""" common class implementations, and optimizations The functionality contained within this module is of primary use for building classes themselves and cutting down on a significant amount of boilerplate involved in writing classes. """ __all__ = ( "generic_equality", "reflective_hash", "inject_richcmp_methods_from_cmp", "static_attrgetter", "instance_attrgetter", "jit_attr", "jit_attr_none", "jit_attr_named", "jit_attr_ext_method", "alias_attr", "cached_hash", "cached_property", "cached_property_named", "steal_docs", "immutable_instance", "inject_immutable_instance", "alias_method", "aliased", "alias", "patch", "SlotsPicklingMixin", ) import inspect import itertools import typing from collections import deque from functools import partial, wraps from importlib import import_module from operator import attrgetter from .caching import WeakInstMeta from .currying import post_curry sentinel = object() def GetAttrProxy(target): def reflected_getattr(self, attr): return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, target), attr) return reflected_getattr def DirProxy(target): def combined_dir(obj): attrs = dir(getattr(obj, target)) try: attrs.extend(obj.__dict__) except AttributeError: attrs.extend(obj.__slots__) return sorted(set(attrs)) return combined_dir def contains(self, key): """ return True if key is in self, False otherwise """ try: # pylint: disable=pointless-statement self[key] return True except KeyError: return False def get(self, key, default=None): """ return ``default`` if ``key`` is not in self, else the value associated with ``key`` """ try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default _attrlist_getter = attrgetter("__attr_comparison__") def generic_attr_eq(inst1, inst2): """ compare inst1 to inst2, returning True if equal, False if not. Comparison is down via comparing attributes listed in inst1.__attr_comparison__ """ if inst1 is inst2: return True for attr in _attrlist_getter(inst1): if getattr(inst1, attr, sentinel) != \ getattr(inst2, attr, sentinel): return False return True def generic_attr_ne(inst1, inst2): """ compare inst1 to inst2, returning True if different, False if equal. Comparison is down via comparing attributes listed in inst1.__attr_comparison__ """ if inst1 is inst2: return False for attr in _attrlist_getter(inst1): if getattr(inst1, attr, sentinel) != getattr(inst2, attr, sentinel): return True return False def reflective_hash(attr): """ default __hash__ implementation that returns a pregenerated hash attribute :param attr: attribute name to pull the hash from on the instance :return: hash value for instance this func is used in. """ def __hash__(self): return getattr(self, attr) return __hash__ def _internal_jit_attr( func, attr_name, singleton=None, use_cls_setattr=False, use_singleton=True, doc=None): """Object implementing the descriptor protocol for use in Just In Time access to attributes. Consumers should likely be using the :py:func:`jit_func` line of helper functions instead of directly consuming this. """ doc = getattr(func, '__doc__', None) if doc is None else doc class _internal_jit_attr(_raw_internal_jit_attr): __doc__ = doc __slots__ = () kls = _internal_jit_attr return kls( func, attr_name, singleton=singleton, use_cls_setattr=use_cls_setattr, use_singleton=use_singleton) class _raw_internal_jit_attr: """See _internal_jit_attr; this is an implementation detail of that""" __slots__ = ("storage_attr", "function", "_setter", "singleton", "use_singleton") def __init__(self, func, attr_name, singleton=None, use_cls_setattr=False, use_singleton=True): """ :param func: function to invoke upon first request for this content :param attr_name: attribute name to store the generated value in :param singleton: an object to be used with getattr to discern if the attribute needs generation/regeneration; this is controllable so that consumers can force regeneration of the hash (if they wrote None to the attribute storage and singleton was None, it would regenerate for example). :param use_cls_setattr: if True, the target instances normal __setattr__ is used. if False, object.__setattr__ is used. If the instance is intended as immutable (and this is enforced by a __setattr__), use_cls_setattr=True would be warranted to bypass that protection for caching the hash value :type use_cls_setattr: boolean """ if bool(use_cls_setattr): self._setter = setattr else: self._setter = object.