path: root/data
diff options
authorArthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>2022-11-16 14:35:05 +0200
committerArthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>2022-11-16 20:08:28 +0200
commit27dd5ec2b8ca977e0b9711eca0d6cba543743a4e (patch)
treec35b3f648ca6cdb1473f02a5b837a654e81b1f7f /data
parentcommit: mention `-e` as nice option (diff)
build backend: use custom wrapper around flit
For pkgcore we need to run multiple preparations of generating files before creating sdist or wheel. Flit is a very simple and nice build backend, much more than setuptools. Also migrate to use snakeoil.dist sphinx extension for generating man and html, to remove various logic from `doc/conf.py`. Signed-off-by: Arthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
2 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/share/bash-completion/completions/pkgdev b/data/share/bash-completion/completions/pkgdev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1408292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/share/bash-completion/completions/pkgdev
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# bash completion for pkgdev
+source "/usr/share/bash-completion/helpers/gentoo-common.sh"
+_pkgdev() {
+ local i=1 cmd cur prev words cword split
+ _init_completion || return
+ local subcommands="
+ commit
+ manifest
+ mask
+ push
+ showkw
+ "
+ local base_options="
+ -h --help
+ --version
+ --debug
+ -q --quiet
+ -v --verbose
+ --color
+ "
+ local boolean_options="
+ true
+ false
+ "
+ _list_repo_atoms() {
+ builtin cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || return
+ if [[ $cur == */* ]]; then
+ compgen -W "$(compgen -G "${cur}*" )" -- "${cur}"
+ else
+ compgen -W "$(compgen -G "${cur}*" -S / )" -- "${cur}"
+ fi
+ }
+ if [[ ${prev} = "--color" ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${boolean_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ return
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${base_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ # find the subcommand
+ while [[ "${i}" -lt "${COMP_CWORD}" ]]; do
+ local s="${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
+ case "${s}" in
+ -*) ;;
+ *)
+ cmd="${s}"
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ if [[ "${i}" -eq "${COMP_CWORD}" ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcommands}" -- "${cur}"))
+ return
+ fi
+ local subcmd_options
+ case "${cmd}" in
+ commit)
+ subcmd_options="
+ -b --bug
+ -c --closes
+ -T --tag
+ -n --dry-run
+ -s --scan
+ -A --ask
+ --mangle
+ --signoff
+ -m --message
+ -M --message-template
+ -e --edit
+ -u --update
+ -a --all
+ "
+ case "${prev}" in
+ -[bcTm] | --bug | --closes | --tag | --message)
+ ;;
+ -M | --message-template)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ -s | --scan | --mangle)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${boolean_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ *)
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcmd_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ manifest)
+ subcmd_options="
+ -f --force
+ -m --mirrors
+ -d --distdir
+ --if-modified
+ "
+ case "${prev}" in
+ -d | --distdir)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -d -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ *)
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcmd_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ COMPREPLY+=($(_list_repo_atoms))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ mask)
+ subcmd_options="
+ -r --rites
+ -b --bugs
+ --email
+ "
+ case "${prev}" in
+ -[rb] | --rites | --bugs)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcmd_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ COMPREPLY+=($(_list_repo_atoms))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ push)
+ subcmd_options="
+ -A --ask
+ -n --dry-run
+ "
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcmd_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ showkw)
+ subcmd_options="
+ -f --format
+ -c --collapse
+ -s --stable
+ -u --unstable
+ -o --only-unstable
+ -p --prefix
+ -a --arch
+ -r --repo
+ "
+ case "${prev}" in
+ -f | --format)
+ format_options="
+ fancy_grid
+ fancy_outline
+ github
+ grid
+ html
+ jira
+ latex
+ latex_booktabs
+ latex_longtable
+ latex_raw
+ mediawiki
+ moinmoin
+ orgtbl
+ pipe
+ plain
+ presto
+ pretty
+ psql
+ rst
+ showkw
+ simple
+ textile
+ tsv
+ unsafehtml
+ youtrack
+ "
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${format_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ -r | --repo)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(_parsereposconf -l)" -- "${cur}"))
