+<@ulm> mgorny: we'll only put files there that we had mirrored at some point
+ in the past, right?
+<+Arsen> seems reasonable
+<@ajak> yeah good idea but i think we should maintain our own primary
+ repository and maybe get them to mirror it or something
+<@ajak> (since presumably our mirrors won't) [20:14]
+<@mattst88> yeah, I suggest we just buy some disks first and get the project
+ moving [20:15]
+<@ulm> motion: approve infra's request to buy physical disk drives for an
+ online historical distfile archive
+* sam_ yes [20:16]
+* ajak yes
+* Arsen yes
+* mattst88 yes
+* mgorny yes
+* soap yes
+* ulm yes
+<@ulm> unanimous with 7 yes votes
+<@ulm> 5. Open bugs with Council participation
+<@ulm> I see only bug 920711 at this time [20:17]
+<willikins> ulm: "Removal of legacy distfile
+ mirror layout breaks ebuilds and eclasses which use
+ mirror://gentoo"; Gentoo Council, unspecified; CONF;
+ eschwartz93:council
+<@mgorny> i don't think this is really a council issue
+<@sam_> I don't think we want to undo anything with the migration there, it's
+ more that we should be aware of it given it happened because of our
+ decision
+<@sam_> we just need to get on with killing mirror://gentoo finally
+<@mgorny> we should 1) not use mirror://gentoo for new stuff
+<@ulm> +1
+<@mgorny> 2) for old stuff, we can update it to use mirror://gentoo/XX/...
+<@ulm> but see my comment #4 [20:18]
+<@sam_> yeah, I was just about to cite that
+<@mgorny> but we really need infra to finally set up proper distfile hosting
+<@ulm> anyway, let's reassign that bug (to whom?)
+<@sam_> I guess it's a qa thing
+<@sam_> turn it into a tracker [20:19]
+<@ulm> I'd have reassigned to mgorny, but qa wfm :)
+<@mgorny> mgorny = qa
+* mgorny hides
+<@ulm> anyway, let's move on [20:20]
+<@ulm> 6. open floor
+<@ulm> nothing? [20:21]
+<@mattst88> doesn't look like it :)
+<@ulm> meeting is closed then. thanks, everybody [20:22]
+<@ajak> thanks!
+<@mgorny> thanks
+<@mattst88> thanks :)
+*** ulm (~ulm@gentoo/developer/ulm) has set the topic for #gentoo-council:
+ "246th meeting: 2024-02-11 19:00 UTC |
+ |
+ |
+<+Arsen> o/ thanks
+<@sam_> thank you!
+<@soap> thanks!
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+<@ulm> !proj council [20:00]
+<willikins> ( ajak, dilfridge, mattst88, mgorny, sam, soap,
+ ulm
+<@ulm> meeting time
+<@sam_> wee
+<@ulm> agenda:
+<@ulm> 1. roll call
+* arthurzam here (proxy for mattst88)
+* dilfridge|mobile here
+* mgorny here
+* sam_ here
+* soap here
+* ajak here [20:01]
+* ulm here
+<@ulm> perfect
+<@ulm> 2. Foundation dissolution status update
+<@ulm> no news I fear
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Yes
+<@ulm> dilfridge and I shall prepare a letter to SPI for the next meeting
+ [20:02]
+<@ulm> dilfridge|mobile: do you want to add anything?
+<@sam_> only update from me is that I spoke to zv from Adelie after I was
+ recommended reaching out but he's secretary (or some other role) there
+ and didn't have much to say in terms of adelie's experience (not
+ negatively, just wasn't really seemingly interested in talking about
+ it, which is fine)
+*** TomJBE (~tb@gentoo/developer/tomjbe) has joined channel #gentoo-council
+*** ChanServ ( has changed mode for
+ #gentoo-council to +v TomJBE
+<@mgorny> can we handle the letter (if vote is required) via a bug, to avoid
+ further delays?
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Nothing to add from me [20:03]
+<@dilfridge|mobile> and in my opinion we can
+<@ulm> or we could have an extra meeting, maybe joint council and trustees
+<@ulm> but no objection to bug
+<@dilfridge|mobile> since this is for becoming assoicated project [20:04]
+<@dilfridge|mobile> not (yet) transfer of funds
+<@ulm> anything else for this item?
+<@ulm> if not, let's move on [20:05]
+<@ulm> 3. open bugs with council participation
+<@sam_> +1 on mgorny's suggestion
+<@ulm> there are none :)
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Wow.
+<@ulm> 4. open floor
+<@ulm> anything?
+<+NeddySeagoon> Is that a record?
+<@ulm> probably :)
+<@dilfridge|mobile> First call for testing 23.0 profiles / stages sometime in
+ the next days [20:06]
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Only ppc, ppc64, sparc, s390, ricv, x87
+<@ulm> x87? [20:07]
+<+NeddySeagoon> arm64 works
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Tzpo
+<@dilfridge|mobile> Neddy: pssst
+<@ulm> anything else for open floor?
+<@sam_> nothing from me
+* ulm bangs the gavel [20:08]
+<@ulm> meeting closed
+<@sam_> thank you and wow, must be a record
+<@mgorny> thanks
+<+arthurzam> that was a great proxying from me :)
+<@ajak> thanks!
+<+arthurzam> thanks
+*** ulm (~ulm@gentoo/developer/ulm) has set the topic for #gentoo-council:
+ "247th meeting: 2024-03-10 19:00 UTC |
+ |
+ |
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