tnftp: Arbitrary file overwriting tnftp fails to validate filenames when downloading files, making it vulnerable to arbitrary file overwriting. tnftp January 14, 2005 January 14, 2005: 01 74704 remote 20050103 20050103

tnftp is a NetBSD FTP client with several advanced features.

The 'mget' function in cmds.c lacks validation of the filenames that are supplied by the server.

An attacker running an FTP server could supply clients with malicious filenames, potentially allowing the overwriting of arbitrary files with the permission of the connected user.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All tnftp users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-ftp/tnftp-20050103"
CAN-2004-1294 Original Advisory koon koon lewk