diff options
authorPeter Gavin <>2001-04-30 22:21:07 +0000
committerPeter Gavin <>2001-04-30 22:21:07 +0000
commit51f2966df14c2d7600d4f30d1f677d4929daf2b4 (patch)
tree655f029b5c40bc1bace12eaa2fe5f4b5f414db02 /sys-kernel/linux-sources
parentAdded an important symlink (diff)
added linux-2.4.4-r4 (put LVM back in)
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel/linux-sources')
3 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/2.4.4-r4/lvm.c.diff b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/2.4.4-r4/lvm.c.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6392671b8f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/2.4.4-r4/lvm.c.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- lvm.c.orig Sat Apr 28 10:48:37 2001
++++ lvm.c Sat Apr 28 11:07:07 2001
+@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
+ int max_hardblocksize = 0, hardblocksize;
+ for (le = 0; le < lv->lv_allocated_le; le++) {
+- hardblocksize = get_hardblocksize(lv->lv_current_pe[le].dev);
++ hardblocksize = get_hardsect_size(lv->lv_current_pe[le].dev);
+ if (hardblocksize == 0)
+ hardblocksize = 512;
+ if (hardblocksize > max_hardblocksize)
+@@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@
+ if (lv->lv_access & LV_SNAPSHOT) {
+ for (e = 0; e < lv->lv_remap_end; e++) {
+ hardblocksize =
+- get_hardblocksize(
++ get_hardsect_size(
+ lv->lv_block_exception[e].rdev_new);
+ if (hardblocksize == 0)
+ hardblocksize = 512;
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/digest-linux-sources-2.4.4-r4 b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/digest-linux-sources-2.4.4-r4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c672bc25ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files/digest-linux-sources-2.4.4-r4
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+MD5 a485ece59b10da2202fae7b78a542707 alsa-driver-0.5.10b.tar.bz2
+MD5 1f75500dc9f98e638e08cbd607317cd1 linux-2.4.4-knfsd-6.g.patch.gz
+MD5 417725f5cf01266a93a3927fcd370545 linux-2.4.4-procinfo-1.d.patch.gz
+MD5 b2cb01dfca76829c31ddc61445e4bbb9 linux-2.4.4.tar.bz2
+MD5 53740608812efa82532da2f980e6f974 lm_sensors-2.5.5.tar.gz
+MD5 1ce6fb607f26dc20d4c77461057acb3c lvm_0.9.1_beta7.tar.gz
+MD5 e2c8f8769e698202e273498749c40186 reiserfs-quota-2.4.4.dif.bz2
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-sources/linux-sources-2.4.4-r4.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/linux-sources-2.4.4-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bd9be134f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-sources/linux-sources-2.4.4-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2000 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
+# Author Daniel Robbins <>
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/linux-sources/linux-sources-2.4.4-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2001/04/30 22:21:07 pete Exp $
+#OKV=original kernel version, KV=patched kernel version
+#Versions of LVM, ALSA, JFS and lm-sensors
+# [ "${PN}" = "linux" ] && DESCRIPTION="Linux kernel version ${KV}, including modules, binary tools, libraries and includes"
+# [ "${PN}" = "linux-sources" ] && DESCRIPTION="Linux kernel version ${KV} - full sources"
+# [ "${PN}" = "linux-extras" ] && DESCRIPTION="Linux kernel support tools and libraries"
+[ "`use lm_sensors`" ] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI}${SENV}.tar.gz"
+[ "`use lvm`" ] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI}${LVMVARC}.tar.gz"
+[ "`use alsa`" ] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI}${AV}.tar.bz2"
+[ "${PN}" = "linux" ] || [ "${PN}" = "linux-sources" ] && PROVIDE="virtual/kernel"
+DEPEND="dev-util/yacc sys-devel/flex >=sys-apps/modutils-2.4.0"
+# this is not pretty...
+LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS="-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I${S}/include"
+src_unpack() {
+ #unpack kernel and apply reiserfs-related patches
+ cd ${WORKDIR}
+ unpack linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2
+ mv linux linux-${KV}
+ cd ${S}
+# echo "Applying ${KV} patch..."
+# try bzip2 -dc ${DISTDIR}/patch-${KV}.bz2 | patch -p1
+# echo "Applying reiserfs-update patch..."
+# try gzip -dc ${DISTDIR}/linux-2.4.2-reiserfs-${RV}.patch.gz | patch -N -p1
+# echo "You can ignore the rejects the changes already are in rc11"
+# echo
+# echo "Applying xmlprocfs patch..."
