Then /^I should see instructions on becoming mentor for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |user| When "I am on edit \"#{user}\" user page" Then "I should see \"If you want to start or stop mentoring this recruit " + "go back to show page for this user and click 'Start/Stop mentoring " + "this recruit' button.\"" When 'I follow "show page for this user"' Then "I should be on show \"#{user}\" user page" end Then /^I should see explanation that I can't become mentor for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |user| When "I am on edit \"#{user}\" user page" Then "I should see \"You can not change mentor for this user (possible " + "reasons are: you're not logged in, you don't have mentor role, " + "someone else is mentor for this user).\"" end