# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Maintainer: Toolchain Ninjas # @SUPPORTED_EAPIS: 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION="The GNU Compiler Collection" HOMEPAGE="https://gcc.gnu.org/" inherit eutils fixheadtails flag-o-matic gnuconfig libtool multilib pax-utils toolchain-funcs prefix tc_is_live() { [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]] } if tc_is_live ; then EGIT_REPO_URI="git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git" # naming style: # gcc-10.1.0_pre9999 -> gcc-10-branch # Note that the micro version is required or lots of stuff will break. # To checkout master set gcc_LIVE_BRANCH="master" in the ebuild before # inheriting this eclass. EGIT_BRANCH="${PN}-${PV%.?.?_pre9999}-branch" EGIT_BRANCH=${EGIT_BRANCH//./_} inherit git-r3 fi FEATURES=${FEATURES/multilib-strict/} case ${EAPI:-0} in 0|1|2|3|4*) die "Need to upgrade to at least EAPI=5" ;; 5*|6) inherit eapi7-ver ;; 7) ;; *) die "I don't speak EAPI ${EAPI}." ;; esac EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_pretend pkg_setup src_unpack src_prepare src_configure \ src_compile src_test src_install pkg_postinst pkg_postrm #---->> globals <<---- export CTARGET=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} if [[ ${CTARGET} = ${CHOST} ]] ; then if [[ ${CATEGORY} == cross-* ]] ; then export CTARGET=${CATEGORY#cross-} fi fi : ${TARGET_ABI:=${ABI}} : ${TARGET_MULTILIB_ABIS:=${MULTILIB_ABIS}} : ${TARGET_DEFAULT_ABI:=${DEFAULT_ABI}} is_crosscompile() { [[ ${CHOST} != ${CTARGET} ]] } # General purpose version check. Without a second arg matches up to minor version (x.x.x) tc_version_is_at_least() { ver_test "${2:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}}" -ge "$1" } # General purpose version range check # Note that it matches up to but NOT including the second version tc_version_is_between() { tc_version_is_at_least "${1}" && ! tc_version_is_at_least "${2}" } GCC_PV=${TOOLCHAIN_GCC_PV:-${PV}} GCC_PVR=${GCC_PV} [[ ${PR} != "r0" ]] && GCC_PVR=${GCC_PVR}-${PR} GCC_RELEASE_VER=$(ver_cut 1-3 ${GCC_PV}) GCC_BRANCH_VER=$(ver_cut 1-2 ${GCC_PV}) GCCMAJOR=$(ver_cut 1 ${GCC_PV}) GCCMINOR=$(ver_cut 2 ${GCC_PV}) GCCMICRO=$(ver_cut 3 ${GCC_PV}) # gcc hardcodes it's internal version into gcc/BASE-VER # and assumes various directories and tools to have the # same name. # TODO: once ada ebuilds are fixed turn it to # GCC_CONFIG_VER=${GCC_RELEASE_VER} GCC_CONFIG_VER=${GCC_CONFIG_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} # Pre-release support. Versioning schema: # 1.0.0_pre9999: live ebuild # 1.2.3_alphaYYYYMMDD: weekly snapshots # 1.2.3_rcYYYYMMDD: release candidates if [[ ${GCC_PV} == *_alpha* ]] ; then # weekly snapshots SNAPSHOT=${GCCMAJOR}-${GCC_PV##*_alpha} elif [[ ${GCC_PV} == *_rc* ]] ; then # release candidates SNAPSHOT=${GCC_PV%_rc*}-RC-${GCC_PV##*_rc} fi PREFIX=${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX:-${EPREFIX}/usr} if tc_version_is_at_least 3.4.0 ; then LIBPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_LIBPATH:-${PREFIX}/lib/gcc/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}} else LIBPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_LIBPATH:-${PREFIX}/lib/gcc-lib/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}} fi INCLUDEPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_INCLUDEPATH:-${LIBPATH}/include} if is_crosscompile ; then BINPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_BINPATH:-${PREFIX}/${CHOST}/${CTARGET}/gcc-bin/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}} HOSTLIBPATH=${PREFIX}/${CHOST}/${CTARGET}/lib/${GCC_CONFIG_VER} else BINPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_BINPATH:-${PREFIX}/${CTARGET}/gcc-bin/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}} fi DATAPATH=${TOOLCHAIN_DATAPATH:-${PREFIX}/share/gcc-data/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}} # Dont install in /usr/include/g++-v3/, but in gcc internal directory. # We will handle /usr/include/g++-v3/ with gcc-config ... STDCXX_INCDIR=${TOOLCHAIN_STDCXX_INCDIR:-${LIBPATH}/include/g++-v${GCC_BRANCH_VER/\.*/}} #---->> LICENSE+SLOT+IUSE logic <<---- if tc_version_is_at_least 4.6 ; then LICENSE="GPL-3+ LGPL-3+ || ( GPL-3+ libgcc libstdc++ gcc-runtime-library-exception-3.1 ) FDL-1.3+" elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 ; then LICENSE="GPL-3+ LGPL-3+ || ( GPL-3+ libgcc libstdc++ gcc-runtime-library-exception-3.1 ) FDL-1.2+" elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then LICENSE="GPL-3+ LGPL-3+ || ( GPL-3+ libgcc libstdc++ ) FDL-1.2+" elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 ; then LICENSE="GPL-3+ LGPL-2.1+ || ( GPL-3+ libgcc libstdc++ ) FDL-1.2+" elif tc_version_is_at_least 3.3 ; then LICENSE="GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+ FDL-1.2+" else LICENSE="GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+ FDL-1.1+" fi IUSE="test vanilla +nls" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" tc_supports_dostrip() { case ${EAPI:-0} in 5*|6) return 1 ;; 7) return 0 ;; *) die "Update apply_patches() for ${EAPI}." ;; esac } tc_supports_dostrip || RESTRICT+=" strip" # cross-compilers need controlled stripping TC_FEATURES=() tc_has_feature() { has "$1" "${TC_FEATURES[@]}" } if [[ ${PN} != "kgcc64" && ${PN} != gcc-* ]] ; then IUSE+=" altivec debug +cxx +nptl" TC_FEATURES+=(nptl) [[ -n ${PIE_VER} ]] && IUSE+=" nopie" [[ -n ${HTB_VER} ]] && IUSE+=" boundschecking" [[ -n ${D_VER} ]] && IUSE+=" d" [[ -n ${SPECS_VER} ]] && IUSE+=" nossp" # fortran support appeared in 4.1, but 4.1 needs outdated mpfr tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 && IUSE+=" +fortran" TC_FEATURES+=(fortran) tc_version_is_at_least 3 && IUSE+=" doc hardened multilib objc" tc_version_is_between 3 7 && IUSE+=" awt gcj" TC_FEATURES+=(gcj) tc_version_is_at_least 3.3 && IUSE+=" pgo" tc_version_is_at_least 4.0 && IUSE+=" objc-gc" TC_FEATURES+=(objc-gc) tc_version_is_between 4.0 4.9 && IUSE+=" mudflap" tc_version_is_at_least 4.1 && IUSE+=" libssp objc++" tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 && IUSE+=" +openmp" tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && IUSE+=" fixed-point" tc_version_is_at_least 4.7 && IUSE+=" go" tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 && IUSE+=" +sanitize" # Note: # > DEPEND <<---- RDEPEND="sys-libs/zlib nls? ( virtual/libintl )" tc_version_is_at_least 3 && RDEPEND+=" virtual/libiconv" if tc_version_is_at_least 4 ; then GMP_MPFR_DEPS=">=dev-libs/gmp-4.3.2:0= >=dev-libs/mpfr-2.4.2:0=" if tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then RDEPEND+=" ${GMP_MPFR_DEPS}" elif tc_has_feature fortran ; then RDEPEND+=" fortran? ( ${GMP_MPFR_DEPS} )" fi fi tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 && RDEPEND+=" >=dev-libs/mpc-0.8.1:0=" if tc_has_feature objc-gc ; then if tc_version_is_at_least 7 ; then RDEPEND+=" objc-gc? ( >=dev-libs/boehm-gc-7.4.2 )" fi fi if tc_has_feature graphite ; then RDEPEND+=" graphite? ( >=dev-libs/isl-0.14:0= )" fi DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=sys-devel/bison-1.875 >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) test? ( >=dev-util/dejagnu-1.4.4 >=sys-devel/autogen-5.5.4 )" if tc_has_feature gcj ; then GCJ_DEPS=">=media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.1" GCJ_GTK_DEPS=" x11-base/xorg-proto x11-libs/libXt x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXtst =x11-libs/gtk+-2* virtual/pkgconfig " tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 && GCJ_GTK_DEPS+=" x11-libs/pango" tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 && GCJ_DEPS+=" app-arch/zip app-arch/unzip" DEPEND+=" gcj? ( awt? ( ${GCJ_GTK_DEPS} ) ${GCJ_DEPS} )" fi if tc_has_feature systemtap ; then # gcc needs sys/sdt.h headers on target DEPEND+=" systemtap? ( dev-util/systemtap )" fi PDEPEND=">=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.7" #---->> S + SRC_URI essentials <<---- # Set the source directory depending on whether we're using # a live git tree, snapshot, or release tarball. S=$( if tc_is_live ; then echo ${EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR} elif [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT} ]] ; then echo ${WORKDIR}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT} else echo ${WORKDIR}/gcc-${GCC_RELEASE_VER} fi ) gentoo_urls() { local devspace="HTTP~vapier/dist/URI HTTP~rhill/dist/URI HTTP~zorry/patches/gcc/URI HTTP~blueness/dist/URI HTTP~tamiko/distfiles/URI HTTP~slyfox/distfiles/URI" devspace=${devspace//HTTP/https:\/\/dev.gentoo.org\/} echo mirror://gentoo/$1 ${devspace//URI/$1} } # This function handles the basics of setting the SRC_URI for a gcc ebuild. # To use, set SRC_URI with: # # SRC_URI="$(get_gcc_src_uri)" # # Other than the variables normally set by portage, this function's behavior # can be altered by setting the following: # # SNAPSHOT # If set, this variable signals that we should be using a snapshot of # gcc. It is expected to be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". Note that if # the ebuild has a _pre suffix, this variable is ignored and the # prerelease tarball is used instead. # # PATCH_VER # PATCH_GCC_VER # This should be set to the version of the gentoo patch tarball. # The resulting filename of this tarball will be: # gcc-${PATCH_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2 # # PIE_VER # PIE_GCC_VER # These variables control patching in various updates for the logic # controlling Position Independant Executables. PIE_VER is expected # to be the version of this patch, and PIE_GCC_VER the gcc version of # the patch: # An example: # PIE_VER="" # PIE_GCC_VER="3.4.0" # The resulting filename of this tarball will be: # gcc-${PIE_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}}-piepatches-v${PIE_VER}.tar.bz2 # # SPECS_VER # SPECS_GCC_VER # This is for the minispecs files included in the hardened gcc-4.x # The specs files for hardenedno*, vanilla and for building the "specs" file. # SPECS_VER is expected to be the version of this patch, SPECS_GCC_VER # the gcc version of the patch. # An example: # SPECS_VER="" # SPECS_GCC_VER="3.4.0" # The resulting filename of this tarball will be: # gcc-${SPECS_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}}-specs-${SPECS_VER}.tar.bz2 # # HTB_VER # HTB_GCC_VER # These variables control