#!/bin/bash [[ ${CONFIG} ]] && CONFIG=$(printf "%q\n" "$(realpath "${CONFIG}")") export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/lib/java-ebuilder/bin" export EROOT=$(dirname /etc) if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then echo This is a helper to automagically generate ebuild for echo Maven artifacts defined in ${EROOT}/etc/java-ebuilder.conf echo echo Usage: movl [options] [target] ... echo Options: please refer to \`make -h\` echo Targets: echo " all alias for stage2 and post-stage2" echo " build alias for stage2 and post-stage2" echo " stage1 resolve the dependency graph of the provided Maven artifact" echo " stage2 generate ebuild files of the whole dep graph" echo " force-stage2 force generate stage2 ebuild files" echo " post-stage2 generate digests for ebuilds" echo " clean-cache remove cache files" echo " clean-stage1 remove stage1-related stuffs" echo " clean-stage2 remove stage2-related stuffs" echo " clean remove all the generated stuffs" echo "Bash Variables:" echo " CONFIG path to the config file" echo " default: ${EROOT}/etc/java-ebuilder.conf" echo " DEFAULT_CATEGORY the default category of the generated ebuilds" echo " default: app-maven" echo " MAVEN_NODEP set this variable to stop tree.sh from recursively resolving" echo " the dependencies of MAVEN_ARTS" echo " REPOSITORY where to find the pom and jar files" echo " default: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2" echo " TSH_NODEBUG set this variable to make \`movl build\` more silent" exit fi else movl -h exit 0 fi cd "${EROOT}/usr/lib/java-ebuilder/Makefiles" make $@