# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/boost/boost-1.41.0-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/12/21 10:13:40 djc Exp $ EAPI="2" inherit python flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator check-reqs MY_P=${PN}_$(replace_all_version_separators _) DESCRIPTION="Boost Libraries for C++" HOMEPAGE="http://www.boost.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/boost/${MY_P}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="Boost-1.0" SLOT="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)" IUSE="debug doc +eselect expat icu mpi python test tools" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd" RDEPEND="icu? ( >=dev-libs/icu-3.3 ) expat? ( dev-libs/expat ) mpi? ( || ( >=sys-cluster/openmpi-1.2.9[cxx] =app-admin/eselect-boost-0.3" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} dev-util/boost-build:${SLOT}" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} MAJOR_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators _ ${SLOT}) BJAM="bjam-${MAJOR_PV}" # Usage: # _add_line # ... to add to specific profile # or # _add_line # ... to add to all profiles for which the use flag set _add_line() { if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "${1}" >> "${D}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT}/default" use debug && echo "${1}" >> "${D}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT}/debug" else echo "${1}" >> "${D}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT}/${2}" fi } pkg_setup() { # It doesn't compile with USE="python mpi" and python-3 (bug 295705) if use python && use mpi ; then python_version if [[ "${PYVER_MAJOR}" != "2" ]]; then eerror "The Boost.MPI python bindings do not support any other python version" eerror "than 2.x. Please either use eselect to select a python 2.x version or" eerror "disable the python and/or mpi use flag for =${CATEGORY}/${PF}." die "unsupported python version" fi fi if use test ; then CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="1024" check_reqs ewarn "The tests may take several hours on a recent machine" ewarn "but they will not fail (unless something weird happens ;-)" ewarn "This is because the tests depend on the used compiler/-version" ewarn "and the platform and upstream says that this is normal." ewarn "If you are interested in the results, please take a look at the" ewarn "generated results page:" ewarn " ${ROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}/status/cs-$(uname).html" ebeep 5 fi if use debug ; then ewarn "The debug USE-flag means that a second set of the boost libraries" ewarn "will be built containing debug-symbols. You'll be able to select them" ewarn "using the boost-eselect module. But even though the optimization flags" ewarn "you might have set are not stripped, there will be a performance" ewarn "penalty and linking other packages against the debug version" ewarn "of boost is _not_ recommended." fi } src_prepare() { epatch "${FILESDIR}/remove-toolset-${PV}.patch" # bug 291660 epatch "${FILESDIR}/boost-${PV}-parameter-needs-python.patch" # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/196471 epatch "${FILESDIR}/boost-${PV}-mpi_process_group-missing-include.patch" # https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3010 epatch "${FILESDIR}/boost-${PV}-iostreams-missing-include-guard.patch" # bug 297163 # https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3352 epatch "${FILESDIR}/boost-${PV}-fix-CRC-on-x64-during-gzip-decompression.patch" # bug 297500 # https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3724 epatch "${FILESDIR}/boost-${PV}-spirit-fixed-include-guard-conflict.patch" # This enables building the boost.random library with /dev/urandom support if [[ -e /dev/urandom ]] ; then mkdir -p libs/random/build cp "${FILESDIR}/random-Jamfile" libs/random/build/Jamfile.v2 # yeah, we WANT it to work on non-Linux too sed -i -e 's/#ifdef __linux__/#if 1/' libs/random/random_device.cpp || die fi } src_configure() { einfo "Writing new user-config.jam" local compiler compilerVersion compilerExecutable mpi if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then compiler=darwin compilerVersion=$(gcc-fullversion) compilerExecutable=$(tc-getCXX) # we need to add the prefix, and in two cases this exceeds, so prepare # for the largest possible space allocation append-ldflags -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names else compiler=gcc compilerVersion=$(gcc-version) compilerExecutable=$(tc-getCXX) fi # Using -fno-strict-aliasing to prevent possible creation of invalid code. append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing use mpi && mpi="using mpi ;" if use python ; then python_version pystring="using python : ${PYVER} : /usr : /usr/include/python${PYVER} : /usr/lib/python${PYVER} ;" fi cat > "${S}/user-config.jam" << __EOF__ variant gentoorelease : release : none none ; variant gentoodebug : debug : none ; using ${compiler} : ${compilerVersion} : ${compilerExecutable} : "${CXXFLAGS}" "${LDFLAGS}" ; ${pystring} ${mpi} __EOF__ # Maintainer information: # The debug-symbols=none and optimization=none # are not official upstream flags but a Gentoo # specific patch to make sure that all our # CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS are being respected. # Using optimization=off would for example add # "-O0" and override "-O2" set by the user. # Please take a look at the boost-build ebuild # for more infomration. use icu && OPTIONS="-sICU_PATH=/usr" use expat && OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -sEXPAT_INCLUDE=/usr/include -sEXPAT_LIBPATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)" use mpi || OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} --without-mpi" use python || OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} --without-python" # https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/attachment/ticket/2597/add-disable-long-double.patch if use sparc || use mips || use hppa || use arm || use x86-fbsd; then OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} --disable-long-double" fi OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} --user-config=\"${S}/user-config.jam\" --boost-build=/usr/share/boost-build-${MAJOR_PV} --prefix=\"${D}/usr\" --layout=versioned" } src_compile() { jobs=$( echo " ${MAKEOPTS} " | \ sed -e 's/ --jobs[= ]/ -j /g' \ -e 's/ -j \([1-9][0-9]*\)/ -j\1/g' \ -e 's/ -j\>/ -j1/g' | \ ( while read -d ' ' j ; do if [[ "${j#-j}" = "$j" ]]; then continue; fi; jobs="${j#-j}"; done; echo ${jobs} ) ) if [[ "${jobs}" != "" ]]; then NUMJOBS="-j"${jobs}; fi; export BOOST_ROOT="${S}" einfo "Using the following command to build: " einfo "${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2 gentoorelease ${OPTIONS} threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared" ${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2 \ gentoorelease \ ${OPTIONS} \ threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared \ || die "building boost failed" # ... and do the whole thing one more time to get the debug libs if use debug ; then einfo "Using the following command to build: " einfo "${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2 gentoodebug ${OPTIONS} threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared --buildid=debug" ${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2 \ gentoodebug \ ${OPTIONS} \ threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared \ --buildid=debug \ || die "building boost failed" fi if use tools; then cd "${S}/tools/" einfo "Using the following command to build the tools: " einfo "${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2 gentoorelease ${OPTIONS}" ${BJAM} ${NUMJOBS} -q -d+2\ gentoorelease \ ${OPTIONS} \ || die "building tools failed" fi } src_install () { export BOOST_ROOT="${S}" einfo "Using the following command to install: " einfo "${BJAM} -q -d+2 gentoorelease ${OPTIONS} threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared --includedir=\"${D}/usr/include\" --libdir=\"${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)\" install" ${BJAM} -q -d+2 \ gentoorelease \ ${OPTIONS} \ threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared \ --includedir="${D}/usr/include" \ --libdir="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \ install || die "install failed for options '${OPTIONS}'" if use debug ; then einfo "Using the following command to install: " einfo "${BJAM} -q -d+2 gentoodebug ${OPTIONS} threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared --includedir=\"${D}/usr/include\" --libdir=\"${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)\" --buildid=debug" ${BJAM} -q -d+2 \ gentoodebug \ ${OPTIONS} \ threading=single,multi link=shared,static runtime-link=shared \ --includedir="${D}/usr/include" \ --libdir="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \ --buildid=debug \ install || die "install failed for options '${OPTIONS}'" fi use python || rm -rf "${D}/usr/include/boost-${MAJOR_PV}/boost"/python* dodir /usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT} touch "${D}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT}/default" use debug && touch "${D}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${SLOT}/debug" # Move the mpi.so to the right place and make sure it's slotted if use mpi && use python; then mkdir -p "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/boost_${MAJOR_PV}" mv "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/mpi.so" "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/boost_${MAJOR_PV}/" touch "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/boost_${MAJOR_PV}/__init__.py" _add_line "python=\"/usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/boost_${MAJOR_PV}/mpi.so\"" fi if use doc ; then find libs/*/* -iname "test" -or -iname "src" | xargs rm -rf dohtml \ -A pdf,txt,cpp,hpp \ *.{htm,html,png,css} \ -r doc more people wiki dohtml \ -A pdf,txt \ -r tools insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html doins -r libs # To avoid broken links insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html doins LICENSE_1_0.txt dosym /usr/include/boost-${MAJOR_PV}/boost /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/boost fi cd "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" # Remove (unversioned) symlinks # And check for what we remove to catch bugs # got a better idea how to do it? tell me! for f in $(ls -1 *{.a,$(get_libname)} | grep -v "${MAJOR_PV}") ; do if [ ! -h "${f}" ] ; then eerror "Ups, tried to remove '${f}' which is a a real file instead of a symlink" die "slotting/naming of the libs broken!" fi rm "${f}" done # The threading libs obviously always gets the "-mt" (multithreading) tag # some packages seem to have a problem with it. Creating symlinks... for lib in libboost_thread-mt-${MAJOR_PV}{.a,$(get_libname)} ; do dosym ${lib} "/usr/$(get_libdir)/$(sed -e 's/-mt//' <<< ${lib})" done # The same goes for the mpi libs if use mpi ; then for lib in libboost_mpi-mt-${MAJOR_PV}{.a,$(get_libname)} ; do dosym ${lib} "/usr/$(get_libdir)/$(sed -e 's/-mt//' <<< ${lib})" done fi if use debug ; then for lib in libboost_thread-mt-${MAJOR_PV}-debug{.a,$(get_libname)} ; do dosym ${lib} "/usr/$(get_libdir)/$(sed -e 's/-mt//' <<< ${lib})" done if use mpi ; then for lib in libboost_mpi-mt-${MAJOR_PV}-debug{.a,$(get_libname)} ; do dosym ${lib} "/usr/$(get_libdir)/$(sed -e 's/-mt//' <<< ${lib})" done fi fi # Create a subdirectory with completely unversioned symlinks # and store the names in the profiles-file for eselect dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/boost-${MAJOR_PV} _add_line "libs=\"" default for f in $(ls -1 *{.a,$(get_libname)} | grep -v debug) ; do dosym ../${f} /usr/$(get_libdir)/boost-${MAJOR_PV}/${f/-${MAJOR_PV}} _add_line "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${f}" default done _add_line "\"" default if use debug ; then _add_line "libs=\"" debug dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/boost-${MAJOR_PV}-debug for f in $(ls -1 *{.a,$(get_libname)} | grep debug) ; do dosym ../${f} /usr/$(get_libdir)/boost-${MAJOR_PV}-debug/${f/-${MAJOR_PV}-debug} _add_line "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${f}" debug done _add_line "\"" debug _add_line "includes=\"/usr/include/boost-${MAJOR_PV}/boost\"" debug _add_line "suffix=\"-debug\"" debug fi _add_line "includes=\"/usr/include/boost-${MAJOR_PV}/boost\"" default if use tools; then cd "${S}/dist/bin" # Append version postfix to binaries for slotting _add_line "bins=\"" for b in * ; do newbin "${b}" "${b}-${MAJOR_PV}" _add_line "/usr/bin/${b}-${MAJOR_PV}" done _add_line "\"" cd "${S}/dist" insinto /usr/share doins -r share/boostbook # Append version postfix for slotting mv "${D}/usr/share/boostbook" "${D}/usr/share/boostbook-${MAJOR_PV}" _add_line "dirs=\"/usr/share/boostbook-${MAJOR_PV}\"" fi cd "${S}/status" if [ -f regress.log ] ; then docinto status dohtml *.{html,gif} ../boost.png dodoc regress.log fi use python && python_need_rebuild # boost's build system truely sucks for not having a destdir. Because for # this reason we are forced to build with a prefix that includes the # DESTROOT, dynamic libraries on Darwin end messed up, referencing the # DESTROOT instread of the actual EPREFIX. There is no way out of here # but to do it the dirty way of manually setting the right install_names. [[ -z ${ED+set} ]] && local ED=${D%/}${EPREFIX}/ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then einfo "Working around completely broken build-system(tm)" for d in "${ED}"usr/lib/*.dylib ; do if [[ -f ${d} ]] ; then # fix the "soname" ebegin " correcting install_name of ${d#${ED}}" install_name_tool -id "/${d#${D}}" "${d}" eend $? # fix references to other libs refs=$(otool -XL "${d}" | \ sed -e '1d' -e 's/^\t//' | \ grep "^libboost_" | \ cut -f1 -d' ') for r in ${refs} ; do ebegin " correcting reference to ${r}" install_name_tool -change \ "${r}" \ "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/${r}" \ "${d}" eend $? done fi done fi } src_test() { export BOOST_ROOT=${S} cd "${S}/tools/regression/build" einfo "Using the following command to build test helpers: " einfo "${BJAM} -q -d+2 gentoorelease ${OPTIONS} process_jam_log compiler_status" ${BJAM} -q -d+2 \ gentoorelease \ ${OPTIONS} \ process_jam_log compiler_status \ || die "building regression test helpers failed" cd "${S}/status" # Some of the test-checks seem to rely on regexps export LC_ALL="C" # The following is largely taken from tools/regression/run_tests.sh, # but adapted to our needs. # Run the tests & write them into a file for postprocessing einfo "Using the following command to test: " einfo "${BJAM} ${OPTIONS} --dump-tests" ${BJAM} \ ${OPTIONS} \ --dump-tests 2>&1 | tee regress.log # Postprocessing cat regress.log | "${S}/tools/regression/build/bin/gcc-$(gcc-version)/gentoorelease/process_jam_log" --v2 if test $? != 0 ; then die "Postprocessing the build log failed" fi cat > "${S}/status/comment.html" <<- __EOF__

Tests are run on a Gentoo system.

__EOF__ # Generate the build log html summary page "${S}/tools/regression/build/bin/gcc-$(gcc-version)/gentoorelease/compiler_status" --v2 \ --comment "${S}/status/comment.html" "${S}" \ cs-$(uname).html cs-$(uname)-links.html if test $? != 0 ; then die "Generating the build log html summary page failed" fi # And do some cosmetic fixes :) sed -i -e 's|http://www.boost.org/boost.png|boost.png|' *.html } pkg_postinst() { use eselect && eselect boost update if [ ! -h "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active" ] ; then elog "No active boost version found. Calling eselect to select one..." eselect boost update fi }