whether or not an ebuild supports Herman # ten Brugge's bounds-checking patches. If you want to use a patch # for an older gcc version with a new gcc, make sure you set # HTB_GCC_VER to that version of gcc. # # CYGWINPORTS_GITREV # If set, this variable signals that we should apply additional patches # maintained by upstream Cygwin developers at github/cygwinports/gcc, # using the specified git commit id there. The list of patches to # apply is extracted from gcc.cygport, maintained there as well. # This is done for compilers running on Cygwin, not for cross compilers # with a Cygwin target. get_gcc_src_uri() { export PATCH_GCC_VER=${PATCH_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export UCLIBC_GCC_VER=${UCLIBC_GCC_VER:-${PATCH_GCC_VER}} export PIE_GCC_VER=${PIE_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export HTB_GCC_VER=${HTB_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export SPECS_GCC_VER=${SPECS_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} # Set where to download gcc itself depending on whether we're using a # live git tree, snapshot, or release tarball. if tc_is_live ; then : # Nothing to do w/git snapshots. elif [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT} ]] ; then GCC_SRC_URI="ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/snapshots/${SNAPSHOT}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz" else if tc_version_is_between 5.5 6 || tc_version_is_between 6.4 7 || tc_version_is_at_least 7.2 ; then GCC_SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/gcc/gcc-${GCC_PV}/gcc-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}.tar.xz" else GCC_SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/gcc/gcc-${GCC_PV}/gcc-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}.tar.bz2" fi fi [[ -n ${UCLIBC_VER} ]] && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" $(gentoo_urls gcc-${UCLIBC_GCC_VER}-uclibc-patches-${UCLIBC_VER}.tar.bz2)" [[ -n ${PATCH_VER} ]] && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" $(gentoo_urls gcc-${PATCH_GCC_VER}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2)" [[ -n ${PIE_VER} ]] && \ PIE_CORE=${PIE_CORE:-gcc-${PIE_GCC_VER}-piepatches-v${PIE_VER}.tar.bz2} && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" $(gentoo_urls ${PIE_CORE})" # gcc minispec for the hardened gcc 4 compiler [[ -n ${SPECS_VER} ]] && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" $(gentoo_urls gcc-${SPECS_GCC_VER}-specs-${SPECS_VER}.tar.bz2)" # gcc bounds checking patch if [[ -n ${HTB_VER} ]] ; then local HTBFILE="bounds-checking-gcc-${HTB_GCC_VER}-${HTB_VER}.patch.bz2" GCC_SRC_URI+=" boundschecking? ( mirror://sourceforge/boundschecking/${HTBFILE} $(gentoo_urls ${HTBFILE}) )" fi [[ -n ${D_VER} ]] && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" d? ( mirror://sourceforge/dgcc/gdc-${D_VER}-src.tar.bz2 )" if tc_has_feature gcj ; then if tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 ; then GCC_SRC_URI+=" gcj? ( ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-4.5.jar )" elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then GCC_SRC_URI+=" gcj? ( ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-4.3.jar )" fi fi # Cygwin patches from https://github.com/cygwinports/gcc [[ -n ${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV} ]] && \ GCC_SRC_URI+=" elibc_Cygwin? ( https://github.com/cygwinports/gcc/archive/${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV}.tar.gz -> gcc-cygwinports-${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV}.tar.gz )" echo "${GCC_SRC_URI}" } SRC_URI=$(get_gcc_src_uri) #---->> pkg_pretend <<---- toolchain_is_unsupported() { [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT} ]] || tc_is_live } toolchain_pkg_pretend() { if toolchain_is_unsupported && [[ -z ${I_PROMISE_TO_SUPPLY_PATCHES_WITH_BUGS} ]] ; then die "Please \`export I_PROMISE_TO_SUPPLY_PATCHES_WITH_BUGS=1\` or define it" \ "in your make.conf if you want to use this version." fi if ! use_if_iuse cxx ; then use_if_iuse go && ewarn 'Go requires a C++ compiler, disabled due to USE="-cxx"' use_if_iuse objc++ && ewarn 'Obj-C++ requires a C++ compiler, disabled due to USE="-cxx"' use_if_iuse gcj && ewarn 'GCJ requires a C++ compiler, disabled due to USE="-cxx"' fi want_minispecs } #---->> pkg_setup <<---- toolchain_pkg_setup() { # we dont want to use the installed compiler's specs to build gcc unset GCC_SPECS unset LANGUAGES #265283 } #---->> src_unpack <<---- toolchain_src_unpack() { if tc_is_live ; then git-r3_src_unpack fi gcc_quick_unpack } gcc_quick_unpack() { pushd "${WORKDIR}" > /dev/null export PATCH_GCC_VER=${PATCH_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export UCLIBC_GCC_VER=${UCLIBC_GCC_VER:-${PATCH_GCC_VER}} export PIE_GCC_VER=${PIE_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export HTB_GCC_VER=${HTB_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} export SPECS_GCC_VER=${SPECS_GCC_VER:-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}} # Injection point for more tarballs. dev-lang/gnat-gpl uses # 'GCC_A_FAKEIT' to specify it's own source and binary tarballs. if [[ -n ${GCC_A_FAKEIT} ]] ; then unpack ${GCC_A_FAKEIT} elif tc_is_live ; then : # sources comes from git, not tarball elif [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT} ]] ; then unpack gcc-${SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz else if tc_version_is_between 5.5 6 || tc_version_is_between 6.4 7 || tc_version_is_at_least 7.2 ; then unpack gcc-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}.tar.xz else unpack gcc-${GCC_RELEASE_VER}.tar.bz2 fi fi if [[ -n ${D_VER} ]] && use d ; then pushd "${S}"/gcc > /dev/null unpack gdc-${D_VER}-src.tar.bz2 cd .. ebegin "Adding support for the D language" ./gcc/d/setup-gcc.sh >& "${T}"/dgcc.log if ! eend $? ; then eerror "The D GCC package failed to apply" eerror "Please include this log file when posting a bug report:" eerror " ${T}/dgcc.log" die "failed to include the D language" fi popd > /dev/null fi [[ -n ${PATCH_VER} ]] && \ unpack gcc-${PATCH_GCC_VER}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2 [[ -n ${UCLIBC_VER} ]] && \ unpack gcc-${UCLIBC_GCC_VER}-uclibc-patches-${UCLIBC_VER}.tar.bz2 if want_pie ; then if [[ -n ${PIE_CORE} ]] ; then unpack ${PIE_CORE} else unpack gcc-${PIE_GCC_VER}-piepatches-v${PIE_VER}.tar.bz2 fi [[ -n ${SPECS_VER} ]] && \ unpack gcc-${SPECS_GCC_VER}-specs-${SPECS_VER}.tar.bz2 fi use_if_iuse boundschecking && unpack "bounds-checking-gcc-${HTB_GCC_VER}-${HTB_VER}.patch.bz2" [[ -n ${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV} ]] && use elibc_Cygwin && unpack "gcc-cygwinports-${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV}.tar.gz" popd > /dev/null } #---->> src_prepare <<---- # 'epatch' is not available in EAPI=7. Abstract away patchset application # until we eventually get all gcc ebuilds on EAPI=7 or later. tc_apply_patches() { [[ ${#@} -lt 2 ]] && die "usage: tc_apply_patches " einfo "$1"; shift case ${EAPI:-0} in # Note: even for EAPI=6 we used 'epatch' semantics. To avoid # breaking existing ebuilds use 'eapply' only in EAPI=7 or later. 5*|6) epatch "$@" ;; 7) eapply "$@" ;; *) die "Update apply_patches() for ${EAPI}." ;; esac } toolchain_src_prepare() { export BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="Gentoo ${GCC_PVR}" cd "${S}" do_gcc_gentoo_patches do_gcc_HTB_patches do_gcc_PIE_patches do_gcc_CYGWINPORTS_patches if tc_is_live ; then BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION}, commit ${EGIT_VERSION}" fi case ${EAPI:-0} in 5*) epatch_user;; 6|7) eapply_user ;; *) die "Update toolchain_src_prepare() for ${EAPI}." ;; esac if ( tc_version_is_at_least 4.8.2 || use_if_iuse hardened ) && ! use vanilla ; then make_gcc_hard fi # install the libstdc++ python into the right location # http://gcc.gnu.org/PR51368 if tc_version_is_between 4.5 4.7 ; then sed -i \ '/^pythondir =/s:=.*:= $(datadir)/python:' \ "${S}"/libstdc++-v3/python/Makefile.in || die fi # make sure the pkg config files install into multilib dirs. # since we configure with just one --libdir, we can't use that # (as gcc itself takes care of building multilibs). #435728 find "${S}" -name Makefile.in \ -exec sed -i '/^pkgconfigdir/s:=.*:=$(toolexeclibdir)/pkgconfig:' {} + # No idea when this first started being fixed, but let's go with 4.3.x for now if ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then fix_files="" for x in contrib/test_summary libstdc++-v3/scripts/check_survey.in ; do [[ -e ${x} ]] && fix_files="${fix_files} ${x}" done ht_fix_file ${fix_files} */configure *.sh */Makefile.in fi setup_multilib_osdirnames gcc_version_patch if tc_version_is_at_least 4.1 ; then local actual_version=$(< "${S}"/gcc/BASE-VER) if [[ "${GCC_RELEASE_VER}" != "${actual_version}" ]] ; then eerror "'${S}/gcc/BASE-VER' contains '${actual_version}', expected '${GCC_RELEASE_VER}'" # TODO: once ada ebuilds are fixed turn it to 'die' eerror "Please set GCC_RELEASE_VER to '${actual_version}'" echo "${GCC_CONFIG_VER}" > "${S}"/gcc/BASE-VER fi fi # >= gcc-4.3 doesn't bundle ecj.jar, so copy it if tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && use_if_iuse gcj ; then if tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 ; then einfo "Copying ecj-4.5.jar" cp -pPR "${DISTDIR}/ecj-4.5.jar" "${S}/ecj.jar" || die else einfo "Copying ecj-4.3.jar" cp -pPR "${DISTDIR}/ecj-4.3.jar" "${S}/ecj.jar" || die fi fi # disable --as-needed from being compiled into gcc specs # natively when using a gcc version < 3.4.4 # http://gcc.gnu.org/PR14992 if ! tc_version_is_at_least 3.4.4 ; then sed -i -e s/HAVE_LD_AS_NEEDED/USE_LD_AS_NEEDED/g "${S}"/gcc/config.in fi # In gcc 3.3.x and 3.4.x, rename the java bins to gcc-specific names # in line with gcc-4. if tc_version_is_between 3.3 4.0 ; then do_gcc_rename_java_bins fi # Prevent libffi from being installed if tc_version_is_between 3.0 4.8 ; then sed -i -e 's/\(install.*:\) install-.*recursive/\1/' "${S}"/libffi/Makefile.in || die sed -i -e 's/\(install-data-am:\).*/\1/' "${S}"/libffi/include/Makefile.in || die fi # Fixup libtool to correctly generate .la files with portage elibtoolize --portage --shallow --no-uclibc gnuconfig_update # update configure files local f einfo "Fixing misc issues in configure files" for f in $(grep -l 'autoconf version 2.13' $(find "${S}" -name configure)) ; do ebegin " Updating ${f/${S}\/} [LANG]" patch "${f}" "${FILESDIR}"/gcc-configure-LANG.patch >& "${T}"/configure-patch.log \ || eerror "Please file a bug about this" eend $? done sed -i 's|A-Za-z0-9|[:alnum:]|g' "${S}"/gcc/*.awk #215828 # Prevent new texinfo from breaking old versions (see #198182, #464008) if tc_version_is_at_least 4.1; then tc_apply_patches "Remove texinfo (bug #198182, bug ##464008)" "${FILESDIR}"/gcc-configure-texinfo.patch fi # >=gcc-4 if [[ -x contrib/gcc_update ]] ; then einfo "Touching generated files" ./contrib/gcc_update --touch | \ while read f ; do einfo " ${f%%...}" done fi } do_gcc_gentoo_patches() { if ! use vanilla ; then if [[ -n ${PATCH_VER} ]] ; then tc_apply_patches "Applying Gentoo patches ..." "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION} p${PATCH_VER}" fi if [[ -n ${UCLIBC_VER} ]] ; then tc_apply_patches "Applying uClibc patches ..." "${WORKDIR}"/uclibc/*.patch fi fi } do_gcc_HTB_patches() { use_if_iuse boundschecking || return 0 # modify the bounds checking patch with a regression patch tc_apply_patches "Bounds checking patch" "${WORKDIR}/bounds-checking-gcc-${HTB_GCC_VER}-${HTB_VER}.patch" BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION}, HTB-${HTB_GCC_VER}-${HTB_VER}" } do_gcc_PIE_patches() { want_pie || return 0 use vanilla && return 0 tc_apply_patches "Applying pie patches ..." "${WORKDIR}"/piepatch/*.patch BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION}, pie-${PIE_VER}" } do_gcc_CYGWINPORTS_patches() { [[ -n ${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV} ]] || return 0 use elibc_Cygwin || return 0 local p d="${WORKDIR}/gcc-${CYGWINPORTS_GITREV}" # readarray -t is available since bash-4.4 only, #690686 local patches=( $(sed -e '1,/PATCH_URI="/d;/"/,$d' < "${d}"/gcc.cygport) ) tc_apply_patches "Applying cygwin port patches ..." ${patches[*]} } # configure to build with the hardened GCC specs as the default make_gcc_hard() { local gcc_hard_flags="" # If we use gcc-6 or newer with pie enable to compile older gcc we need to pass -no-pie # to stage1; bug #618908 if ! tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 && [[ $(gcc-major-version) -ge 6 ]] ; then einfo "Disabling PIE in stage1 (only) ..." sed -i -e "/^STAGE1_LDFLAGS/ s/$/ -no-pie/" "${S}"/Makefile.in || die fi # Gcc >= 6.X we can use configurations options to turn pie/ssp on as default if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 ; then if use_if_iuse pie ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic PIE building ..." fi if use_if_iuse ssp ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic SSP building ..." fi if use_if_iuse hardened ; then # Will add some hardened options as default, like: # -fstack-clash-protection # -z now # see *_all_extra-options.patch gcc patches. gcc_hard_flags+=" -DEXTRA_OPTIONS" # rebrand to make bug reports easier BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION=${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION/Gentoo/Gentoo Hardened} fi else if use_if_iuse hardened ; then # rebrand to make bug reports easier BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION=${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION/Gentoo/Gentoo Hardened} if hardened_gcc_works ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic PIE + SSP building ..." gcc_hard_flags+=" -DEFAULT_PIE_SSP" elif hardened_gcc_works pie ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic PIE building ..." ewarn "SSP has not been enabled by default" gcc_hard_flags+=" -DEFAULT_PIE" elif hardened_gcc_works ssp ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic SSP building ..." ewarn "PIE has not been enabled by default" gcc_hard_flags+=" -DEFAULT_SSP" else # do nothing if hardened isn't supported, but don't die either ewarn "hardened is not supported for this arch in this gcc version" return 0 fi else if hardened_gcc_works ssp ; then einfo "Updating gcc to use automatic SSP building ..." gcc_hard_flags+=" -DEFAULT_SSP" fi fi fi # we want to be able to control the pie patch logic via something other # than ALL_CFLAGS... sed -e '/^ALL_CFLAGS/iHARD_CFLAGS = ' \ -e 's|^ALL_CFLAGS = |ALL_CFLAGS = $(HARD_CFLAGS) |' \ -i "${S}"/gcc/Makefile.in # Need to add HARD_CFLAGS to ALL_CXXFLAGS on >= 4.7 if tc_version_is_at_least 4.7 ; then sed -e '/^ALL_CXXFLAGS/iHARD_CFLAGS = ' \ -e 's|^ALL_CXXFLAGS = |ALL_CXXFLAGS = $(HARD_CFLAGS) |' \ -i "${S}"/gcc/Makefile.in fi sed -i \ -e "/^HARD_CFLAGS = /s|=|= ${gcc_hard_flags} |" \ "${S}"/gcc/Makefile.in || die } # This is a historical wart. The original Gentoo/amd64 port used: # lib32 - 32bit binaries (x86) # lib64 - 64bit binaries (x86_64) # lib - "native" binaries (a symlink to lib64) # Most other distros use the logic (including mainline gcc): # lib - 32bit binaries (x86) # lib64 - 64bit binaries (x86_64) # Over time, Gentoo is migrating to the latter form. # # Unfortunately, due to distros picking the lib32 behavior, newer gcc # versions will dynamically detect whether to use lib or lib32 for its # 32bit multilib. So, to keep the automagic from getting things wrong # while people are transitioning from the old style to the new style, # we always set the MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES var for relevant targets. setup_multilib_osdirnames() { is_multilib || return 0 local config local libdirs="../lib64 ../lib32" # this only makes sense for some Linux targets case ${CTARGET} in x86_64*-linux*) config="i386" ;; powerpc64*-linux*) config="rs6000" ;; sparc64*-linux*) config="sparc" ;; s390x*-linux*) config="s390" ;; *) return 0 ;; esac config+="/t-linux64" local sed_args=() if tc_version_is_at_least 4.6 ; then sed_args+=( -e 's:$[(]call if_multiarch[^)]*[)]::g' ) fi if [[ ${SYMLINK_LIB} == "yes" ]] ; then einfo "updating multilib directories to be: ${libdirs}" if tc_version_is_at_least 4.6.4 || tc_version_is_at_least 4.7 ; then sed_args+=( -e '/^MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES.*lib32/s:[$][(]if.*):../lib32:' ) else sed_args+=( -e "/^MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES/s:=.*:= ${libdirs}:" ) fi else einfo "using upstream multilib; disabling lib32 autodetection" sed_args+=( -r -e 's:[$][(]if.*,(.*)[)]:\1:' ) fi sed -i "${sed_args[@]}" "${S}"/gcc/config/${config} || die } gcc_version_patch() { # gcc-4.3+ has configure flags (whoo!) tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && return 0 local version_string=${GCC_RELEASE_VER} einfo "patching gcc version: ${version_string} (${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION})" local gcc_sed=( -e 's:gcc\.gnu\.org/bugs\.html:bugs\.gentoo\.org/:' ) if grep -qs VERSUFFIX "${S}"/gcc/version.c ; then gcc_sed+=( -e "/VERSUFFIX \"\"/s:\"\":\" (${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION})\":" ) else version_string="${version_string} (${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION})" gcc_sed+=( -e "/const char version_string\[\] = /s:= \".*\":= \"${version_string}\":" ) fi sed -i "${gcc_sed[@]}" "${S}"/gcc/version.c || die } do_gcc_rename_java_bins() { # bug #139918 - conflict between gcc and java-config-2 for ownership of # /usr/bin/rmi{c,registry}. Done with mv & sed rather than a patch # because patches would be large (thanks to the rename of man files), # and it's clear from the sed invocations that all that changes is the # rmi{c,registry} names to grmi{c,registry} names. # Kevin F. Quinn 2006-07-12 einfo "Renaming jdk executables rmic and rmiregistry to grmic and grmiregistry." # 1) Move the man files if present (missing prior to gcc-3.4) for manfile in rmic rmiregistry ; do [[ -f ${S}/gcc/doc/${manfile}.1 ]] || continue mv "${S}"/gcc/doc/${manfile}.1 "${S}"/gcc/doc/g${manfile}.1 done # 2) Fixup references in the docs if present (mission prior to gcc-3.4) for jfile in gcc/doc/gcj.info gcc/doc/grmic.1 gcc/doc/grmiregistry.1 gcc/java/gcj.texi ; do [[ -f ${S}/${jfile} ]] || continue sed -i -e 's:rmiregistry:grmiregistry:g' "${S}"/${jfile} || die "Failed to fixup file ${jfile} for rename to grmiregistry" sed -i -e 's:rmic:grmic:g' "${S}"/${jfile} || die "Failed to fixup file ${jfile} for rename to grmic" done # 3) Fixup Makefiles to build the changed executable names # These are present in all 3.x versions, and are the important bit # to get gcc to build with the new names. for jfile in libjava/Makefile.am libjava/Makefile.in gcc/java/Make-lang.in ; do sed -i -e 's:rmiregistry:grmiregistry:g' "${S}"/${jfile} || die "Failed to fixup file ${jfile} for rename to grmiregistry" # Careful with rmic on these files; it's also the name of a directory # which should be left unchanged. Replace occurrences of 'rmic$', # 'rmic_' and 'rmic '. sed -i -e 's:rmic\([$_ ]\):grmic\1:g' "${S}"/${jfile} || die "Failed to fixup file ${jfile} for rename to grmic" done } #---->> src_configure <<---- toolchain_src_configure() { downgrade_arch_flags gcc_do_filter_flags einfo "CFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\"" einfo "CXXFLAGS=\"${CXXFLAGS}\"" einfo "LDFLAGS=\"${LDFLAGS}\"" # Force internal zip based jar script to avoid random # issues with 3rd party jar implementations. #384291 export JAR=no # For hardened gcc 4.3 piepatchset to build the hardened specs # file (build.specs) to use when building gcc. if ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 && want_minispecs ; then setup_minispecs_gcc_build_specs fi local confgcc=( --host=${CHOST} ) if is_crosscompile || tc-is-cross-compiler ; then # Straight from the GCC install doc: # "GCC has code to correctly determine the correct value for target # for nearly all native systems. Therefore, we highly recommend you # not provide a configure target when configuring a native compiler." confgcc+=( --target=${CTARGET} ) fi [[ -n ${CBUILD} ]] && confgcc+=( --build=${CBUILD} ) confgcc+=( --prefix="${PREFIX}" --bindir="${BINPATH}" --includedir="${INCLUDEPATH}" --datadir="${DATAPATH}" --mandir="${DATAPATH}/man" --infodir="${DATAPATH}/info" --with-gxx-include-dir="${STDCXX_INCDIR}" ) # Stick the python scripts in their own slotted directory (bug #279252) # # --with-python-dir=DIR # Specifies where to install the Python modules used for aot-compile. DIR # should not include the prefix used in installation. For example, if the # Python modules are to be installed in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages, # then --with-python-dir=/lib/python2.5/site-packages should be passed. # # This should translate into "/share/gcc-data/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}/python" if tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 ; then confgcc+=( --with-python-dir=${DATAPATH/$PREFIX/}/python ) fi ### language options local GCC_LANG="c" is_cxx && GCC_LANG+=",c++" is_d && GCC_LANG+=",d" is_gcj && GCC_LANG+=",java" is_go && GCC_LANG+=",go" is_jit && GCC_LANG+=",jit" if is_objc || is_objcxx ; then GCC_LANG+=",objc" if tc_version_is_at_least 4 ; then use objc-gc && confgcc+=( --enable-objc-gc ) fi is_objcxx && GCC_LANG+=",obj-c++" fi # fortran support just got sillier! the lang value can be f77 for # fortran77, f95 for fortran95, or just plain old fortran for the # currently supported standard depending on gcc version. is_fortran && GCC_LANG+=",fortran" is_f77 && GCC_LANG+=",f77" is_f95 && GCC_LANG+=",f95" # We do NOT want 'ADA support' in here! # is_ada && GCC_LANG+=",ada" confgcc+=( --enable-languages=${GCC_LANG} ) ### general options confgcc+=( --enable-obsolete --enable-secureplt --disable-werror --with-system-zlib ) if use nls ; then confgcc+=( --enable-nls --without-included-gettext ) else confgcc+=( --disable-nls ) fi tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 || confgcc+=( --disable-libunwind-exceptions ) # Use the default ("release") checking because upstream usually neglects # to test "disabled" so it has a history of breaking. bug #317217 if tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 && in_iuse debug ; then # The "release" keyword is new to 4.0. bug #551636 local off=$(tc_version_is_at_least 4.0 && echo release || echo no) confgcc+=( --enable-checking="${GCC_CHECKS_LIST:-$(usex debug yes ${off})}" ) fi # Branding tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && confgcc+=( --with-bugurl=https://bugs.gentoo.org/ --with-pkgversion="${BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION}" ) # If we want hardened support with the newer piepatchset for >=gcc 4.4 if tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 && want_minispecs && in_iuse hardened ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable hardened esp) ) fi # allow gcc to search for clock funcs in the main C lib. # if it can't find them, then tough cookies -- we aren't # going to link in -lrt to all C++ apps. bug #411681 if tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 && is_cxx ; then confgcc+=( --enable-libstdcxx-time ) fi # Build compiler itself using LTO if tc_version_is_at_least 9.1 && use_if_iuse lto ; then confgcc+=( --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto ) fi # Support to disable pch when building libstdcxx if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 && ! use_if_iuse pch ; then confgcc+=( --disable-libstdcxx-pch ) fi # The jit language requires this. is_jit && confgcc+=( --enable-host-shared ) # build-id was disabled for file collisions: bug #526144 # # # Turn on the -Wl,--build-id flag by default for ELF targets. bug #525942 # # This helps with locating debug files. # case ${CTARGET} in # *-linux-*|*-elf|*-eabi) # tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 && confgcc+=( # --enable-linker-build-id # ) # ;; # esac # newer gcc versions like to bootstrap themselves with C++, # so we need to manually disable it ourselves if tc_version_is_between 4.7 4.8 && ! is_cxx ; then confgcc+=( --disable-build-with-cxx --disable-build-poststage1-with-cxx ) fi ### Cross-compiler options if is_crosscompile ; then # Enable build warnings by default with cross-compilers when system # paths are included (e.g. via -I flags). confgcc+=( --enable-poison-system-directories ) # When building a stage1 cross-compiler (just C compiler), we have to # disable a bunch of features or gcc goes boom local needed_libc="" case ${CTARGET} in *-linux) needed_libc=error-unknown-libc;; *-dietlibc) needed_libc=dietlibc;; *-elf|*-eabi) needed_libc=newlib # Bare-metal targets don't have access to clock_gettime() # arm-none-eabi example: bug #589672 # But we explicitly do --enable-libstdcxx-time above. # Undoing it here. confgcc+=( --disable-libstdcxx-time ) ;; *-freebsd*) needed_libc=freebsd-lib;; *-gnu*) needed_libc=glibc;; *-klibc) needed_libc=klibc;; *-musl*) needed_libc=musl;; *-uclibc*) # Enable shared library support only on targets # that support it: bug #291870 if ! echo '#include ' | \ $(tc-getCPP ${CTARGET}) -E -dD - 2>/dev/null | \ grep -q __HAVE_SHARED__ then confgcc+=( --disable-shared ) fi needed_libc=uclibc-ng ;; *-cygwin) needed_libc=cygwin;; x86_64-*-mingw*|\ *-w64-mingw*) needed_libc=mingw64-runtime;; avr) confgcc+=( --enable-shared --disable-threads );; esac if [[ -n ${needed_libc} ]] ; then local confgcc_no_libc=( --disable-shared ) tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 && confgcc_no_libc+=( --disable-libatomic ) if ! has_version ${CATEGORY}/${needed_libc} ; then confgcc+=( "${confgcc_no_libc[@]}" --disable-threads --without-headers ) elif has_version "${CATEGORY}/${needed_libc}[headers-only(-)]" ; then confgcc+=( "${confgcc_no_libc[@]}" --with-sysroot="${PREFIX}"/${CTARGET} ) else confgcc+=( --with-sysroot="${PREFIX}"/${CTARGET} ) fi fi tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 && confgcc+=( --disable-bootstrap ) else if tc-is-static-only ; then confgcc+=( --disable-shared ) else confgcc+=( --enable-shared ) fi case ${CHOST} in mingw*|*-mingw*) confgcc+=( --enable-threads=win32 ) ;; *) confgcc+=( --enable-threads=posix ) ;; esac fi # __cxa_atexit is "essential for fully standards-compliant handling of # destructors", but apparently requires glibc. case ${CTARGET} in *-uclibc*) if tc_has_feature nptl ; then confgcc+=( --disable-__cxa_atexit $(use_enable nptl tls) ) fi tc_version_is_between 3.3 3.4 && confgcc+=( --enable-sjlj-exceptions ) if tc_version_is_between 3.4 4.3 ; then confgcc+=( --enable-clocale=uclibc ) fi ;; *-elf|*-eabi) confgcc+=( --with-newlib ) ;; *-musl*) confgcc+=( --enable-__cxa_atexit ) ;; *-gnu*) confgcc+=( --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu ) ;; *-freebsd*) confgcc+=( --enable-__cxa_atexit ) ;; *-solaris*) confgcc+=( --enable-__cxa_atexit ) ;; esac ### arch options gcc-multilib-configure # ppc altivec support in_iuse altivec && confgcc+=( $(use_enable altivec) ) # gcc has fixed-point arithmetic support in 4.3 for mips targets that can # significantly increase compile time by several hours. This will allow # users to control this feature in the event they need the support. tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && in_iuse fixed-point && confgcc+=( $(use_enable fixed-point) ) case $(tc-is-softfloat) in yes) confgcc+=( --with-float=soft ) ;; softfp) confgcc+=( --with-float=softfp ) ;; *) # If they've explicitly opt-ed in, do hardfloat, # otherwise let the gcc default kick in. case ${CTARGET//_/-} in *-hardfloat-*|*eabihf) confgcc+=( --with-float=hard ) ;; esac esac local with_abi_map=() case $(tc-arch) in arm) #264534 #414395 local a arm_arch=${CTARGET%%-*} # Remove trailing endian variations first: eb el be bl b l for a in e{b,l} {b,l}e b l ; do if [[ ${arm_arch} == *${a} ]] ; then arm_arch=${arm_arch%${a}} break fi done # Convert armv7{a,r,m} to armv7-{a,r,m} [[ ${arm_arch} == armv7? ]] && arm_arch=${arm_arch/7/7-} # See if this is a valid --with-arch flag if (srcdir=${S}/gcc target=${CTARGET} with_arch=${arm_arch}; . "${srcdir}"/config.gcc) &>/dev/null then confgcc+=( --with-arch=${arm_arch} ) fi # Make default mode thumb for microcontroller classes #418209 [[ ${arm_arch} == *-m ]] && confgcc+=( --with-mode=thumb ) # Enable hardvfp if [[ $(tc-is-softfloat) == "no" ]] && \ [[ ${CTARGET} == armv[67]* ]] && \ tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 then # Follow the new arm hardfp distro standard by default confgcc+=( --with-float=hard ) case ${CTARGET} in armv6*) confgcc+=( --with-fpu=vfp ) ;; armv7*) confgcc+=( --with-fpu=vfpv3-d16 ) ;; esac fi ;; mips) # Add --with-abi flags to set default ABI confgcc+=( --with-abi=$(gcc-abi-map ${TARGET_DEFAULT_ABI}) ) ;; amd64) # drop the older/ABI checks once this get's merged into some # version of gcc upstream if tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 && has x32 $(get_all_abis TARGET) ; then confgcc+=( --with-abi=$(gcc-abi-map ${TARGET_DEFAULT_ABI}) ) fi ;; x86) # Default arch for x86 is normally i386, lets give it a bump # since glibc will do so based on CTARGET anyways confgcc+=( --with-arch=${CTARGET%%-*} ) ;; hppa) # Enable sjlj exceptions for backward compatibility on hppa [[ ${GCCMAJOR} == "3" ]] && confgcc+=( --enable-sjlj-exceptions ) ;; ppc) # Set up defaults based on current CFLAGS is-flagq -mfloat-gprs=double && confgcc+=( --enable-e500-double ) [[ ${CTARGET//_/-} == *-e500v2-* ]] && confgcc+=( --enable-e500-double ) ;; ppc64) # On ppc64 big endian target gcc assumes elfv1 by default, # and elfv2 on little endian # but musl does not support elfv1 at all on any endian ppc64 # see https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/INSTALL # https://bugs.gentoo.org/704784 # https://gcc.gnu.org/PR93157 [[ ${CTARGET} == powerpc64-*-musl ]] && confgcc+=( --with-abi=elfv2 ) ;; riscv) # Add --with-abi flags to set default ABI confgcc+=( --with-abi=$(gcc-abi-map ${TARGET_DEFAULT_ABI}) ) ;; esac # if the target can do biarch (-m32/-m64), enable it. overhead should # be small, and should simplify building of 64bit kernels in a 32bit # userland by not needing sys-devel/kgcc64. #349405 case $(tc-arch) in ppc|ppc64) tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 && confgcc+=( --enable-targets=all ) ;; sparc) tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 && confgcc+=( --enable-targets=all ) ;; amd64|x86) tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 && confgcc+=( --enable-targets=all ) ;; esac # On Darwin we need libdir to be set in order to get correct install names # for things like libobjc-gnu, libgcj and libfortran. If we enable it on # non-Darwin we screw up the behaviour this eclass relies on. We in # particular need this over --libdir for bug #255315. [[ ${CTARGET} == *-darwin* ]] && \ confgcc+=( --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs ) ### library options if tc_version_is_between 3.0 7.0 ; then if is_gcj ; then