# ChangeLog for dev-libs/OpenSRF # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/OpenSRF/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2009/05/26 17:28:31 arfrever Exp $ 26 May 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis OpenSRF-1.0.1.ebuild: Add pkg_setup(). 02 Jan 2009; Robin H. Johnson files/OpenSRF-1.0.1-buildfix.patch, OpenSRF-1.0.1.ebuild: Disable the pkg_config routine for now as it needs functional jabber. Fix a braindead search in the ctl tool, and remember to install the docs and javascript, and everything with correct paths. 09 Dec 2008; Robin H. Johnson OpenSRF-1.0.1.ebuild: Use a more useful sysconf dir, for OpenILS/Evergreen to pick up. *OpenSRF-1.0.1 (09 Dec 2008) 09 Dec 2008; Robin H. Johnson +files/OpenSRF-1.0.1-buildfix.patch, +OpenSRF-1.0.1.ebuild: Version bump. *OpenSRF-0.9 (29 Sep 2008) 29 Sep 2008; Robin H. Johnson +files/OpenSRF-0.9-buildfix.patch, +metadata.xml, +OpenSRF-0.9.ebuild: Initial commit. Ebuild by Robin H Johnson . Dependancy for Evergreen ILS. Still needs more pkg_config instructions.