# /etc/conf.d/vdr.satip: # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-satip/files/confd,v 1.1 2015/02/02 20:51:30 hd_brummy Exp $ #Configuration: #The plugin accepts a "--devices" (-d) command-line parameter defaulting #to one. This parameter defines how many simultaneous transponders can #be received, if there are available SAT>IP tuners. #The plugin accepts also a "--server" (-s) command-line parameter, that #can be used to manually configure static SAT>IP servers if autodetection #via UPnP somehow can't be used. The parameter string is a semicolon #separated list of "||" entries. The model #consists of a DVB system (DVBS2,DVBT2,DVBT,DVBC) and number of available #frontends separated by a hyphen: #vdr -P 'satip -s ||;...' #vdr -P 'satip -s|DVBS2-2,DVBT2-2|Octo1' #vdr -P 'satip -s|DVBS2-4|Octo1;|DVBT2-4|Octo2' # no default parameters # uncomment the next line and add your personal settings, # depend on the infos from ahead # #_EXTRAOPTS""