confgcc+=( --disable-gjdoc ) use awt && confgcc+=( --enable-java-awt=gtk ) else confgcc+=( --disable-libgcj ) fi fi if tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 ; then if in_iuse openmp ; then # Make sure target has pthreads support. #326757 #335883 # There shouldn't be a chicken & egg problem here as openmp won't # build without a C library, and you can't build that w/out # already having a compiler ... if ! is_crosscompile || \ $(tc-getCPP ${CTARGET}) -E - <<<"#include " >& /dev/null then confgcc+=( $(use_enable openmp libgomp) ) else # Force disable as the configure script can be dumb #359855 confgcc+=( --disable-libgomp ) fi else # For gcc variants where we don't want openmp (e.g. kgcc) confgcc+=( --disable-libgomp ) fi fi if tc_version_is_at_least 4.0 ; then if in_iuse mudflap ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable mudflap libmudflap) ) else confgcc+=( --disable-libmudflap ) fi if use_if_iuse libssp ; then confgcc+=( --enable-libssp ) else if hardened_gcc_is_stable ssp; then export gcc_cv_libc_provides_ssp=yes fi if use_if_iuse ssp; then # On some targets USE="ssp -libssp" is an invalid # configuration as target libc does not provide # stack_chk_* functions. Do not disable libssp there. case ${CTARGET} in mingw*|*-mingw*) ewarn "Not disabling libssp" ;; *) confgcc+=( --disable-libssp ) ;; esac else confgcc+=( --disable-libssp ) fi fi fi if in_iuse cilk ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable cilk libcilkrts) ) fi if in_iuse mpx ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable mpx libmpx) ) fi if in_iuse systemtap ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable systemtap) ) fi if in_iuse vtv ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable vtv vtable-verify) # See Note [implicitly enabled flags] $(usex vtv '' --disable-libvtv) ) fi # newer gcc's come with libquadmath, but only fortran uses # it, so auto punt it when we don't care if tc_version_is_at_least 4.6 && ! is_fortran ; then confgcc+=( --disable-libquadmath ) fi if tc_version_is_at_least 4.6 ; then confgcc+=( --enable-lto ) elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.5 ; then confgcc+=( --disable-lto ) fi # graphite was added in 4.4 but we only support it in 6.5+ due to external # library issues. #448024, #701270 if tc_version_is_at_least 6.5 && in_iuse graphite ; then confgcc+=( $(use_with graphite isl) ) use graphite && confgcc+=( --disable-isl-version-check ) elif tc_version_is_at_least 5.0 ; then confgcc+=( --without-isl ) elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 ; then confgcc+=( --without-cloog ) elif tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 ; then confgcc+=( --without-{cloog,ppl} ) fi if tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 && in_iuse sanitize ; then # See Note [implicitly enabled flags] confgcc+=( $(usex sanitize '' --disable-libsanitizer) ) fi if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 && in_iuse pie ; then confgcc+=( $(use_enable pie default-pie) ) fi if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 && in_iuse ssp ; then confgcc+=( # This defaults to -fstack-protector-strong. $(use_enable ssp default-ssp) ) fi # Disable gcc info regeneration -- it ships with generated info pages # already. Our custom version/urls/etc... trigger it. #464008 export gcc_cv_prog_makeinfo_modern=no # Do not let the X detection get in our way. We know things can be found # via system paths, so no need to hardcode things that'll break multilib. # Older gcc versions will detect ac_x_libraries=/usr/lib64 which ends up # killing the 32bit builds which want /usr/lib. export ac_cv_have_x='have_x=yes ac_x_includes= ac_x_libraries=' confgcc+=( "$@" ${EXTRA_ECONF} ) # Nothing wrong with a good dose of verbosity echo einfo "PREFIX: ${PREFIX}" einfo "BINPATH: ${BINPATH}" einfo "LIBPATH: ${LIBPATH}" einfo "DATAPATH: ${DATAPATH}" einfo "STDCXX_INCDIR: ${STDCXX_INCDIR}" echo einfo "Languages: ${GCC_LANG}" echo einfo "Configuring GCC with: ${confgcc[@]//--/\n\t--}" echo # Build in a separate build tree mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}"/build pushd "${WORKDIR}"/build > /dev/null # and now to do the actual configuration addwrite /dev/zero echo "${S}"/configure "${confgcc[@]}" # Older gcc versions did not detect bash and re-exec itself, so force the # use of bash. Newer ones will auto-detect, but this is not harmful. CONFIG_SHELL="${EPREFIX}/bin/bash" \ bash "${S}"/configure "${confgcc[@]}" || die "failed to run configure" # return to whatever directory we were in before popd > /dev/null } # Replace -m flags unsupported by the version being built with the best # available equivalent downgrade_arch_flags() { local arch bver i isa myarch mytune rep ver bver=${1:-${GCC_BRANCH_VER}} # Don't perform downgrade if running gcc is older than ebuild's. tc_version_is_at_least ${bver} $(gcc-version) || return 0 [[ $(tc-arch) != amd64 && $(tc-arch) != x86 ]] && return 0 myarch=$(get-flag march) mytune=$(get-flag mtune) # If -march=native isn't supported we have to tease out the actual arch if [[ ${myarch} == native || ${mytune} == native ]] ; then if ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 ${bver}; then arch=$($(tc-getCC) -march=native -v -E -P - &1 \ | sed -rn "/cc1.*-march/s:.*-march=([^ ']*).*:\1:p") replace-cpu-flags native ${arch} fi fi # Handle special -mtune flags [[ ${mytune} == intel ]] && ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.9 ${bver} && replace-cpu-flags intel generic [[ ${mytune} == generic ]] && ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.2 ${bver} && filter-flags '-mtune=*' [[ ${mytune} == x86-64 ]] && filter-flags '-mtune=*' tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 ${bver} || filter-flags '-mtune=*' # "added" "arch" "replacement" local archlist=( 4.9 bdver4 bdver3 4.9 bonnell atom 4.9 broadwell core-avx2 4.9 haswell core-avx2 4.9 ivybridge core-avx-i 4.9 nehalem corei7 4.9 sandybridge corei7-avx 4.9 silvermont corei7 4.9 westmere corei7 4.8 bdver3 bdver2 4.8 btver2 btver1 4.7 bdver2 bdver1 4.7 core-avx2 core-avx-i 4.6 bdver1 amdfam10 4.6 btver1 amdfam10 4.6 core-avx-i core2 4.6 corei7 core2 4.6 corei7-avx core2 4.5 atom core2 4.3 amdfam10 k8 4.3 athlon64-sse3 k8 4.3 barcelona k8 4.3 core2 nocona 4.3 geode k6-2 # gcc.gnu.org/PR41989#c22 4.3 k8-sse3 k8 4.3 opteron-sse3 k8 3.4 athlon-fx x86-64 3.4 athlon64 x86-64 3.4 c3-2 c3 3.4 k8 x86-64 3.4 opteron x86-64 3.4 pentium-m pentium3 3.4 pentium3m pentium3 3.4 pentium4m pentium4 ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#archlist[@]}; i += 3)) ; do myarch=$(get-flag march) mytune=$(get-flag mtune) ver=${archlist[i]} arch=${archlist[i + 1]} rep=${archlist[i + 2]} [[ ${myarch} != ${arch} && ${mytune} != ${arch} ]] && continue if ! tc_version_is_at_least ${ver} ${bver}; then einfo "Downgrading '${myarch}' (added in gcc ${ver}) with '${rep}'..." [[ ${myarch} == ${arch} ]] && replace-cpu-flags ${myarch} ${rep} [[ ${mytune} == ${arch} ]] && replace-cpu-flags ${mytune} ${rep} continue else break fi done # we only check -mno* here since -m* get removed by strip-flags later on local isalist=( 4.9 -mno-sha 4.9 -mno-avx512pf 4.9 -mno-avx512f 4.9 -mno-avx512er 4.9 -mno-avx512cd 4.8 -mno-xsaveopt 4.8 -mno-xsave 4.8 -mno-rtm 4.8 -mno-fxsr 4.7 -mno-lzcnt 4.7 -mno-bmi2 4.7 -mno-avx2 4.6 -mno-tbm 4.6 -mno-rdrnd 4.6 -mno-fsgsbase 4.6 -mno-f16c 4.6 -mno-bmi 4.5 -mno-xop 4.5 -mno-movbe 4.5 -mno-lwp 4.5 -mno-fma4 4.4 -mno-pclmul 4.4 -mno-fma 4.4 -mno-avx 4.4 -mno-aes 4.3 -mno-ssse3 4.3 -mno-sse4a 4.3 -mno-sse4 4.3 -mno-sse4.2 4.3 -mno-sse4.1 4.3 -mno-popcnt 4.3 -mno-abm ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#isalist[@]}; i += 2)) ; do ver=${isalist[i]} isa=${isalist[i + 1]} tc_version_is_at_least ${ver} ${bver} || filter-flags ${isa} ${isa/-m/-mno-} done } gcc_do_filter_flags() { strip-flags replace-flags -O? -O2 # dont want to funk ourselves filter-flags '-mabi*' -m31 -m32 -m64 filter-flags -frecord-gcc-switches # 490738 filter-flags -mno-rtm -mno-htm # 506202 if tc_version_is_between 3.2 3.4 ; then # XXX: this is so outdated it's barely useful, but it don't hurt... replace-cpu-flags G3 750 replace-cpu-flags G4 7400 replace-cpu-flags G5 7400 # XXX: should add a sed or something to query all supported flags # from the gcc source and trim everything else ... filter-flags -f{no-,}unit-at-a-time -f{no-,}web -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs filter-flags -f{no-,}stack-protector{,-all} filter-flags -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden # and warning options filter-flags -Wextra -Wstack-protector fi if ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.1 ; then filter-flags -fdiagnostics-show-option filter-flags -Wstack-protector fi if tc_version_is_between 6 8 ; then # -mstackrealign triggers crashes in exception throwing # at least on ada: bug #688580 # The reason is unknown. Drop the flag for now. filter-flags -mstackrealign fi if tc_version_is_at_least 3.4 ; then case $(tc-arch) in amd64|x86) filter-flags '-mcpu=*' tc_version_is_between 4.4 4.5 && append-flags -mno-avx # 357287 if tc_version_is_between 4.6 4.7 ; then # https://bugs.gentoo.org/411333 # https://bugs.gentoo.org/466454 replace-cpu-flags c3-2 pentium2 pentium3 pentium3m pentium-m i686 fi ;; alpha) # https://bugs.gentoo.org/454426 append-ldflags -Wl,--no-relax ;; sparc) # temporary workaround for random ICEs reproduced by multiple users # https://bugs.gentoo.org/457062 tc_version_is_between 4.6 4.8 && MAKEOPTS+=" -j1" ;; *-macos) # http://gcc.gnu.org/PR25127 tc_version_is_between 4.0 4.2 && \ filter-flags '-mcpu=*' '-march=*' '-mtune=*' ;; esac fi strip-unsupported-flags # these are set here so we have something sane at configure time if is_crosscompile ; then # Set this to something sane for both native and target CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" FFLAGS=${CFLAGS} FCFLAGS=${CFLAGS} # "hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu" -> hppa2_0_unknown_linux_gnu local VAR="CFLAGS_"${CTARGET//[-.]/_} CXXFLAGS=${!VAR-${CFLAGS}} fi export GCJFLAGS=${GCJFLAGS:-${CFLAGS}} } setup_minispecs_gcc_build_specs() { # Setup the "build.specs" file for gcc 4.3 to use when building. if hardened_gcc_works pie ; then cat "${WORKDIR}"/specs/pie.specs >> "${WORKDIR}"/build.specs fi if hardened_gcc_works ssp ; then for s in ssp sspall ; do cat "${WORKDIR}"/specs/${s}.specs >> "${WORKDIR}"/build.specs done fi for s in nostrict znow ; do cat "${WORKDIR}"/specs/${s}.specs >> "${WORKDIR}"/build.specs done export GCC_SPECS="${WORKDIR}"/build.specs } gcc-multilib-configure() { if ! is_multilib ; then confgcc+=( --disable-multilib ) # Fun times: if we are building for a target that has multiple # possible ABI formats, and the user has told us to pick one # that isn't the default, then not specifying it via the list # below will break that on us. else confgcc+=( --enable-multilib ) fi # translate our notion of multilibs into gcc's local abi list for abi in $(get_all_abis TARGET) ; do local l=$(gcc-abi-map ${abi}) [[ -n ${l} ]] && list+=",${l}" done if [[ -n ${list} ]] ; then case ${CTARGET} in x86_64*) tc_version_is_at_least 4.8 && confgcc+=( --with-multilib-list=${list:1} ) ;; esac fi } gcc-abi-map() { # Convert the ABI name we use in Gentoo to what gcc uses local map=() case ${CTARGET} in mips*) map=("o32 32" "n32 n32" "n64 64") ;; riscv*) map=("lp64d lp64d" "lp64 lp64") ;; x86_64*) map=("amd64 m64" "x86 m32" "x32 mx32") ;; esac local m for m in "${map[@]}" ; do l=( ${m} ) [[ $1 == ${l[0]} ]] && echo ${l[1]} && break done } #----> src_compile <---- toolchain_src_compile() { touch "${S}"/gcc/c-gperf.h # Do not make manpages if we do not have perl ... [[ ! -x /usr/bin/perl ]] \ && find "${WORKDIR}"/build -name '*.[17]' -exec touch {} + # Older gcc versions did not detect bash and re-exec itself, so force the # use of bash. Newer ones will auto-detect, but this is not harmful. # This needs to be set for compile as well, as it's used in libtool # generation, which will break install otherwise (at least in 3.3.6): #664486 CONFIG_SHELL="${EPREFIX}/bin/bash" \ gcc_do_make ${GCC_MAKE_TARGET} } gcc_do_make() { # This function accepts one optional argument, the make target to be used. # If omitted, gcc_do_make will try to guess whether it should use all, # or bootstrap-lean depending on CTARGET and arch. # An example of how to use this function: # # gcc_do_make all-target-libstdc++-v3 [[ -n ${1} ]] && GCC_MAKE_TARGET=${1} # default target if is_crosscompile || tc-is-cross-compiler ; then # 3 stage bootstrapping doesnt quite work when you cant run the # resulting binaries natively ^^; GCC_MAKE_TARGET=${GCC_MAKE_TARGET-all} else if tc_version_is_at_least 3.3 && use_if_iuse pgo; then GCC_MAKE_TARGET=${GCC_MAKE_TARGET-profiledbootstrap} else GCC_MAKE_TARGET=${GCC_MAKE_TARGET-bootstrap-lean} fi fi # Older versions of GCC could not do profiledbootstrap in parallel due to # collisions with profiling info. # boundschecking also seems to introduce parallel build issues. if [[ ${GCC_MAKE_TARGET} == "profiledbootstrap" ]] || use_if_iuse boundschecking ; then ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.6 && export MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" fi if [[ ${GCC_MAKE_TARGET} == "all" ]] ; then STAGE1_CFLAGS=${STAGE1_CFLAGS-"${CFLAGS}"} elif [[ $(gcc-version) == "3.4" && ${GCC_BRANCH_VER} == "3.4" ]] && gcc-specs-ssp ; then # See bug #79852 STAGE1_CFLAGS=${STAGE1_CFLAGS-"-O2"} fi if is_crosscompile; then # In 3.4, BOOT_CFLAGS is never used on a crosscompile... # but I'll leave this in anyways as someone might have had # some reason for putting it in here... --eradicator BOOT_CFLAGS=${BOOT_CFLAGS-"-O2"} else # we only want to use the system's CFLAGS if not building a # cross-compiler. BOOT_CFLAGS=${BOOT_CFLAGS-"$(get_abi_CFLAGS ${TARGET_DEFAULT_ABI}) ${CFLAGS}"} fi einfo "Compiling ${PN} (${GCC_MAKE_TARGET})..." pushd "${WORKDIR}"/build >/dev/null emake \ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ STAGE1_CFLAGS="${STAGE1_CFLAGS}" \ LIBPATH="${LIBPATH}" \ BOOT_CFLAGS="${BOOT_CFLAGS}" \ ${GCC_MAKE_TARGET} \ || die "emake failed with ${GCC_MAKE_TARGET}" if ! is_crosscompile && use_if_iuse cxx && use_if_iuse doc ; then if type -p doxygen > /dev/null ; then if tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then cd "${CTARGET}"/libstdc++-v3/doc emake doc-man-doxygen || ewarn "failed to make docs" elif tc_version_is_at_least 3.0 ; then cd "${CTARGET}"/libstdc++-v3 emake doxygen-man || ewarn "failed to make docs" fi # Clean bogus manpages. #113902 find -name '*_build_*' -delete # Blow away generated directory references. Newer versions of gcc # have gotten better at this, but not perfect. This is easier than # backporting all of the various doxygen patches. #486754 find -name '*_.3' -exec grep -l ' Directory Reference ' {} + | \ xargs rm -f else ewarn "Skipping libstdc++ manpage generation since you don't have doxygen installed" fi fi popd >/dev/null } #---->> src_test <<---- toolchain_src_test() { cd "${WORKDIR}"/build # 'asan' wants to be preloaded first, so does 'sandbox'. # To make asan tests work disable sandbox for all of test suite. # 'backtrace' tests also does not like 'libsandbox.so' presence. SANDBOX_ON=0 LD_PRELOAD= emake -k check } #---->> src_install <<---- toolchain_src_install() { cd "${WORKDIR}"/build # Don't allow symlinks in private gcc include dir as this can break the build find gcc/include*/ -type l -delete # Copy over the info pages. We disabled their generation earlier, but the # build system only expects to install out of the build dir, not the source. #464008 mkdir -p gcc/doc local x= for x in "${S}"/gcc/doc/*.info* ; do if [[ -f ${x} ]] ; then cp "${x}" gcc/doc/ || die fi done # We remove the generated fixincludes, as they can cause things to break # (ncurses, openssl, etc). We do not prevent them from being built, as # in the following commit which we revert: # https://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/eclass/toolchain.eclass?r1=1.647&r2=1.648 # This is because bsd userland needs fixedincludes to build gcc, while # linux does not. Both can dispose of them afterwards. while read x ; do grep -q 'It has been auto-edited by fixincludes from' "${x}" \ && rm -f "${x}" done < <(find gcc/include*/ -name '*.h') # Do the 'make install' from the build directory S="${WORKDIR}"/build emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install || die # Punt some tools which are really only useful while building gcc find "${ED}" -name install-tools -prune -type d -exec rm -rf "{}" \; # This one comes with binutils find "${ED}" -name libiberty.a -delete # Move the libraries to the proper location gcc_movelibs # Basic sanity check if ! is_crosscompile ; then local EXEEXT eval $(grep ^EXEEXT= "${WORKDIR}"/build/gcc/config.log) [[ -r ${D}${BINPATH}/gcc${EXEEXT} ]] || die "gcc not found in ${ED}" fi dodir /etc/env.d/gcc create_gcc_env_entry create_revdep_rebuild_entry # Setup the gcc_env_entry for hardened gcc 4 with minispecs want_minispecs && copy_minispecs_gcc_specs # Make sure we dont have stuff lying around that # can nuke multiple versions of gcc gcc_slot_java dodir /usr/bin cd "${D}"${BINPATH} # Ugh: we really need to auto-detect this list. # It's constantly out of date. for x in cpp gcc g++ c++ gcov g77 gcj gcjh gfortran gccgo gnat* ; do # For some reason, g77 gets made instead of ${CTARGET}-g77... # this should take care of that if [[ -f ${x} ]] ; then # In case they're hardlinks, clear out the target first # otherwise the mv below will complain. rm -f ${CTARGET}-${x} mv ${x} ${CTARGET}-${x} fi if [[ -f ${CTARGET}-${x} ]] ; then if ! is_crosscompile ; then ln -sf ${CTARGET}-${x} ${x} dosym ${BINPATH#${EPREFIX}}/${CTARGET}-${x} \ /usr/bin/${x}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER} fi # Create versioned symlinks dosym ${BINPATH#${EPREFIX}}/${CTARGET}-${x} \ /usr/bin/${CTARGET}-${x}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER} fi if [[ -f ${CTARGET}-${x}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER} ]] ; then rm -f ${CTARGET}-${x}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER} ln -sf ${CTARGET}-${x} ${CTARGET}-${x}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER} fi done # When gcc builds a crosscompiler it does not install unprefixed tools. # When cross-building gcc does install native tools. if ! is_crosscompile; then # Rename the main go binaries as we don't want to clobber dev-lang/go # when gcc-config runs. #567806 if tc_version_is_at_least 5 && is_go ; then for x in go gofmt; do mv ${x} ${x}-${GCCMAJOR} || die done fi fi # As gcc installs object files built against bost ${CHOST} and ${CTARGET} # ideally we will need to strip them using different tools: # Using ${CHOST} tools: # - "${D}${BINPATH}" # - (for is_crosscompile) "${D}${HOSTLIBPATH}" # - "${D}${PREFIX}/libexec/gcc/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}" # Using ${CTARGET} tools: # - "${D}${LIBPATH}" # As dostrip does not specify host to override ${CHOST} tools just skip # non-native binary stripping. is_crosscompile && tc_supports_dostrip && dostrip -x "${LIBPATH}" cd "${S}" if is_crosscompile; then rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/{man,info} rm -rf "${D}"${DATAPATH}/{man,info} else if tc_version_is_at_least 3.0 ; then local cxx_mandir=$(find "${WORKDIR}/build/${CTARGET}/libstdc++-v3" -name man) if [[ -d ${cxx_mandir} ]] ; then cp -r "${cxx_mandir}"/man? "${D}${DATAPATH}"/man/ fi fi fi # portage regenerates 'dir' files on it's own: bug #672408 # Drop 'dir' files to avoid collisions. if [[ -f "${D}${DATAPATH}"/info/dir ]]; then einfo "Deleting '${D}${DATAPATH}/info/dir'" rm "${D}${DATAPATH}"/info/dir || die fi # prune empty dirs left behind find "${ED}" -depth -type d -delete 2>/dev/null # Rather install the script, else portage with changing $FILESDIR # between binary and source package borks things .... if ! is_crosscompile && [[ ${PN} != "kgcc64" ]] ; then insinto "${DATAPATH#${EPREFIX}}" newins "$(prefixify_ro "${FILESDIR}"/awk/fixlafiles.awk-no_gcc_la)" fixlafiles.awk || die exeinto "${DATAPATH#${EPREFIX}}" doexe "$(prefixify_ro "${FILESDIR}"/fix_libtool_files.sh)" || die doexe "${FILESDIR}"/c{89,99} || die fi # libstdc++.la: Delete as it doesn't add anything useful: g++ itself # handles linkage correctly in the dynamic & static case. It also just # causes us pain: any C++ progs/libs linking with libtool will gain a # reference to the full libstdc++.la file which is gcc version specific. # libstdc++fs.la: It doesn't link against anything useful. # libsupc++.la: This has no dependencies. # libcc1.la: There is no static library, only dynamic. # libcc1plugin.la: Same as above, and it's loaded via dlopen. # libcp1plugin.la: Same as above, and it's loaded via dlopen. # libgomp.la: gcc itself handles linkage (libgomp.spec). # libgomp-plugin-*.la: Same as above, and it's an internal plugin only # loaded via dlopen. # libgfortran.la: gfortran itself handles linkage correctly in the # dynamic & static case (libgfortran.spec). #573302 # libgfortranbegin.la: Same as above, and it's an internal lib. # libmpx.la: gcc itself handles linkage correctly (libmpx.spec). # libmpxwrappers.la: See above. # libitm.la: gcc itself handles linkage correctly (libitm.spec). # libvtv.la: gcc itself handles linkage correctly. # lib*san.la: Sanitizer linkage is handled internally by gcc, and they # do not support static linking. #487550 #546700 find "${D}${LIBPATH}" \ '(' \ -name libstdc++.la -o \ -name libstdc++fs.la -o \ -name libsupc++.la -o \ -name libcc1.la -o \ -name libcc1plugin.la -o \ -name libcp1plugin.la -o \ -name 'libgomp.la' -o \ -name 'libgomp-plugin-*.la' -o \ -name libgfortran.la -o \ -name libgfortranbegin.la -o \ -name libmpx.la -o \ -name libmpxwrappers.la -o \ -name libitm.la -o \ -name libvtv.la -o \ -name 'lib*san.la' \ ')' -type f -delete # Use gid of 0 because some stupid ports don't have # the group 'root' set to gid 0. Send to /dev/null # for people who are testing as non-root. chown -R root:0 "${D}${LIBPATH}" 2>/dev/null # Installing gdb pretty-printers into gdb-specific location. local py gdbdir=/usr/share/gdb/auto-load${LIBPATH} pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}" >/dev/null for py in $(find . -name '*-gdb.py') ; do local multidir=${py%/*} insinto "${gdbdir}/${multidir}" sed -i "/^libdir =/s:=.*:= '${LIBPATH}/${multidir}':" "${py}" || die #348128 doins "${py}" || die rm "${py}" || die done popd >/dev/null # Don't scan .gox files for executable stacks - false positives export QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/go/*/*.gox" export QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/go/*/*.gox" # Disable RANDMMAP so PCH works. #301299 if tc_version_is_at_least 4.3 ; then pax-mark -r "${D}${PREFIX}/libexec/gcc/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}/cc1" pax-mark -r "${D}${PREFIX}/libexec/gcc/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}/cc1plus" fi # Disable MPROTECT so java works. #574808 if is_gcj ; then pax-mark -m "${D}${PREFIX}/libexec/gcc/${CTARGET}/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}/ecj1" pax-mark -m "${D}${PREFIX}/${CTARGET}/gcc-bin/${GCC_CONFIG_VER}/gij" fi } # Move around the libs to the right location. For some reason, # when installing gcc, it dumps internal libraries into /usr/lib # instead of the private gcc lib path gcc_movelibs() { # older versions of gcc did not support --print-multi-os-directory tc_version_is_at_least 3.2 || return 0 # For non-target libs which are for CHOST and not CTARGET, we want to # move them to the compiler-specific CHOST internal dir. This is stuff # that you want to link against when building tools rather than building # code to run on the target. if tc_version_is_at_least 5 && is_crosscompile ; then dodir "${HOSTLIBPATH#${EPREFIX}}" mv "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libcc1* "${D}${HOSTLIBPATH}" || die fi # For all the libs that are built for CTARGET, move them into the # compiler-specific CTARGET internal dir. local x multiarg removedirs="" for multiarg in $($(XGCC) -print-multi-lib) ; do multiarg=${multiarg#*;} multiarg=${multiarg//@/ -} local OS_MULTIDIR=$($(XGCC) ${multiarg} --print-multi-os-directory) local MULTIDIR=$($(XGCC) ${multiarg} --print-multi-directory) local TODIR="${D}${LIBPATH}"/${MULTIDIR} local FROMDIR= [[ -d ${TODIR} ]] || mkdir -p ${TODIR} for FROMDIR in \ "${LIBPATH}"/${OS_MULTIDIR} \ "${LIBPATH}"/../${MULTIDIR} \ "${PREFIX}"/lib/${OS_MULTIDIR} \ "${PREFIX}"/${CTARGET}/lib/${OS_MULTIDIR} do removedirs="${removedirs} ${FROMDIR}" FROMDIR=${D}${FROMDIR} if [[ ${FROMDIR} != "${TODIR}" && -d ${FROMDIR} ]] ; then local files=$(find "${FROMDIR}" -maxdepth 1 ! -type d 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n ${files} ]] ; then mv ${files} "${TODIR}" || die fi fi done fix_libtool_libdir_paths "${LIBPATH}/${MULTIDIR}" # SLOT up libgcj.pc if it's available (and let gcc-config worry about links) FROMDIR="${PREFIX}/lib/${OS_MULTIDIR}" for x in "${D}${FROMDIR}"/pkgconfig/libgcj*.pc ; do [[ -f ${x} ]] || continue sed -i "/^libdir=/s:=.*:=${LIBPATH}/${MULTIDIR}:" "${x}" || die mv "${x}" "${D}${FROMDIR}"/pkgconfig/libgcj-${GCC_PV}.pc || die done done # We remove directories separately to avoid this case: # mv SRC/lib/../lib/*.o DEST # rmdir SRC/lib/../lib/ # mv SRC/lib/../lib32/*.o DEST # Bork for FROMDIR in ${removedirs} ; do rmdir "${D}"${FROMDIR} >& /dev/null done find -depth "${ED}" -type d -exec rmdir {} + >& /dev/null } # make sure the libtool archives have libdir set to where they actually # -are-, and not where they -used- to be. also, any dependencies we have # on our own .la files need to be updated. fix_libtool_libdir_paths() { local libpath="$1" pushd "${D}" >/dev/null pushd "./${libpath}" >/dev/null local dir="${PWD#${D%/}}" local allarchives=$(echo *.la) allarchives="\(${allarchives// /\\|}\)" popd >/dev/null # The libdir might not have any .la files. #548782 find "./${dir}" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.la' \ -exec sed -i -e "/^libdir=/s:=.*:='${dir}':" {} + || die # Would be nice to combine these, but -maxdepth can not be specified # on sub-expressions. find "./${PREFIX}"/lib* -maxdepth 3 -name '*.la' \ -exec sed -i -e "/^dependency_libs=/s:/[^ ]*/${allarchives}:${libpath}/\1:g" {} + || die find "./${dir}/" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.la' \ -exec sed -i -e "/^dependency_libs=/s:/[^ ]*/${allarchives}:${libpath}/\1:g" {} + || die popd >/dev/null } create_gcc_env_entry() { dodir /etc/env.d/gcc local gcc_envd_base="/etc/env.d/gcc/${CTARGET}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER}" local gcc_specs_file local gcc_envd_file="${ED}${gcc_envd_base}" if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then # I'm leaving the following commented out to remind me that it # was an insanely -bad- idea. Stuff broke. GCC_SPECS isnt unset # on chroot or in non-toolchain.eclass gcc ebuilds! #gcc_specs_file="${LIBPATH}/specs" gcc_specs_file="" else gcc_envd_file+="-$1" gcc_specs_file="${LIBPATH}/$1.specs" fi # We want to list the default ABI's LIBPATH first so libtool # searches that directory first. This is a temporary # workaround for libtool being stupid and using .la's from # conflicting ABIs by using the first one in the search path local ldpaths mosdirs if tc_version_is_at_least 3.2 ; then local mdir mosdir abi ldpath for abi in $(get_all_abis TARGET) ; do mdir=$($(XGCC) $(get_abi_CFLAGS ${abi}) --print-multi-directory) ldpath=${LIBPATH} [[ ${mdir} != "." ]] && ldpath+="/${mdir}" ldpaths="${ldpath}${ldpaths:+:${ldpaths}}" mosdir=$($(XGCC) $(get_abi_CFLAGS ${abi}) -print-multi-os-directory) mosdirs="${mosdir}${mosdirs:+:${mosdirs}}" done else # Older gcc's didn't do multilib, so logic is simple. ldpaths=${LIBPATH} fi cat <<-EOF > ${gcc_envd_file} GCC_PATH="${BINPATH}" LDPATH="${ldpaths}" MANPATH="${DATAPATH}/man" INFOPATH="${DATAPATH}/info" STDCXX_INCDIR="${STDCXX_INCDIR##*/}" CTARGET="${CTARGET}" GCC_SPECS="${gcc_specs_file}" MULTIOSDIRS="${mosdirs}" EOF } create_revdep_rebuild_entry() { local revdep_rebuild_base="/etc/revdep-rebuild/05cross-${CTARGET}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER}" local revdep_rebuild_file="${ED}${revdep_rebuild_base}" is_crosscompile || return 0 dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild cat <<-EOF > "${revdep_rebuild_file}" # Generated by ${CATEGORY}/${PF} # Ignore libraries built for ${CTARGET}, https://bugs.gentoo.org/692844. SEARCH_DIRS_MASK="${LIBPATH}" EOF } copy_minispecs_gcc_specs() { # on gcc 6 we don't need minispecs if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 ; then return 0 fi # setup the hardenedno* specs files and the vanilla specs file. if hardened_gcc_works ; then create_gcc_env_entry hardenednopiessp fi if hardened_gcc_works pie ; then create_gcc_env_entry hardenednopie fi if hardened_gcc_works ssp ; then create_gcc_env_entry hardenednossp fi create_gcc_env_entry vanilla insinto ${LIBPATH#${EPREFIX}} doins "${WORKDIR}"/specs/*.specs || die "failed to install specs" # Build system specs file which, if it exists, must be a complete set of # specs as it completely and unconditionally overrides the builtin specs. if ! tc_version_is_at_least 4.4 ; then $(XGCC) -dumpspecs > "${WORKDIR}"/specs/specs cat "${WORKDIR}"/build.specs >> "${WORKDIR}"/specs/specs doins "${WORKDIR}"/specs/specs || die "failed to install the specs file" fi } gcc_slot_java() { local x # Move Java headers to compiler-specific dir for x in "${D}${PREFIX}"/include/gc*.h "${D}${PREFIX}"/include/j*.h ; do [[ -f ${x} ]] && mv -f "${x}" "${D}${LIBPATH}"/include/ done for x in gcj gnu java javax org ; do if [[ -d ${D}${PREFIX}/include/${x} ]] ; then dodir /${LIBPATH#${EPREFIX}}/include/${x} mv -f "${D}${PREFIX}"/include/${x}/* "${D}${LIBPATH}"/include/${x}/ rm -rf "${D}${PREFIX}"/include/${x} fi done if [[ -d ${D}${PREFIX}/lib/security ]] || [[ -d ${D}${PREFIX}/$(get_libdir)/security ]] ; then dodir /${LIBPATH#${EPREFIX}}/security mv -f "${D}${PREFIX}"/lib*/security/* "${D}${LIBPATH}"/security rm -rf "${D}${PREFIX}"/lib*/security fi # Move random gcj files to compiler-specific directories for x in libgcj.spec logging.properties ; do x="${D}${PREFIX}/lib/${x}" [[ -f ${x} ]] && mv -f "${x}" "${D}${LIBPATH}"/ done # Rename jar because it could clash with Kaffe's jar if this gcc is # primary compiler (aka don't have the - extension) cd "${D}${BINPATH}" [[ -f jar ]] && mv -f jar gcj-jar } #---->> pkg_post* <<---- toolchain_pkg_postinst() { do_gcc_config if [[ ! ${ROOT%/} && -f ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/eselect/modules/compiler-shadow.eselect ]] ; then eselect compiler-shadow update all fi if ! is_crosscompile && [[ ${PN} != "kgcc64" ]] ; then echo ewarn "If you have issues with packages unable to locate libstdc++.la," ewarn "then try running 'fix_libtool_files.sh' on the old gcc versions." echo ewarn "You might want to review the GCC upgrade guide when