# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/openmotif/openmotif-2.1.30-r4.ebuild,v 1.9 2004/06/28 19:04:56 agriffis Exp $ inherit eutils MY_P=${P}-4_MLI.src S=${WORKDIR}/motif DESCRIPTION="Open Motif (Metrolink Bug Fix Release)" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.metrolink.com/pub/openmotif/2.1.30-4/${MY_P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.metrolink.com/openmotif/" LICENSE="MOTIF" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc alpha hppa amd64 ia64 mips" IUSE="" DEPEND="virtual/libc virtual/x11 >=sys-apps/sed-4" SLOT="0" # glibc-2.3.2-r1/gcc-3.2.3 /w `-mcpu=athlon-xp -O2', right-clicking # in nedit triggers DPMS monitor standby instead of popping up the # context menu. this doesn't happen on my `stable' test partition # where everything is compiled i686, nor with most non-essential # packages athlon-xp and only motif i686. needs investigation. inherit flag-o-matic replace-flags "-mcpu=athlon-xp" "-mcpu=i686" src_unpack() { local cfg="${S}/config/cf/site.def" unpack ${A} cd ${S} ebegin "adjusting file permissions" chmod -R ug+w . eend $? || die ebegin "setting up site.def" cp ${FILESDIR}/site.def ${S}/config/cf/ && \ echo >>$cfg && \ echo >>$cfg "#undef OptimizedCDebugFlags" && \ echo >>$cfg "#define OptimizedCDebugFlags ${CFLAGS}" && \ echo >>$cfg "#undef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags" && \ echo >>$cfg "#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags ${CXXFLAGS}" eend $? || die sed -i -e "s:#define USE_BYACC YES:#undef USE_BYACC:" config/cf/host.def # move `system.mwmrc' from `lib/X11' to `lib/X11/mwm' (but install into # `/etc/X11/mwm') ebegin "patching 'clients/mwm/Imakefile' (mwm confdir)" LC_ALL="C" sed -i \ -e 's:\(SpecialObjectRule.*WmResParse\.o.*/lib/X11\)\(.*\):\1/mwm\2:'\ -e 's:\(InstallNonExecFile.system\.mwmrc,\).*/lib/X11\(.*\):\1/etc/X11/mwm\2:'\ "${S}/clients/mwm/Imakefile" eend $? || die # epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-imake-tmpdir.patch # compile on gcc 2.9x epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-imake-ansi.patch } src_compile() { mkdir -p imports/x11 cd imports/x11 ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin bin ln -s /usr/X11R6/include include ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib lib cd ${S} make World || die } src_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} VARDIR=${D}/var/X11/ install || die "make install" make DESTDIR=${D} install.man || die "make install.man" # these overlap with X11 local NOINSTBIN="imake lndir makedepend makeg mergelib mkdirhier xmkmf" local NOINSTMAN1="imake lndir makedepend makeg mkdirhier xmkmf" einfo "Cleaning up X11 stuff" rm -fR ${D}/etc for nib in ${NOINSTBIN}; do f="${D}usr/X11R6/bin/${nib}"; rm "$f" || die "rm $f" done for nim in ${NOINSTMAN1}; do f="${D}usr/X11R6/man/man1/${nim}.1x"; rm "$f" || die "rm $f" done rm -rf "${D}usr/X11R6/lib/X11" || die "rm config" rm -rf "${D}usr/X11R6/lib/bindings" || die "rm bindings" einfo "Fixing docs" dodoc README COPYRIGHT.MOTIF RELEASE RELNOTES dodoc BUGREPORT OPENBUGS CLOSEDBUGS } pkg_postinst() { ewarn "This might break applications linked against libXm.so.3" ewarn "Just rebuild these applications." }