# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/hardened-sources/hardened-sources-2.4.20-r4.ebuild,v 1.2 2003/07/22 20:00:32 vapier Exp $ IUSE="build selinux" # OKV=original kernel version, KV=patched kernel version. They can be the same. ETYPE="sources" inherit kernel OKV=2.4.20 EXTRAVERSION=-hardened-r4 KV=${OKV}${EXTRAVERSION} S=${WORKDIR}/linux-${KV} DESCRIPTION="Special Security Hardened Gentoo Linux Kernel" SRC_URI="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/patches-${KV}.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="http://www.kernel.org/ http://www.gentoo.org/hardened/" KEYWORDS="~x86" SLOT="${KV}" src_unpack() { unpack linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2 patches-${KV}.tar.bz2 mv linux-${OKV} linux-${KV} || die cd ${KV} # We can't use LSM/SELinux and GRSec in the same kernel. If USE=selinux, we will # patch in LSM/SELinux and drop support for GRsec. Otherwise we will include GRSec. if [ "`use selinux`" ]; then einfo "Enabling SELinux support. This will drop GRSec2 support." for file in *grsec*; do einfo "Dropping ${file}.." rm -f ${file} done else einfo "Did not find \"selinux\" in use, building with GRSec2 support." for file in *lsm* *selinux*; do einfo "Dropping ${file}..." rm -f ${file} done fi kernel_src_unpack } src_install() { if [ "`use selinux`" ]; then insinto /usr/flask doins ${S}/security/selinux/flask/access_vectors doins ${S}/security/selinux/flask/security_classes doins ${S}/security/selinux/flask/initial_sids insinto /usr/include/linux/flask doins ${S}/security/selinux/include/linux/flask/*.h insinto /usr/include/asm/flask doins ${S}/security/selinux/include/asm/flask/uninstd.h fi kernel_src_install } pkg_postinst() { einfo "This kernel contains LSM/SElinux or GRSecurity, and Systrace" einfo "Also included are various other performance and security related patches" einfo "If you experience problems with this kernel please report them by" einfo "assigning bugs on bugs.gentoo.org to frogger@gentoo.org" }