__setattr__ self.function = func self.storage_attr = attr_name self.singleton = singleton self.use_singleton = use_singleton def __get__(self, instance, obj_type): if instance is None: # accessed from the class, rather than a running instance. # access ourself... return self if not self.use_singleton: obj = self.function(instance) self._setter(instance, self.storage_attr, obj) else: try: obj = object.__getattribute__(instance, self.storage_attr) except AttributeError: obj = self.singleton if obj is self.singleton: obj = self.function(instance) self._setter(instance, self.storage_attr, obj) return obj def generic_equality(name, bases, scope, real_type=type, eq=generic_attr_eq, ne=generic_attr_ne): """ metaclass generating __eq__/__ne__ methods from an attribute list The consuming class must set a class attribute named __attr_comparison__ that is a sequence that lists the attributes to compare in determining equality or a string naming the class attribute to pull the list of attributes from (e.g. '__slots__'). :raise: TypeError if __attr_comparison__ is incorrectly defined >>> from snakeoil.klass import generic_equality >>> class foo(metaclass=generic_equality): ... __attr_comparison__ = ("a", "b", "c") ... def __init__(self, a=1, b=2, c=3): ... self.a, self.b, self.c = a, b, c >>> >>> assert foo() == foo() >>> assert not (foo() != foo()) >>> assert foo(1,2,3) == foo() >>> assert foo(3, 2, 1) != foo() """ attrlist = scope.pop("__attr_comparison__", None) if attrlist is None: raise TypeError("__attr_comparison__ must be in the classes scope") elif isinstance(attrlist, str): attrlist = scope[attrlist] for x in attrlist: if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError(f"all members of attrlist must be strings- got {type(x)!r} {x!r}") scope["__attr_comparison__"] = tuple(attrlist) scope.setdefault("__eq__", eq) scope.setdefault("__ne__", ne) return real_type(name, bases, scope) def generic_lt(self, other): """generic implementation of __lt__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def generic_le(self, other): """reflective implementation of __le__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def generic_eq(self, other): """reflective implementation of __eq__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def generic_ne(self, other): """reflective implementation of __ne__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def generic_ge(self, other): """reflective implementation of __ge__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def generic_gt(self, other): """reflective implementation of __gt__ that uses __cmp__""" return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def inject_richcmp_methods_from_cmp(scope): """ class namespace modifier injecting richcmp methods that rely on __cmp__ for py3k compatibility Note that this just injects generic implementations such as :py:func:`generic_lt`; if a method already exists, it will not override it. This behavior is primarily beneficial if the developer wants to optimize one specific method- __lt__ for sorting reasons for example, but performance is less of a concern for the other rich comparison methods. Example usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import inject_richcmp_methods_from_cmp >>> from snakeoil.compatibility import cmp >>> class foo: ... ... # note that for this example, we inject always since we're ... # explicitly accessing __ge__ methods- under py2k, they wouldn't ... # exist (__cmp__ would be sufficient). ... ... # add the generic rich comparsion methods to the local class namespace ... inject_richcmp_methods_from_cmp(locals()) ... ... def __init__(self, a, b): ... self.a, self.b = a, b ... ... def __cmp__(self, other): ... c = cmp(self.a, other.a) ... if c == 0: ... c = cmp(self.b, other.b) ... return c >>> >>> assert foo(1, 2).__ge__(foo(1, 1)) >>> assert foo(1, 1).__eq__(foo(1, 1)) :param scope: the modifiable scope of a class namespace to work on """ for key, func in (("__lt__", generic_lt), ("__le__", generic_le), ("__eq__", generic_eq), ("__ne__", generic_ne), ("__ge__", generic_ge), ("__gt__", generic_gt)): scope.setdefault(key, func) class chained_getter(metaclass=partial(generic_equality, real_type=WeakInstMeta)): """ object that will do multi part lookup, regardless of if it's in the context of an instancemethod or staticmethod. Note that developers should use :py:func:`static_attrgetter` or :py:func:`instance_attrgetter` instead of this class directly. They should do this since dependent on the python version, there may be a faster implementation to use- for python2.6, :py:func:`operator.attrgetter` can do this same functionality but cannot be used as an instance method (like most stdlib functions, it's a staticmethod) Example Usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import chained_getter >>> # general usage example: basically like operator.attrgetter >>> print(chained_getter("extend")(list).