moving between" ewarn "major versions (like 4.2 to 4.3):" ewarn "https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_GCC" echo # Clean up old paths rm -f "${EROOT%/}"/*/rcscripts/awk/fixlafiles.awk "${EROOT%/}"/sbin/fix_libtool_files.sh rmdir "${EROOT%/}"/*/rcscripts{/awk,} 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "${EROOT%/}"/usr/{share/gcc-data,sbin,bin} # DATAPATH has EPREFIX already, use ROOT with it cp "${ROOT%/}${DATAPATH}"/fixlafiles.awk "${EROOT%/}"/usr/share/gcc-data/ || die cp "${ROOT%/}${DATAPATH}"/fix_libtool_files.sh "${EROOT%/}"/usr/sbin/ || die # Since these aren't critical files and portage sucks with # handling of binpkgs, don't require these to be found cp "${ROOT%/}${DATAPATH}"/c{89,99} "${EROOT%/}"/usr/bin/ 2>/dev/null fi if toolchain_is_unsupported ; then einfo "This GCC ebuild is provided for your convenience, and the use" einfo "of this compiler is not supported by the Gentoo Developers." einfo "Please report bugs to upstream at http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/" fi } toolchain_pkg_postrm() { do_gcc_config if [[ ! ${ROOT%/} && -f ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/eselect/modules/compiler-shadow.eselect ]] ; then eselect compiler-shadow clean all fi # to make our lives easier (and saner), we do the fix_libtool stuff here. # rather than checking SLOT's and trying in upgrade paths, we just see if # the common libstdc++.la exists in the ${LIBPATH} of the gcc that we are # unmerging. if it does, that means this was a simple re-emerge. # clean up the cruft left behind by cross-compilers if is_crosscompile ; then if [[ -z $(ls "${EROOT%/}"/etc/env.d/gcc/${CTARGET}* 2>/dev/null) ]] ; then einfo "Removing last cross-compiler instance. Deleting dangling symlinks." rm -f "${EROOT%/}"/etc/env.d/gcc/config-${CTARGET} rm -f "${EROOT%/}"/etc/env.d/??gcc-${CTARGET} rm -f "${EROOT%/}"/usr/bin/${CTARGET}-{gcc,{g,c}++}{,32,64} fi return 0 fi # ROOT isnt handled by the script [[ ${ROOT%/} ]] && return 0 if [[ ! -e ${LIBPATH}/libstdc++.so ]] ; then einfo "Running 'fix_libtool_files.sh ${GCC_RELEASE_VER}'" fix_libtool_files.sh ${GCC_RELEASE_VER} fi return 0 } do_gcc_config() { if ! should_we_gcc_config ; then gcc-config --use-old --force return 0 fi local current_gcc_config target current_gcc_config=$(gcc-config -c ${CTARGET} 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n ${current_gcc_config} ]] ; then local current_specs use_specs # figure out which specs-specific config is active current_specs=$(gcc-config -S ${current_gcc_config} | awk '{print $3}') [[ -n ${current_specs} ]] && use_specs=-${current_specs} if [[ -n ${use_specs} ]] && \ [[ ! -e ${EROOT%/}/etc/env.d/gcc/${CTARGET}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER}${use_specs} ]] then ewarn "The currently selected specs-specific gcc config," ewarn "${current_specs}, doesn't exist anymore. This is usually" ewarn "due to enabling/disabling hardened or switching to a version" ewarn "of gcc that doesnt create multiple specs files. The default" ewarn "config will be used, and the previous preference forgotten." use_specs="" fi target="${CTARGET}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER}${use_specs}" else # The curent target is invalid. Attempt to switch to a valid one. # Blindly pick the latest version. #529608 # TODO: Should update gcc-config to accept `-l ${CTARGET}` rather than # doing a partial grep like this. target=$(gcc-config -l 2>/dev/null | grep " ${CTARGET}-[0-9]" | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}') fi gcc-config "${target}" } should_we_gcc_config() { # if the current config is invalid, we definitely want a new one # Note: due to bash quirkiness, the following must not be 1 line local curr_config curr_config=$(gcc-config -c ${CTARGET} 2>&1) || return 0 # if the previously selected config has the same major.minor (branch) as # the version we are installing, then it will probably be uninstalled # for being in the same SLOT, make sure we run gcc-config. local curr_config_ver=$(gcc-config -S ${curr_config} | awk '{print $2}') local curr_branch_ver=$(ver_cut 1-2 ${curr_config_ver}) if [[ ${curr_branch_ver} == ${GCC_BRANCH_VER} ]] ; then return 0 else # if we're installing a genuinely different compiler version, # we should probably tell the user -how- to switch to the new # gcc version, since we're not going to do it for him/her. # We don't want to switch from say gcc-3.3 to gcc-3.4 right in # the middle of an emerge operation (like an 'emerge -e world' # which could install multiple gcc versions). # Only warn if we're installing a pkg as we might be called from # the pkg_{pre,post}rm steps. #446830 if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == *"inst" ]] ; then einfo "The current gcc config appears valid, so it will not be" einfo "automatically switched for you. If you would like to" einfo "switch to the newly installed gcc version, do the" einfo "following:" echo einfo "gcc-config ${CTARGET}-${GCC_CONFIG_VER}" einfo "source /etc/profile" echo fi return 1 fi } #---->> support and misc functions <<---- # This is to make sure we don't accidentally try to enable support for a # language that doesnt exist. GCC 3.4 supports f77, while 4.0 supports f95, etc. # # Also add a hook so special ebuilds (kgcc64) can control which languages # exactly get enabled gcc-lang-supported() { grep ^language=\"${1}\" "${S}"/gcc/*/config-lang.in > /dev/null || return 1 [[ -z ${TOOLCHAIN_ALLOWED_LANGS} ]] && return 0 has $1 ${TOOLCHAIN_ALLOWED_LANGS} } is_ada() { gcc-lang-supported ada || return 1 use_if_iuse ada } is_cxx() { gcc-lang-supported 'c++' || return 1 use_if_iuse cxx } is_d() { gcc-lang-supported d || return 1 use_if_iuse d } is_f77() { gcc-lang-supported f77 || return 1 use_if_iuse fortran } is_f95() { gcc-lang-supported f95 || return 1 use_if_iuse fortran } is_fortran() { gcc-lang-supported fortran || return 1 use_if_iuse fortran } is_gcj() { gcc-lang-supported java || return 1 use_if_iuse cxx && use_if_iuse gcj } is_go() { gcc-lang-supported go || return 1 use_if_iuse cxx && use_if_iuse go } is_jit() { gcc-lang-supported jit || return 1 # cross-compiler does not really support jit as it has # to generate code for a target. On target like avr # libgcclit.so can't link at all: bug #594572 is_crosscompile && return 1 use_if_iuse jit } is_multilib() { tc_version_is_at_least 3 || return 1 use_if_iuse multilib } is_objc() { gcc-lang-supported objc || return 1 use_if_iuse objc } is_objcxx() { gcc-lang-supported 'obj-c++' || return 1 use_if_iuse cxx && use_if_iuse objc++ } # Grab a variable from the build system (taken from linux-info.eclass) get_make_var() { local var=$1 makefile=${2:-${WORKDIR}/build/Makefile} echo -e "e:\\n\\t@echo \$(${var})\\ninclude ${makefile}" | \ r=${makefile%/*} emake --no-print-directory -s -f - 2>/dev/null } XGCC() { get_make_var GCC_FOR_TARGET ; } # The gentoo piessp patches allow for 3 configurations: # 1) PIE+SSP by default # 2) PIE by default # 3) SSP by default hardened_gcc_works() { if [[ $1 == "pie" ]] ; then # $gcc_cv_ld_pie is unreliable as it simply take the output of # `ld --help | grep -- -pie`, that reports the option in all cases, also if # the loader doesn't actually load the resulting executables. # To avoid breakage, blacklist FreeBSD here at least [[ ${CTARGET} == *-freebsd* ]] && return 1 want_pie || return 1 use_if_iuse nopie && return 1 hardened_gcc_is_stable pie return $? elif [[ $1 == "ssp" ]] ; then [[ -n ${SPECS_VER} ]] || return 1 use_if_iuse nossp && return 1 hardened_gcc_is_stable ssp return $? else # laziness ;) hardened_gcc_works pie || return 1 hardened_gcc_works ssp || return 1 return 0 fi } hardened_gcc_is_stable() { local tocheck if [[ $1 == "pie" ]] ; then if [[ ${CTARGET} == *-uclibc* ]] ; then tocheck=${PIE_UCLIBC_STABLE} else tocheck=${PIE_GLIBC_STABLE} fi elif [[ $1 == "ssp" ]] ; then if [[ ${CTARGET} == *-uclibc* ]] ; then tocheck=${SSP_UCLIBC_STABLE} elif [[ ${CTARGET} == *-gnu* ]] ; then tocheck=${SSP_STABLE} fi else die "hardened_gcc_stable needs to be called with pie or ssp" fi has $(tc-arch) ${tocheck} && return 0 return 1 } want_minispecs() { # on gcc 6 we don't need minispecs if tc_version_is_at_least 6.0 ; then return 0 fi if tc_version_is_at_least 4.3.2 && use_if_iuse hardened ; then if ! want_pie ; then ewarn "PIE_VER or SPECS_VER is not defined in the GCC ebuild." elif use vanilla ; then ewarn "You will not get hardened features if you have the vanilla USE-flag." elif use_if_iuse nopie && use_if_iuse nossp ; then ewarn "You will not get hardened features if you have the nopie and nossp USE-flag." elif ! hardened_gcc_works ; then ewarn "Your $(tc-arch) arch is not supported." else return 0 fi ewarn "Hope you know what you are doing. Hardened will not work." return 0 fi return 1 } want_pie() { ! use_if_iuse hardened && [[ -n ${PIE_VER} ]] && use_if_iuse nopie && return 1 [[ -n ${PIE_VER} ]] && [[ -n ${SPECS_VER} ]] && return 0 tc_version_is_at_least 4.3.2 && return 1 [[ -z ${PIE_VER} ]] && return 1 use_if_iuse nopie || return 0 return 1 } has toolchain_death_notice ${EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS} || EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS+=" toolchain_death_notice" toolchain_death_notice() { if [[ -e "${WORKDIR}"/build ]] ; then pushd "${WORKDIR}"/build >/dev/null (echo '' | $(tc-getCC ${CTARGET}) ${CFLAGS} -v -E - 2>&1) > gccinfo.log [[ -e "${T}"/build.log ]] && cp "${T}"/build.log . tar jcf "${WORKDIR}"/gcc-build-logs.tar.bz2 \ gccinfo.log build.log $(find -name config.log) rm gccinfo.log build.log eerror eerror "Please include ${WORKDIR}/gcc-build-logs.tar.bz2 in your bug report." eerror popd >/dev/null fi } # Note [implicitly enabled flags] # ------------------------------- # Usually configure-based packages handle explicit feature requests # like # ./configure --enable-foo # as explicit request to check for support of 'foo' and bail out at # configure time. # # GCC does not follow this pattern and instead overrides autodetection # of the feature and enables it unconditionally. # See bugs: # https://gcc.gnu.org/PR85663 (libsanitizer on mips) # https://bugs.gentoo.org/661252 (libvtv on powerpc64) # # Thus safer way to enable/disable the feature is to rely on implicit # enabled-by-default state: # econf $(usex foo '' --disable-foo)