# ChangeLog for games-action/descent2-data # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/descent2-data/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2007/09/06 22:30:22 wolf31o2 Exp $ 06 Sep 2007; Chris Gianelloni descent2-data-1.0.ebuild: Removed the RDEPEND section since it was causing dependency issues. 07 Mar 2007; Chris Gianelloni descent2-data-1.0.ebuild: Change the FILESDIR checks to be DISTDIR, so nobody needs to keep a copy fo this in an overlay to use that functionality. 07 Mar 2007; Chris Gianelloni descent2-data-1.0.ebuild: Updated the ebuild with changes from Hendrik Iben and Paul Bredbury . Closing bug #168463. *descent2-data-1.0 (09 Jan 2007) 09 Jan 2007; Chris Gianelloni +metadata.xml, +descent2-data-1.0.ebuild: Initial import. Ebuild by Paul Bredbury based loosely on the games-action/d2x ebuild. Closing bug #137307.