# ChangeLog for net-fs/openafs-legacy
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/openafs-legacy/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2009/01/05 18:01:28 mr_bones_ Exp $

  05 Jan 2009; Michael Sterrett <mr_bones_@gentoo.org>
  drop alpha keyword to match net-fs/openafs

  07 Feb 2008; Stefaan De Roeck <stefaan@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
  Correct maintainer email (proxy maintenance has since long ended)

  25 Dec 2007; Christian Heim <phreak@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
  Removing seemant from metadata.xml as per #202469.

  02 Jun 2007; Raúl Porcel <armin76@gentoo.org> openafs-legacy-0.1.ebuild:
  Drop ia64 keyword as it doesn't work with current glibc, bug 156008

  09 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> ChangeLog:
  Regenerate digest in Manifest2 format.

  19 Sep 2005; Stefaan De Roeck <stefaan@gentoo.org>
  QA: add IUSE=""

*openafs-legacy-0.1 (27 Jul 2005)

  27 Jul 2005; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  New package, created by: Stefaan De Roeck <stefaan.deroeck@gmail.com>
  As a guide for these links, acinclude.m4 from the openafs package was
  used.  A README file exists as well, but at the time of writing, the
  afsbosserver-variable was inaccurately described.  The idea here is that the
  new openafs ebuilds install into FHS correct locations, despite the
  protestations of one   Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs@ribosome.natur.cuni.cz>.
  Please do not use this, as it is only useful with openafs-1.2.13 and openafs-1.3.85 and up.