__name__) extend >>> >>> class foo: ... ... seq = (1,2,3) ... ... def __init__(self, a=1): ... self.a = a ... ... b = property(chained_getter("a")) ... # please note that recursive should be using :py:func:`alias_attr` instead, ... # since that's effectively what that functor does ... recursive = property(chained_getter("seq.__hash__")) >>> >>> o = foo() >>> print(o.a) 1 >>> print(o.b) 1 >>> print(o.recursive == foo.seq.__hash__) True """ __slots__ = ('namespace', 'getter') __fifo_cache__ = deque() __inst_caching__ = True __attr_comparison__ = ("namespace",) def __init__(self, namespace): """ :param namespace: python namespace path to try and resolve on target objects """ self.namespace = namespace self.getter = attrgetter(namespace) if len(self.__fifo_cache__) > 10: self.__fifo_cache__.popleft() self.__fifo_cache__.append(self) def __hash__(self): # XXX shouldn't this hash to self.__class__ in addition? # via the __eq__, it won't invalidly be the same, but still.. return hash(self.namespace) def __call__(self, obj): return self.getter(obj) static_attrgetter = attrgetter instance_attrgetter = chained_getter # we suppress the repr since if it's unmodified, it'll expose the id; # this annoyingly means our docs have to be recommitted every change, # even if no real code changed (since the id() continually moves)... class _singleton_kls: def __str__(self): return "uncached singleton instance" _uncached_singleton = _singleton_kls T = typing.TypeVar('T') def jit_attr(func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], T], kls=_internal_jit_attr, uncached_val: typing.Any=_uncached_singleton) -> T: """ decorator to JIT generate, and cache the wrapped functions result in '_' + func.__name__ on the instance. :param func: function to wrap :param kls: internal arg, overridden if you need a tweaked version of :py:class:`_internal_jit_attr` :param uncached_val: the value to treat as missing/force regeneration when accessing the instance. Note this normally defaults to a singleton that will not be in use anywhere else. :return: functor implementing the described behaviour """ attr_name = f"_{func.__name__}" return kls(func, attr_name, uncached_val, False) def jit_attr_none(func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], T], kls=_internal_jit_attr) -> T: """ Version of :py:func:`jit_attr` decorator that forces the uncached_val to None. This is mainly useful so that if any out of band forced regeneration of the value, they know they just have to write None to the attribute to force regeneration. """ return jit_attr(func, kls=kls, uncached_val=None) def jit_attr_named(stored_attr_name: str, use_cls_setattr=False, kls=_internal_jit_attr, uncached_val: typing.Any=_uncached_singleton, doc=None): """ Version of :py:func:`jit_attr` decorator that allows for explicit control over the attribute name used to store the cache value. See :py:class:`_internal_jit_attr` for documentation of the misc params. """ return post_curry(kls, stored_attr_name, uncached_val, use_cls_setattr, doc=doc) def jit_attr_ext_method(func_name: str, stored_attr_name: str, use_cls_setattr=False, kls=_internal_jit_attr, uncached_val: typing.Any=_uncached_singleton, doc=None): """ Decorator handing maximal control of attribute JIT'ing to the invoker. See :py:class:`internal_jit_attr` for documentation of the misc params. Generally speaking, you only need this when you are doing something rather *special*. """ return kls(alias_method(func_name), stored_attr_name, uncached_val, use_cls_setattr, doc=doc) def cached_property(func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], T], kls=_internal_jit_attr, use_cls_setattr=False) -> T: """ like `property`, just with caching This is usable in classes that aren't using slots; it exploits python lookup ordering such that on first access, the function is invoked generating the desired attribute. It then assigns that content to the same name as the property- directly into the instance dictionary. Subsequent accesses will find the value in the instance dictionary first- essentially just as fast as normal attribute access, just w/ the ability to generate the instance on first access (or to wipe the attribute and force a regeneration). Example Usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import cached_property >>> class foo: ... ... @cached_property ... def attr(self): ... print("invoked") ... return 1 >>> >>> obj = foo() >>> print(obj.attr) invoked 1 >>> print(obj.attr) 1 """ return kls(func, func.