#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import re import sys import distutils from distutils import core, log from glob import glob import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pym')) __version__ = os.getenv('VERSION', default='9999') cwd = os.getcwd() # Load EPREFIX from Portage, fall back to the empty string if it fails try: from portage.const import EPREFIX except ImportError: EPREFIX='/' # Bash files that need `VERSION=""` subbed, relative to this dir: bash_scripts = [os.path.join(cwd, path) for path in ( 'bin/euse', 'bin/revdep-rebuild' )] # Python files that need `__version__ = ""` subbed, relative to this dir: python_scripts = [os.path.join(cwd, path) for path in ( 'bin/eclean', 'bin/epkginfo', 'bin/glsa-check', 'pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py', 'pym/gentoolkit/analyse/__init__.py', 'pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py', 'pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py' )] class set_version(core.Command): """Set python __version__ and bash VERSION to our __version__.""" description = "hardcode scripts' version using VERSION from environment" user_options = [] # [(long_name, short_name, desc),] def initialize_options (self): pass def finalize_options (self): pass def run(self): ver = 'svn' if __version__ == '9999' else __version__ print("Settings version to %s" % ver) def sub(files, pattern): for f in files: updated_file = [] with open(f) as s: for line in s: newline = re.sub(pattern, '"%s"' % ver, line, 1) if newline != line: log.info("%s: %s" % (f, newline)) updated_file.append(newline) with open(f, 'w') as s: s.writelines(updated_file) quote = r'[\'"]{1}' bash_re = r'(?<=VERSION=)' + quote + '[^\'"]*' + quote sub(bash_scripts, bash_re) python_re = r'(?<=^__version__ = )' + quote + '[^\'"]*' + quote sub(python_scripts, python_re) def load_test(): """Only return the real test class if it's actually being run so that we don't depend on snakeoil just to install.""" desc = "run the test suite" if 'test' in sys.argv[1:]: try: from snakeoil import distutils_extensions except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Error: We depend on dev-python/snakeoil ") sys.stderr.write("to run tests.\n") sys.exit(1) class test(distutils_extensions.test): description = desc default_test_namespace = 'gentoolkit.test' else: class test(core.Command): description = desc return test packages = [ str('.'.join(root.split(os.sep)[1:])) for root, dirs, files in os.walk('pym/gentoolkit') if '__init__.py' in files ] test_data = { 'gentoolkit': [ 'test/eclean/Packages', 'test/eclean/testdistfiles.tar.gz', 'test/eclean/distfiles.exclude' ] } core.setup( name='gentoolkit', version=__version__, description='Set of tools that work with and enhance portage.', author='', author_email='', maintainer='Gentoo Portage Tools Team', maintainer_email='tools-portage@gentoo.org', url='http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/tools/index.xml', download_url='http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/gentoolkit-%s.tar.gz'\ % __version__, package_dir={'': 'pym'}, packages=packages, package_data = test_data, scripts=(glob('bin/*')), data_files=( (os.path.join(EPREFIX, 'etc/env.d'), ['data/99gentoolkit-env']), (os.path.join(EPREFIX, 'etc/revdep-rebuild'), ['data/revdep-rebuild/99revdep-rebuild']), (os.path.join(EPREFIX, 'etc/eclean'), glob('data/eclean/*')), (os.path.join(EPREFIX, 'usr/share/man/man1'), glob('man/*')), ), cmdclass={ 'test': load_test(), 'set_version': set_version, }, ) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79: