# ChangeLog for app-admin/collectd # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 22 Aug 2008; Thomas Beierlein (TomJBE) metadata.xml: Added USE flag description wrt GLEP 56 29 Jun 2007; Christian Faulhammer collectd-4.0.4.ebuild: added trailing slash to HOMEPAGE URI; added a looot of quotes and this myconf construct is just not necessary; exchange make with emake and use canonical die comments. Please make sure your ebuilds stick at least a bit to the normal QA standards 28 Jun 2007; Wolfgang Frisch (xororand) +collectd-4.0.4.ebuild, +files/collectd-4.0.4.confd, +files/collectd-4.0.4.initd, +metadata.xml: New ebuild for bug 107076