# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql-server/postgresql-server-9.1.11.ebuild,v 1.10 2014/01/15 10:23:50 ago Exp $ EAPI="5" PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_{5,6,7},3_{1,2,3}} ) WANT_AUTOMAKE="none" inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic multilib pam prefix python-single-r1 systemd user versionator KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~ppc-macos ~x86-solaris" SLOT="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)" S="${WORKDIR}/postgresql-${PV}" DESCRIPTION="PostgreSQL server" HOMEPAGE="http://www.postgresql.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://postgresql/source/v${PV}/postgresql-${PV}.tar.bz2 http://dev.gentoo.org/~titanofold/postgresql-patches-9.1-r2.tbz2 http://dev.gentoo.org/~titanofold/postgresql-initscript-pre92-2.6.tbz2" LICENSE="POSTGRESQL GPL-2" LINGUAS="af cs de en es fa fr hr hu it ko nb pl pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv tr zh_CN zh_TW" IUSE="doc kerberos kernel_linux nls pam perl -pg_legacytimestamp python selinux tcl test uuid xml" for lingua in ${LINGUAS}; do IUSE+=" linguas_${lingua}" done wanted_languages() { local enable_langs for lingua in ${LINGUAS} ; do use linguas_${lingua} && enable_langs+="${lingua} " done echo -n ${enable_langs} } RDEPEND=" ~dev-db/postgresql-base-${PV}[kerberos?,pam?,pg_legacytimestamp=,python=,nls=] perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8 ) python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} ) selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql ) tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 ) uuid? ( dev-libs/ossp-uuid ) xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-devel/flex xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig ) " PDEPEND="doc? ( ~dev-db/postgresql-docs-${PV} )" pkg_setup() { enewgroup postgres 70 enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib/postgresql postgres use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup } src_prepare() { epatch "${WORKDIR}/autoconf.patch" \ "${WORKDIR}/bool.patch" \ "${WORKDIR}/pg_ctl-exit-status.patch" \ "${WORKDIR}/server.patch" eprefixify src/include/pg_config_manual.h if use pam ; then sed -e "s/\(#define PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE \"postgresql\)/\1-${SLOT}/" \ -i src/backend/libpq/auth.c \ || die 'PGSQL_PAM_SERVICE rename failed.' fi if use test ; then epatch "${WORKDIR}/regress.patch" sed -e "s|@SOCKETDIR@|${T}|g" -i src/test/regress/pg_regress{,_main}.c else echo "all install:" > "${S}/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile" fi for x in .init .confd .service -check-db-dir do sed -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" -i "${WORKDIR}"/postgresql${x} [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && eerror "Failed sed on $x" && die 'Failed slot sed' done eautoconf } src_configure() { case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*|*-solaris*) use nls && append-libs intl ;; esac local PO="${EPREFIX%/}" # eval is needed to get along with pg_config quotation of space-rich entities. eval econf "$(${PO}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/pg_config --configure)" \ $(use_with perl) \ $(use_with tcl) \ $(use_with xml libxml) \ $(use_with xml libxslt) \ $(use_with uuid ossp-uuid) \ --with-system-tzdata="${PO}/usr/share/zoneinfo" \ --with-includes="${PO}/usr/include/postgresql-${SLOT}/" \ --with-libraries="${PO}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/$(get_libdir)" \ "$(use_enable nls nls "$(wanted_languages)")" } src_compile() { local bd for bd in . contrib $(use xml && echo contrib/xml2); do PATH="${EROOT%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin:${PATH}" \ emake -C $bd || die "emake in $bd failed" done } src_install() { if use perl ; then mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \ "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" fi local bd for bd in . contrib $(use xml && echo contrib/xml2) ; do PATH="${EROOT%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin:${PATH}" \ emake install -C $bd DESTDIR="${D}" || die "emake install in $bd failed" done dodir /etc/eselect/postgresql/slots/${SLOT} echo "postgres_ebuilds=\"\${postgres_ebuilds} ${PF}\"" > \ "${ED}/etc/eselect/postgresql/slots/${SLOT}/server" newconfd "${WORKDIR}/postgresql.confd" postgresql-${SLOT} newinitd "${WORKDIR}/postgresql.init" postgresql-${SLOT} systemd_newunit "${WORKDIR}"/postgresql.service postgresql-${SLOT}.service systemd_newtmpfilesd "${WORKDIR}"/postgresql.tmpfilesd postgresql-${SLOT}.conf insinto /usr/bin/ newbin "${WORKDIR}"/postgresql-check-db-dir postgresql-${SLOT}-check-db-dir use pam && pamd_mimic system-auth postgresql-${SLOT} auth account session if use prefix ; then keepdir /run/postgresql fperms 0770 /run/postgresql fi } pkg_postinst() { postgresql-config update elog "Gentoo specific documentation:" elog "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/postgres-howto.xml" elog elog "Official documentation:" elog "http://www.postgresql.org/docs/${SLOT}/static/index.html" elog elog "The default location of the Unix-domain socket is:" elog " ${EROOT%/}/run/postgresql/" elog elog "If you have users and/or services that you would like to utilize the" elog "socket, you must add them to the 'postgres' system group:" elog " usermod -a -G postgres " elog elog "Before initializing the database, you may want to edit PG_INITDB_OPTS" elog "so that it contains your preferred locale in:" elog " ${EROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" elog elog "Then, execute the following command to setup the initial database" elog "environment:" elog " emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}" } pkg_prerm() { if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]] ; then ewarn "Have you dumped and/or migrated the ${SLOT} database cluster?" ewarn "\thttp://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/postgres-howto.xml#doc_chap5" ebegin "Resuming removal in 10 seconds. Control-C to cancel" sleep 10 eend 0 fi } pkg_postrm() { postgresql-config update } pkg_config() { [[ -f "${EROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" ]] && source "${EROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" [[ -z "${PGDATA}" ]] && PGDATA="${EROOT%/}/etc/postgresql-${SLOT}/" [[ -z "${DATA_DIR}" ]] && DATA_DIR="${EROOT%/}/var/lib/postgresql/${SLOT}/data" # environment.bz2 may not contain the same locale as the current system # locale. Unset and source from the current system locale. if [ -f "${EROOT%/}/etc/env.d/02locale" ]; then unset LANG unset LC_CTYPE unset LC_NUMERIC unset LC_TIME unset LC_COLLATE unset LC_MONETARY unset LC_MESSAGES unset LC_ALL source "${EROOT%/}/etc/env.d/02locale" [ -n "${LANG}" ] && export LANG [ -n "${LC_CTYPE}" ] && export LC_CTYPE [ -n "${LC_NUMERIC}" ] && export LC_NUMERIC [ -n "${LC_TIME}" ] && export LC_TIME [ -n "${LC_COLLATE}" ] && export LC_COLLATE [ -n "${LC_MONETARY}" ] && export LC_MONETARY [ -n "${LC_MESSAGES}" ] && export LC_MESSAGES [ -n "${LC_ALL}" ] && export LC_ALL fi einfo "You can modify the paths and options passed to initdb by editing:" einfo " ${EROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/postgresql-${SLOT}" einfo einfo "Information on options that can be passed to initdb are found at:" einfo " http://www.postgresql.org/docs/${SLOT}/static/creating-cluster.html" einfo " http://www.postgresql.org/docs/${SLOT}/static/app-initdb.html" einfo einfo "PG_INITDB_OPTS is currently set to:" if [[ -z "${PG_INITDB_OPTS}" ]] ; then einfo " (none)" else einfo " ${PG_INITDB_OPTS}" fi einfo einfo "Configuration files will be installed to:" einfo " ${PGDATA}" einfo einfo "The database cluster will be created in:" einfo " ${DATA_DIR}" einfo while [ "$correct" != "true" ] ; do einfo "Are you ready to continue? (y/n)" read answer if [[ $answer =~ ^[Yy]([Ee][Ss])?$ ]] ; then correct="true" elif [[ $answer =~ ^[Nn]([Oo])?$ ]] ; then die "Aborting initialization." else echo "Answer not recognized" fi done if [ -n "$(ls -A ${DATA_DIR} 2> /dev/null)" ] ; then eerror "The given directory, '${DATA_DIR}', is not empty." eerror "Modify DATA_DIR to point to an empty directory." die "${DATA_DIR} is not empty." fi [ -z "${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}" ] && PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS="128" einfo "Checking system parameters..." if ! use kernel_linux ; then einfo "Skipped." einfo " Tests not supported on this OS (yet)" else if [ -z ${SKIP_SYSTEM_TESTS} ] ; then einfo "Checking whether your system supports at least ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections..." local SEMMSL=$(sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f1) local SEMMNS=$(sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f2) local SEMMNI=$(sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4) local SHMMAX=$(sysctl -n kernel.shmmax) local SEMMSL_MIN=17 local SEMMNS_MIN=$(( ( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}/16 ) * 17 )) local SEMMNI_MIN=$(( ( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}+15 ) / 16 )) local SHMMAX_MIN=$(( 500000 + ( 30600 * ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} ) )) for p in SEMMSL SEMMNS SEMMNI SHMMAX ; do if [ $(eval echo \$$p) -lt $(eval echo \$${p}_MIN) ] ; then eerror "The value for ${p} $(eval echo \$$p) is below the recommended value $(eval echo \$${p}_MIN)" eerror "You have now several options:" eerror " - Change the mentioned system parameter" eerror " - Lower the number of max.connections by setting PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS to a" eerror " value lower than ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}" eerror " - Set SKIP_SYSTEM_TESTS in case you want to ignore this test completely" eerror "More information can be found here:" eerror " http://www.postgresql.org/docs/${SLOT}/static/kernel-resources.html" die "System test failed." fi done einfo "Passed." else ewarn "SKIP_SYSTEM_TESTS set, so skipping." fi fi einfo "Creating the data directory ..." if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}" chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${DATA_DIR}" chmod 0700 "${DATA_DIR}" fi einfo "Initializing the database ..." if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then su postgres -c "${EROOT%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/initdb -D \"${DATA_DIR}\" ${PG_INITDB_OPTS}" else "${EROOT%/}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/initdb -U postgres -D "${DATA_DIR}" ${PG_INITDB_OPTS} fi mv "${DATA_DIR%/}"/*.conf "${PGDATA}" einfo "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main" einfo "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1, and starting with 8.4 is now enabled" einfo "by default. You can disable it in the cluster's:" einfo " ${PGDATA%/}/postgresql.conf" einfo einfo "The PostgreSQL server, by default, will log events to:" einfo " ${DATA_DIR%/}/postmaster.log" einfo if use prefix ; then einfo "The location of the configuration files have moved to:" einfo " ${PGDATA}" einfo "To start the server:" einfo " pg_ctl start -D ${DATA_DIR} -o '-D ${PGDATA} --data-directory=${DATA_DIR}'" einfo "To stop:" einfo " pg_ctl stop -D ${DATA_DIR}" einfo einfo "Or move the configuration files back:" einfo "mv ${PGDATA}*.conf ${DATA_DIR}" else einfo "You should use the '${EROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql-${SLOT}' script to run PostgreSQL" einfo "instead of 'pg_ctl'." fi } src_test() { einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}" if [ ${UID} -ne 0 ] ; then emake -j1 check einfo "If you think other tests besides the regression tests are necessary, please" einfo "submit a bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them." else ewarn "Tests cannot be run as root. Skipping." ewarn "HINT: FEATURES=\"userpriv\"" fi }