__name__, None, use_singleton=False, use_cls_setattr=use_cls_setattr) def cached_property_named(name: str, kls=_internal_jit_attr, use_cls_setattr=False): """ variation of `cached_property`, just with the ability to explicitly set the attribute name Primarily of use for when the functor it's wrapping has a generic name ( `functools.partial` instances for example). Example Usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import cached_property_named >>> class foo: ... ... @cached_property_named("attr") ... def attr(self): ... print("invoked") ... return 1 >>> >>> obj = foo() >>> print(obj.attr) invoked 1 >>> print(obj.attr) 1 """ return post_curry(kls, name, use_singleton=False, use_cls_setattr=use_cls_setattr) def alias_attr(target_attr): """ return a property that will alias access to target_attr target_attr can be multiple getattrs in addition- ``x.y.z`` is valid for example Example Usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import alias_attr >>> class foo: ... ... seq = (1,2,3) ... ... def __init__(self, a=1): ... self.a = a ... ... b = alias_attr("a") ... recursive = alias_attr("seq.__hash__") >>> >>> o = foo() >>> print(o.a) 1 >>> print(o.b) 1 >>> print(o.recursive == foo.seq.__hash__) True """ return property(instance_attrgetter(target_attr), doc=f"alias to {target_attr}") def cached_hash(func): """ decorator to cache the hash value. It's important to note that you should only be caching the hash value if you know it cannot change. >>> from snakeoil.klass import cached_hash >>> class foo: ... def __init__(self): ... self.hash_invocations = 0 ... ... @cached_hash ... def __hash__(self): ... self.hash_invocations += 1 ... return 12345 >>> >>> f = foo() >>> assert f.hash_invocations == 0 >>> assert hash(f) == 12345 >>> assert f.hash_invocations == 1 >>> assert hash(f) == 12345 # note we still get the same value >>> assert f.hash_invocations == 1 # and that the function was invoked only once. """ def __hash__(self): val = getattr(self, '_hash', None) if val is None: object.__setattr__(self, '_hash', val := func(self)) return val return __hash__ def steal_docs(target, ignore_missing=False, name=None): """ decorator to steal __doc__ off of a target class or function Specifically when the target is a class, it will look for a member matching the functors names from target, and clones those docs to that functor; otherwise, it will simply clone the targeted function's docs to the functor. :param target: class or function to steal docs from :param ignore_missing: if True, it'll swallow the exception if it cannot find a matching method on the target_class. This is rarely what you want- it's mainly useful for cases like `dict.has_key`, where it exists in py2k but doesn't in py3k :param name: function name from class to steal docs from, by default the name of the decorated function is used; only used when the target is a class name Example Usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import steal_docs >>> class foo(list): ... @steal_docs(list) ... def extend(self, *a): ... pass >>> >>> f = foo([1,2,3]) >>> assert f.extend.__doc__ == list.extend.__doc__ """ def inner(functor): if inspect.isclass(target): if name is not None: target_name = name else: target_name = functor.__name__ try: obj = getattr(target, target_name) except AttributeError: if not ignore_missing: raise return functor else: obj = target functor.__doc__ = obj.__doc__ return functor return inner def patch(target, external_decorator=None): """Simplified monkeypatching via decorator. :param target: target method to replace :param external_decorator: decorator used on target method, e.g. classmethod or staticmethod Example usage (that's entirely useless): >>> import math >>> from snakeoil.klass import patch >>> @patch('math.ceil') >>> def ceil(orig_ceil, n): ... return math.floor(n) >>> assert math.ceil(0.1) == 0 """ def _import_module(target): components = target.split('.') import_path = components.pop(0) module = import_module(import_path) for comp in components: try: module = getattr(module, comp) except AttributeError: import_path += ".