+# try gzip -dc ${DISTDIR}/linux-2.4-xmlprocfs-${XMLV}.patch.gz | patch -p1
+ echo "Applying reiserfs-knfsd patch..."
+ try gzip -dc ${DISTDIR}/linux-${OKV}-knfsd-${KNV}.patch.gz | patch -p1
+ echo "Applying reiserfs-procinfo patch..."
+ try gzip -dc ${DISTDIR}/linux-${OKV}-procinfo-${PIV}.patch.gz | patch -p1
+ echo "Applying reiserfs-quota patch..."
+ try bzip2 -dc ${DISTDIR}/reiserfs-quota-${KV}.dif.bz2 | patch -p1
+ if [ "`use lvm`" ] || [ "`use alsa`" ] || [ "`use lm_sensors`" ]
+ then
+ mkdir ${S}/extras
+ fi
+ if [ "`use lvm`" ]
+ then
+ #create and apply LVM patch. The tools get built later.
+ cd ${S}/extras
+ echo "Unpacking and applying LVM patch..."
+ unpack lvm_${LVMVARC}.tar.gz
+ cd LVM/${LVMV}
+ # I had to hack this in so that LVM will look in the current linux
+ # source directory instead of /usr/src/linux for stuff - pete
+ try CFLAGS=\""${CFLAGS} -I${S}/include"\" ./configure --prefix=/ --mandir=/usr/share/man --with-kernel_dir="${S}"
+ cd ${S}
+ # the -l option allows this patch to apply cleanly (ignore whitespace changes)
+ try patch -l -p1 < ${S}/extras/LVM/${LVMV}/PATCHES/lvm-${LVMV}-${KV}.patch
+ cd ${S}/drivers/md
+ try patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/2.4.4-r4/lvm.c.diff
+ fi
+ if [ "`use alsa`" ]
+ then
+ #unpack alsa drivers
+ echo "Unpacking ALSA drivers..."
+ cd ${S}/extras
+ unpack alsa-driver-${AV}.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ if [ "`use lm_sensors`" ]
+ then
+ #unpack and apply the lm_sensors patch
+ echo "Unpacking and applying lm_sensors patch..."
+ cd ${S}/extras
+ unpack lm_sensors-${SENV}.tar.gz
+ cd lm_sensors-${SENV}
+ mkpatch/ . ${S} > ${S}/lm_sensors-patch
+ rmdir src
+ ln -s ../.. src
+ cp -a Makefile Makefile.orig
+ sed -e "s:^LINUX=.*:LINUX=src:" \
+ -e "s:^I2C_HEADERS.*:I2C_HEADERS=src/include:" \
+ -e "s#^DESTDIR.*#DESTDIR := ${D}#" \
+ -e "s#^PREFIX.*#PREFIX := /usr#" \
+ -e "s#^MANDIR.*#MANDIR := /usr/share/man#" \
+ Makefile.orig > Makefile
+ cd ${S}
+ patch -p1 < lm_sensors-patch
+ fi
+ #get sources ready for compilation or for sitting at /usr/src/linux
+ echo "Preparing for compilation..."
+ cd ${S}
+ #sometimes we have icky kernel symbols; this seems to get rid of them
+ try make mrproper
+ if [ "${PN}" = "linux" ] || [ "${PN}" = "linux-extras" ]
+ then
+ #this is the configuration for the default kernel
+ try cp ${FILESDIR}/${PVR}/config.bootcomp .config
+ try yes \"\" \| make oldconfig
+ echo "Ignore any errors from the yes command above."