+ ;;
+ -a | --arch)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "${subcmd_options}" -- "${cur}"))
+ COMPREPLY+=($(_list_repo_atoms))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+complete -F _pkgdev pkgdev
+# vim: set ft=bash sw=4 et sts=4 :
diff --git a/data/share/zsh/site-functions/_pkgdev b/data/share/zsh/site-functions/_pkgdev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2c95bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/share/zsh/site-functions/_pkgdev
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#compdef pkgdev
+typeset -a base_options
+local curcontext=$curcontext state state_descr line ret=1
+ '(- :)'{-h,--help}'[show help information and exit]'
+ '(- :)'--version'[show version information and exit]'
+ '(--debug --help -h)--debug[enable debugging output]'
+ '(--quiet -q --verbose -v)'{-q,--quiet}'[suppress non-error output]'
+ '(--verbose -v --quiet -q)'{-v,--verbose}'[show verbose output]'
+ "--color[Color output]:yes/no:((y\:'yes' n\:'no'))"
+_arguments -C \
+ $base_options \
+ '(-): :->command' \
+ '(-)*:: :->subcommand' \
+ && ret=0
+case $state in
+ (command)
+ typeset -a subcommands
+ subcommands=(
+ commit:'create git commit'
+ manifest:'update package manifests'
+ mask:'mask packages'
+ push:'run QA checks on commits and push them'
+ showkw:'show package keywords'
+ )
+ _describe -t subcommands subcommand subcommands && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (subcommand)
+ curcontext=${curcontext%:*}-$line[1]:
+ case $line[1] in
+ (commit)
+ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
+ $base_options \
+ {'(--bug)-b','(-b)--bug'}'[add Bug tag for a given Gentoo or upstream bug]:bug ID or URL' \
+ {'(--closes)-c','(-c)--closes'}'[add Closes tag for a given Gentoo bug or upstream PR URL]:bug ID or URL' \
+ {'(--tag)-T','(-T)--tag'}'[add commit tag]:tag\:value' \
+ {'(--dry-run)-n','(-n)--dry-run'}'[pretend to create commit]' \
+ {'(--scan)-s','(-s)--scan'}'[run pkgcheck against staged changes]' \
+ {'(--ask)-A','(-A)--ask'}'[confirm creating commit with QA errors]' \
+ '--mangle[forcibly enable/disable file mangling]' \
+ '--signoff[add a Signed-off-by trailer]' \
+ \*{--message,-m}'[specify commit message]:message' \
+ {'(--message-template)-M','(-M)--message-template'}'[use commit message template from specified file]:template:_files' \
+ {'(--edit)-e','(-e)--edit'}'[force edit of commit]' \
+ {'(--update)-u','(-u)--update'}'[stage all changed files]' \
+ {'(--all)-a','(-a)--all'}'[stage all changed/new/removed files]' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (manifest)
+ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
+ $base_options \
+ {'(--distdir)-d','(-d)--distdir'}'[target download directory]:distdir:_files -/' \
+ {'(--force)-f','(-f)--force'}'[forcibly remanifest packages]' \
+ {'(--mirrors)-m','(-m)--mirrors'}'[enable fetching from Gentoo mirrors]' \
+ '--if-modified[only check packages that have uncommitted modifications]' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (mask)
+ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
+ $base_options \
+ {'(--rites)-r','(-r)--rites'}'[mark for last rites]' \
+ {'(--bugs)-b','(-b)--bugs'}'[reference bug in the mask comment]' \
+ '--email[spawn email composer with prepared email for sending to mailing lists]' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (push)
+ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
+ $base_options \
+ {'(--ask)-A','(-A)--ask'}'[confirm pushing commits with QA errors]' \
+ {'(--dry-run)-n','(-n)--dry-run'}'[pretend to push commits]' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (showkw)
+ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
+ $base_options \
+ {'(--format)-f','(-f)--format'}'[keywords table format]' \
+ {'(--collapse)-c','(-c)--collapse'}'[show collapsed list of arches]' \
+ {'(--stable)-s','(-s)--stable'}'[show stable arches]' \
+ {'(--unstable)-u','(-u)--unstable'}'[show unstable arches]' \
+ {'(--only-unstable)-o','(-o)--only-unstable'}'[show arches that only have unstable keywords]' \
+ {'(--prefix)-p','(-p)--prefix'}'[show prefix and non-native arches]' \
+ {'(--arch)-a','(-a)--arch'}'[select arches to display]:arch' \
+ {'(--repo)-r','(-r)--repo'}'[repo to query]:repo' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (*)
+ _nothing
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+return ret
+# vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 ft=zsh: