diff options
authorSebastien Fabbro <>2007-02-19 11:35:41 +0000
committerSebastien Fabbro <>2007-02-19 11:35:41 +0000
commit2d52ae36164434bb1ed239469a1a6a4d35570ce3 (patch)
tree7ce7401d09376318a66701c69324b80c6e7ec061 /sci-libs/scipy
parentNew upstream release. (diff)
removing scipy-0.3.2 (unsupported and buggy), and scipy-0.4.8 which does not compile and is now deprecated.
(Portage version: 2.1.2-r9)
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs/scipy')
7 files changed, 5 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog
index e0cea644dbd9..8172541efed8 100644
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-libs/scipy
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2007/02/19 11:09:36 bicatali Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/scipy/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2007/02/19 11:35:41 bicatali Exp $
+ 19 Feb 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <> -scipy-0.3.2.ebuild,
+ -scipy-0.4.8.ebuild, -scipy-0.4.8-r1.ebuild:
+ removed buggy versions, closing bug #166882.
*scipy-0.5.2-r1 (19 Feb 2007)
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.3.2 b/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.3.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ecb96b9982..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.3.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 5ae2280ab2c4c653cb0ff8479e81284a SciPy_complete-0.3.2.tar.gz 3368595
-RMD160 15abb0d60577132bf38090fa7e4840bb0347cab8 SciPy_complete-0.3.2.tar.gz 3368595
-SHA256 bd1addc8d41d79f8866e7960cea391cfbfc3c6b36d5af205864d7f30a2fb98e8 SciPy_complete-0.3.2.tar.gz 3368595
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8 b/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e4f5e27612..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 854db037c56a0a359f877e8f852925ea scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
-RMD160 a6cd4aeec75aced07bb23113c43f00a9e80ffdc9 scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
-SHA256 40edd0bc444ae88c97b587b7bb7f2e6fe9758c382c9ac0d4cfa87b4db7ef2a35 scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8-r1 b/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e4f5e27612..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/files/digest-scipy-0.4.8-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 854db037c56a0a359f877e8f852925ea scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
-RMD160 a6cd4aeec75aced07bb23113c43f00a9e80ffdc9 scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
-SHA256 40edd0bc444ae88c97b587b7bb7f2e6fe9758c382c9ac0d4cfa87b4db7ef2a35 scipy-0.4.8.tar.gz 2623917
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.3.2.ebuild b/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.3.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b111cd0cc6..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.3.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2005-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.3.2.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/10/31 09:08:39 pbienst Exp $
-inherit distutils fortran
-DESCRIPTION="Open source scientific tools for Python"
-IUSE="fftw wxwindows"
- >=dev-python/numeric-21.0
- >=sys-devel/gcc-3
- virtual/lapack
- virtual/blas
- >=dev-python/f2py-
- fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-2.1* )
- wxwindows? ( >=dev-python/wxpython-2.4 )"
- >=dev-python/numeric-21.0
- virtual/lapack
- virtual/blas
- fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-2.1* )
- wxwindows? ( >=dev-python/wxpython-2.4 )"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A} || die
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/system_info.diff
-src_test() {
- einfo "Testing installation ..."
- python -c "import scipy; scipy.test(level=1)" || \
- die "Unit tests failed!"
-src_install() {
- distutils_src_install
- dodoc `ls *.txt`
-pkg_postinst() {
- distutils_pkg_postinst
- einfo ""
- einfo "Emerge media-gfx/gnuplot to use the 'gplt' plotting facility."
- if use wxwindows; then
- einfo "Set USE=wxwindows and reemerge to use the newer 'plt' plotter."
- fi
- einfo ""
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8-r1.ebuild b/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ffea3bbbbc..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8-r1.ebuild,v 1.7 2006/09/24 07:31:47 dberkholz Exp $
-inherit distutils fortran
-DESCRIPTION="Open source scientific tools for Python"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-# did not use virtual/blas and virtual/lapack
-# because doc says scipy needs to compile all libraries with the same compiler
- >=dev-python/numpy-0.9.6-r1
- !>dev-python/numpy-0.9.9
- sci-libs/blas-atlas
- sci-libs/lapack-atlas
- fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-2.1* )"
-# install doc claims fftw-2 is faster for complex ffts.
-# wxwindows seems to have disapeared : ?
-# f2py seems to be in numpy.
-FORTRAN="g77 gfortran"
-pkg_setup() {
- fortran_pkg_setup
- if built_with_use sci-libs/lapack-atlas ifc; then
- echo
- ewarn "${PN} needs consistency among Fortran compilers."
- eerror "lapack-atlas was compiled with IFC, whereas"
- eerror "blas-atlas and scipy use the GNU compiler."
- eerror "please re-emerge lapack-atlas with 'USE=\"-ifc\"'."
- echo
- die Inconsistent Fortran compilers
- fi
- echo
- einfo "Checking active BLAS implementations for ATLAS."
- blas-config -p
- if ! blas-config -p | grep "F77 BLAS:" | grep -q -i atlas; then
- eerror "Your F77 BLAS profile is not set to the ATLAS implementation,"
- eerror "which is required by ${PN} to compile and run properly."
- eerror "Use: 'blas-config -f ATLAS' to activate ATLAS."
- echo
- bad_profile=1
- fi
- if ! blas-config -p | grep "C BLAS:" | grep -q -i atlas; then
- eerror "Your C BLAS profile is not set to the ATLAS implementation,"
- eerror "Which is required by ${PN} to compile and run properly."
- eerror "Use: 'blas-config -c ATLAS' to activate ATLAS."
- echo
- bad_profile=1
- fi
- einfo "Checking active LAPACK implementation for ATLAS."
- lapack-config -p
- if ! lapack-config -p | grep "F77 LAPACK:" | grep -q -i atlas; then
- eerror "Your F77 LAPACK profile is not set to the ATLAS implementation,"
- eerror "which is required by ${PN} to compile and run properly."
- eerror "Use: 'lapack-config ATLAS' to activate ATLAS."
- bad_profile=1
- fi
- if ! [ -z ${bad_profile} ]; then
- die "Active BLAS/LAPACK implementations are not ATLAS."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- echo "[atlas]" > site.cfg
- echo "include_dirs = /usr/include/atlas" >> site.cfg
- echo "atlas_libs = lapack, blas, cblas, atlas" >> site.cfg
- echo -n "library_dirs = /usr/$(get_libdir)/lapack:/usr/$(get_libdir):" \
- >> site.cfg
- if [ -d "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/threaded-atlas" ]; then
- echo "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/threaded-atlas" >> site.cfg
- else
- echo "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/atlas" >> site.cfg
- fi
- export FFTW3=None
- if use fftw; then
- echo "[fftw] " >> site.cfg
- echo "fftw_libs = rfftw, fftw" >> site.cfg
- echo "fftw_opt_libs = rfftw_threads, fftw_threads" >> site.cfg
- else
- export FFTW=None
- fi
-src_compile() {
- # Map compilers to what scipy calls them
- local SCIPY_FC
- case "${FORTRANC}" in
- gfortran)
- SCIPY_FC="gnu95"
- ;;
- g77)
- SCIPY_FC="gnu"
- ;;
- g95)
- SCIPY_FC="g95"
- ;;
- ifc|ifort)
- if use ia64; then
- SCIPY_FC="intele"
- else
- SCIPY_FC="intel"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- local msg="Invalid Fortran compiler \'${FORTRANC}\'"
- eerror "${msg}"
- die "${msg}"
- ;;
- esac
- distutils_src_compile \
- config_fc \
- --fcompiler=${SCIPY_FC} \
- --opt="${CFLAGS}" \
- || die "compilation failed"
-src_install() {
- distutils_src_install
- dodoc `ls *.txt`
diff --git a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8.ebuild b/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 47c2ef6b1296..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/scipy/scipy-0.4.8.ebuild,v 1.3 2006/09/24 07:31:47 dberkholz Exp $
-inherit distutils fortran
-DESCRIPTION="Open source scientific tools for Python"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-# did not use virtual/blas and virtual/lapack
-# because doc says scipy needs to compile all libraries with the same compiler
- >=dev-python/numpy-0.9.6
- !>dev-python/numpy-0.9.9
- sci-libs/blas-atlas
- sci-libs/lapack-atlas
- fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-2.1* )"
- =sys-devel/gcc-3*"
-# install doc claims fftw-2 is faster for complex ffts.
-# install doc claims gcc-4 not fully tested and blas-atlas is compiled
-# with g77 only, so force use of g77 here as well.
-# wxwindows seems to have disapeared : ?
-# f2py seems to be in numpy.
-pkg_setup() {
- if built_with_use sci-libs/lapack-atlas ifc; then
- ewarn "scipy needs consistency among fortran compiler!"
- eerror "lapack-atlas was compiled with the ifc"
- eerror "whereas blas-atlas and scipy will use the GNU compiler"
- eerror "please re-emerge lapack-atlas with USE=-ifc"
- die
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- echo "[atlas]" > site.cfg
- echo "include_dirs = /usr/include/atlas" >> site.cfg
- echo "atlas_libs = lapack, blas, cblas, atlas" >> site.cfg
- echo -n "library_dirs = /usr/$(get_libdir)/lapack:/usr/$(get_libdir):" \
- >> site.cfg
- if [ -d "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/threaded-atlas" ]; then
- echo "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/threaded-atlas" >> site.cfg
- else
- echo "/usr/$(get_libdir)/blas/atlas" >> site.cfg
- fi
- export FFTW3=None
- if use fftw; then
- echo "[fftw] " >> site.cfg
- echo "fftw_libs = rfftw, fftw" >> site.cfg
- echo "fftw_opt_libs = rfftw_threads, fftw_threads" >> site.cfg
- else
- export FFTW=None
- fi
-src_install() {
- distutils_src_install
- dodoc `ls *.txt`