+ try make include/linux/version.h
+ fi
+ #fix silly permissions in tarball
+ cd ${WORKDIR}
+ chown -R 0.0 ${S}
+ chmod -R a+r-w+X,u+w ${S}
+src_compile() {
+ if [ "${PN}" = "linux" ] || [ "${PN}" = "linux-extras" ]
+ then
+ try make symlinks
+ if [ "`use lvm`" ]
+ then
+ #LVM tools are included in the linux and linux-extras pakcages
+ cd ${S}/extras/LVM/${LVMV}
+ # I had to hack this in so that LVM will look in the current linux
+ # source directory instead of /usr/src/linux for stuff - pete
+ try CFLAGS=\""${CFLAGS} -I${S}/include"\" ./configure --prefix=/ --mandir=/usr/share/man --with-kernel_dir="${S}"
+ try make
+ fi
+ if [ "`use lm_sensors`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/extras/lm_sensors-${SENV}
+ try make
+ fi
+ cd ${S}
+ if [ "$PN" == "linux" ]
+ then
+ try make HOSTCFLAGS=\""${LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS}"\" dep
+ try make HOSTCFLAGS=\""${LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS}"\" LEX=\""flex -l"\" bzImage
+ try make HOSTCFLAGS=\""${LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS}"\" LEX=\""flex -l"\" modules
+ if [ "`use alsa`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/extras/alsa-driver-${AV}
+ try ./configure --with-kernel=\"${S}\" --with-isapnp=yes --with-sequencer=yes --with-oss=yes --with-cards=all
+ try make
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ if [ "${PN}" = "linux" ] || [ "${PN}" = "linux-extras" ]
+ then
+ dodir /usr/lib
+ if [ "`use lvm`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/extras/LVM/${LVMV}/tools
+ try CFLAGS=\""${CFLAGS} -I${S}/include"\" make install -e prefix=${D} mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \
+ sbindir=${D}/sbin libdir=${D}/lib
+ #no need for a static library in /lib
+ mv ${D}/lib/*.a ${D}/usr/lib
+ fi
+ if [ "`use lm_sensors`" ]
+ then
+ #install sensors tools
+ cd ${S}/extras/lm_sensors-${SENV}
+ make install
+ fi
+ if [ "${PN}" = "linux" ]
+ then
+ dodir /usr/src
+ if [ "`use alsa`" ]
+ then
+ #install ALSA modules
+ cd ${S}/extras/alsa-driver-${AV}
+ dodir /lib/modules/${KV}/misc
+ cp modules/*.o ${D}/lib/modules/${KV}/misc
+ fi
+ dodir /usr/src/linux-${KV}
+ cd ${D}/usr/src
+ #grab includes and documentation only
+ echo ">>> Copying includes and documentation..."
+ cp -ax ${S}/include ${D}/usr/src/linux-${KV}
+ cp -ax ${S}/Documentation ${D}/usr/src/linux-${KV}
+ if [ "`use alsa`" ]
+ then
+ # get alsa includes
+ cd ${S}/extras/alsa-driver-${AV}
+ insinto /usr/src/linux-${KV}/include/linux
+ cd include
+ doins asound.h asoundid.h asequencer.h ainstr_*.h
+ fi
+ #grab compiled kernel
+ dodir /boot/boot
+ insinto /boot/boot
+ cd ${S}
+ doins arch/i386/boot/bzImage
+ #grab modules
+ # Do we have a bug in modutils ?
+ # Meanwhile we use this quick fix (achim)
+ install -d ${D}/lib/modules/`uname -r`
+ try make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${D} modules_install
+ depmod -b ${D} -F ${S}/ ${KV}
+ rm -rf ${D}/lib/modules/`uname -r`
+ #fix symlink
+ cd ${D}/lib/modules/${KV}
+ rm build
+ ln -sf /usr/src/linux-${KV} build
+ fi
+ elif [ "${PN}" = "linux-sources" ]
+ then
+ dodir /usr/src
+ cd ${S}
+ make mrproper
+ if [ "`use lvm`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/extras/LVM/${LVMV}
+ make distclean
+ fi
+ if [ "`use lm_sensors`" ]
+ then
+ cd ${S}/extras/lm_sensors-${SENV}
+ make clean
+ fi
+ if [ "`use alsa`" ]
+ then
+ # get alsa includes
+ cd ${S}/extras/alsa-driver-${AV}
+ insinto /usr/src/linux-${KV}/include/linux
+ cd include
+ doins asound.h asoundid.h asequencer.h ainstr_*.h
+ cd ${S}/extras/alsa-driver-${AV}
+# make distclean
+ fi
+ echo ">>> Copying sources..."
+ cp -ax ${S} ${D}/usr/src
+ #don't overwrite existing .config if present
+ cd ${D}/usr/src/linux-${KV}
+ if [ -e .config ]
+ then
+ cp -a .config
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux
+ ln -sf linux-${KV} ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux
+ #copy over our .config if one isn't already present
+ cd ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux-${KV}
+ if [ "${PN}" = "linux-sources" ] && [ -e ] && [ ! -e .config ]
+ then
+ cp -a .config
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux
+ rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux-${KV}