# ChangeLog for sys-libs/libuser # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/libuser/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2007/10/15 10:29:26 dberkholz Exp $ *libuser-0.56.5 (15 Oct 2007) 15 Oct 2007; Donnie Berkholz ; +libuser-0.56.5.ebuild: (#188921) Updates so the files are on mirrors. Also switch to using fedora-dev thirdpartymirrors setting to better find RPMs. 15 Oct 2007; Donnie Berkholz ; libuser-0.54.6.ebuild, libuser-0.56.4.ebuild: (#185524) Update homepage. *libuser-0.56.4 (15 Jul 2007) 15 Jul 2007; Donnie Berkholz ; +libuser-0.56.4.ebuild: Bump. Adds import of HOME from default/useradd, drops quota library and python module, API/ABI break to avoid corruption of number-like strings, allows specifying a SASL mechanism, update the last-changed date field when updating passwords, and more. 22 Sep 2006; Donnie Berkholz ; +files/0.54.6-raise-minimum-ids-to-1000.patch, libuser-0.54.6.ebuild: On Gentoo, minimum gid/uid for non-system is 1000, not 500. 05 Sep 2006; Donnie Berkholz ; libuser-0.54.6.ebuild: Change USE=quota to quotas for compat with some other programs. *libuser-0.54.6 (05 Sep 2006) 05 Sep 2006; Donnie Berkholz ; +metadata.xml, +libuser-0.54.6.ebuild: A user and group account administration library