Alessandro Barbieri Dynamic Load Balancing Library DLB is a dynamic library designed to speed up HPC hybrid applications (i.e., two levels of parallelism) by improving the load balance of the outer level of parallelism (e.g., MPI) by dynamically redistributing the computational resources at the inner level of parallelism (e.g., OpenMP). at run time. This dynamism allows DLB to react to different sources of imbalance: Algorithm, data, hardware architecture and resource availability among others. Lend When Idle LeWI (Lend When Idle) is the algorithm used to redistribute the computational resources that are not being used from one process to another process inside the same shared memory node in order to speed up its execution. Dynamic Resource Ownership Manager DROM (Dynamic Resource Ownership Manager) is the algorithm used to manage the CPU affinity of a process running a shared memory programming model (e.g., OpenMP) bsc-pm/dlb add sys-apps/hwlocsupport enable sys-cluster/extrae instrumentation