# ChangeLog for net-proxy/swiftiply # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-proxy/swiftiply/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2013/09/07 14:50:10 tomwij Exp $ *swiftiply-0.6.4-r2 (07 Sep 2013) 07 Sep 2013; Tom Wijsman +swiftiply-0.6.4-r2.ebuild, -swiftiply-0.6.4-r1.ebuild: Use Ruby implementation, as suggested by mrueg. 07 Sep 2013; Tom Wijsman swiftiply-0.6.4-r1.ebuild: Add back ruby18 to keep support for it until it is actually dropped. *swiftiply-0.6.4-r1 (07 Sep 2013) 07 Sep 2013; Tom Wijsman +swiftiply-0.6.4-r1.ebuild, -swiftiply-0.6.4.ebuild: Revision bump. Use Ruby 19. Also added missing mongrel dependency (as became apparent by the tests) and fixed up documentation generation. Fixes bug #475312. 02 May 2013; Tom Wijsman +files/swiftiply-0.6.4-test-http-headers-order-fix.patch, swiftiply-0.6.4.ebuild: Gave the distfile a more unique name. Added a patch to no longer test uninportant random data causing tests to unnecessarly fail, all test pass multiple times. Removed QA warning. 02 May 2013; Tom Wijsman +files/swiftiply-0.6.4-cache-base-mixin-fix.patch, swiftiply-0.6.4.ebuild: Fixed a test failure, there are still random failures left where the HTTP headers return in a different order. *swiftiply-0.6.4 (19 Apr 2013) 19 Apr 2013; Tom Wijsman +files/swiftiply-0.6.4-test-deque-fix.patch, +swiftiply-0.6.4.ebuild, -files/swiftiply-, -swiftiply- Version bump to 0.6.4 which fixes all compilation errors and most test errors, there is only one failing test remaining. *swiftiply- (31 Mar 2013) 31 Mar 2013; Tom Wijsman +files/swiftiply-, +swiftiply-, -swiftiply- Fixed building of the fastfilereader extension. Added necessary dev- ruby/cgi_multipart_eof_fix and www-servers/mongrel dependencies. Made testing phase empty since there is no Rakefile. *swiftiply- (31 Mar 2013) 31 Mar 2013; Tom Wijsman +metadata.xml, +swiftiply- New ebuild for swiftiply. Ebuild contributed by Jochen Schalanda which has been updated to use the new eclasses. Fixes bug #198500.