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Diffstat (limited to 'x11-misc/x2x/files/x2x_1.30-10-keymap.patch')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x11-misc/x2x/files/x2x_1.30-10-keymap.patch b/x11-misc/x2x/files/x2x_1.30-10-keymap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1d7f543fcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-misc/x2x/files/x2x_1.30-10-keymap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+--- a./x2x.c
++++ b./x2x.c
+@@ -321,6 +321,12 @@ typedef struct _sticky {
+ KeySym keysym;
++typedef struct _keymap {
++ struct _keymap * pNext;
++ KeySym from;
++ KeySym to;
+ typedef int (*HANDLER)(); /* event handler function */
+ /* These prototypes need the typedefs */
+@@ -377,6 +383,7 @@ static Bool doDpmsMouse = False;
+ static int logicalOffset= 0;
+ static int nButtons = 0;
+ static KeySym buttonmap[N_BUTTONS + 1][MAX_BUTTONMAPEVENTS + 1];
++static PKEYMAP keymaps = NULL;
+ static Bool noScale = False;
+ static int compRegLeft = 0;
+ static int compRegRight = 0;
+@@ -571,7 +578,8 @@ char **argv;
+ PSHADOW pShadow;
+ extern char *lawyerese;
+ PSTICKY pNewSticky;
+- KeySym keysym;
++ PKEYMAP pNewKeymap;
++ KeySym keysym,keysym2;
+ int button;
+ int eventno;
+ char *keyname, *argptr;
+@@ -703,6 +711,22 @@ char **argv;
+ } else {
+ printf("x2x: warning: can't translate %s\n", argv[arg]);
+ }
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[arg], "-keymap")) {
++ if ((++arg+1) >= argc) Usage();
++ if (((keysym = XStringToKeysym(argv[arg])) != NoSymbol) &&
++ ((keysym2 = XStringToKeysym(argv[arg+1])) != NoSymbol)) {
++ pNewKeymap = (PKEYMAP)malloc(sizeof(KEYMAP));
++ pNewKeymap->pNext = keymaps;
++ pNewKeymap->from = keysym;
++ pNewKeymap->to = keysym2;
++ keymaps = pNewKeymap;
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ printf("will translate key %s to %s\n", argv[arg],argv[arg+1]);
++ } else {
++ printf("x2x: warning: can't translate %s or %s\n", argv[arg],argv[arg+1]);
++ }
++ arg++;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[arg], "-buttonmap")) {
+ if (++arg >= argc) Usage();
+ button = atoi(argv[arg]);
+@@ -2200,6 +2224,7 @@ XKeyEvent *pEv;
+ PSHADOW pShadow;
+ Bool bPress;
+ PSTICKY pSticky;
++ PKEYMAP pKeymap;
+ Bool DoFakeShift = False;
+ KeyCode toShiftCode;
+@@ -2211,6 +2236,15 @@ XKeyEvent *pEv;
+ XKeysymToString(keysym), (bPress ? "pressed" : "released"), pEv->state);
+ #endif
++ for (pKeymap = keymaps; pKeymap; pKeymap = pKeymap->pNext)
++ if (keysym == pKeymap->from) {
++ keysym = pKeymap->to;
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ printf("Key mapped from %x to %x\n", pKeymap->from, pKeymap->to);
++ }
+ /* If CapsLock is on, we need to do some funny business to make sure the */
+ /* "to" display does the right thing */
+ if(doCapsLkHack && (pEv->state & 0x2))