%s" % comp module = import_module(import_path) return module def _get_target(target): try: module, attr = target.rsplit('.', 1) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError(f"invalid target: {target!r}") module = _import_module(module) return module, attr def decorator(func): # use the original function wrapper func = getattr(func, '_func', func) module, attr = _get_target(target) orig_func = getattr(module, attr) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(orig_func, *args, **kwargs) # save the original function wrapper wrapper._func = func if external_decorator is not None: wrapper = external_decorator(wrapper) # overwrite the original method with our wrapper setattr(module, attr, wrapper) return wrapper return decorator def _immutable_setattr(self, attr, value): raise AttributeError(self, attr) def _immutable_delattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(self, attr) def immutable_instance(name, bases, scope, real_type=type): """metaclass that makes instances of this class effectively immutable It still is possible to do object.__setattr__ to get around it during initialization, but usage of this class effectively prevents accidental modification, instead requiring explicit modification.""" inject_immutable_instance(scope) return real_type(name, bases, scope) def inject_immutable_instance(scope): """inject immutable __setattr__ and __delattr__ implementations see immutable_instance for further details :param scope: mapping to modify, inserting __setattr__ and __delattr__ methods if they're not yet defined. """ scope.setdefault("__setattr__", _immutable_setattr) scope.setdefault("__delattr__", _immutable_delattr) class ImmutableInstance: """Class that disables surface-level attribute modifications.""" __setattr__ = _immutable_setattr __delattr__ = _immutable_delattr def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__.copy() def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): object.__setattr__(self, k, v) def alias_method(attr, name=None, doc=None): """at runtime, redirect to another method This is primarily useful for when compatibility, or a protocol requires you to have the same functionality available at multiple spots- for example :py:func:`dict.has_key` and :py:func:`dict.__contains__`. :param attr: attribute to redirect to :param name: ``__name__`` to force for the new method if desired :param doc: ``__doc__`` to force for the new method if desired >>> from snakeoil.klass import alias_method >>> class foon: ... def orig(self): ... return 1 ... alias = alias_method("orig") >>> obj = foon() >>> assert obj.orig() == obj.alias() >>> assert obj.alias() == 1 """ grab_attr = static_attrgetter(attr) def _asecond_level_call(self, *a, **kw): return grab_attr(self)(*a, **kw) if doc is None: doc = f"Method alias to invoke :py:meth:`{attr}`." _asecond_level_call.__doc__ = doc if name: _asecond_level_call.__name__ = name return _asecond_level_call class alias: """Decorator for making methods callable through aliases. This decorator must be used inside a class decorated with @aliased. Example usage: >>> from snakeoil.klass import aliased, alias >>> @aliased >>> class Speak: ... @alias('yell', 'scream') ... def shout(message): ... return message.upper() >>> >>> speak = Speak() >>> assert speak.shout('foo') == speak.yell('foo') == speak.scream('foo') """ def __init__(self, *aliases): self.aliases = set(aliases) def __call__(self, func): func._aliases = self.aliases return func def aliased(cls): """Class decorator used in combination with @alias method decorator.""" orig_methods = cls.__dict__.copy() seen_aliases = set() for _name, method in orig_methods.items(): if hasattr(method, '_aliases'): collisions = method._aliases.intersection(orig_methods.keys() | seen_aliases) if collisions: raise ValueError( f"aliases collide with existing attributes: {', '.join(collisions)}") seen_aliases |= method._aliases for alias in method._aliases: setattr(cls, alias, method) return cls class SlotsPicklingMixin: """Default pickling support for classes that use __slots__.""" __slots__ = () def __getstate__(self): all_slots = itertools.chain.from_iterable( getattr(t, '__slots__', ()) for t in type(self).__mro__) state = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in all_slots if hasattr(self, attr) and attr != '__weakref__'} return state def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): object.__setattr__(self, k, v)