# ChangeLog for sci-biology/rmblast # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-biology/rmblast/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2013/02/18 10:48:11 jlec Exp $ *rmblast-1.2-r1 (18 Feb 2013) 18 Feb 2013; Justin Lecher rmblast-1.2.ebuild, +rmblast-1.2-r1.ebuild, +files/rmblast-1.2-gcc47.patch, metadata.xml: Bug fixes: Build against any boost, #356315; build with gcc-4.7, #442266 31 Oct 2012; Diego E. Pettenò rmblast-1.2.ebuild: QA: drop maximum boost version dep; if it fails to build, it has to be fixed. 02 May 2011; Justin Lecher rmblast-1.2.ebuild: Removed redundant src_install *rmblast-1.2 (06 Nov 2010) 06 Nov 2010; Andrey Kislyuk +rmblast-1.2.ebuild, +metadata.xml: New package, dependency of sci-biology/repeatmasker. Ebuild written by me